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Abstract: The trending 5G technology insists of antennas with a greater capacity, wider wireless spectrum
utilization, high gain and other properties. The reason being cramped spectrum utilization in the precursory
generation. Indeed, the conventional antennas are unable to serve the new frequency due to the restrictions in
fabrication and installation mainly for diminutive sizes. The application of Nano materials assures antennas
with mini sizes and thinner dimensions, yet capable of emitting elevated frequencies. This research work
endeavors to compare the performance of silver nano particle (Ag Np) ink with the traditional copper (Cu)
patch antenna. The 1x4 antenna array is designed and simulated to appraise various parameters like
reflection coefficient (S11), Voltage Standing wave Ratio (VSWR), radiation pattern, gain, band width and
radiation efficiency using Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulation (HFSS) software. FR-4 with relative
permittivity of 4.4 and dielectric loss tangent of 0.02 is used as a substrate for the antenna. The designed
millimeter wave antenna array is analyzed using transmission line feed technique in a frequency range of
21GHz to 32GHz. Various parametric results manifest that the silver nano particle ink (Ag NP ink) exhibits
an increase in gain and band width. Further there has been observed that the reflection coefficient and
voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of silver NP ink are closer to that of the copper patch. Thus, the
proposed material can be good alternative to copper conductive patch antennas.
1. Introduction
A.Suneel Kumar
techniques to shoot up the antenna gain is to form array of antennas in such a way that the
radiation from the individual antenna elements will add up and produce high gain.
Researchers are ceaselessly working to improve the gain characteristics and have
proposed various techniques to enhance the gain of the microstrip patch antennas.
Copper and Silicon are known the best materials to be used as interconnects and semi-
conducting devices. But as the technology is scaling to nano-scale dimensions, new
problems are arising [15]. Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are two important
allotropes of carbon to be used as remedy of these problems [15]. Due to high current
carrying capacity and thermal stability, these materials can be used as patches [16].
Among different types of patch antenna, the feed probe based rectangular patch
antenna designing is much more efficient and easy to design. Moreover, the rectangular
patch antenna can provide much more expected radiation patterns than others. The main
drawback of microstrip antennas is their narrow bandwidth which results in high
sensitivity to any frequency change and decreases the efficiency of their overall
performance [17].
Researchers in the past have prospected the design of antennas with various
conducting media such as copper, graphene etc to increase the electrical characteristics.
This paper furnishes the collation of various parameters like return loss, VSWR, radiation
pattern, gain and band width of the rectangular patch antenna array of the silver nano
particle (AgNp) ink conducting media with the conventional patch antenna.
2. Design of Antenna
All the related works that have been done by other researchers that are related to the
current research problem should be summarized in this section. Times New Roman font
with size 10 must be used in this section. Sub topic should be written as given below:
Numerous types of patch antennas have been studied and examined by several researchers
due to their excellent properties. The rectangular patch is the most extensively exercised
configurations. Microstrip patch antenna contains a substrate over which a conductive
patch is `deposited and a metallic conductor beneath the substrate to serve as a ground
plane. The performance characteristics of the patch such as resonant frequency, gain,
radiation and bandwidth depend on the patch dimensions, substrate type and feed. The
effective permittivity of the substrate can be calculated using equation (1) [7] while the
patch dimension can be estimated using its required resonant frequency after a calculation
from equations (2-5) [18] with the assumption ‘W’ width being greater than substrate
thickness ‘h’.
….. (1)
….. (2)
….. (3)
.…. (4)
.…. (5)
A Characteristic impedance of 50 Ω is applied to the feed line. Figure. 1 below shows the
impedance for individual lines in the four element rectangular array antenna. The
proposed antenna is shown in Figure 2.
The conducting patch (2.1mm x 3.8mm) has been designed using copper and silver NP
ink media with FR-4 substrate (dielectric constant = 4.4 and loss tangent (δ) = 0.02)
with dimensional size of 15 mm x 40 mm and copper at its ground layer with the same
dimensional size. The patch and its ground layer have a thickness of 0.05 mm while the
substrate is 1.6mm thick. The patch is excited through a feed with the dimension of 3.1
mm x 2.2 mm x 0.05 mm. The design parameters are tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1. Design Parameters
S. No Parameter Value
1 Operating Frequency 21GHz to 32GHz
2 Patch Length 2.1mm
3 Patch Width 3.8mm
4 Dielectric Material FR-4
5 Substrate height 1.6mm
6 Dielectric Constant 4.4
7 Dielectric Loss Tangent 0.02
The Microstrip patch antenna is designed and simulated using Ansoft HFSS software. It is
one of the antenna designing tools and it is a high performance full-wave electromagnetic
(EM) field simulator for the 3D volumetric passive device. The design and analysis of the
The gain of the patch antennas are illustrated from the 3D polar plots. The 3D polar plots
for the conventional patch antenna at 23.8 and 28.2 GHz are is shown in the Figures 5 & 6
respectively, revealing a maximum gain of 8.64 dBi obtained at 23.8 GHz and 7.13 dBi
obtained at 28.2 GHz. Besides the Ag Np antenna have disclosed a gain of 8.82 dBi at
23.8 GHz and 7.26 dBi at 28.2 GHz which are shown in Figures 7 & 8 respectively.
The surface current distribution of the copper antenna at 23.8 and 28.2 GHz is shown in
the Figures 9(a) and (b). It is evident that a strong surface current intensity is visible in the
feed line and in the outer patches of the array. The maximum surface current is observed
to be 181 A/m at 23.8 GHz and at 28.2 GHz the maximum is 217 A/m.
Figure 9. Surface Current Distribution of Cu Antenna at (a) 23.8GHz (b) 28.2
Figure 10. Surface Current Distribution of Ag Np Antenna at (a) 23.8GHz (b)
28.2 GHZ
From the Figures10 (a) and (b) which shows the surface current distribution of Ag Np
antenna at 23.8 and 28.2 GHz respectively, it is clearly noticeable that the surface current
intensity is strong in the feed lines and also a considerable distribution in the inner and
outer patches. It can be visualized clearly observing the Fig.9 and 10 that the surface
current intensity is distributed on a larger area in the Ag Np antenna when compared to
the conventional antenna. The maximum current intensity in the Ag Np antenna is
115A/m at 23.8 GHz and 164.5 A/m at 28.2 GHz.
The far field radiation patterns of conventional microstrip patch antenna and Ag NP ink
patch antennas at both 23.8 and 28.2 GHz are analyzed for assessment of gain in various
directions. Radiations patterns in both electric plane (E-Plane) and magnetic plane (H-
Plane) are studied. The co and cross polarizations are depicted in the radiation patterns.
From the figures it is evident that the co-polar patterns are widesided and linearly
polarized. The co-polar radiation pattern in E-plane at 23.8 GHz for Ag Np is broad sided
compared to the Cu antenna pattern. Also the side lobes in both the cases are extremely
negligible. At 28.2 GHz the pattern for both the antennas in E-plane and H-plane are
almost Omni-directional. It is evident from the patterns that the Ag Np antenna has
desirable patterns compared to the cu antenna. This can be ascribed to the presence of the
nano film which suppresses the maximum back radiations compared to the conventional
rectangular microstrip patch antenna, which in turn intensifies the beam and hence
enhances the radiation patterns. Figures 11 to 14 shows the radiation patterns of Cu and
Ag Np antennas at 23.8 and 28.2 GHz
Figure 11 Radiation patterns of Cu Antenna at 23.8GHz (a) E-Plane. (b) H-
Figure 12 Radiation patterns of Ag Np Antenna at 23.8GHz (a) E-Plane. (b )
Figure 13 Radiation patterns of Cu Antenna at 28.2GHz (a) E-Plane. (b) H-
As depicted in the plot shown in Figure15, the radiation efficiency of the copper antenna
and the Ag Np antenna at 23.8 GHz is 79% whereas it is slightly higher in the case of Ag
Np antenna at 28.2 GHz. In agreement with the fact that higher gain yields higher
efficiency, the radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna is higher.
The various parameters that were analyzed are tabulated in the Table II.
Band Radiation
Freq S11 Gain
Antenna VSWR width Efficiency
(GHz) (dB) (dB)
(GHz) (%)
23.8 1.52 8.64 79
Copper 8.1
28.2 1.28 7.13 74
23.8 1.35 8.82 79
Ag NP 33.30
ink -
28.2 1.64 7.26 75
3. Conclusions
This research work presents the performance analysis of millimeter wave antenna array
designed using Ag Np ink as conducting media. Further, these parameters have been
analyzed by using HFSS software. A conventional Rectangular patch antenna is also
designed and simulated under the same operating frequency. Comparative studies are
performed on the antenna parameters like return loss, VSWR, radiation pattern, gain and
bandwidth. The antennas are found operating at dual frequencies of 23.8 and 28.2 GHz.
The minimum return loss is noted for the conventional patch antenna as -34.83dB at 23.8
GHz and -33.30dB at 23.8 GHz for Ag Np antenna. A better value of VSWR is found to
be 1.64 at 28.2 GHz in the case of silver NP ink patch antenna and that of copper is 1.52
at 23.8 GHz. Improved radiation patterns are observed in the case of Ag NP ink patch
when compared to the conventional copper patch. The gain for Ag NP ink patch is found
to be closer to that of copper patch with the maximum value found to be in copper
antenna. An overall enhancement in the bandwidth is observed in the silver NP ink patch
antenna compared to the copper antenna.
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