BIO270 Tuto 5

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Differentiate between innate and acquired immunity (5m)

Innate immunity Acquired immunity
1st line of defense 2nd line of defense
Effective from the time of birth Develops after esxposure to inducing agents.
No memory Memory present
Immediate response Not immediate response
Non-specific response to pathogens Specific response to pathogens

2. Differentiate between T-cell and B-cell receptors (5m)

*klw dpt lukis,lukis yah.
*sbb lukisan ada markah
*bole ikut point dkt miss punya simple notes
T-cells B-cells
Long-lived Short lived
Developed in red bone marrow before Developed in red bone marrow
migrating to thymus
Secretes cytokinesis Secrets ig and cytokinesis
Cellular and humoral effectors Humoral effector only
3. Differentiate between humoral and cell mediated acquired immunity (5m)
*buat mcm apa miss ckp dkt discussion for tutorial.
*tambah table utk classes dia
Humural Immunity Cell Mediated Immunity
mediated by antibody Mediated by cytotoxic lymphocyets
Main cells are B-cells Main cells are T-cells
The onset is rapid The onset is delayed
Protect againts extracellular pathogens Protect againts intracellular pathogens
The end of the result of activation is the
The end of the result of the activation is the
differentiation of plasma B-cells, secreting
secretion of cytokines

4. Explain and give examples of 5 classes of antibodies (10m)

*klw bole buat jadual spaya senang.

I. igG (monomer)
-secreted by plasma cells in the blood
-able to cross placenta to fetus
-promote opsonization, neurtralization and agglutination of antigents and less effective in
complement activation than igM

II. igA (dimer)

-found in mucus, saliva tears and breast milk.
-provides localized defense of mucous membranes by agglutination and neutralization of
-protects againts pathogens
III. IgM (pentamer)
-May be attached to the surface of B-cell in blood.
-promotes neutralization and agglutination of antigents which is very effective in complement

IV. igE (monomer)

-triggers release from mast cells and basophils of histamnie and other chemicals that cause
allergic reactions.

V. igD (monomer)
-parts of the B-cell receptor
-act as antigen receptor in antigen-stimulated proliferation and differentiation of B cells.

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