Tax Invoice: Kedia Polymer
Tax Invoice: Kedia Polymer
Tax Invoice: Kedia Polymer
1 BERGER LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-BUS GREEN-20L 320890 2.000 Pcs 4,271.00 Pcs 8,542.00
2 BERGER LUXOL HI GLOSS COLS-LIGHT GREY-20L 3208 12.000 Pcs 4,755.00 Pcs 57,060.00
3 BERGER AL IS2339-AL P & M-20LTR 32089090 19.000 Pcs 4,969.01 Pcs 94,411.19
Less : Discount Given on Sales Bill (-)13 % (-)20,801.71
SL OUTPUT SGST @ 9% 9% 12,529.04
SL OUTPUT CGST @ 9% 9% 12,529.04
Tax Amount (in words) : INR Twenty Five Thousand Fifty Eight and Eight paise Only
Declaration for KEDIA POLYMER
We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the
goods described and that all particulars are true and correct.
Authorised Signatory