Endodontic Treatment Plan
Endodontic Treatment Plan
Endodontic Treatment Plan
• Reversible pulpitis: viêm tủy có hồi phục
• Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: viêm tủy không hồi phục có triệu chứng
• Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis: viêm tủy không hồi phục không triệu chứng
• Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis: viêm tủy triển dưỡng/polyp tủy
• Internal Resorption: nội tiêu
• Pulp necrosis: hoại tử tủy
• Necrobiosis/ partial necrosis: hoại tử tủy bán phần
• Acute Apical periodontitis: Viêm quanh chóp cấp/ viêm khớp cấp
• Acute apical abscess: áp xe quanh chóp cấp
• Chronic apical abscess/ Chronic Alveolar Abscess: áp xe quanh chóp mạn
• Phoenix Abscess/ Acute Exacerbation of Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis: Áp xe quanh chóp tái phát
• Condensing osteitis: viêm xương tụ cốt
• Radicular Cyst: nang quanh chóp
• External Root Resorption: ngoại tiêu
“Every tooth on the jaw from central incisor to third molar can be
a potential candidate for root canal therapy”
However, not every tooth is suitable for endodontic treatment.
Errors in case selection, some of which could have been
avoided, constituted 22% of failures reported in a study by Ingle
and Beveridge.
- Grossman ‘s Endodontic Practice-
Chief Complaint
Diagnostic Process:
Past/recent Medical &
Dental History
Clinical Examination:
Extraoral & Intraoral
Clinical testing:
Pulp/periapical test
Radiographic analysis
Differential Diagnosis,
Definitive Diagnosis
Treatment Planning
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Tooth wear
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- Only few absolute contraindications of the endodontic therapy
Pulpal Diseases
Progression of Pulpal Pathologies
A Healthy pulp
B Reversible pulpitis
C Irreversible pulpitis
D Pulp necrosis
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Fig. 1.20 A, Pulp polyp, also known as hyperplastic pulpitis. The involved tooth is usually
carious with extensive loss of tooth structure; the pulp remains vital and proliferates
from the exposure site
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Apical Diseases
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• Renal disease: consult the doctor, check the blood pressure before
initiation of treatment, avoid drugs metabolized and excreted by
• Diabetes mellitus: consult the doctor, note the blood glucose levels,
schedule the appointment early in the morning
• Pregnancy: can treat in second trimester, consult the doctor, not take
a radiograph, avoid any harmful drugs to the fetus
• Anaphylaxis: take careful history of the patient, avoid contact the
allergic agent, always keep the emergency kit available
Treatment planning
Reversible pulpitis (deep carious lesion,
hypersensitive dentin, recent restoration, traumatic
occlusion,undetected fracture)
Treatment planning
Irreversible pulpitis (Deep caries
and/or restorations, exposed dentin (attrition,
abrasion, and erosion), traumatic injuries)
ü Pulpotomy/apexogenesis
ü Pulpectomy/ root canal
treatment, restore cavity
Sources:Textbook of Endodontics
Internal Resorption
Ø History of trauma or persistent chronic pulpitis, or
Ø Asymptomatic, recognized clinically through routine
radiograph, “pink tooth”
Ø Partial or complete necrotic pulp
Ø Clearly well-defined radiolucency of uniform density
which balloons out of root canal
Ø Treatment planning:
• Root canal treatment
• Surgical treatment is indicated if conventional
treatment fails
Sources:Textbook of Endodontics
Treatment planning
Necrotic pulp:
Ø Root canal treatment followed by restoration
Ø Extraction of nonrestorable tooth.
Treatment planning
Acute Apical periodontitis (Irreversible pulpitis,
traumatic injuries, periodontal disease, orthodontic forces,
restoration in hyperocclusion, root canal treatment
Treatment planning
Acute apical abscess:
• Incision and drainage, endodontic treatment in
case of localized infections
• Incision and drainage, endodontic treatment,
antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs in the case of systemic complications
• Adjust occlusion in hyperocclusion cases
• Extraction if nonrestorable teeth
Complications: Formation of periapical granuloma, radicular cyst, sinus tract, and acute
exacerbation of the disease
Treatment planning
Chronic apical abscess:
o Establish drainage
o Root canal treatment
Treatment planning
Phoenix Abscess/ Acute Exacerbation of Asymptomatic
Apical Periodontitis:
• Establish drainage
• Endodontic treatment
Treatment planning
Condensing osteitis:
• Endodontic treatment
Treatment planning
Radicular Cyst:
• Endodontic treatment
• Apicoectomy
• Extraction (severe bone loss)
Treatment planning
External Root Resorption:
• Removal of stimulus
• Endodontic treatment before attempting
surgical treatment
Case 1:
- Following the placement of a full gold crown on the
maxillary right second molar, the patient complained of
sensitivity to both hot and cold liquids; now the
discomfort is spontaneous.
- Upon application of Endo-Ice® on this tooth, the patient
experienced pain and upon removal of the stimulus, the
discomfort lingered for 12 seconds. Responses to both
percussion and palpation were normal
- Radiographically, there was no evidence of osseous
Case 2:
- Maxillary left first molar has occlusal-mesial
caries and the patient has been complaining of
sensitivity to sweets and to cold liquids.
There is no discomfort to biting or
percussion. The tooth is hyper-responsive to
Case 3:
- Mandibular left first molar demonstrates a
relatively large apical radiolucency
encompassing both the mesial and
distal roots along with furcation
involvement. Periodontal probing depths
were all within normal limits.
- The tooth did not respond to thermal
(cold) testing and both percussion and
palpation elicited normal responses.
There was a draining sinus tract on the
mid-facial of the attached gingiva which
was traced with a gutta-percha cone.
There was recurrent caries around the
distal margin of the crown.
Case 4:
Case 5:
- Maxillary left lateral incisor exhibits an apical
radiolucency. There is no history of pain and the tooth
is asymptomatic.
- There is no response to Endo-Ice® or to the EPT,
whereas the adjacent teeth respond normally to both
tests. There is no tenderness to percussion or
Case 6:
- Mandibular right first molar had
been hypersensitive to cold and
sweets over the past few months
but the symptoms have subsided.
- Now there is no response to
thermal testing and there is
tenderness to biting and pain to
- Radiographically, there are diffuse
radiopacities around the root