Prity Abstract Sheet
Prity Abstract Sheet
Prity Abstract Sheet
Mamoni Ji
Providing & laying controlled cement concrete M - 250 RCC work with
curing etc. complete including the cost of form work but excluding the
3 Cmt 22.30 4896.00 109180.80
cost of reinforcement for R.C.C. Work in foundation as directed by
engineer incharge.
Providing & laying controlled cement concrete M - 250 RCC work with
curing etc. complete including the cost of form work but excluding the
4 Cmt 11.28 6789.00 76579.92
cost of reinforcement for R.C.C. Work in column up to plinth level as
directed by engineer incharge.
5 Filling in foundation and plinth with sand under floor including Cmt 94.36 658.00 62088.88
Providing and laying controlled cement concrete M:250 RCC and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding the
6 Cmt 5.28 4796.00 25322.88
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in tie beam , ground beam
as directed by engineer incharge.
Brick work using common burnt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 kg/sq. Cm in Super structure cement
7 Cmt 132.56 5230.00 693288.80
mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement :6 fine sand)(B) conventional
Providing and laying controlled cement concrete M:250 RCC and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
8 Cmt 15.03 4965.00 74623.95
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Coping as directed by
engineer incharge.
Providing and laying controlled cement concrete M:250 RCC and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding the
9 Cmt 70.77 6876.00 486614.52
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in Slab up to all level with
all lead and lift as directed by engineer incharge.
Providing TMT Bar FE 500/500D reinforcement for R.C.C. work
10 including bending, binding and placing in position complete upto floor Kg 24893.60 86.89 2163004.90
two level
Providing 20mm thick double coat mala cement plaster on interior
brick/concrete work/ AAC blockfor plastering comprising of base
coat of 12mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar ( 1 cement : 4
11 coarse sand) in rough finishingand 8mm thick top coat of cement Smt 716.40 438.96 314470.94
mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2coarse sand) finished with trovel
including scaffolding curing etc. complete.