1remediation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate by Using Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland With Low Permeable Reactive Media
1remediation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate by Using Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland With Low Permeable Reactive Media
1remediation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate by Using Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland With Low Permeable Reactive Media
This research was carried out to investigate the efficiencies of leachate treatment by using
subsurface flow constructed wetland (CW) with low permeable reactive media and guinea grass
(Panicum maximum TD 58). Pilot scale CW was examined at hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of
0.028 m/d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 d. Two different types of media in CW were
used i.e. system 1: clay and sand mixture at ratio of 40:60 (%w/w) and system 2: clay, iron sludge
and sand mixture at ratio of 30:10:60 (%w/w). The results showed that the performance of system 2
was better in terms of pollutant removal efficiencies. Average BOD, COD and TKN removals were
76.1, 68.5 and 73.5% respectively. Methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions during the
treatment of CW were 8.2-52.1, 69.1-601.8 and 0.04-0.99 mg/m2.d respectively. The use of CW
with reactive media in system 2 and vegetation resulted in lower GHG emissions. The results show
that CW with low permeable reactive media could be effectively used to remediate leachate from
the landfill site.
Keywords: Constructed wetland, Greenhouse gas, Iron sludge, Leachate, Panicum maximum
TD 58, Permeable reactive barrier
Leachate is a highly concentrated wastewater including COD, BOD, SS, NH3, heavy
metals and other toxic substances generated as by-product from municipal solid waste
landfill. It poses a hazard threat to the environment in terms of air, surface water and
ground water pollution. In order to prevent environmental deterioration from discharging
this polluted wastewater, proper leachate treatment or pollution control system needs to be
provided. Conventional leachate treatment systems available in developing countries are
generally low-cost technologies such as stabilization pond, aerated lagoon or land
treatment. Nevertheless, those treatment technologies are usually employed only during the
operation stage of solid waste disposal site. After the site closure, most of the treatment
systems are not well operated or poorly maintained due to lack of post-closure operation
and maintenance cost. The control of leachate migration off the site after landfill closure is
not an easy task because of high variations of leachate quantity and characteristics with
time. Subsurface flow constructed wetland (CW) which utilizes coarse media with high
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.104
permeability and vegetation has been proven to be an efficient treatment method for
landfill leachate treatment [1]. Its main treatment functions include biological treatment
using attached growth on the media and plant root and plant uptake of nutrients.
Meanwhile, the treatment technology using low permeable media like clay and sand
mixture has been also successfully applied for reducing groundwater pollution from solid
waste disposal site. It is also anticipated that vegetation could also enhance the
performance of CW by improving soil porosity and oxygen diffusion for the microbial
activities. In our previous investigations, vegetation has provided positive effect on
leachate treatment in soil-plant system while also helped reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission during it treatment [2, 3]
Two pilot-scale subsurface flow constructed wetland (CW) units of 1 m width, 2 m length
(having 1.5 m of media), and 1 m depth, as the schematic shown in Figure 1, were used.
The inlet and outlet zones of the experimental unit were filled with 30-60 mm gravel of
0.80 m depth. In between, CW made from clay: sand mixture at 40:60 (%w/w) was
provided in one unit (system 1) and clay: iron sludge: sand mixture at 30:10:60 (%w/w)
was provided in another unit (system 2). In this study, clay was obtained from local soil
and iron sludge (in the form of iron oxide) was brought from sludge storage pond of
existing advanced leachate treatment system using chemical coagulation and filtration
system at the same solid waste disposal site. The main purpose for introduction of
iron sludge in reactive media in system 2 was to investigate its effect in suppression of
methane production during the treatment [4]. The properties of media used in this study
are shown in Table 1. Two PVC pipes (1 inch diameter) were provided for sampling of
water (so called port 1 and port 2) at every 0.5 m distance under the plant root zone. The
CW media depth in both units was set equally at 0.8 m. Guinea grass (Panicum
maximum TD 58) which has been cultivated in our previous research [3] was used as
vegetation in both units with an initial plant density of 20 rhizomes/m2. Leachate
obtained from closed landfill cell at the solid waste disposal site where experimental units
were installed was fed into the system from a storage tank by gravity. A control valve
was used to adjust the feed flow rate to that hydraulic loading rate (HLR) to the
system was maintained at 0.028 m3/m2.d. The water depth in the experimental unit was
maintained at about 0.7 m. This was equivalent to hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10
d. This experimental condition was pre-determined to be sufficient for leachate purification
in our previous study [1].
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.105
Table 1. Properties of Media
System 1 System 2
Parameter (unit)
(clay:sand) (clay:iron sludge:sand)
pH (-) 6.45 6.84
Porosity (%) 40.16 40.14
Salinity, NaCl (%) 0.27 0.49
Electrical conductivity (dS/m) 2.49 3.87
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1,620 1,540
Hydraulic conductivity, k (m/s) 2.93 x 10-6 5.72 x 10-6
Soil Texture Sandy loam Sandy loam
Sand (%) 65.36% 69.36%
Silt (%) 11.55% 5.22%
Clay (%) 23.09% 25.42%
The characteristics of leachate used in this study are shown in Table 2. The
performance of CW in leachate purification was monitored over 240 days by comparing
influent, treated water along the treatment pathway and effluent qualities on weekly basis.
Wastewater quality analyses included pH, electrical conductivity (EC), color, oxidation-
reduction potential (ORP), salinity (NaCl), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), suspended solids (SS), total dissolved
solids (TDS), ammonia (NH3 in mgN/l), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), nitrite (NO2- in
mgN/l), nitrate (NO3- in mgN/l), and total phosphorus (TP). The analyses of those
parameters were performed according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater [5]. Moreover, soil samples were collected as composite samples between
inlet, middle and outlet parts and characterized for pH, EC, organic matter, organic carbon,
moisture content, NH3-N, NO3-N, TKN and TP at the beginning and the end of
experiment. Water permeability of media was determined in the experiment unit before
and after experiment by using constant head method. The growth of plant was determined
in terms of shoot height, root length, number of leaves and total dry weight at the
beginning and the end of experiment.
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During the treatment, GHG emission was also evaluated using close flux chamber
technique on monthly basis. The details of flux measurement methodology can be found
elsewhere [6]. The determination of gas emission was conducted over bare soil and soil
with plant at a distance of 0.25, 0.75 and 1.25 m length so called inlet, middle and outlet
point of soil media respectively for comparison to investigate the effect of plant on
reducing GHG emission. Methane and carbon dioxide were analyzed by Shimadzu GC-
14B whereas nitrous oxide was analyzed by Shimadzu GC-Clarus 580 respectively. The
gas flux was determined from their concentration increase in the chamber as described in
the following equation.
F = (V/A)*(ΔC/Δt)*(298)/(273+T) (1)
Where F is the gas flux (mg/m2.d) at 25ºC, V is the chamber volume (m3), A is the area
enclosed by the chamber (m2), ΔC/Δt is the gas concentration gradient (mg/m3.d) and T is
temperature of the air within chamber (ºC)
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.107
resulting from the salt crystallization in the media when part of water was evaporated
during the treatment. Moreover plants can uptake nutrients mainly nitrogen for their
growth. Accumulation of pollutants and microbial in the media led to a decrease in their
hydraulic permeability.
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.108
system 2 also promoted water removal through evapotranspiration resulting in lower
effluent volume obtained from system 2 compared to system 1.
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.109
Subsurface flow constructed wetland (CW) with low permeable media was successfully
applied to remediate leachate from closed landfill site. Moderate removals of organic and
nutrients was obtained during which highest removals of BOD, COD and TKN were
76.1%, 68.5% and 73.5%. The introduction of iron sludge into CW media slightly
improved the treatment performance of CW while promoting plant growth. It also helped
reducing greenhouse gas emission during the treatment. The growth of Guinea grass
(Panicum maximum TD 58) in CW system could be sustained in long term operation and it
provided positive effect to the treatment and reducing greenhouse gas emission.
This research work was supported by Asian Core Program funded by JSPS, NRCT, and
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.110
freshwater sediments,” Journal of Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 41, No. 8,
pp.1733-1748, 1996.
ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Vol 4 No 1 (2015 EnvE Special Issue), ISSN 2286-8151 p.111