Io TBased Irrigation System Poweredby Solar
Io TBased Irrigation System Poweredby Solar
Io TBased Irrigation System Poweredby Solar
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All content following this page was uploaded by Kiran Kumar B M on 25 October 2020.
Irrigation of the agricultural sector is a major problem facing most farmers now a days. The problems associated with
irriagation are over-irrigation, under-irrigation and manual labour. This paper presents a solar powered IoT(Internet od
Things) based irrigation system for paddy fields to have an insightful approach for overcoming labour-intensive work and
also to track the water management system. The mian aim is to diminish conventional methods of irrigation and support an
intelligent way of watering the paddy fileds to conserve water and limit the over or under irriagation. The system is designed
to be powered by a photovoltaic panel that enables smooth operation even during power cuts. The microcontroller is the
heart of the device. Two microcontrollers are used to process the data, one of which is integrated with a humidity sensor, a
temperature sensor and a humidity sensor. The inputs from these sensors are fed to the first microcontroller and these values
are used to activate a solenoid valve that starts irrigation on the basis of soil moisture requirements. The output of the fisrt
microcontroller is also fed to the second microcontroller unit, and the data is fed to the ThingSpeak platform, a cloud server
powered by Mathworks. Thus, the irrigation cycle takes place without human intervention and can be tracked remotely from
any part of the world.
KeyWords: Arduino, Humidity, Internet of Things, Irrigation, ThingSpeak, Temperature
Agriculture plays an important role in our country's
growth. Problems related to agricultural often methods that strengthen the proper irrigation
hamper the economy [1]. The population of India system. Also, to utilize the abundantly available
has reached 1.3 billion, and is rising day by day. At solar energy as a source of energy to the proposed
the current pace, significant problems will emerge concept also contributes to uninterrupted running
with food shortages and water consumption. Also, of the process.
the farmers now use an age-old methodology for The researchers have proposed various automatic
irrigation for paddy that is known to be ineffective irrigation system based on GSM and SPRS in the
[2]. To date most farmers have been using past decade [6-11]. The major drawbacks of the
conventional farming irrigation techniques. proposed systems are automated drip system is
Particularly for paddy, where they use a technique very sensitive to clogging, costly and human error
known as flood irrigation in which water is left in setting the control values.
standing during the growing season. Nearly 50%
of the water percolates into the soil and another
20% evaporates and the remaining 30% is what the The proposed system is designed to power by solar
crop needs. This paper focuses primarily on energy. The charge controller is used between the
addressing the problem of over-irrigation, under- battery and the solar panel to prevent the power
irrigation and manual labour. In addition it saves from flowing back to the panel, to regulate the
the farmer's time, money and electric energy. power flow and the circuit will also prevent the
Knowledge in electronics and computing has been battery from being overcharged. The energy is fed
used in recent years to solve most of the challenges from the charge controller into the entire device.
in agriculture [3-5]. The microcontroller had been The system is further divided into two major units
at the forefront of the electronics revolution. namely control unit and receiving unit
Together with various sensors the microcontroller
a. Control Unit
is used to calculate and monitor physical quantities
such as temperature, humidity, heat and light. The control unit is the heart of the system. It
This paper proposes an IoT-based paddy irrigation consists of an Arduino UNO which has Atmel320p
system powered by solar energy, A clever micro-controller and it acts as the brain of the
approach for managing labor intensive work and system thereby controlling all the devices
even for regulating water management systems. connected to it [12-15]. The YL-69 soil moisture
The key objective is to reduce traditional watering sensor, DHT-11 humidity and temperature sensor,
methods and to encourage genuine water use 5V single channel and 12V solenoid valve is
Fig. 6 Operational diagram for the system Fig. 8 Solar cell voltage regulator circuit diagram
As shown in Fig. 6 it can be seen that the given threshold The charge controller uses a LM317 voltage regulator.
value for the triggering action of the actuators are The LM317 is a three-terminal positive voltage regulator
specified. If the soil moisture percentage or temperature that can produce more than 1.5A over a voltage output
of soil drops below the threshold value, the solenoid range of 1.25 V to 37 V. Setting the output voltage only
valve is triggered, else it doesn't irrigate the field. And requires two external resistors. It includes current
simultaneously the data will be transferred to the restricting, defense against thermal overload and safe
internet. Prototype of the proposed model is shown in defense of operating area. The specifications of the
Fig. 7 circuit is shown in Table. 2
In the proposed model, main control unit senses moisture
content and soil temperature. A fixed value is used as Table 2. Specifications of the circuit
reference to trigger the solenoid valve. If the temperature Parameter Value
is 400c and humidity is 50%, the irrigation starts. The Output voltage 1.25 - 37V
relay coil gets a signal from Arduino to trigger the Voltage differential 3 - 40V
solenoid valve. Assuming the water is present in the tank, Operating temperature 0-125 °C
the water starts flowing through the valve. Further, after Max. output current 1.5 A
some time, once the moisture content reached 100% and Min. load current 3.5 to 1 mA
temperature dropped to 300C, the process stops
Thermal resistance 80 °C/W
immediately. The process repeats itself again and again.
Thermal resistance 4 °C/W
Simultaneously the moisture percentage, temperature
and humidity will be transferred to the ThingSpeak
platform through the nRF24L01 for monitoring purpose. ThingSpeak Platform
ThingSpeak platform is free web server and a web page
run by MATLAB. This platform receives information
from devices linked to the internet. And then the website
shows the data in the form of graphs. The homepage of
the ThingSpeak Platform is as shown in Fig. 9.
The water is poured into the burette and placed on the
stand as shown in the Fig. 10. Sensor of soil moisture is
put in the soil and positioned under the burette stand. The
Arduino is programmed with the code necessary for
processing and open the valve of the burette. Small
amount of water is allowed to pour as per the changes in
readings. Finally the results are tabulated as shown in
Table. 4 and plotted on the graph as shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 12 Data transferred to ThingSpeak platform
Table 4. Readings of soil moisture sensor
The temperature, humidity and soil moisture being
Sl Volume Reading of Reading of transferred to the ThinSpeak platform. The time of the
No of water soil moisture soil data transfer can also be noted from the graphs. The data
(mL) sensor for moisture is uploaded four times in a minute. It can be changed by
Black soil sensor for increasing or decreasing the delay in the program. Thus
red soil we can monitor the changes happening in the field using
1 0 913 917 this system. Also this system being automatic, it reduces
2 2 496 589 labour issues. The other main advantage of using this
3 6 355 400 system is that we don't need internet connectivity in the
4 20 326 350 field like other existing technology. It just needs Wi-Fi
in the home of the farmer.
5 25 307 308
6 30 292 293 5. CONCLUSIONS
7 40 290 290
This paper proposed the issues related to irrigation
system and an innovative method to solve the problems
faced by farmers. Over irrigation and under irrigation is