Skripsi Bagus Pambudi Full Text
Skripsi Bagus Pambudi Full Text
Skripsi Bagus Pambudi Full Text
Written by:
SRN. 163211047
"A great person is one who is able to hide his troubles, so that other people think that
he is always happy"
(Imam Syafi’i)
(Bagus Pam)
SRN : 163211047
Stated by,
SRN: 163211047
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, the single power, the lord of the universe,
master of the judgment, God Almighty, for all blessing and mercies so the researcher
was able to finish this thesis entitled “Sociopathic Tendencies as Reflected by Patrick
Bateman as the Main Character in American Psycho”. Peace be upon Prophet
Muhammad saw, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution.
The researcher is sure that his thesis would not be completed without the helps,
support and suggestion from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express
his deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported and suggested his during
the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Mudhofir, S.Ag.,M.Pd. the head of Raden Mas Said State Islamic
University of Surakarta.
2. Prof. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag., M.Ag. as the dean of Faculty of Cultures and
3. Nur Asiyah, S.S., M.A. as the head of English Letter Department
4. Dr. Hj. Lilik Untari, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the consultant for his guidance,
precious advices, corrections and help to revise the mistake during the
entire process of writing this thesis; and for the sincere and motivation
for the researcher.
5. Yustin Sartika, M.A. as the validator and as the kind lecturer who always
push the researcher to the limit, May Allah SWT gives you and your
family heath and bless.
6. All lectures of English Letters, thanks for support, guidance, advice, and share
knowledge for me.
7. For my beloved father Mr. Sukatno who passed away during Covid-19 and
my beloved mother Mrs. Suparmi, Thank a lot for everything, for supporting,
praying for me every time and everywhere. May Alloh SWT removes all your
worries, fears, pain, and grant you to Jannah.
8. For me thank you very much, I resisted the laziness, I gave this to my effort.
This is your struggle, keep spirit to facing the next life.
9. For TENTACLE as the other family who always put the love and
10. My beloved Best friends Jeri, Gana, Bening, Lukman, Rizky, Ridwan,
Hasyim, Ririn, Ardel, Rahma, Resita thank you for accompanying me and
supporting me every time and everywhere.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the reader
in general.
The researcher
TITLE ................................................................................................................................. i
ADVISORS SHEET .................................................................................................ii
RATIFICATION .......................................................................................................iii
DEDICATION ..........................................................................................................iv
MOTTO ....................................................................................................................v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................vii
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ix
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................xi
D. Data Collection Techniques .....................................................................27
E. Data Validation Techniques ....................................................................33
F. Data Analysis Techniques ........................................................................33
In Literature, writing is art. An art to compose words where the words are arranged
into a sentence that it has a meaning or purpose of the author. Writing is the basic of
literature work, no matter what is the literature work, like film, novel, poem and etc.
All of them are created by writing. Especially in poem or novel, even the first form of
film before being watched by people is in the form of writing. According to Cuddon
(2013) argues that literature is a broad term that usually refers to works of major genres
One of the most popular forms of literature is novel. Novel is a long fictional
narrative written in prose, which has developed from its initial form, novella and other
early narrative forms (Bonn, 2010). A novel based on plot and theme with a focus on
character development and action. Therefore, an action and event in a novel usually
relates to real human life, character development itself in the novels usually describe
the character or human nature in real life, whether it's love, experience, ambition,
Abbott (2008) describes psychological fiction as a genre that focuses on the interior
life of characters, exploring their motives, emotions, and inner conflicts. He also states
that psychological fiction often involves a "depth psychology" approach that examines
the unconscious mind and the complexities of human behavior. David Lodge, in his
book The Art of Fiction (1992) argues that psychological fiction is characterized by its
focus on the inner lives of characters, and the use of techniques such as free indirect
fiction. The novel is a disturbing exploration of the mind of a wealthy and successful
young man named Patrick Bateman, who works in finance in New York City during
the 1980s. This novel has received a lot of criticism, even before its official release.
This novel received protests and caused much debate when it was released which
caused a great stir over the publication of the book. David Schmid (2015) examines
how Bateman's character embodies the psychopathic tendencies that can be produced
expense of others. Schmid also discusses how the novel uses violence as a means of
critique, exposing the dark underbelly of capitalist culture and its obsession with power
and status. Despite many opinions about the novel among literary critics, the novel has
changed a lot since then and it is an interesting novel among lay readers, as American
Psycho's fame is still well known due to its highly controversial content.
The novel focuses on Patrick Bateman as the main character. This novel set in
New York City around the end of the 1980s, this novel tells the life of its main
protagonist, Patrick Bateman. One of the key themes of the novel is the alienation and
also deeply unhappy and feels disconnected from the world around him. According to
abnormality, but a product of the culture that values money, power, and success above
all else.
Patrick Bateman tries to fill this void by indulging in violent and sadistic
behavior, but this only serves to deepen his sense of despair. Bateman spends all his
time and money on a glamorous life such as in high-rated restaurants, always keeping
his body in shape at the gym and getting his face and hair always neat. He also always
pays attention and makes sure that he must wear clothes that designed by famous
fashion designers and with high-brand clothing brands at that time. According to Jihyun
Kim (2017) in his article stated how Bateman's inner world is characterized by a lack
American society. Kim also draws connections between Bateman's actions and real-
Kim explores how the novel depicts instances of corporate greed and violence,
behavior. Kim contends that the novel is a critique of capitalist society and its emphasis
on wealth and status, showing how the American dream can become a nightmare of
emptiness and violence. Patrick Bateman is a person who keeps up to date with the
latest item in fashion to make him appear prominent, and he owns a new high-end
phone, follows pop artists like Whitney Houston or Genesis, and never misses an
episode of his favorites a talk show on television. In short, the main character is trapped
in a world of fashion trends, high-end product advertisements and pop culture where
everything is for people who have enough money with high status.
of Patrick Bateman who has contained of sociopathic disorders. Although the ending
of this novel is ambiguous, it is not clear whether Bateman really did all these things
or he is just hallucinating, this novel really features scenes of a serial killer. Many
indications show that he is a psycho, such as having problems with emotions, brutality,
The term 'sociopath' is commonly used in our daily lives to describe a person
psychology, sociopathy is a complex and severe personality disorder that can have
a significant impact on an individual's life and the people around them. The term
sociopath has often been used interchangeably with terms psychopathy and
antisocial personality.
Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary sixth edition (2002)
patterns of behavior that go against common moral and ethical standards, leading
to ongoing conflict with society (p.115). Maramis (1980) explains that an antisocial
person is characterized by their behavior that brought him into conflict with society.
The subject has no loyalty to the group or existing social norms, generally egocentric,
According to the Harvard Mental Health Letter (2000), the terms "sociopath"
and "antisocial personality" refer to the actions and their outcomes of an individual,
of deviant behavior.
between a sociopath and a psychopath, the main difference being that a sociopath they
connotation. Peterson (2016) argues that the word "sociopath" can simply be
interpreted as someone who has antisocial tendencies and has no conscience. He also
argues that a sociopath can be dangerous to those around him and others, which can
cause either harm or damage , such as hurting people physically, emotionally, or even
financially; manipulating, deceiving people to generate profits for themselves; and
many more.
by the influence of the social environment around them, and is a mental disorder that
is different and not as dangerous as psychopaths. Although most researchers often use
the terms psychopath and sociopath interchangeably, there are some researchers who
by Dwitya Wirattama Sakti 2018, with the title “Sociopathic Personality Disorder as
theories that are used in this study are theory of character and characterization, and
approach. This study uses library research as the main method of gathering research
data. The primary source of this study is taken from the movie and screenplay. The
secondary sources of this study are taken from relevant books and other documents
from the internet. Based on the analysis, there are two findings. The first finding is
costumed hero are ruthless, self-righteous, loyal and clever. Rorschach is a complex
character because the natures of those characteristics are contradicted with each other.
However, Rorschach are able to manage to make those characteristics as his defining
traits. The second finding is about Rorschach’s sociopathic personality disorder. The
he exhibits seven traits that fulfill the criteria for this disorder.
B. Limitation of The Study
the main character, Patrick Bateman, in Bret Easton Ellis' novel "American Psycho,"
using Hare's PCL-R theory as the analytical framework. The goal is to identify the
As stated above, the aim of this study is to examine Patrick Bateman's real
character and compare it with the characteristics of a sociopath listed in Hare's theory.
a. What types of sociopathic tendencies are found from Patrick Bateman in the
In relation to the problem, this study attempts to reach the following objectives:
This research has some benefit that can used to study. There are a theoretical
1. Theoretical benefit
English Literature. This research is expected can help to understand
2. Critical benefit
for the comparison research to the relevant research that uses some or
different approach.
a. Sociopath
people who have a sociopathic disorder are psychopaths. But all psychopaths
are sociopaths. Dr. Robert D. Hare who has made extensive studies of people
with psychopathic personalities says that sociopaths lie all the time and they do
not see this behavior as a mistake. Their quest is only to serve themselves, and
if it is necessary to lie, deceive, or even kill, they will do it. Sociopaths are
brilliant to change the subject when people catch them in lies, put the
responsibility on people, and deny their involvement or even try to make people
seem crazy.
b. Hare’s PCL-R
for assessing psychopathy. It consists of 20 items that are rated based on the degree
The PCL-R has been shown to have high reliability and validity, and it is widely
used in research and clinical settings to assess the risk of violent behavior and to
guide treatment decisions. While the PCL-R has been subject to some criticism, it
remains a valuable tool for identifying individuals at high risk for violent behavior
c. American Psycho
American Psycho, written by American writer Bret Easton Ellis (born 1964), is
a novel that had been written in the late of 1980s and published in 1991. This novel
set in New York City around the end of the 1980s, the novel focuses on the lives of
Patrick Bateman as the main character that live in Manhattan city. Bateman spends
all of his time securing reservations at the hippest restaurants, keeping fit at the
gym, and keeping his face and hair always superbly groomed, constantly making
sure that he wears clothes by those high fashion designers at the time, also
a new top-tier cordless telephone. Patrick Bateman is also a brutal serial killer,
A. Theoretical Background
1. Sociopath
disorder. Hare's work on these disorders has been influential in the field of
extensive research into the behaviors and traits of individuals with this
Psychopaths Among Us" Hare writes that sociopaths are individuals with this
condition demonstrate an array of interpersonal, affective, and behavioral
Dr. Robert D. Hare who has made extensive studies of people with
individualsl. Dr. Robert D. Hare (1993) stated that sociopaths are the
notes that sociopaths are the result of an interaction between genetic and
environmental. He also says that sociopaths lie all the time and they do
not see this behavior as a mistake. Their quest is only to serve themselves,
and if it is necessary to lie, deceive, or even kill, they will do it. Sociopaths
are brilliant to change the subject when people catch them in lies, put the
people seem crazy. They may seem to be laughing or crying but they are
catch but they are more likely to leave a lot of evidence in their violent
predators who lure, manipulate, and ruthlessly hijack their path through life,
take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and
expectations without the slightest guilt or regret. This means that sociopathy
is a deviant act and has no conscience. Sociopaths have their own symptoms
through file information. Zero score indicates that the items do not match
with the diagnosed person’s attitudes, then a score of one indicates that the
items slightly match with the patient’s attitudes, and a score of two indicates
associated with extraversion and positive affect, may even be beneficial for
unstable, antisocial and socially deviant lifestyle that associated with reactive
1. PCL-R Factor 1
interpersonal and affective traits both of sociopathy and psychopathy.
These traits are considered to be the core of sociopathy and are often
up Factor 1 are:
a. Gilbness/superficial charm
using their charm to get what they want. They can come across
b. Grandiose of self-worth
whatever they want by their own rules. They have a high level
c. Pathological lying
It refers to a persistent pattern of lying or deception that is
deceiving others.
e. Lack of remorse
the harm they have caused or blame others for their actions, and
f. Shallow affect
limits the reach and depth of their feelings. Sociopaths are seen
dramatic feelings.
g. Callousness/lack of empathy
prone to manipulative or exploitative behavior, and may view
point fingers or make excuses for their behavior. They may also
2. PCL-R factor 2
are distinct from the core personality traits associated with Factor 1. The
experience a high or a rush of excitement. They may have a low
b. Parasitic orientation
deceive others in order to achieve their goals, and may lack any
c. Lack of Goals
d. Impulsivity
considering the potential consequences of one's actions.
common response.
They may have a low tolerance for frustration and may become
e. Irresponsibility
poor behavioral control may have difficulty regulating their
violence, and may have been in trouble with the law from an
early age.
h. Juvenile delinguency
from custody, such as probation or parole. Individuals with a
j. Criminal versatility
3. Non-Related Factor
behavior in relationships.
B. Previous Studies
Research conducted by Yuli Anggreni 2016, with the title “The Analysis
study was to analyze the types of sociopathic characters in Louis Bloom and to
describe how it could affect his perspective towards his objectives. This research
the main character and he manipulates people to smooth his way. The author
also read the script of the film to understand Louis' character more deeply. To
analyze the sociopaths of the main character, the author uses the psychological
approach of Grossman's theory of psychoanalysis. The difference between the
previous research and the current research lies in the concept of research where
The data used in this study mainly comes from Dr. Watson's narrative regarding
Sherlock Holmes' behavior. The theories applied in data analysis are Genette's
item. The study reveals that sociopathic attributes are built through the
assumptions of Dr. Watson and Stamford. These findings also show that the
PCL-R score of Holmes Hare (1998) is eleven, which is lower than the minimum
score of the sociopath (22-29) and higher than that of a normal person (0-6), so
he cannot be classified as both. For this reason, further studies on the topic are
between this research and the previous research lies in the theory used where the
theory used in this study only uses the theory from Here but in previous research
Character in Watchmen by Zack Snyder”. The theories that are used in this study
disorder. The approach used in this study is psychological approach. This study
uses library research as the main method of gathering research data. The primary
source of this study is taken from the movie and screenplay. The secondary
sources of this study are taken from relevant books and other documents from
the internet. Based on the analysis, there are two findings. The first finding is
with each other. However, Rorschach are able to manage to make those
Disorder. The difference in this study lies in the theory and object of research
where in this study the object is Elli's American Psycho while in the previous
A. Research Design
The research utilized a textual analysis method to analyze the sociopathic
characteristic of Patrick Bateman, the novel's main character, since the narration
described by himself (1991). Bernard and Ryan (1998) define textual analysis
is missing in the text. Following that, the researchers used interpretive and
numerical analysis to interpret, mark, retrieve, and count the data collected from
the text.
interpretation based on the text they analyzed. Mckee said that the method isn't
used to find a single correct interpretation because there are many possible
circumstances. Thus, the textual analysis method is appropriate for the research
Data are the information that contains object matters which are collected
in order to solve the problem. The data are in the form of a word, sentence, and
phrase. The source of the data is used for the examination and considering to
The source of data of this research comes from the novel American Psycho
by Bret Easton Ellis which is limited only on the main character, Patrick
Bateman that appeared in the novel by analyzing the problem statement that the
researcher find. In the research, the author chose to use the electronic text
version of the novel. The novel is in the form of pdf and consists of 441 pages.
Then, the researcher will analyze how sociopath appeared and find out the
Hare’s PCL-R theory in order to know what the type of sociopath characteristic
of Patrick Bateman.
C. Research Instruments
since this is a qualitative study. The researcher is the main instrument in this
The researcher aided in all aspects of the research process, such as data
in which the researcher act as a research instrument (Patton 2015). This usually
requires that the researcher understand the reasons, ideas, and motivations
research ideas. The researcher must analyze the data with honestly, curiosity,
qualitative research, particularly this study, the researcher becomes the main
tool. The researcher’s supporting instrument is anything that used to gather and
that is used by the researcher to find and collecting data. Data collection means
the research question. In this research, the researcher has several techniques to
collect the data, such as reading, and analysing of the novel itself. The
The data of the research collected from the novel of American Psycho by
Bret Easton Ellis. The technique of collecting data is documentation. Rose and
conducted to get information about phenomenon when the research is done. The
from the American Psycho text. The process of data collection starting from
reading the the novel, since the narration from the novel is from the main
and characteristic of Patrick Bateman itself. After reading the novel, the data
In collecting the data, the researcher tries to take the appropriate data related
to sociopath as the subject matter. The researcher needs to read some references
to confirm the theory of sociopath to support the research finding. The data
should be relatable with the theory that was mentioned in the previous chapter
and the researcher observes again the whole data which are relevant or
irrelevant. Then, the researcher needs to collect the data and classified them
based on the research problems. The researcher will make a numbering and
decoding for each datum and make a list of observation data which are formed
in a table which consist of elements of the research problem or the data which
is need a data number, data classification, ,and evidence that seen in the novel
1. The numeral 1, 2, 3... that used to make an order of the data number.
a. F1: Factor 1
b. F2: Factor 2
impulsive violence.
and factor 2.
own rules.
c. SS: Stimulan Seeking
the rules.
limits the reach and depth of their feelings. Although they sometimes
The feeling or act to relying on or exploiting the others.
act itself. The examples are masturbation, paying for sex and
n. IMS: Impulsivity
Sociopaths are unlikely to spend a lot of time weighing the pros and
o. IRS: Irresponsibility.
A condition when a person is not able to take ownership
“It's good to see you," I tell Courtney. "You look very pretty tonight. Your
"You really know how to charm the ladies, Bateman." There is no sarcasm
in Courtney's voice. "Should I tell Evelyn you feel this way?" she asks
flirtatiously. "No," I say. "But I bet you'd like to.” (p. 11)
“I can't tell what Stash is wearing since it's all black. Vanden has green
streaks in her hair... "Hi. Pat Bateman," I say, offering my hand, noticing
my reflection in a mirror hung on the wall – and smiling at how good I look.
She takes it; says nothing. Stash starts smelling his fingers.
E. Data Validation Techniques
validity test in qualitative study very important. The data in this research is
is used for the responsibility that the research can be accountable. In this study,
These validator criteria are used to determine whether the researcher’s data
is valid or not.
in various ways to look for pattern and themes. Spradley (1980), the analysis is
detailed sequential process that begins with an overview of cultural scene and
1. Domain Analysis
Domain analysis is obtained in order to search for general and
situation under research. The researcher collected data from the novel
2. Taxonomy Analysis
3. Component Analysis
through reading and analyse data source, the researcher classifies and
characteristic occurs.
Table 3.1 Table Componential
Hare’s PCL-R items er
F1 F2 Non-
PB x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
The table is made to easier the researcher to know how many
personality traits can be a data and also find out the type of Patrick
In this chapter, the researcher will examine the data findings and discuss
based of the theoretical framework outlined in Chapter II. The findings will be
(Hare’s PCL-R) theory, with a focus on the types of sociopathic tendencies that
happened through the Patrick Bateman as the main character on American Psycho
A. Research Finding
the main character, Patrick Bateman, in Bret Easton Ellis' novel "American
Psycho". The researcher will describe the findings obtained from the collected data
and determine whether they are consistent based on Hare's PCL-R theory, which
After the data was analyzed and reduced, a total of 72 data were identified in
the novel. The researcher categorizes three types of sociopathic tendencies. These
types are divided into factor 1, factor 2, and non-related factor, with each having its
own distinct subtypes. The factor 1 is further categorized into Superficial Charm,
Empathy, Pathology Lying, and Lack of Remorse, while the factor 2 is divided into
The results of the research are explained as follows:
Table 4.1 Table Componential
Hare’s PCL-R items er
F1 F2 Non-
PB 5 14 6 4 3 4 6 x 4 1 x 9 2 8 x x x x 5 1 72
Total 72
The researcher has discovered 72 data that contain of sociopathic tendencies as
reflected of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho novel. From this analysis, the
researcher identifies three types of sociopathic tendencies found in novel, there are
1. Factor 1 - Narcissitic
individuals. The PCL-R consists of 20 items, which are divided into three
Factor 1 of the PCL-R consists of eight items that are related to the
are considered to be the core of psychopathy and are often referred to as the
notes that they often have a talent for saying the right thing in order to
win others over, and can be very persuasive in getting what they want.
charm that masks his true nature and allows him to manipulate and
and successful, but this persona is a facade that hides his true violent and
disturbed personality.
manipulate, and control those around him for his personal gain. He also
presents himself as smart person that know or update with all the news
that happens.
1. 4/PB/F1/SC
"There are more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.
Sure our foreign policy is important, but there are more pressing
problems at hand."
"Like what?" he asks without looking away from Vanden. "By the
"Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear
national defense, prevent the spread of communism in Central
for the elderly, control and find a cure for the AIDS epidemic, clean
crack down on crime and illegal drugs. We also have to ensure that
AID issue with intensity, as if he deeply cares about all the issues
that are happening right now. His speech is filled with confidence
Winter Show every morning before going to the office. This talk
show provides updates on the latest news and topics, which Bateman
ways that Bateman tries to make himself the center of attention and
one of the primary tools that sociopaths use to gain the trust and
is, but even he know that the other seems uncomfortably, he doesn’t
care at all.
but this is simply a mask for his manipulative and abusive behavior
towards his partners. He uses his charm to lure in partners and then
2. 67/PB/F1/SC
"You know, Evelyn, there were a lot of other Xmas parties in this
metropolis that I could have attended tonight yet I chose yours. Why?
you might ask. Why? I asked myself. I didn't come up with a feasible
I say.
"No, this is." I give her a noodle I just noticed was stuck on my shirt
cuff. "Here."
"Oh Patrick, I'm going to cry," she says, dangling the noodle up to
instead claims that he had already been there for some time. This
Evelyn, which instantly uplift her mood. This show of affection not
tools that he uses to cover up his lies and deceitful behavior. This
to use his wit and charm to seduce others, all while concealing his
true intentions.
There are other data from Superficial Charm that can find in
success, power, or beauty. They may also feel entitled to special
One of the ways that Bateman exhibits his grandiose sense of self-
1. 9/PB/F1/GS
and a Fair Isle sweater and slide into silk polka-dot Enrico Hidolin
slippers I tie a plastic ice pack around my face and commence with
quality grooming products for his hair and body. He meticulously
others and deserves special treatment. This is evident from the way
these products will make him more valuable and this preoccupation
2. 26//PB/F1/GS
essentially saying that he is above them and does not need to perform
the same physical routines as they do. Furthermore, his belief that it
is disrespectful for them to see his body suggests that he sees himself
as too valuable to be viewed by this people. This attitude reflects his
who are not worthy of his time or attention. This behavior is not only
3. 38/PB/F1/GS
“...It turns out we haven't seen the show but I don't want to be tacky
under the table. This raises herout of the lithium-induced stupor and
not want to do so in a tacky or crude way. Instead, he used a subtle
conversation about his painting highlights his need for control and
and self-worth.
mere tools to be used for his own benefit, and that he is willing to
self-worth, as they believe that they are entitled to use and
life and achievements, often exaggerating his wealth, success, and social
status. These lies serve to boost his own ego and create an image of
particularly with women. He often lies about his feelings towards them,
frequently engages in one-night stands and casual sex, and he lies to his
1. 28/PB/F1/PL
"Don't worry. I'll just go to Dorsia alone then. It's okay."... "You
"Well…" She emits a little laugh and then, faltering, "It was… well,
what I mean is, I've seen them. I just wanted you to see them."
"Listen. What are you doing?" I ask. "If you're not coming I have to
Pathological lying is one of the traits that the PCL-R measures, and
rules, and do not feel guilty or remorseful about their actions, even
when they harm others. In this case, Bateman's lying to Patricia may
not seem like a harmful act, but it is still indicative of his disregard
for the truth and his willingness to manipulate others for his own
2. 43/PB/F1/PL
going to take it, but since I'm holding on the second line to find out
(holding on the first line) and I might have dinner, I pick it up in the
But no, it's Evelyn and though it really isn't fair to Courtney, I take
her call. I tell Evelyn I'm on the other line with my private trainer. I
then tell Courtney I have to take Paul Owen's call and that I'll see
her at Turtles at eight and then I cut myself off from Bullock, the
demonstrate this trait quite clearly. It is not just the fact that he lies,
each person for his own benefit, without caring about the
Bateman's lies are not only to avoid getting caught, but also
to maintain his image and status. He lies to Evelyn about the reason
for the call, because he wants to appear busy and important, and does
Courtney about the source of the call, telling her it was from Paul,
control over his environment and the people in it. This sense of
goals. The fact that Bateman lied to Evelyn and Courtney in this
consistent with the idea that sociopaths lack empathy and are
3. 45/PB/F1/PL
"She demands that we have dinner tonight, and then says, before I
"Why? Where were you?" I ask, while guzzling from a liter of Evian,
multiple times, both to avoid telling her where he was last night and
about the neighbor's head in his freezer suggests that he is not truly
remorseful about his actions, but rather is only admitting the truth
often use lying as a tool to manipulate others for their own benefit.
They do not feel guilty or remorseful about lying and are often
tendencies. He seems completely unaffected by the trauma she
There are other data from Pathology Lying that can find in
nature, and it is used to further his own interests and exploit those around
uses his wealth and status to manipulate and control others, and he is not
1. 17/PB/F1/MNP
"Loutish and inconsiderate patrons or tourists who are inevitably
what I hope is fifty into a small-boned hand – "if you could make
it." I rub the hand, closing it into a fist over the bill.
She nods mutely and backs away with this dazed, confused look on
her face.”(p.54)
control over the situation and avoid any consequences for his
compliance and ensuring that he and his friends are not kicked out
of the restaurant.
goals, who often see other people as mere tools to be used for their
others. They may use charm, flattery, or other tactics to gain the trust
compliance and ensuring that he and his friends will not be kicked
out of the restaurant. In this case, Bateman is using his money as a
means of control, showing his lack of empathy and concern for the
maid's feelings.
does not seem to care that his actions have made the maid scared,
and instead, he simply tries to smooth things over with money. This
2. 37/PB/F1/MNP
“...It turns out we haven't seen the show but I don't want to be tacky
under the table. This raises herout of the lithium-induced stupor and
Bateman is using manipulation for personal gain by
own gain. During dinner with Courtney and their friends, the
impress his friends by showing off his wealth and taste, but he knows
to her that he wants her to start talking about Onica and his art.
Courtney, aware of Bateman's true intentions, and takes the bait and
simply bragging about his possessions will not achieve the desired
interests and accomplishments, thereby elevating his status in their
others. He uses her as a tool to achieve his own ends, without any
consideration for how his actions might affect her. This callous
34/PB/F1/MNP, 59/PB/F1/MNP.
or regret for their actions, and while they may feel pity for themselves
remorse for any damage they may have caused to others. (Hare, 1993,
the feelings and well-being of others. They may view those around them
guilt or shame for one's actions. Bateman's lack of remorse is seen in his
violent and sadistic behavior towards others, as well as his general
remorse is also evident in his general disregard for others' feelings and
1. 31/PB/F1/LOR
“On my way into the Chinese cleaners I brush past a crying bum, an
old man, forty or fifty, fat and grizzled, and just as I'm opening the
door I notice, to top it off, that he's also blind and I step on his foot,
homeless man. Without any clear motive, he steps on the man's foot
and causes him to drop his cup, which shatters on the sidewalk.
feelings and displays no sign of guilt for his actions. This is a clear
or remorse for the harm he causes to others, even the most vulnerable
disregard for social norms and rules can often lead to dangerous and
2. 64/PB/F1/LOR
cereal and the girl at the checkout counter – black, dumb, slow –
doesn't get it, doesn't notice the expiration date has passed even
though it's the only thing I buy, and I get a small... I'm running down
cape."(p. 185)
This is the scene where Bateman is walking out of an alley
after killing a dog and its owner, his lack of remorse is disturbingly
food, displaying a lack of concern for the rules and laws that apply
after leaving the restaurant. He takes off his coat and screams in the
3. 71/PB/F1/LOR
“Do you have something against me, Patrick?” And then the
to me.” (p.380)
for the hurtful things he says to Evelyn during their breakup. He does
not take responsibility for his actions or consider the impact they
object to be used for his own pleasure, and once he no longer sees
ultimately lead to his violent and agresive actions, doesn't care other
1. 14/PB/F1/SA
“...Dizzy, I sip my drink then take a deep breath. "But wait," Price
says. "You ain't seen nothin' yet…" He pulls his out of an inside coat
pocket and slowly, dramatically turns it over for our inspection and
says, "Mine."
to this card, and we all hear Price's words: "Raised lettering, pale
nimbus white…”(p.51)
In this scene, we see Bateman and his friends in a restaurant,
they compare their cards, we can see Bateman showing off his own
card with great pride at first. However, his demeanor soon changes
when he lays eyes on the cards of his friends, Van Patten and Price.
He becomes fixated on their cards, and admits that they are better
than his. This triggers a deep sense of envy and jealousy in him,
and his need for validation and status in society. It is also indicative
which are hallmarks of sociopathy according to Hare's PCL-R
2. 55/PB/F1/SA
"I keep watching Luis and whenever he looks over at our table I
Furthermore, his preoccupation with Luis's presence in the
There are other data from Shallow Affect that can find in the
Appendices section;
51/PB/F1/SA, 65/PB/F1/SA.
and he shows little interest in their lives beyond his own superficial
lack of empathy is also occurring in his treatment of women. He views
to his overall sense of moral decay and underscores the novel's broader
1. 47/PB/F1/LOE
think it’s fair to take money from people who do have jobs? Who
others. Instead of showing understanding and compassion
the PCL-R.
throughout the novel. His inability to connect with others on an
PCL-R theory.
2. 57/PB/F1/LOE
someone else who I'm fairly sure is someone who looks like Tom
she now spends with Luis – if he was out of the picture, no longer
fact that she dates me behind his back what excites her, my body
real dealbreaker..."(p.176)
In this scene, Bateman reveals his true thoughts on Luis and
only cares about fulfilling his own desires and achieving control
over others.
them to fulfill his own needs. He does not consider the impact
instability and shallow, insincere interactions, further isolating
3. 61/PB/F1/LOE
“...he doesn't see me pull out the knife, the sharpest one, with the
serrated edge, and I'm asking him what he paid for Richard,
check to see if other people are walking down the street. In one
swift movement I pick the dog up quickly by the neck and hold it
snapping, but since I've got such a tight grip on its throat it can't
bark and I can actually hear my hand crush its trachea. I push
slice open its hairless belly in a squirt of brown blood, its legs
kicking and clawing at me, then blue and red intestines bulge out
and I drop the dog onto the sidewalk, the queer just standing
happened so fast he's in shock and he just stares in horror saying
and it starts licking and sniffing the pile of its own intestines,
its death throes still attached to its leash I whirl around on its
owner and I push him back, hard, with a bloodied glove and
This behavior also suggests that Bateman has a disregard for
sociopathic tendencies.
There are other data from Lack of Empathy that can find in
3. Factor 2 - Antisocial
take responsibility for his actions. He relies on others for his own survival
achieve them. This need for stimulation often leads to impulsive and
reckless behavior, such as drug use, excessive drinking, and violent crimes.
These traits of Factor 2 in Hare's PCL-R theory are all interconnected
and mutually reinforcing, and they are all present in Patrick Bateman's
1.) Impulsivity
1. 15/PB/F2/IMS
"..No one wants the fucking red snapper pizza! A pizza should
be yeasty and slightly bready and have a cheesy crust! The crusts
here are too fucking thin because the shithead chef who cooks
looking at me as
emotions and actions is a common trait in individuals with
2. 48/PB/F2/IMS
“Listen. Do you think it’s fair to take money from people who do
have jobs? Who do work?” His face crumples and he gasps, his
Bateman appears to want to help the man, but his true intentions
questioning his right to beg for money. This shows that Bateman
pulls out a knife and stabs the homeless man to death. The act of
with sociopathy according to Hare's PCL-R theory. It's like
Bateman sees no value in the homeless man's life and views him
him. This lack of empathy and impulsivity are both major red
3. 52/PB/F2/IMS
"My life is a living hell," I mention off the cuff, while casually
porcelain triangle. "And there are many more people I, uh, want
to… want to, well, I guess murder." I say this emphasizing the
act of slicing his own wrist and covering Armstrong's head with
As Bateman expresses his desire to kill someone, he seems
empathy and impulsivity often lead him to act without regard for
There are other data from Impulsivity that can find in the
Appendices section;
motive or plan. He also engages in impulsive behaviors that put him at
1. 16/PB/F2/PBC
"..No one wants the fucking red snapper pizza! A pizza should
be yeasty and slightly bready and have a cheesy crust! The crusts
here are too fucking thin because the shithead chef who cooks
looking at me as
pizza and scares the nearby maid is a clear example of his poor
considering the impact it may have on those around him,
2. 24/PB/F2/PBC
“I'm feeling good and I shout out to her, "Hey, don't you go to
She continues to concentrate on the bottle of Stoli. I decide not
want to stab to death and play around with your blood," but I'm
harmful behavior.
with the girl again, but when she did not respond as he expected,
her with violence. He also had to pay for his drink because the
3. 33/PB/F2/PBC
"Two things," I say, talking over her. "One. You can't bleach a
Soprani. Out of the question. Two" – and then louder, still over
her – "two, I can only get these sheets in Santa Fe. These are
very expensive sheets and I really need them clean… . " But she's
then I break into a smile and lean right into her face. "If-you-
wide....” (p.94)
with her, eventually shouting that he would kill her if she didn't
stop talking.
out without thinking of the consequences. This behavior shows
There are other data from Poor Bahavior Control that can
53/PB/F2/PBC, 62/PB/F2/PBC.
3). Irresponsibility
1. 39/PB/F2/IRS
She laughs nervously, standing there, her eyes wide. "I'm not
do . . you… say?"
It takes her a little while but finally, frightened, she guesses,
"Just… say… no?" "Just… say… no." I nod, pushing her out
arrives at the office late, leaves early, and has been known to
damaged relationships.
2. 72/PB/F2/IRS
“But… what about us? What about the past?” she asks blankly.
“The past isn’t real. It’s just a dream,” I say. “Don’t mention
“Do you have something against me, Patrick?” And then the
maybe hope.
feelings and uses her for his own pleasure. This behavior is in
Patrick Bateman's stimulation seeking behavior is a prominent
1. 22/PB/F2/SS
cards into the envelope until what we can't get with the cards
we press our fingers into and snort or lick off the tips then rub
This scene reveals Bateman's tendency towards stimulation
that comes with using drugs. His comment, "that's the spirit,"
“I take a quick hot shower and then head to the video store
won't have enough time to masturbate over the scene where the
indicative of his disregard for others' well-being and a lack of
There are other data from Stimulation Seeking that can find
41/PB/F2/SS, 66/PB/F2/SS
5). Parasitic
successful, using them for their wealth and social status. He also uses
his charm and manipulation to coerce them into sexual acts that fulfill
his own desires, without any concern for their feelings or consent.
1. 70/PB/F2/PRST
“But… what about us? What about the past?” she asks blankly.
“The past isn’t real. It’s just a dream,” I say. “Don’t mention
“Do you have something against me, Patrick?” And then the
maybe hope.
important… to me.”
you think is, Patrick? Who do you want?" After an angry pause
I need to be distracted."
contain the rising hysteria that's surging through her body. I'm
"But what about the past? Our past?" she asks again, uselessly.
connections with others. Instead, he views people, particularly
manipulates and uses women for his own pleasure without any
colleagues, friends, and even his victims for his own benefit,
his own actions and the harm he causes to those around him, as
3. Non-Related Factor
often with multiple partners, and his relationships with both men and
views sex primarily as a means of asserting his dominance over others and
of sexual acts throughout the novel, but they are all characterized by a
sexual activity with several of his male colleagues and friends, often in
1. 7/PB/NR/ISX
Vanden and then Evelyn again, but right before I come – a weak
theory. After attending a dinner party and having sex with his
he is more focused on the physical aspect of sex rather than the
2. 35/PB/NR/ISX
that can be used for his pleasure. his disregard for women's
reducing them to mere commodities to be obtained and discarded
at will. This attitude not only devalues the worth of women but
them, viewing them as nothing more than sexual objects to be used and
including rape and murder. Bateman's relationships with men are also
approval from those around him. This leads him to engage in behaviors
that are often erratic and destructive, including drug use, violence, and
reckless behavior.
1. 69/PB/NR/UIR
“But… what about us? What about the past?” she asks blankly.
“The past isn’t real. It’s just a dream,” I say. “Don’t mention
“Do you have something against me, Patrick?” And then the
maybe hope.
important… to me.”(p.380)
a weakness.
The conversation between Bateman and Evelyn is one-sided,
stunned and hurt. He talks about how he feels nothing for her
and how she has never been important to him. This statement
Finally, the researcher discusses this study based on the research findings,
The researcher found there are three types of sociopathic tendencies as
presented throughout the novel American Psycho that has found are Factor 1,
The researcher found 72 data that contain of sociopathic trait. They include
The common types of sociopathic tendencies that has found in the character
traits are often associated with an individual's interpersonal style and ability to
manipulate others. Bateman exhibits many of these traits throughout the novel,
He is able to put on a charming and charismatic persona when it suits him, often
using this to manipulate others for his own gain. For example, he uses his charm
Based on the analysis in the research findings, the researcher concludes that
of the PCL-R is his garndiose of self-worth and his lack of empathy. Patrick
Bateman's grandiose self-worth and his lack of empathy are closely linked in
the sense that view of himself as superior to others, which leads him to view
others as objects to be used for his own pleasure and to manipulate and exploit
with others. This inflated sense of self-worth can be seen in his treatment of
views women as objects to be used for his own pleasure and has no regard for
For example in the data 57/PB/F1/LOE, In this scene, Bateman reveals his
true thoughts on Luis and Courtney's relationship, suggesting that he sees Luis
towards him. His thoughts show a complete lack of empathy and disregard for
other people's emotions. Instead, he only cares about fulfilling his own desires
and achieving control over others. Moreover, Bateman's grandiosity makes him
believe that he is above the law and can get away with any crime he commits.
This further reinforces his lack of empathy, as he feels no remorse or guilt for
his violent and sadistic behavior towards others.
grandiosity. He often fabricates stories about his past and present experiences,
effortlessly and without hesitation, and it often seems that he believes his own
traits are often seen in individuals with sociopathic tendencies and are closely
linked to their inability to control their behavior and their tendency to engage
refers to the inability to regulate one's emotions and behavior. Throughout the
behavior, which includes his violent outbursts, drug use, and sexual encounters.
His impulsive behavior often leads him to act without thinking, which can
result in disastrous consequences for those around him. Then, His poor
behavioral control is also apparent in his inability to regulate his emotions and
control his impulses. Bateman's behavior is often erratic and unpredictable, and
he frequently engages in risky and dangerous behavior without considering the
unclear reason on a whim and in the data 15/PB/F2/IMS, he shouts loudly and
constant without any thought or consideration for others around him, including
the maid who happens to be present and is visibly scared by his behavior.
impulsive and reckless behavior. He is constantly seeking out new and exciting
experiences to satisfy his desire for stimulation, often engaging in drug use,
sex, and violence. This behavior is often seen in individuals with sociopathic
ways and must seek out extreme forms of stimulation to feel any sense of
job or provide for himself. He relies on his family's wealth to support his
novel American Psycho. Patrick Bateman's impersonal sexual behavior and his
with various women, often objectifying and views these women as disposable
objects, using them solely for his own pleasure and satisfied his sexual desires.
Bateman's unstable relationships are also closely tied to his sexual behavior.
bored with them quickly and moving on to the next conquest. This behavior is
constantly searching for new and exciting experiences to satisfy his desire for
of anger and aggression, often directed towards his sexual partners. This
All of the items of Factor 1, Factor 2, and Non-Related Factor of the PCL-
grandiosity, pathological lying, lack of empathy, impulsivity, poor behavioral
these traits contribute to his disturbing and violent behavior throughout the
After exploring and explaining the sociopathic tendencies reflected by
Patrick Bateman as the main character in American Psycho, the researcher proceeds
After classifying and analyzing, the researcher presents the conclusion and
suggestion related to what the researcher has analyzed in the chapter IV. Based
Socciopathic treats that the researcher has found. 42 data are classified
the core aspect of this factor, which this trait is closely linked to other
himself as superior to others in terms of his wealth, status, intellect, and
it leads him to view others as objects to be used for his own pleasure and
The second is Factor 2, which divides into five element traits; there
Bateman's impulsivity as the core of this factor, which this trait closely
them for his own pleasure, and often becoming bored with them quickly
tendencies that are present in Patrick Bateman as the main character in the
study, the researcher was able to identify and classify the sociopathic traits
exhibited by the characters in the novel and determine the distinct types of
sociopathic tendencies, there are 42 data are classified as Factor 1, 24 data are
classified as Factor 2, and 6 data are classified as Non Related Factor. Based on
drawn as follows:
For the readers, hopefully, this research can help the reader more
research, the researcher hopes that the next researchers can develop their
hopes that the next researchers can give them the new
happens not only in novel. The next researchers may take any of analysis
University Press.
nightcrawler. Journal of Anglo-Saxon, 7(2), 139-150
Anderson, D.M., Keith, J., Novak, P.D., and Elliot, M.A. (2002). Mosby’s
Mosby Inc.
University Press.
Hare, R. D., Hart, S. D., & Harpur, T. J. (1991). Psychopathy and the DSM-IV
Hare, R. D. (2003). The Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (2nd ed.). Multi
Health Systems.
Publication Ltd.
Personality Psychology. Cambridge University Press.
Readings. Methuen.
Rose, R., & Grosvenor, I. (2001). Doing Research in Special Education: Ideas
Psychological Assessment.
Harvard Medical School.
It's good to see you," I tell Superficial Charm In this scene Bateman and Price
Courtney. "You look very pretty come to dinner invitation from
tonight. Your face has a… Evelyn, then Courtney greets
youthful glow." Bateman and he give compliments
"You really know how to charm that she is youthful glow. This act
1 1/PB/F1/SC the ladies, Bateman." There is indicates that Bateman knows well
no sarcasm in Courtney's voice. how to make good impression at
"Should I tell Evelyn you feel other so people think that he is
this way?" she asks sweaty man.
flirtatiously. "No," I say. "But I
bet you'd like to.(p. 11)
"Oh god. It's a mess," Evelyn Superficial Charm In this scene Evelyn thought that she
gasps. "I swear I'm going to make mess with her food, seeing
cry." this, Bateman said the dish that she
'The sushi looks marvelous," I made was good to amuse her. From
tell her soothingly. this act, it indicates that Bateman
"Oh it's a mess," she wails. "It's tries to be look like sweet guy to get
a mess.” "No, no, the sushi a good impression.
looks marvelous," I tell her and
2 2/PB/F1/SC
in an attempt to be as consoling
as possible I pick up a piece of
the fluke and pop it in my
mouth, groaning with inward
pleasure, and hug Evelyn from
behind; my mouth still full, I
manage to say "Delicious. (p.
I can't tell what Stash is Grandiose of Self- This is where Bateman want to get to
wearing since it's all black. know with Evelyn’s friends. In this
Vanden has green streaks in scene Bateman belive with self-
her hair... "Hi. Pat Bateman," I confident that he looks good and
say, offering my hand, noticing handsome while introduced with
my reflection in a mirror hung them. The way he saw and judge
3 3/PB/F1/GS on the wall – and smiling at about what they wear, and how
how good I look. confident with his appearance is like
She takes it; says nothing. Stash he tries to make comparisons and to
starts smelling his fingers. impress how good him with others,
Smash cut and I'm back in the this act indicates that he feels above
kitchen.(p. 13-14) than others.
"Oh come on, Price," I say. Superficial charm This is the scene where Price pop up
"There are more important the conversation with Stash and
problems than Sri Lanka to Vanden talking about Sri Lanka
worry about... We also have to while dinner, then Bateman
ensure that college education is interrupted by long-talking intense
affordable for the middle class about how he thinks about the world
and protect Social Security for as if he cares about all the things and
4 4/PB/F1/SC senior citizens plus conserve all the issues that happens right now.
natural resources and He explain it with intense about what
wilderness areas and reduce he thought, looks like he tries to open
the influence of political action discuss and even like ready to debate
committees." with other. From his act, it is look
The table stares at me like pure to impress anyone at dinner
uncomfortably, even Stash, but with how he looks has a lot of
I'm on a roll.” (17-18) knowledge and smart guy.
"Oh come on, Price," I say. Grandiose of Self- This is the scene where Price pop up
"There are more important the conversation with Stash and
problems than Sri Lanka to Vanden talk about Sri Lanka while in
worry about... We also have to the dinner, then Bateman interrupted
ensure that college education is by long-talking intense about how he
affordable for the middle class thinks about the world as if he cares
and protect Social Security for about all the thing and all the issues
senior citizens plus conserve that happens right now. The way he
"I pull my Armani shirt up and Impersonal Sexual After the other back from the dinner,
place Bateman stay in Evelyn’s house,
her hand on my torso, wanting then he had sex with her. In this sex
her to feel how rock-hard, how scene Bateman describe that he take
halved my control of Evelyn’s body. Bateman
stomach is, and I flex the pull his shirt and take her hand on his
muscles, grateful it's light in the six pack-stomach, this is the way
room so she can see how he want Evelyn know how good
how bronzed and defined my the shape of Bateman’s body. This
abdomen has become" (p.27) acts indicates that Bateman just
manipulate her by take full control
for his desire, simply He just seeing
girl for a tool to manifest all of his
impulsivity and desire.
“I masturbate, thinking about Impersonal sexual After dinner party and even sex with
first Evelyn, then Courtney, Evelyn, after he arrive at his
7 7/PB/NR/ISX then Vanden and then Evelyn apartment, Bateman masturbate with
again, but right before I come – imagine has sex with not just one
a weak orgasm – about a near- girl. His imagination about sex with
naked model in a halter top I more than one girl, it looks like he is
saw today in a Calvin Klein just cares with physicall connection
advertisement.” (p.28) to the girls, not emotionally
“In the early light of a May Grandiose of Self- This is the scene where Bateman
dawn this is what the living tells about his morning activity. He
room of my apartment looks describe about his expensive
like: Over the white marble and branded items. From this scene, it
granite gas-log fireplace hangs indicates that he satisfied and proud
an original David Onica... A of his financial power over luxurious
8 8/PB/F1/GS
black-dotted beige and white expensive branded items and to
Maud Sienna carpet covers show that he has high social status.
most of the floor. One wall is
hidden by four chests of
immense bleached mahogany
drawers” (p.29)
After I change into Ralph Grandiose of Self- This quote shows Bateman’s
Lauren monogrammed boxer activities in the morning. In the early
shorts and a Fair Isle sweater morning he always does some
and slide into silk polka-dot treatment to his body before his take
Enrico Hidolin slippers I tie a shower and always use high quality
plastic ice pack around my face product of shampoo and soap. The
and commence with the way how he describe every the
morning's stretching grooming product with all of the
exercises... Then apply an anti- contents indicates that he know and
9 9/PB/F1/GS
aging eye balm (Baume Des he cares with what he does, it means,
Yeux) followed by a final he obsess and always prioritize about
moisturizing "protective" his physical appearance, because he
lotion. (P.30) only used all of the high product that
he believe it will make him more
value. This is the evidence of
grandiose of self-worth from
“...I'm wearing a lightweight Grandiose of Self- In this scene Patrick hangout with his
linen suit with pleated trousers, friends in a bar, after arrive at the bar
a cotton shirt, a dotted silk tie, Bateman start to looking all of the
all by Valentino Couture, and cloths that his friends wear in detail
perforated cap-toe leather then he also describes all of what he
shoes by Allen Edmonds... wears. From this act, it indicates that
McDermott is wearing a he is try to make comparisons how
10 10/PB/F1/GS
woven-linen suit with pleated good his style or appearance with
trousers, a button-down cotton others, also it show how he proud
and linen shirt by Basile, a silk with what he wear because it will
tie by Joseph Abboud and makes him has high status and how
ostrich loafers from Susan he looks cares with his appearance.
Bennis Warren Edwards.”
"She let you fuck her without a Impersonal sexual This is the scene where Bateman and
condom?" one of us asks... No his friends talk in restaurant. They
11 11/PB/NR/IMS one says anything but we are all are talking about girl. This is how
thinking the same thought: Bateman and his friends seeing and
Never pick up a Vassar girl. treat woman. The way Bateman and
"What you need is a chick from his friends called woman as chick it
Camden," Van Patten says, indicates that Bateman objectifies
after recovering from women and views them purely as
McDermott's statement. sexual objects to be used for his own
"Oh great," I say. "Some chick gratification. He does not view them
who thinks it's okay to fuck her as individuals with their own desires,
brother." "Yeah, but they think feelings, or needs.
AIDS is a new band from
England," Price points
“It's really impossible to Impulsivity This is the scene where Bateman
get a reservation at Pastels and with his friend having lunch in a
I think Van Patter, myself, even restaurant. In the beginning narration
Price, are impressed by, maybe describes how Bateman feels
consensus seemed to the fact that he and the others cannot
emerge.(p.45) get a reservation at Pastel. Before
even they argued which in the end
made Bateman panic and almost tore
up the reservation book (Zagat). The
way his emotion response the
situation indicates that he cant’t
control his impulses. He driven by
frustated through this situation.
“I'm looking at Van Patten's Impulsivity This is the scene where Bateman and
card and then at mine and his friends in a restaurant, in this
cannot believe that Price scene all of them showing their
actually likes Van Patten's business card. At first Bateman show
better. Dizzy, I sip my drink off of his card with proudly, but he
13 13/ PB/F2/IMS
then take a deep breath. "But becomes fixated on Van Patten’s
wait," Price says. "You ain't card, and he admit it that his card
seen nothin' yet…" He pulls his better than him. After, he even shock
out of an inside coat pocket and that Price’s card more better than
slowly, dramatically turns it him and Van Pattern’s card, make
over for our inspection and Bateman more frustrated and being
says, "Mine." envy through rival’s card. This is
Even I have to admit it's indicates that Bateman’s inability to
magnificent.(p.51) control his impulsivity because he is
driven by his emotions.
“...Dizzy, I sip my drink then Shallow affect This is the scene where Bateman and
take a deep breath. "But wait," his friends in a restaurant, in this
Price says. "You ain't seen scene all of them showing their
nothin' yet…" He pulls his out business card. At first Bateman show
of an inside coat pocket and off of his card with proudly, but he
slowly, dramatically turns it becomes fixated on Van Patten’s
over for our inspection and card and Price’s card and he admit it
14 14/PB/F1/SA
says, "Mine." Even I have to that their card better than him, make
admit it's magnificent. Bateman consumed with envy and
Suddenly the restaurant seems jealousy. Even makes him feel
far away, hushed, the noise totally meaningless and feels like
distant, a meaningless hallucination because of his
hum, compared to this card, overthinking about that business
and we all hear Price's words: card. It indicates that he is
"Raised lettering, pale nimbus dramatically his feeling just because
white…(p.51) his envious about business card.
"..No one wants the fucking red Impulsivity The scene where Bateman shout at
snapper pizza! A pizza should McDormatt because he hasn't
be yeasty and slightly bready stopped asking who wants pizza,
and have a cheesy crust! The because Bateman's current mood is
crusts here are too fucking thin filled with frustration and jealousy
because the shithead chef who because of the business card,
cooks here overbakes Bateman shout loudly explaining
everything! The pizza is dried that no one wants to order pizza at
15 15/PB/F2/IMS
out and brittle!" this restaurant, because he thinks the
Red-faced, I slam my Bellini pizza here is over baked.
down on the table and when I Unknowingly right when he shouted,
look up our appetizers have a maid came and was get a shock
arrived. A hardbody waitress showing scared expression when
stands looking down at me with Bateman shouting angrily. From this
this strange, glazed expression. action, it is clear that this is
I wipe a hand over my face, Bateman's inability to control his
genially smiling up at her. She impulses; he acts because he is
stands there looking at me as controlled by his frustration.
if I were some kind of monster –
she actually looks scared.(p.53)
"..No one wants the fucking red Poor Behavior Bateman shout loudly explaining
snapper pizza! A pizza should about the pizza even a maid was get
be yeasty and slightly bready a shock showing scared expression
and have a cheesy crust! The when Bateman shouting angrily.
crusts here are too fucking thin Because of his inability to control his
because the shithead chef who impulses, and driven by his
cooks here overbakes emotions, he acts unconsciously and
I wipe a hand over my face,
genially smiling up at her. She
stands there looking at me as
if I were some kind of monster –
she actually looks scared.(p.53)
"Loutish and inconsiderate Manipulation for After he shout loudly about pizza
Personal Gain
patrons or tourists who are and make the maid scared, he told
inevitably going to complain and explain to her that he and his
about our innocuous little friends are good customer and just
habit… So" – I press what I want to relax. Even Bateman give
hope is fifty into a small-boned her money for make a sure, because
hand – "if you could make sure a few moment ago he acts rude, and
17 17/PB/F1/MNP
we aren't bothered while we do, he doesn’t want kicked, it will be a
we would gratefully appreciate shame for him and them. His action
it." I rub the hand, closing it by giving money through the maid,
into a fist over the bill. indicates that he, by using of his
"And if anyone complains, power of financial didn’t really want
well…" I pause, then warn to take responsibility, he just
menacingly, "Kick 'em out." manipulate her using his money to
She nods mutely and backs make a sure and guarantee that he
away with this dazed, confused and his friend not kicked by his bad
look on her face.(p.54) attitude.
"..She is hot, " Van Patten says, Impersonal Sexual Scene where Bateman and his
ignoring his scallop sausage. friends notice hot girls in next their
"Hardbody." McDermott nods table, four hot babes presence's in
in agreement. "Definitely." this restaurant catches theirs
"I'm not impressed," Price attention. They said that the girls are
sniffs. "Look at her knees." hot, but while one of them stands,
While the hardbody stands Bateman notice that the size of her
18 18/PB/NR/ISX there we check her out, and knees is different, bigger than one.
though her knees do support Seeing this, Bateman change his
long, tan legs, I can't help mind totaly uninterested. From his
noticing that one knee is, acts, it is indicates that Bateman just
admittedly, bigger than the want girl who perfected body. He
other one. The left knee is can’t deal with such as small things
knobbier, almost imperceptibly that looks like imperfect, because he
thicker than the right knee and always obsess with physical
this unnoticeable flaw now appearance and he believe that
seems overwhelming and we all perfect girl; hot, hardbody, has big
lose interest. (p.55) tits, has ass will be nice to him. This
is how Bateman look through
Outside Pastels a different bum Poor Behavior After they finished and leave the
sits in the street, with a sign that Pastel, they met with a homeless that
says something completely ask them for some help. But, instead
illegible. He gently asks us for help a bum, Bateman said something
some change and then, more bad, he even made joking and made
hopefully, for some food. fun about the bum with his friend.
19 19/PB/F2/PBC
"That dude needs a facial real His behavior idicates that he has
bad," I say. poor behavior control.
"Hey McDermott," Price
cackles. "Throw him your tie."
"Oh shit. What's that gonna get
him?" I ask, staring at the bum.
"Appetizers at Jams." Van
Patten laughs. He gives me
Outside Pastels a different bum Lack of Empathy After they finished and leave the
sits in the street, with a sign that Pastel, they met with a homeless that
says something completely ask them for some help. But, instead
illegible. He gently asks us for help a bum, Bateman said something
some change and then, more bad, he even made joking and made
hopefully, for some food. fun about the bum with his friend. He
"That dude needs a facial real even doesn’t care and thinking about
" I take two of the drink tickets Grandiose of Self- The scene where Bateman is
from Price and try to get him a ordering drinks at a bar while at a
Finlandia on the rocks which discotheque called Tunnel. Female
they don't have, the hardbody bartender, sexy, definitely hardbody,
behind the bar informs and talks to him like a bitchly.
mebitchily, but she's got a rad Because of her appearance, he
body and is so hot-looking that wanted to give her a big tip. This
21 21/PB/F1/GS
I will leave her a big tip action indicates that he seems unable
because of this." (p.65) to control what he does, willing to
spend a lot of money just because he
feels passionately satisfied. This is
proof that he is objectify the women,
wasting money just for sheer
"No, fuck yourself," Price Stimulation Seeking the scene where Bateman and Price
screams back, trying to are doings drugs. He and Price
without opening his eyes, might otherwise stimulate him. The
"Okay. Let's do it." sentence that he said, "that's the
"That's the spirit," I say. We spirit" indicates that he is looking
take turns digging our forward to the sensation of enjoying
respective cards into the the drug.
envelope until what we can't get
with the cards we press our
fingers into and snort or lick off
the tips then rub into our
I'm feeling good and I shout out Impulsivity After he took drugs, he returned to
to her, "Hey, don't you go to the bar and try flirt with the girl
NYU?"She shakes her head, again, but when Bateman spoke to
unsmiling. "Hunter?" I shout. her, she didn't respond as he
23 23/PB/F2/IMS She shakes her head again. Not expected, just kept quiet. Moreover,
Hunter. "Columbia?" I shout – he had to pay for his drink because
though that's a joke. the ticket he was holding was no
She continues to concentrate on longer valid. He then suddenly
the bottle of Stoli. I decide not shouted at the girl that he was going
to continue the conversation... to kill her and play with her blood
"You are a fucking ugly bitch I and then left without tipping her.
want to stab to death and play From this act, he didn't think long
around with your blood," but about his action and spoke harshly
I'm smiling. I leave the cunt no easily without thinking about what
tip(p.69) effect would occur around him.
I'm feeling good and I shout out Poor Behavior From this action, he did not think
to her, "Hey, don't you go to long about his actions and spoke
NYU?"She shakes her head, harshly easily without thinking
unsmiling. "Hunter?" I shout. about what effect would occur
She shakes her head again. Not around him. Indicates, because his
Hunter. "Columbia?" I shout – inability to control what he think and
I'm smiling. I leave the cunt no
“... I check myself in the mirror Grandiose of self- This is the scene where Bateman
before entering the gym and, spend his time in Health Club, when
dissatisfied, go back to my he arrives at that place, Bateman
briefcase for some mousse to being dissatisfied with his
slick my hair back and then I appearance. So Bateman tidied his
use a moisturizer and, for a hair and used moisturizer to improve
small blemish I notice under my his appearance. The way he cares
25 25/PB/F1/GS
lower lip, a dab of Clinique about his appearance shows that he
Touch-Stick. Satisfied, I turn always puts his physical appearance
the Walkman on, the volume up, first. From this action, Bateman
and leave the locker thinks and feels with all he does to
room.”(p.79) maintain his image as an attractive
“I should probably be Grandiose of self- The text describe that Bateman skip
26 26//PB/F1/GS worth
stretching first but if I do that the stretching before he start
I'll have to wait in line – exercise. He skipped the stretching
already some faggot is behind because there are a few people that
me, probably checking out my Bateman doesn’t want to let them
back, ass, leg seeing his body, not only that, even
muscles. No hardbodies at the he thought disrespectful to all of
gym today. Only faggots from those people near with him. This is
the West Side, probably indicates that he feels superior and
unemployed actors, waiters by just seeing them as inferior, no have
night, and Muldwyn Butner of value, no matches with him.
Sachs, who I went to Exeter
“I take a quick hot shower and Stimulation seeking After finished exercises at Healt
then head to the video store Club, he quickly leave because he
where I return two tapes I want to return two tapes of videos.
rented on Monday, She-Male From the title of his videos that he
27 27/PB/F2/SS
Reformatory and Body Double, rent, all of them is disturbing videos.
but I rerent Body Double He even said that actually he want to
because I want to watch it masturbate because the scene that
again tonight even though I shows a girl getting death by drilled.
know I won't have enough time From this sentence. It indicates that
to masturbate over the scene Bateman really enjoyed and feels
where the woman is getting satisfaction about his fantasized of
drilled to death by a power drill something that disturbing.
since I have a date with
Courtney at seven-thirty at
Café Luxembourg.”(p.81)
"Don't worry. I'll just go to Pathology lying This is the scene where Bateman is
Dorsia alone then. It's okay."... talking to Patricia on the phone about
"You have reservations there? I where they should go on the date.
mean for us?" Patricia asks Bateman to watch a
"Yes" I say, "Eight-thirty," concert, but Bateman refused and
28 28/PB/F1/PL "Well…" She emits a little said that he didn't like live concerts.
laugh and then, faltering, "It Patricia was a little pushy, but
was… well, what I mean is, I've Bateman still didn't want to go to the
seen them. I just wanted you to concert, instead of agreeing to it,
see them." Bateman even lied that he was going
to a restaurant called Dorsia that he
"Listen. What are you doing?" I had got reservation before, even
ask. "If you're not coming I though in reality he had not booked
have to call the place at all. Bateman's actions
someone else. Do you have prove that Bateman was just trying to
Emily Hamilton's number?" amaze Patricia simply not wanting to
"Oh now now, Patrick, don't go to the concert, or maybe he was
be… rash." (p.86-87) lying to treat her sweetly just to
manipulate Patricia.
"Don't worry. I'll just go to Poor Behavior Bateman lied that he was going to a
Dorsia alone then. It's okay."... restaurant called Dorsia that he had
"You have reservations there? I ordered before, but the truth he had
mean for us?" not booked at all. Even after lying to
"Yes" I say, "Eight-thirty," Patricia, and hearing Patricia's long-
29 29/PB/F2/PBC
"Well…" She emits a little winded answers, he even said he will
laugh and then, faltering, "It going on a date with someone else
was… well, what I mean is, I've and asked her for another woman's
seen them. I just wanted you to number. From his acts, that is the
see them." proof of his inability to read the
"Listen. What are you doing?" I situation and not think about how
ask. "If you're not coming I Patricia was feeling.
have to call
someone else. Do you have
Emily Hamilton's number?"
"Oh now now, Patrick, don't
be… rash." (p.86-87)
“On my way into the Chinese Lack of Empathy This is the scene where Bateman go
cleaners I brush past a crying to Dry Cleansers. Before he enter the
bum, an old man, forty or fifty, place, he seeing a blind homeless.
fat and grizzled, and just as I'm With unclear motive he hurt that
opening the door I notice, to top homeless by step his foot. From his
it off, that he's also blind and I acts, he doesn’t have any sympathy,
30 30/PB/F1/LOE
step on his foot, which is and didn’t even thinking with the
actually a stump, causing him bum feelings, and no sign of any
to drop his cup, scattering guilt at all. This is the evidence that
change all over the sidewalk. he has no empathy at all.
Did I do this on purpose? What
do you think? Or did I do this
“On my way into the Chinese Lack of Remorse The scene where Bateman going to
cleaners I brush past a crying Chinese cleaners, in the side walk
bum, an old man, forty or fifty, there is a blind bum. With unclear
fat and grizzled, and just as I'm motive he hurt that homeless by step
opening the door I notice, to top his foot, and causing drop his cup,
it off, that he's also blind and I scattering over sidewalk. He did
31 31/PB/F1/LOR step on his foot, which is without thinking about his action
actually a stump, causing him through the bum and his feelings,
to drop his cup, scattering and there is no sign of him that show
change all over the sidewalk. any guilt. This is the evidence that he
Did I do this on purpose? What has poor behavior control.
do you think? Or did I do this
"Two things," I say, talking Impulsivity The scene where Bateman argued
32 32/PB/F2/IMS over her. "One. You can't with an old Chinese woman because
bleach a Soprani. Out of the the sheet he carries is covered in
question. Two" – and then blood and the woman continues to
louder, still over her – "two, I speak in Chinese that Bateman does
can only get these sheets in not understand what she is saying at
Santa Fe. These are very all. Here Bateman felt so frustrated
expensive sheets and I really and shout in the laundry room saying
need them clean… . " But she's that he would kill her if she keep
still talking and I'm nodding as talking without wanting to stop,
if I understand her gibberish, which made the old woman shocked
then I break into a smile and and scared. His act of said harshly to
lean right into her face. "If-you- the old woman indicated his inability
don'tshut-your-fucking-mouth- to act without thinking about the
I-will-kill-you-are-you- consequences of his actions.
understanding-me?” The
Chinese woman's panicked
jabbering speeds up
incoherently, her eyes still
wide....” (p.94)
"Two things," I say, talking Poor Behavior Bateman screamed right in the old
over her. "One. You can't woman's face and said that he would
bleach a Soprani. Out of the kill her if she kept talking without
question. Two" – and then stopping. His action of screaming to
louder, still over her – "two, I kill the old woman indicated that he
can only get these sheets in was unable to control his impulses,
Santa Fe. These are very so he acted aggressively which was
expensive sheets and I really controlled by his inability to control
need them clean… . " But she's his emotions.
wide....” (p.94)
"Yeah, well, oh boy, listen, I've Manipulation for When Bateman argued with old
personal gain
got to go." I pretend to spot an Chinese women, suddenly a woman
oncoming cab across the street entered and say hello to Bateman.
through the glass door and, She asks about the sheet, but
faking gratitude, tell her, Bateman lied and said that it just
"Thank you, uh… cranberry syrup. Then Bateman take
Samantha."(p.96) this opportunity to use the girl to deal
Bateman just used her for what he
"Well, my theory's always Impersonal sexual The scene where Bateman talks
been," I start, "men are only about women with his friends.
here to procreate, to carry on Bateman thinks that men only have a
the species, you know?" duty to continue or give offspring,
They both nod. and only way to do that must be
"And so the only way to do because of a sexy woman, money or
that," I continue, choosing because of fame. Bateman's way of
35 35/PB/NR/ISX
words carefully, "is… to thinking proves that he only sees
get turned on by a little women who have value, and only
hardbody, but sometimes sees them as sexual objects
money or fame"(p.104) regardless of how they feel. This is
an attitude that he disrespectful other
people, especially women without
any emotional connection.
“I begin, " 'When I see a pretty Superficial charm In this quote Bateman talking about
36 36/PB/F1/SC girl walking down the street I girl with his friends, he used quote
think two things. One part of me from Ed Gein, a serial killer, about
wants to take her out and talk to girl, and he tells to his friends that
her and be real nice and sweet when he meets a beautiful woman he
and treat her right.' " I stop, will seduce her with sweet treats to
finish my J&B in one swallow” take her out. The way he used the Ed
(p.105) Gein qoutes indicates to prove about
the way he thinks, this is how
Bateman used to deal with women.
Because from that qoute Bateman
knows very well how to seduce
women with sweet treats, and
manipulate them with his charm.
“...It turns out we haven't seen Manipulation for Bateman is having dinner with
Personal Gain
the show but I don't want to be Courtney and friends. The topic they
tacky enough to bringup the are talking about is an art artist,
37 37/PB/F1/MNP
fact I own one, so I lightly kick namely David Onica. Bateman
Courtney under the table. This wanted to show that he had one of his
raises herout of the lithium- paintings, but he didn't want to show
induced stupor and she says off in a tacky way by mentioning it
robotically, "Patrick owns an straight away, he kicked Courtney in
Onica. He really does." order to break the air with start
I smile, pleased; sip my J&B. talking about him owning one of
"Oh that's fantastic, Patrick," Onica's paintings. His action of
Anne says. "Really? An kicking Courtney's leg shows that he
Onica?" Scott asks. "Isn't he is using Courtney for his purpose,
quite expensive?"(p.112) and makes her friends know that
Bateman has a painting of Onica
which is famous for being expensive.
“...It turns out we haven't seen Grandiose of Self- Bateman wanted to show that he had
the show but I don't want to be one of Onica’s paintings, but he
tacky enough to bringup the didn't want to show off in a tacky
fact I own one, so I lightly kick way, he kicked Courtney in order to
38 38/PB/F1/GS Courtney under the table. This break the air with start talking about
raises herout of the lithium- him owning one of Onica's
induced stupor and she says paintings. His action of kicking
robotically, "Patrick owns an Courtney's leg shows that he is
Onica. He really does." manipulate her by using Courtney
I smile, pleased; sip my J&B. for his purpose, even he corrected a
"Oh that's fantastic, Patrick," mistake that she said about the price
Anne says. "Really? An of the painting that Courtney said at
Onica?" Scott asks. "Isn't he first.
quite expensive?"(p.112) The truth of his action is made her
friends know and impress that
Bateman has a painting of Onica
which is famous for being expensive.
The way how he show about his
superiority to people around him.
She stares at me, Irresponsibility The scene where Bateman is in the
uncomprehending, then, office, Jean, his assistant tells that
actually looking crestfallen, someone has invited Bateman to
says, "Ted Madison called and meet and talk about the business
39 39/PB/F2/IRS so did James Baker. They want agenda. But Bateman told her to did
to meet you at Fluties at six." as usual, which is to refuse.
I sigh, glaring at her. "Well, From this action, Bateman often
what should you do?" refuse meeting agendas, it indicates
that Bateman is actually very lazy to
She laughs nervously, standing work, he also often comes to the
there, her eyes wide. "I'm not office late and leaves the office early
sure." “Jean." I stand up to and even he prefers to spend his time
lead her out of the office. and have fun with his business
"What… do . . you… say?" friends. This is proof that Bateman is
It takes her a little while but not responsible for his work.
finally, frightened, she guesses,
"Just… say… no?" "Just…
say… no." I nod, pushing her
out and slamming the door. –
“Before leaving my office for Grandiose of Self- This quote shows Bateman
the meeting I take two Valium, preparing for his performance to the
wash them down with a Perrier best of his ability. The way he cares
and then use a scruffing about his appearance shows that he
40 40/PB/F1/GS
cleanser on my face with always puts his physical appearance
premoistened cotton balls, first. From this action, Bateman
afterwards applying a thinks and feels with everything he
moisturizer... My complexion is does to look great.
still excellent. Three drops of
Visine clear the eyes. An ice
pack tightens the skin. All it
comes down to is: I feel like shit
but look great.(p.121)
“He starts rattling on about a Stimulationn seeking The quote above shows that
restaurant in Phoenix, Bateman consumes valium, and he
Propheteers, that I'm actually believes that he can control his
interested in hearing about but emotions. This shows that Bateman
41 41/PB/F2/SS not from Luis Carruthers, yet is addicted to drugs, and feel a sense
I'm on ten milligrams of Valium of uphoria.
and for that reason I can
manage” (p.121)
"What do you think of the pizza Poor Behavior This is a scene where Bateman meets
at Pastels now, Bateman?" he his business friends at a restaurant
to go back and retaste the McDermott was acting strangely
pizza… ." I'm saying this towards him and asked him if there
through gritted teeth. "I'm just was something wrong with him.
suggesting that the last time I McDermott finally handed Bateman
was there the pizza was…" the magazine he had brought and
"Brittle?" McDermott offers. pointed to an article in which the
"Yeah." I shrug. "Brittle." article wrote a review that the person
"Uh-huh." McDermott smiles, Bateman admires, Donald Trump,
triumphant.... "But I'm not saying that the Pizza at Pastels is the
apologizing," I warn best in Manhattan. Seeing this news
McDermott." (p.124-125) Bateman became angry and found it
difficult to admit it, because of the
incident Bateman got angry and
shouted at McDermott at Pastels
yesterday solely because Bateman
could not control his emotions
caused by his jealousy of his friends'
business cards. after reading the
article, Bateman got annoyed at
McDermott and said what was the
point of all this and even made
excuses to McDermott that the last
time he came the pizza he ordered
was not good. Bateman doesn't even
want to apologize to him. this shows
Bateman's inability to control his
actions, because he has high self-
esteem he does not want to admit his
"Evelyn comes in on the call Pathology lying This is the scene where Bateman is
waiting of my third line and I talking on 3 phones at the same time.
wasn't going to take it, but since First he made an appointment with
I'm holding on the second line Courtney for dinner tonight, then the
43 43/PB/F1/PL to find out if Bullock, the maître second he used to make reservations
d' at the new Davis François at a restaurant, and right the same
restaurant on Central Park time then Evelyn call that what he
South, has any cancellations thought was from a dry cleaner's call.
for tonight so Courtney Bateman lied to Evelyn and tells to
(holding on the first line) and I wait because he was talking to
might have dinner, I pick it up someone, then told Courtney he got
in the hope that it's my dry call from Paul and told her to see him
cleaners. But no, it's Evelyn tonight. From this scene, it's clear
and though it really isn't fair to enough that Bateman easily lied to
Courtney, I take her call. I tell the two of them, he lied to avoid it
Evelyn I'm on the other line because he didn't want Evelyn and
with my private trainer. I then Courtney know that he right now on
tell Courtney I have to take the same call. This indicates that
Paul Owen's call and that I'll Bateman has a tendency to lie easily
see her at Turtles at eight and for some reason for his own sake.
then I cut myself off from
Bullock, the maître d'."(p. 133)
"Evelyn comes in on the call Lack of Empathy Bateman easily lied to the two of
waiting of my third line and I them, its look like natural response.
wasn't going to take it, but since The way he easily makes reason to
44 44/PB/F1/LOE
I'm holding on the second line lie for two of them indicates that he
to find out if Bullock, the maître actually doesn't thinking about both
d' at the new Davis François of their feelings. This is how
restaurant on Central Park Bateman seeing about woman,
South, has any cancellations seeing them as object that can be
for tonight so Courtney used for own his sake than seeing
(holding on the first line) and I them as individual that have feeling.
might have dinner, I pick it up
in the hope that it's my dry
cleaners. But no, it's Evelyn
and though it really isn't fair to
Courtney, I take her call. I tell
Evelyn I'm on the other line
with my private trainer. I then
tell Courtney I have to take
Paul Owen's call and that I'll
see her at Turtles at eight and
then I cut myself off from
Bullock, the maître d'."(p. 133)
"She demands that we have Pathology lying This is the scene where Evelyn calls
dinner tonight, and then says, Bateman for dinner tonight, she want
before I can make up a meet with Bateman to change her
plausible lie, an acceptable. mood to get well since she got shock
excuse, "Where were you last and feels so scared yesterday
night, Patrick?" I pause. "Why? because her neighbor was death. She
Where were you?" I ask, while ask Bateman where was he last
guzzling from a liter of Evian, night, and again Bateman doesn't
still slightly sweaty from this give direct answer, at first he tried to
45 45/PB/F1/PL
afternoon's workout... change the conversation before he
"Because your neighbor's head lying that he was spend his time at
was in my freezer." I yawn, videotapes store. The truth, he tells
stretching. "Listen. Dinner? with muttered naturally so Evelyn
Where? Can you hear seems doesn't hear or maybe she is
me?"(p.133-134) doesn't notice, that neighbor's head
was in his freezer or what the means
he is the one who killed her
"What a dork," Courtney Pathology Lying This is the scene where Bateman at
whispers sadly to herself. dance party with his friends, Luis
"Listen, I'm leaving," I say, and Courtney. From the text, at first
finishing the champagne. "Why Bateman flirting to Courtney and
don't you go dance with the… said that she is look voluptuous
receptacle tip?"... "Why are tonight, but suddenly with unclear
you so concerned?" "Because reason Bateman feels so sensitive
I'd like to know," she says. with Courtney. He decided to leave
"You're not going to Evelyn's, the party, but Courtney tries to hold
46 46/PB/F1/PL
are you?" him and asking why and where he
"Maybe," I lie. "Patrick," she go, Bateman answer with lying. The
says. "Don't leave me here. I truth is he just wants to avoid
don't want you to go."(p. 144) Courtney. The way he lies to
Courtney that maybe he want go to
Evelyn place is the evidence of he
deliberately makes she jealous, that
indicates he didn't care about Evelyn
...“Tm hungry,” he whispers. Lack of Empathy From this dialogue, its show that
“I know that, I know that,” I Bateman talk with homeless, at first
say. Bateman seems wants to help him.
‘Jeez, you’re like a broken The homeless man seems to be
record. I’m trying to help happy; he was just desperate and
you…” My impatience rises. needed the money to survive.
“I’m hungry,” he repeats. But, instead help homeless man,
“Listen. Do you think it’s fair to Bateman just intimidating him with
47 47/PB/F1/LOE
take money from people who do asking him like is it fair to take
have jobs? Who do work?” His money from people who have jobs.
face crumples and he gasps, his This scene indicates that the truth is,
voice raspy, “What am I gonna Bateman doesn’t even care with the
do?” “Listen,” I say.”(p.147) bum, he just seeing the homeless
man as a lazy bum who chose to be
where he is. Totally seeing him as
object without meaning.
...“Tm hungry,” he whispers. Impulsivity Bateman talk with homeless in
“I know that, I know that,” I corner of the street, and want to help
say. him, but Bateman not just
‘Jeez, you’re like a broken intimidating him with asking him
record. I’m trying to help like it’s fair to take money from
you…” My impatience rises. people who have jobs, but he also
“I’m hungry,” he repeats. hurt him even Bateman kills him. It
“Listen. Do you think it’s fair to indicates that Bateman acts without
48 48/PB/F2/IMS
take money from people who do regard for the consequences of his
have jobs? Who do work?” His action even though in public and
face crumples and he gasps, his without any clear motive. It’s like
voice raspy, “What am I gonna Bateman just seeing the homeless
do?” “Listen,” I say. (p.147) man has no value in the society and
his life is worthless and nothing but
an expense.
"Three glazed jelly doughnuts Grandiose of Self- The moment when Bateman was
and two steaming cups of extra- having breakfast and enjoying a TV
dark hot chocolate lay on the show, but he was disturbed by a
desk in front of him beside a slight crack that he noticed from his
copy of the Post opened to the painting. He met the doorman, and
comics and it struck me that I what he met was the new doorman
was infinitely better-looking, with same with his age. He
more successful and richer than spontaneous thought, compares
49 49/PB/F1/GS this poor bastard would ever be himself to him. Bateman feels he is
and so with a passing rush of no match for the doorman because he
sympathy I smiled and nodded is more handsome, successful and
a curt though not impolite good wealthy. Based on Bateman's
morning without lodging a actions, it can be concluded that he
complaint. "Oh really?" I find has inflated self-esteem. Sees
myself saying loudly, himself as superior than other.
completely uninterested, to
Armstrong."(p. 156)
"fuck… yourself… Armstrong, Grandiose of self- This scene also one of example of his
I'm thinking while staring out grandiose of self-worth, while
the window at the gridlock and Amstrong keep long talking about
pacing bums on Church Street. Bahamas, Bateman just focus with
Appetizers arrive: sun-dried- his though about how annoyed this
tomato brioche for Armstrong. guy and seems not really cares about
Poblano chilies with an oniony his story. Bateman just really want to
50 50/PB/F1/GS
orange-purple marmalade on shut his mouth with show how
the side for me. I hope superior he is by pay all the bill, what
Armstrong doesn't want to pay he really means is he want to show
because I need to show the dim- off to Amstrong that the fact how he
witted bastard that I in fact do proud has platinum American
own a platinum American Express.
Express card."(p.157)
...I ask, "The food? How's the Shallow Affect This text describes how Bateman
food?" almost involuntarily, response about Amsttong's long
51 51/PB/F1/SA thinking about anything but. story about Bahamas. The way how
"Good question. As for dining Bateman response Amsytong's story
out, the Caribbean has become Indicates that he didn't really listen
more attractive... "How about to what he was talking about, he just
sightseeing?" I ask faking his reply by asking random as
disinterestedly, concentrating naturally so Amstrong doesn't
on the blackened chilies..."(p. notice, that the truth Bateman really
157) doesn't even care or uninterested
with his story, instead he just really
irritated. This is the evidence that his
inability to response the situation
and can't connected emotionally to
the others.
"My life is a living hell," I Impulsivity While listening Amstrong's long
mention off the cuff, while story about Bahamas, Bateman
casually moving leeks around realize that the end of the story wills
on my plate, which by the way never coming. Bateman wonder and
52 52/PB/F2/IMS is a porcelain triangle. "And even imagine slice his own wrist and
there are many more people I, covered Amstrong’s head with the
uh, want to… want to, well, I blood that spurt from his hand, and
guess murder." I say this even he thought after he left this
emphasizing the last word, place and spend the time in outside
staring straight into this restaurant and back to this
Armstrong's face(p. 158) restaurant again he will found that
Amstrong will still talking about
Bahamas. Then, Bateman finally
said that he feels like living in hell
and really want to kill someone, the
way he emphasizing the word of
murder and point out that word to
Armstrong's face is what he really
thinking. This is indicates that he
acts without thinking; This is
evidence of an inability to control his
"My life is a living hell," I Poor Bahavior While listening Amstrong's long
mention off the cuff, while story about Bahamas, Bateman
casually moving leeks around realize that the end of the story wills
53 53/PB/F2/PBC
on my plate, which by the way never coming. Then, Bateman
is a porcelain triangle. "And finally shout that he really wanna kill
there are many more people I, someone, the way he emphasizing
uh, want to… want to, well, I the word of murder and point out that
guess murder." I say this word to Armstrong's face is what he
emphasizing the last word, really thinking. He driven by his
staring straight into emotions and consumed with
Armstrong's face(p. 158) frustrated, this incident indicates that
because of his inability to control his
impulses, causing him to be unable
to control his emotions and actions,
which shows a lack of ability to
consider the long-term consequences
of his actions.
“Carruthers keeps telling me Grandiose of Self- This is the scene that Bateman with
how nice I look and Evelyn and the other went to live
complimenting my suit. concert. The quote shows Bateman
Evelyn and I are by far the best- feels that he and Evelyn are the best-
54 54/PB/F1/GS
dressed couple. I'm wearing a dressed couple than the others
lamb's wool...(p.160) couple. From Bateman's statement, it
can be seen that he has a narcissistic
nature because he likes to be
complimented by other people. It is
indicate that Bateman feels above of
the other, and feel proud if other
people admired impress by his
"I keep watching Luis and Shallow Affect This is the scene where Bateman
whenever he looks over at our with his friends have lunch in
table I tip my head back and restaurant. While in talking with his
laugh even if what Van Patten friends, Bateman notice Luis, who a
or McDermott's saying isn't lover of Courtney also having lunch
particularly funny, which is in this restaurant. Luis presence's in
practically always. I've this restaurant catches Bateman's
55 55/PB/F1/SA
perfected my fake response to a attention, just when his friends were
degree where it's so natural- busy talking, Bateman didn't really
sounding that no one listen to what they were talking
notices"(p. 175) about, he just faking his reply,
instead his mind was distracted by
the presence of Luis sitting not far
from their table. From the way of his
interaction with his friends indicated
that he appears to have little genuine
through their lives and emotions,
like they all not important and he just
responds to their conversations with
noncommittal or dismissive
comment. This is the evidence of
how Bateman disconnected
emotionally around him.
"Would Courtney like me less if Impulsivity This is the scene where Bateman
Luis was dead? This is the want to catch up with Luis to kill
question I have to face, with no him, who is in the bathroom and
clear answer burning back describes his true thoughts on Luis
across my mind, as I make my and Courtney's relationship.
56 56/PB/F2/IMS
way slowly through the dining Bateman wonders if killing Luis will
room,.... But a physically make Courtney like himself, so
superior, near-perfect-looking Bateman can get Courtney, what he
shallow bitch, and that can really means is he can completely
override anything, except control and manipulate Courtney
maybe bad breath or yellow purely to fulfill his desires. From this
teeth, either of which is a real scene, there are indications that
dealbreaker..."(p.176) Bateman looks like cannot really
control what he thinks and he is
driven by intense emotions of
jealousy through Luis.
"Would Courtney like me less if Lack of Empathy Bateman is about to catch up with
Luis was dead? This is the Luis to kill him, who is in the
question I have to face, with no bathroom and describes his true
clear answer burning back thoughts on Luis and Courtney's
across my mind, as I make my relationship. Bateman wonders if
way slowly through the dining killing Luis can make Courtney like
asked himself and wondered if he
could not laugh or not when he saw
Courtney cry knowing that her lover,
Luis, had died because was killed by
him. From this scene, it indicates that
Bateman doesn't care at all about
other people's feelings, he just seeing
people like object and only wants to
take advantage of other people for
his own desires.
"Would Courtney like me less if Grandiose of Self- Bateman is about to catch up with
Luis was dead? This is the Luis to kill him, Bateman feels
question I have to face, with no superior to Luis, that's why he
clear answer burning back wonder why a girl like Courtney date
58 58/PB/F1/GS across my mind, as I make my with such as Luis who inferior than
way slowly through the dining him. It's look like Bateman got little
room,.... But a physically bit envy and possessive emotionally
superior, near-perfect-looking of Courtney. From this act, It
shallow bitch, and that can indicates that Bateman exhibits
override anything, except instability in his relationships with
maybe bad breath or yellow people around him, or simply he
teeth, either of which is a real struggles to maintain genuine
dealbreaker..."(p.176) emotional connections with others
and even engages in shallow or
insincere interactions.
"Would Courtney like me less if Manipulation for Bateman describe about his true
Personal Gain
Luis was dead? This is the feeling, and it’s clear that his motive
question I have to face, with no just for if he kills Luis right now, he
clear answer burning back will free to used Courtney and
across my mind, as I make my completely control and manipulate
way slowly through the dining Courtney purely to fulfill his desires.
“...he doesn't see me pull out Impulsivity Bateman walking on street and
the knife, the sharpest one, with accidentally sees stranger standing
the serrated edge, and I'm next to a white BMW and carrying a
asking him what he paid for beautiful dog. Bateman decided to
Richard, naturally but also very talk to him and said his dog was so
deliberately, without even beautiful and cute to compliment
looking up to... with a bloodied him. After that, Bateman
glove and start randomly spontaneously took out a knife and
stabbing him in the face and killed the dog, he even killed that
60 60/PB/F2/IMS head, finally slashing his throat stranger right on the side of the
open in two brief chopping street. From this incident, it indicates
motions; an arc of red-brown that without a clear motive or maybe
blood splatters the white BMW because of jealously with that
320i parked at the curb..."(p. stranger because he has a BMW car,
184) or maybe because the dog is an
expensive and treated well, it's
unclear but he can hurt other people
spontaneously without thinking
about the consequences of his
actions. This is evidence of an
inability to control his impulses. He
acts without any thought or
consideration for the impact his
“...he doesn't see me pull out Lack of Empathy Bateman spontaneously took out a
the knife, the sharpest one, with knife and killed the dog with sadistic
the serrated edge, and I'm and then droped to the sidewalk, and
asking him what he paid for right after when that stranger
Richard, naturally but also very screamed and cried seeing the dog's
deliberately, without even lying on the ground covered with
looking up to... with a bloodied blood, he then also stabbing that
61 61/PB/F1/LOE
glove and start randomly stranger, even he shoot his head with
stabbing him in the face and gun just to confirm that he is not
head, finally slashing his throat faking his death, without feeling
open in two brief chopping anything at all as if it was a trivial
motions; an arc of red-brown thing. This incidents, the way he kill
blood splatters the white BMW the dog and that stranger with
320i parked at the curb..." sadistically, indicates that Bateman
(p. 184) seems not to care about such as
feelings whether it's animals or
humans, he only sees them as mere
objects without meaning.
“...he doesn't see me pull out Poor behavior control Bateman spontaneously took out a
the knife, the sharpest one, with knife and killed the dog, he then also
the serrated edge, and I'm killed the stranger without feeling
asking him what he paid for anything at all. From all what he did,
Richard, naturally but also very it indicates of his inability to control
deliberately, without even his impulses, causing him to be
looking up to... with a bloodied unable to control his emotions and
control his behavior from hurting
people around him.
"...I appear in front of the Pathology Lying This is a scene where immediately
D'Agostino's, sales clerks after the incident he killed a dog and
beckoning for me to enter, and its owner a few seconds ago, when
I'm using an expired coupon for Bateman is walking out of an alley,
a box of oat-bran cereal and the he disguises himself by going into a
63 63/PB/F1/PL girl at the checkout counter – fast food restaurant and ordering
black, dumb, slow – doesn't get food. When ordering food, he
it, doesn't notice the expiration deliberately used an expired food
date has passed even though it's voucher.
the only thing I buy, and I get a
small..."(p. 185)
"...I appear in front of the Lack of Remorse This is a scene where immediately
D'Agostino's, sales clerks after the incident he killed a dog and
64 64/PB/F1/LOR
beckoning for me to enter, and its owner a few seconds ago, when
I'm using an expired coupon for Bateman is walking out of an alley,
a box of oat-bran cereal and the he disguises himself by going into a
girl at the checkout counter – fast food restaurant and ordering
black, dumb, slow – doesn't get food. When ordering food, he
it, doesn't notice the expiration deliberately used an expired food
date has passed even though it's voucher. He even muttered, thinking
the only thing I buy, and I get a the cashier was a black woman who
small... I'm running down was stupid and slow. Immediately
Broadway, then up Broadway, after getting his food Bateman left
then down again, screaming the restaurant, after that he take off
like a banshee, my coat open, his coat and screaming like he feels
flying out behind me like some a sense of pleasure or satisfaction
kind of cape."(p. 185) with all what he did a few moments
ago. From all of what he did it is
criminal, but he seems doesn't even
feels any guilt at all.
“...I calm down enough to Shallow Affect From the quote above, Bateman
become totally unangry when didn't get angry when Sabrina took
65 65/PB/F1/SA
she takes off her coat and off her coat and showed her body. It
reveals a hardbody dressed in can be concluded that Bateman looks
tight black peg pants and a shallow, two-faced and can change
flower-print halter top, with the emotions displayed. That way,
black pointytoed high-heeled Bateman doesn't get angry when he
shoes.”(p.190) gets what satisfied.
“but not for long because she's Stimulation seeking This is the scene where Bateman has
interrupted by yet another threesome with 2 girl, from this
orgasm and she lifts her head scene it’s describe how Bateman
up and looks back at me, her take full control with two girls and
face slick with cunt juice, and he feel so enjoyed with the sex. It
she cries out "Fuck me I'm indicates that he is obsessed with sex
coming oh god eat me I'm and just feel sense of euphoria,
66 66/PB/F2/SS
coming" and this spurs me on to
start fucking her ass very hard
while Sabrina keeps eating the
cunt that hangs over her face,
which is covered with Christie's
pussy juice”(p.194)
"You know, Evelyn, there were Superficial charm This is the scene where Bateman
a lot of other Xmas parties in come to Evelyn’s Christmas party.
this metropolis that I could Bateman being late to this party.
have attended tonight yet I Bateman says that he prefers to visit
chose yours. Why? you might Evelyn's Christmas party compared
ask. Why? I asked myself. I to other Christmas parties and gives
didn't come up with a feasible Christmas gifts to Evelyn, making
answer, yet I'm here, so be, you Evelyn feel happy. This action
know, grateful, babe," I say. shows that Bateman knows very well
67 67/PB/F1/SC "Oh, so this is my Christmas how to impress women. The truth is,
present?" she asks, sarcastic. he just used his charm to cover up
"How sweet, Patrick, how because he was late to the party.
"No, this is." I give her a noodle
I just noticed was stuck on my
shirt cuff. "Here."
"Oh Patrick, I'm going to cry,"
she says, dangling the noodle
up to candlelight. "It's
gorgeous. Can I put it on
"Listen, it's late. I'm tired." I Pathology lying Based on the quote above, it can be
fake a yawn. seen that he lied to Evelyn by
"Did I wake you?" she asks pretending to yawn. Even though he
worriedly. "I hope I didn't wake actually wanted to end the phone
68 68/PB/F1/PL
you." conversation. From what happened,
"Yes," I say. "You did. But I it can be seen that Bateman tricked
took your call so it's my fault, Evelyn.
not yours.” (p.244)
“But… what about us? What Unstable This scene where Bateman breakup
about the past?” she asks with Evelyn, he said that Evelyn not
blankly. “The past isn’t real. important to him. It indicates that
69 69/PB/NR/UIR It’s just a dream,” I say. “Don’t Bateman not interested in forming
mention the past.” She narrows emotional connection with her From
her eyes with suspicion. the dialogue it show Evelyn was
surprised by what just Bateman said.
“Do you have something She does not believe that during this
against me, Patrick?” And then time, with their relationship,
the hardness in her face Bateman never considered herself.
changes instantaneously to In this scene Bateman seems little or
expectation, maybe hope. even no emotion from what he said
“Evelyn,” I sigh. “I’m sorry. to Evelyn. Bateman doesn’t care
You’re just… not terribly about Evelyn’s feeling and it
important… to me.”(p.380) indicates that he has inability to build
connection emotionally with people
around him and but just manipulate
for satisfy his desire.
“But… what about us? What Parasitic This scene where Bateman breakup
about the past?” she asks with Evelyn, he said that Evelyn not
blankly. “The past isn’t real. important to him. It indicates that
70 70/PB/F2/PRST It’s just a dream,” I say. “Don’t Bateman not interested in forming
mention the past.” She narrows emotional connection with her, but
her eyes with suspicion. rather just manipulate her for his
personal gain and uses her just like
“Do you have something disposable object for sex like
against me, Patrick?” And then throughout the story of the novel.
the hardness in her face
changes instantaneously to
expectation, maybe hope.
“Evelyn,” I sigh. “I’m sorry.
You’re just… not terribly
important… to me.” (p.380)
“Do you have something Lack of Remorse This scene where Bateman breakup
against me, Patrick?” And then with Evelyn, he said that Evelyn not
the hardness in her face important to him. After Bateman
changes instantaneously to said hurtful to Evelyn, Bateman
expectation, maybe hope. didn't show any guilt at all; he even
71 71/PB/F1/LOR
“Evelyn,” I sigh. “I’m sorry. decided to just walk away after
You’re just…not terribly arguing endlessly with Evelyn. This
important… to me.” (p.380) shows that Bateman doesn’t care
with such as other feeling and just
using her, seeing her as an object.
“But… what about us? What Irresponsibility This scene where Bateman breakup
about the past?” she asks with Evelyn, he said that Evelyn not
blankly. “The past isn’t real. important to him and he doesn’t care
It’s just a dream,” I say. “Don’t with her feelings about falling love
mention the past.” She narrows with him. It indicates that he is
her eyes with suspicion. emotionally irresponsible by using
“Do you have something women for his own pleasure without
72 72/PB/F2/IRS
against me, Patrick?” And then any concern for feelings. This is the
the hardness in her face evidence that show his
changes instantaneously to irresponsibility of feelings or
expectation, maybe hope. emotionally.
“Evelyn,” I sigh. “I’m sorry.
You’re just…not terribly
important… to me.” (p.380)