MS-7 Series Manual Station

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(= \Gamewell EK IRE CONTROL by Honeywell MS-7 Series Description The GamewellFCI, MS-7 Series manual fre alarm sta tions are availabe in a wide variety of configurations. The Stations comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 5b. maximum pull force requirement. Operating Instructions and Braille text are engraved in the handle. All slations have a Key locl/reset which is Keyed alike with Gamewel-FC! fre alarm control panels and other manual fie alarm stations, MS-7AF Velociti Addressable Station The MS-7AF Velocti® Series addressable station is a dou- ble action station designed for instalation in the signaling line circuit of Gamewell-FCI analog addressable control Panels. Activation of the station causes its assigned address to register at the control panel. The door contains ‘an LED which flashes green in normal condition and lights Steady fed when the station has been activated." The sta- tion features screw terminals. MS-7ASF Velociti Addressable Station The MS-TASF Velocit® Series addressable station is a single action station designed for installation inthe signal- ing line circult of GamevielLFCI analog addressable con- trol panels. Activation of the station causes Its assigned address to register at the control panel. The door contains fan LED which flashes green in normal condition and lights steady red when the station has been activated." The sta- tion features screw terminals. The Velocit® Series stations use a communication proto- col that substantially increases the speed of communica tion between the sensors and certain Gamewel-FCI analog addressable fie alarm controls. These devices operate in a grouped fashion. if one of the devices in the group has 2 status change, the panel's microprocessor Stops the group poll and focusses on the single device. The net effect is response speed up to five times greater than eanler designs. MS-7 Double Action Station The MS-7 double action station is used with conventional fire alatm control pane's. It features a set of single pole Contacts and screw terminals for connection to an inating circuit. ‘ela ia reid tema of Honea Inmate UL? sarepsered vacomar of Undrur' Laporatos Ine LEXAN® ia egstred tama of GE Pass, a sutsisaryof Gana Ee Company 42 Cintonvite Roae, Norra. CT O84 GAMEWELL-FC! 2-16 10 USA + Tel (203) 484.7161 + Fax. (203) 484.7118 rar a ney EF MEET un pues are Snes ange a Fe NO espns sumed CaneNelI er we www Non-Coded, Manual Fire Alarm Stations Features + Addressable stations compatible with all Gamewel-FC| analog addressable fre alarm contrals + Conventional stations suitable for use with any UL® LUsted control panel + Both single and double action stations available + Tumbler lock for test and reset keyed alike with Gamewell-FCI controls, + Surface or semeflush mounting + Shock and vibration resistant + Stations (MS-7LOB) Listed for outdoor applications, + Complies with ADA pull force requirements “Only the red LED is operative in panels that do not oper- ate in Velociti mode. Aaa Shut sonosee S022 vai rye0-To9.0118 ‘Tiso-ros.o170 ‘iso.iToa:0108 10020.0616 Rev page 1of2 MS-7S Single Action Station ‘The MS-7S single action station Is used with conventional fire alarm control panels. It features a set of single pole contacis and wire leads for connection to an inating crcut MS-7SP Double Action Station ‘The MS-7SP is a double action station similar to the MS-7_ station, with the additional feature of both English and ‘Spanish instructions molded into the unt. MS-7LR Dual-action Agent Release Station ‘The MS-7LR Is designed for use with the GamewelL-FCI fire alarm control panels with releasing capabilities and Flex Series releasing systems. It features a set of single ppole contacts and screw terminals for connection to an ini- ating circu, MS-7LRA Agent Release Station with Abort ‘The MS-7LRA is designed for use with the GamewelL-FCI fire alarm control panels with releasing capabilites and Flex Series releasing systems where system abort capabil- lies are required, Itconsists of an MS-7LR mounted on 3 plate with an abort switch and LED indicators for system normal, and system activated status. MS-7LOB Double Action Station (Listed for Outdoor Applications) ‘The MS-7LOB station must be mounted on a Model SB-l/0 bbackbox. In retrofit applications, the station is UL Listed for se with the WP-10 backbox. It Is intended for use with conventional control panels and has a set of single pole contacts and screw terminals, Mounting ‘The MS-7 Interior stations may be surface mounted or ssemisflush mounted on a standard double-gang, oF 4-inch (10.2 om) square electrical box. An optional trim ring (G12TR) may also be used for semi-flush mounting NyC-Plate ‘The NYC-Piate provides the backplate for the manual pul station. (See Figure 1). Fue 1 NYCPiste Specifications Material Lexan® Contact Rating’ 0.25 amps. @ 30 VACIVDC (resistive) Dimensions: 5516" H x4 1/4" Wx 14" D (1410.1 320m) Operating Temperature (MS-7AF, MS-7ASF): 32° 10 120° F (0° 049°C) (Ms-7L0B): =30" to 150° F (-38° to 66° C) Rolative Humility (MS-7AF, MS-7ASF): 10 to 93% (non-condensing) (Ms-7L0B): 85% 2 5% @ 86° 2.3.6" (30° 2") (0030 amp. 0.007 for LED ‘Alarm Current: Supervisory Current (MS-7AF, MS-7ASF): .00030 amps. Ordering Information PartNumber Description MS-7 Dauble action station MS-TAF™ —_Velocitl addressable double action station MS-TASF™ —Volocti addressable single action station MS-7S Single action station, wire leads MS-7SP Double action station, English and Spanish instructions, MS-7LR ‘Agent release station, dual-action MS-7LRA Agent release station with abort switch, LED incloators, dual- action MS-7LOB Dauble action station, outdoor use (Includes SB.1/0 - Indoor/outdoor use backtox) $3410 Indoorioutdoor use backbackbox $B-10 ‘Surface backbox BG12TR ‘Trim ring for semisfush mount, plastic NY-PLATE NYC backplate for manual pull station "For use with the GamewelL-FCI analog adcressable control panels only. GAMEWELL-FCI 412 Cintonvilo Roae, Norhfor, CT 06472-1610 USA » Tot: (208) 484-7161 + Fax: (203) 484-7118, | 0020-0616 Rev E page 20f2

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