Spring MVC

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Spring Web MVC Module


-> Spring Web MVC is one of the module in Spring Framework

-> By Using Spring Web MVC Module we can build 2 types of applications

1) Web applications
2) Distributed Applications

-> Web applications are meant for Customer to Business Communication


Ex: gmail, facebook, irctc, makemytrip etc..

-> Distributed applications are meant for Business to Business

Communication (B2B)

Ex : Passport app <-----------> AADHAR app

flipkart <-------------> Internet Bank apps

-> Spring Web MVC Module is developed based on 2 design patterns

1) MVC Design Pattern

2) Front Controller Design Pattern

-> MVC desgin pattern is used to achieve loosely coupling among


M ---> Model (It represents data)

V ---> View (It represents presentation logic)
C ---> Controller (It contains request handling logic)

-> FrontController Design Pattern is used to perform Pre-Processing

and Post-Processing of every request.

-> In Spring Web MVC, DispatcherServlet will act as Front Controller.

It is responsible to perform pre-processing and post-processing of a

Spring Web MVC Architecture
1) DispatcherServlet
2) HandlerMapper
3) Controller
4) ModelAndView
5) ViewResolver
6) View
-> DispatcherServlet is a predefined servlet class available in Spring
MVC module. It acts as Front Controller and it is responsible for pre-
processing and post-processing of a request.

-> HandlerMapper is responsible to identify which request should be

processed by which controller.

-> Controller is called as Request Handler and it is responsible to

handle the request.

-> After request processing got completed, Controller method will

return ModelAndView object.

Model -> Represents data in key-value format(It

contains data)

View -> Logical File Name (jsp/html etc)

Note: In Spring Web MVC, Controllers don't know which presentation

technology is used in the project.

-> ViewResolver is used to identify view files available in our


prefix + viewname + suffix

-> View Component is used to render model data on the view file


Building First Web Application Using Spring Boot

1) Create Spring Starter Project with below dependencies

i) spring-boot-starter-web
ii) tomcat-embed-jasper (take this from mvn repo)

2) Configure below properties in application.properties file

i) server port
ii) View Resolver

3) Create Controller class using @Controller annotation

4) Write the methods in controller and bind them to HTTP Request

5) Create View Files (Presentation files)

6) Start the application and test it

Note: When we add spring-boot-starter-web dependency then it will give
Apache Tomcat as default Embedded server.

Annotatioons in SpringMVC:

@Controller :
To represent java class as request handler in web mvc applications.
This is used in C 2 B applications.

@Controller will return respnce in the form of model and view.

Model -> Represents data in key-value format

View -> Logical File Name (jsp/html etc)

To represent our class as Controller we are using @Controller


@Controller Annotation will represent our java class as spring bean.

In web application Controller is mandatory to handle the request

@RestController Annotations in spring is nothing but combination of
@Controller and @ResponseBody Annotation.It was added in spring 4.0 to
make the development of RestFul Services in spring framework easier.

@RestController will return response in the form of


@RestController Annotation is used to represent java class as

distributed component.This is used in B 2 B applications.

@RestController Annotation will represent our java class as spring


Inside restController class we will write method to handle requests.

-> To bind controller methods to Http Request methods we will use
below annotations

GET Request ------> @GetMapping

POST Request -----> @PostMapping

PUT Request ------> @PutMapping

DELETE Request ----> @DeleteMapping


@GetMapping:When our rest controller method is responsible to send

information to client then that method will be binded to HTTP get
Request using @GetMapping annotation.

@PostMapping:If Rest api method is responsible to create new record at

server side then we will bind that method to http post request
method.To bind Rest Controller method to http Post request we will
use @Post mapping Annotation.

@PutMapping:If our Rest Api Method is responsible to update existing

record then we will bind our RestController method to http put request
method .To bind our RestController method to http put request method
we will use @PutMapping Annotation.

@DeleteMapping: If our Rest Api Method is responsible to delete

record then we will bind our RestController method to http Delete
request method .To bind our RestController method to http delete
request method we will use @DeleteMapping Annotation.

@RequestBody: @RequestBody annotation is used to indicating a method

parameter should be bind to the body of the HTTP request. Internally,
this annotation uses HTTP Message converters to convert the body of
HTTP requests to java objects.
-> In web applications we will perform below 2 operations

1) Sending data from controller to UI

2) Taking data from UI to Controller

Sending Data From Controller to UI
-> To send data from Controller to UI we will use Model/ModelAndView

-> Model is a Map which represents data in the form of Key-value pair

model.addAttribute(String key, Object value)

-> We can get the value using Key

2) Taking data from UI to Controller:


> To recieve data from UI to controller we have below options

1) Query Parameters

2) Path Parameters

3) Request Body

Query Parameters
-> Query Parameter will re-present data in URL in the form of Key-
value pair

Ex : localhost:9090/course?name=SBMS

-> Query parameters will start with ? symbol

-> Query Parameters will be seperated by & symbol

-> Query Paramers will present only at end of the URL

-> Query Parameters are used to send data from UI to server in URL

-> To read Query Parameter value we will use @RequestParam annotation

Path Parameters
-> Path Parameters will represent data in URL directley without key
Ex: localhost:9090/course/{name}/details

-> Path Parameters can present any where in the URL

-> Path Parameter will start with / symbol and will be seperated by /
symbol only

-> To read Path Parameter values we will use @PathVariable annotation

in controller


Query Parameters & Path Parameters

-> Query Parameters & Path Parameters are used to send data to server
in URL

-> Query Parameters will represent data in Key-Value format

-> Path Parameters will represent data directley

-> Query Parameters should present only at the end of the URL

-> Path Parameters can present anywhere in the URL

-> Query Parameters will be seperated by '&' symbol

-> Path Parameters will be seperated by '/'

-> To read Query Parameters from the URL we will use @RequestParam

-> To read Path Parameters from the URL we will use @PathVariable

> To work with Query parameters we will use @RequestParam annotation

-> To work with Path Parameters we will use @PathVariable annotation

-> Query Parameters & Path Parameters will display data in URL.

-> Query Parameters & Path Parameters are only recommended to send
Small and non-sensitive text data.
-> If we want to send huge & sensitive data then we should go for
Request body.
-> HTTP POST, PUT and DELETE requests contains request body where as
GET request doesn't have request body.

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