DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES SECOND SEMESTER 2023 ACADEMIC YEAR COURSE SYLLABUS Course Code and Title: SPAN302 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH USAGE II Credits: 3 Lecture Period(s) and Venue(s): Monday 11:30 - 13:30 Prerequisites: None Course Instructor: Alba Rodrigo Office Location: Casa Hispánica Office Hours: Monday 13:30 - 15:30 by appointment Email: [email protected] Teaching Assistant: Agbattor Hillary Seyram Introduction/ Subject Overview or Course Description: The aim of the course is two-fold: to help students further develop more advanced grammar usage and to give them opportunities to increase their knowledge in executing the structure and usage of some important (functional) verbs in Spanish. Upon completion of this course, students should have obtained a low-intermediate level of language proficiency. Course Objective/Goals: - To learn how to read, to write, to speak and to think in Spanish. - To increase students’ competence in understanding spoken and written Spanish from a low to intermediate level of language proficiency. - To develop competence in communication skills through correct use of language functions. SPECIFIC SKILLS/KNOWLEDGE TARGETED: At the end of this course, students should be able to: - Make a correct use of different parts of speech. - Construct specific sentences. - Identify the different texts. - Write, speak and think in specifics conditions of language. Plagiarism policy Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable in the University of Ghana and shall be treated as a serious offense. Appropriate sanctions, as stipulated in the Plagiarism Policy, will be applied when students are found to have violated the Plagiarism policy. Assessment and Grading Mini-projects 20% Attendance, Class Participation and Tutorials 10% Mid-Semester Test/Interim Assessment 20 % Final Exam 50 % Grading Scale: Refer to Undergraduate Handbook. Reading List /Required Texts Units selection of the following books: - Alonso et al. (2011). Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Difusión. - VV.AA. AULA INTERNACIONAL A2 LIBRO DEL ALUMNO. Difusión - VVAA: AULA INTERNACIONAL B1 LIBRO DEL ALUMNO Difusión - Universidad de Iowa. Sounds of speech. 14/01/2023 Sounds of Speech ( - Real Academia Española. (2023). Diccionario de la lengua española. (23ª ed) Other Information: Attendance to class is mandatory. Students who miss up to four (4) classes (25%) are ineligible to write the final exams. Students are expected to be punctual. It is not enough to just attend class. Students are expected to prepare material assigned for each week before coming to class and should be ready to answer questions. Course Delivery Plan/Schedule
Week Topic Assignments
1 Introducción del curso: presentación de la
2 Verbos: Tiempos del pasado Pretérito Perfecto, Pretérito
Indefinido, Pretérito Imperfecto y Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo
3 Verbos: Futuro y Condicional Futuro y Futuro Perfecto /
Condicional y Condicional Compuesto
4 Verbos: Indicativo y Subjuntivo Diferencias entre el Modo
Indicativo y el Modo Subjuntivo
5 Perífrasis verbales Conocer las perífrasis verbales
más importantes en español
6 Interim Assessment
7 Preposiciones Conocer y diferenciar de forma
adecuada el uso de las distintas preposiciones.
8 Oraciones: Preguntar y exclamar Repaso de las oraciones
interrogativas y exclamativas
9 Oraciones: Unir frases Unir frases: y, o, pero, sino,
porque, cuando, si, que…
10 La voz pasiva
*The syllabus is subject to change as may become necessary. Other supplementary
content that the instructor deems relevant may also be included.