Whitepaper en
Whitepaper en
Whitepaper en
This document, hereinafter referred to as White Paper, has been prepared to present the
InnovaMinex project to potential participants and those interested in contributing to its
development. The information presented below may not be exhaustive. Nor does it imply
any contractual relationship. Its sole purpose is to provide information about InnovaMinex.
No part of this White Paper shall be considered a prospectus or solicitation, nor shall it relate
in any way to an offer to purchase securities in any jurisdiction. The subject document has
not been drafted in accordance with, or subject to, any law or regulation of any jurisdiction
intended to protect interested parties.
Certain statements, estimates and financial information contained in the White Paper
constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements or information
involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially
from the estimates or results implied or expressed in such statements.
The Spanish version of the White Paper is the principal and only source of official
information relating to the InnovaMinex project and its issuance of MINX. The information
contained in this document may be translated into other languages or used to establish
verbal or written communication channels with potential partners or project members.
InnovaMinex reserves the right to make changes to the White Paper. In case of differences
between the versions of the document, the latest version of the White Paper published on
the innovaminex.com website will prevail, and all previously published versions will be
considered invalid in all its iterations and representations.
2. What is InnovaMinex? 14
2.1. Mining Projects 14
2.1.1. Vereda Guayaquil gold deposit 15
I. Polymetallic mine 16
II. Why this mine? 16
III. Status of our first exploitation 16
IV. Production costs 17
V. Safety and security checks 17
VI. Companies and licenses 17
VII. Technical start-up times 18
2.1.2. Other mining projects 18
5. Roadmap 30
5. Social Project 31
"The modern gold market is the picture of diversity and growth. Since the
early 1970s, the volume of gold produced each year has tripled, the amount of
gold purchased annually has quadrupled, and gold markets have flourished
around the world." *.
The combination of these factors means that adding gold to a portfolio can
improve risk-adjusted returns.
This diversity of demand and the self-balancing nature of the gold market
sustain solid qualities of gold as an investment asset.
(*) Based on 10-year average demand estimates ending in 2026. Figures may not add up to
100% due to rounding. Source: Thomson Reuters GFMS, World Gold Council.
As we can see, silver is a metal with a fairly diversified demand, which plays a
positive role in maintaining its value as a precious metal. Industries such as
photovoltaics and electronic devices constantly use silver due to its unique
Its ease of manipulation and its inalterability have allowed the jewelry and
ornamentation industries to use this material in an infinite number of ways
and uses.
There is no doubt that gold is a highly valued commodity in the stock market.
In fact, there have been times when the price has risen very significantly, such
as in the 1970s, a decade that began with a price of $35 per troy ounce and
ended up rising to $850, a 2,300% increase in just 10 years.
These galleries are accessed through what are known as adits. Subway
mining is a much more environmentally friendly activity than open pit
Subway mining can be divided, in turn, into drift mining, whose activity is
carried out in horizontal galleries; slope mining, in which the galleries have a
diagonal inclination; or shaft mining, where the work is carried out vertically.
Work in a mine begins with its discovery. Here comes into play what is known
as prospecting and exploration, that is, those activities that focus on finding
out if there is any mineral to be extracted, how much there is and where it can
be found.
Once the mining company has assessed the probability studies of the project,
if the deposit found is viable, the planning of the extraction begins, the
obtaining of investment agreements and the search for potential buyers or
investors, among other issues.
Likewise, here comes into play the planning of the engineering to be used, its
costs, the legislation in force in the place of exploitation or the environmental
regulations in this regard.
If the samples are further apart from each other, the degree of confidence in
the presence of ore between samples is reduced, although it can still be
estimated with some confidence. These are known as indicated resources.
Mineral reserves are that part of the mineral resources that - through the
feasibility study of a mining project - is shown to be really exploitable. In the
case of subway mining, only those mineral resources within the category in
which they have been measured and indicated, and which can be exploited
by a given mining method, should be included.
If mining operations are not carried out correctly, they can have a significant
environmental impact, inflicting lasting damage over time.
In the case of Colombia, Law 685 of 2001 includes the Mining Code, which
establishes that the concession contract, established between the State and
another entity, also includes the phases of technical exploration, economic
exploitation or the benefit of the minerals, among other matters.
Within this period, different stages are established: the exploration phase,
comprising the 3 years following the registration of the contract; the
construction and assembly phase, which includes the other 3 subsequent
years; and the exploitation phase, the remaining time.
These projects are subway vein mining, which consists of extracting minerals
deposited in fissures, cracks or crevices of a rocky body and of a different
composition to the substance in which it is embedded. This allows direct
extraction of the mineral of economic interest with minimal impact on the
surface of the project site.
The mining titles are under the modality of concession contracts. Their initial
duration is 30 years, extendable for an additional 30 years. The starting period
for the oldest title begins in 2008, i.e., it can be extended until 2068. The
individual title areas range from 100 hectares to 600 hectares, which are only
exploited underground, with minimum surface occupations of approximately
2 hectares.
The first stage of the project, which consists of the exploitation of mineral
resources, is the beginning of a productive process of generating real wealth.
Gold, silver and, in some cases zinc, are extracted from the earth along with
other minerals that are not of interest, processed in a beneficiation plant and
taken to refining, where they acquire their highest purity. They are then
converted into coins and ingots, which is when they acquire their highest
This is an area in which, due to the importance of this region in mining issues,
there are settled leading companies in this sector at an international level.
With the signing of the peace process, these mining titles are now in optimal
conditions for large-scale exploitation.
Thus, coinciding with the new climate of peace and the termination of a
license previously granted for the mine, we were able to unblock the
possibilities of exploitation and mining of this particular project.
This calculation was based on the analysis of 347 core samples taken from
only a small portion of the entire deposit.
It should be noted that these estimates have been made not below 950 m asl,
and it could be that in some parts the gold vein extends to greater depth.
Among them, an initial processing plant of 100/150 tons per day is planned,
scalable to 500 tons. As profits are made during operation, the size of the
plant will be increased and, consequently, the volume of material that can be
processed in a day.
Another factor that reduces the initial investment costs is the decision to
carry out certain studies, analyses and sampling as gold is mined and
Only by opting for solutions such as these is it possible to reduce the initial
investment and for this project to generate a greater profit that can be
distributed among the community that has bet on InnovaMinex.
Safety, both for people and goods, is governed by the Colombian Mining Law,
taking into account the provisions of Article 97: "In the construction of the
works and in the execution of the exploitation works, measures must be
adopted and maintained and the necessary personnel and material means
must be available to preserve the life and integrity of the people linked to the
company and eventually of third parties, in accordance with the current
regulations on safety, hygiene and occupational health". However, as an
added value, InnovaMinex will commission, if and when necessary, external
audits to comply 100% with these regulations.
At present, the exploration work has been completed and the exploitation
phase is now underway.
At present, the work and exploitation plan has already been granted in the
area and resources such as electricity and water are available.
2.2. E-Commerce
Electronic commerce or e-commerce, basically consists of the development
of market actions, sales, customer service, portfolio management, logistics
management and, in general, any commercial event and information
exchange carried out through the Internet.
The advantages of a well-developed virtual business are, on the one hand, the
expansion achieved in the globalized market and, on the other hand, the
speed with which business is developed.
The use and innovation of new technologies have generated changes that
have improved communication with the customer and the company.
Strengths of e-commerce:
Estimated total:
$ 3.3 Billions*
* Gross margin estimate for InnovaMinex and its mining partner MinexCorp.
The products described in this document may be of very high risk, even loss
of all that is contributed. The tokens that can be acquired will not be guarded
by entities legally authorized to provide investment services and the
registration technology (blockchain) is new and can carry significant risks.
■ MINX fuels our traceability system, unique in the mining sector in our
two active mining projects.
■ MINX provides its holders with discounts to buy precious metals in our
3.3. Tokenomics
Token data Tokens emitidos
Symbol MINX Inital supply* 300.000.000 MINX
2018/11/26 Burnt supply**** 52.780.000 MINX
*The source code of the smart contract prevents new tokens from being
minted after the initial deployment .
MINX will be released every year from the cold wallet, for 10 years, from
January 26 to February 1 of the same year by transferring the amount of
26,390,000 MINX to the release wallet.
From the release wallet, the MINX that can be distributed each month will be
2,199,166,666666 MINX.
In order to be able to release this amount every month, two conditions will be
I. The price of MINX must be higher than 0.50 USD (reference value in
Etherscan.io) during the two previous months.
II. The monthly volume must be at least 3,000,000 USD during the two
previous months.
Part of the profits generated by the sale of MINX in these new phases (up to $1
per MINX), will be destined to our social projects (30%) and to our MINX Club
(70%), for the benefit of all users with MINX in their wallets.
*MINX that are not released in one month because they do not meet the
conditions cannot be used the following month.
** The burning conditions will be reviewed every year to adapt them to
market and project circumstances.
***The reference value of the MINX price may be chosen for each year from
the best reliable source so as not to alter the conditions.
You can see the transaction of the burning in the following link:
Resulting amounts:
On January 4, 2022, the MINX released in 2021 were burned because they did
not meet the requirements for distribution.
You can see the transaction of the burning in the following link:
Resulting amounts:
On January 25, 2023, the MINX released in 2022 were burned because they
did not meet the requirements for distribution.
You can see the transaction of the burning in the following link:
Resulting amounts:
The amount released in 2023 from the cold wallet on Jan. 25 was 26,390,000
MINX to the release wallet.
The details of this program are specified in its own document. MINX
Community: https://innovaminex.com/docs/community-en.pdf.
Here are the advantages of the MINX Club for its members:
❏ Goldings
Golding are discount points that are used for InnovaMinex products.
Each Golding can be used to obtain discounts in our store. The value of
1 Golding = $0.01.
❏ Promotions
We will share among all members discount coupons redeemable on
our e-commerce platform for any gold and other precious metal
products in our catalog.
❏ Discounts with the use of MINX
Users who make use of MINX at any of our commercial chain points
(mines, refineries, e-commerce or crypto-ATMs) and participating
companies will enjoy significant discounts, as well as other possible
❏ Exclusive information
MINX Club members will receive interesting and exclusive information about
the precious metals market and its relationship with the world of
cryptocurrencies. Also informative materials such as guides, tools and
exclusive content related to our products.
Available at:
We have already carried out and have in place some of these activities to
positively affect the communities. You can see them on the web: