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Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

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Applied Energy
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Optimization of building envelope design for nZEBs in Mediterranean

climate: Performance analysis of residential case study
Fabrizio Ascione, Ph.D. (Researcher) a, Rosa Francesca De Masi b,⇑, Filippo de Rossi, Ph.D. (Full Professor) b,
Silvia Ruggiero, Ph.D. (Student) b, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli, Ph.D. (Associate Professor) b
University of Naples, DII – Department of Industrial Engineering, Piazzale Tecchio, 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
University of Sannio, DING – Department of Engineering, Piazza Roma, 21, 82100 Benevento, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s

 Dynamic simulation tool and multi-objective optimization algorithm are combined.

 Design criteria for residential nZEB in Mediterranean climate are discussed.
 Passive strategies for opaque and transparent building envelope are compared.
 PCM, cool roof, different walls’ and window technologies, shading systems are examined.
 Minimization of energy demand is studied, by assuming discomfort as constraint.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Design criteria for a residential nZEB in Mediterranean climate are discussed. The integrated design pro-
Received 28 July 2016 cedure focuses on the problem of a large number of available building variants concerning the building
Received in revised form 7 September 2016 envelope. The aim is to search the ones that minimize winter and summer energy demand without com-
Accepted 9 September 2016
promising thermal comfort.
Available online 22 September 2016
The adopted methodological approach combines the use of dynamic energy simulation tool
(EnergyPlus), based on a one-dimensional conduction finite difference solution method, and a con-
strained multi-objective optimization algorithm. For four cities (Madrid, Nice, Naples, Athens), several
Building envelope
Passive design
passive strategies are compared: thermal properties of the building envelope, adoption of phase change
Multi-objective optimization materials with different melting temperatures, cool roof solutions, several window/wall ratio values,
Dynamic simulation some external and internal shading systems. The results allow to evidence that it is difficult to under-
nZEB stand the best trade-off between summer and winter performance, by assuring high standard of thermal
comfort when the aim is to reach NZEB objectives in Mediterranean climate. However, some guidelines
are indicated, starting from the discussed results.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction: nZEBs in Mediterranean climate Buildings are responsible for more than one third of the total
energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions, both in
Economic and environmental challenges have contributed to developed and developing countries [2]. While buildings embody
intensify, in recent years, national and international efforts to pro- significant environmental impact, they also represent one of the
mote sustainable growth. Building sector can help to accelerate sectors where significant mitigations can be achieved at low cost
progress towards sustainable development through, for example, for the society.
more sustainable use of natural resources, efficiency in the use of Residential and commercial buildings consume approximately
energy and valuation of ecosystem impacts [1]. 60% of the world’s electricity [3]; in Europe, the residential sector
requires 27% of the total energy and it contributes proportionally
to the emission of CO2 [4]. Some studies show the impact of energy
⇑ Corresponding author. efficiency measures related to refrigerators, washing machines, air
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Ascione), [email protected] conditioners, televisions and heating and cooling service [5,6].
(R.F. De Masi), [email protected] (F. de Rossi), [email protected] Huang and Hwang [7], for residential apartments in Taipei, have
(S. Ruggiero), [email protected] (G.P. Vanoli).

0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 939


DEc percentage reduction of the cooling demand [%] Ur thermal transmittance of roof slab [W/m2 K]
cp specific heat [J/kg K] Uslab thermal transmittance of the slab on the ground
EER energy efficiency ratio of chiller [Wthermal/Welectric] [W/m2 K]
fd decrement factor Uw thermal transmittance of wall [W/m2 K]
g solar factor [%] WWR window-to-wall ratio [%]
Ms thermal mass [kg/m2] YIE periodic thermal transmittance [W/m2 K]
PMV predicted mean vote [–] Ms thermal mass of a building component [kg/m2]
PPD predicted percentage of dissatisfied [%]
s thickness [m] Greek letters
S/V surface to volume ratio [m 1] asolar solar absorptance [%]
Tf melting temperature of PCM [°C] einfrared infrared emissivity [%]
Tmr mean radiant temperature [°C] k thermal conductivity [W/m K]
To operative temperature [°C] q density [kg/m3]
U stationary thermal transmittance [W/m2 K] u time lag [h]
Ug glass thermal transmittance [W/m2 K] v internal areal heat capacity [kJ/m2 K]
Upartition thermal transmittance of partition [W/m2 K]

observed that cooling demand could increase of 31%, 59%, and 82% the ZEB definitions have to be considered: Net zero site energy; Net
over current levels respectively for the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s. zero source energy; Net zero-energy costs; Net zero-energy
Thus, they have underlined an urgent need to regulate the exces- emissions.
sive use of cooling systems, also by remodeling existing buildings The European Commission overview document [12] has estab-
with passive design measures. lished that the definition of nZEB is a task that should be defined
More in general, the results in terms of energy footprint show at national level. Today, where there is a numerical indicator for
that the generalization of the living standards from the so-called residential buildings, the energy demand varies between
highly developed countries to the rest of the world would require 33 kW h/(m2 y) in Croatia and 95 kW h/(m2 y) in Latvia, with a
a substantial increase in the global energy use rates. Discussions majority of countries aiming at 45–50 kW h/(m2 y). Few Member
and new solutions for energy efficiency in building sector are thus States have adopted objectives that go beyond nZEB requirements,
indisputable [7]. and thus the targets of net zero-energy buildings (ZEBs) in Nether-
Recently, the aim to reduce energy consumption in buildings lands, positive-energy buildings in Denmark and France, carbon
has led to Zero Energy Building (ZEB) goal. In Europe, the recast neutral new buildings in Germany and zero carbon standard in
of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU) [8] the UK. The report of Erhorn and Erhorn-Kluttig [13] shows that,
requires that ‘‘Member States shall ensure that by 31 December in terms of envelope technology, buildings have brick-concrete
2020, all new buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings and after walls or wooden frame. Transmittance value (U-value) for wall var-
31 December 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public ies between 0.07 and 1.97 W/(m2 K); the mean value for the roof
authorities are nearly zero‐energy buildings”. According to EPBD slab is 0.14 W/(m2 K). Existing nZEBs have generally low-e-
recast, ‘‘nearly zero‐energy building – nZEB” means an edifice that coated triple-glazed windows with an average thermal transmit-
has a very high energy performance, and the nearly zero or very tance of 1.14 W/(m2 K); the examples with double glazing are
low amount of energy required should be covered to a very signif- mostly located in Southern Europe.
icant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy By considering the report about the progress of Member States
from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby. [14], for buildings already completed, the improvement compared
The efforts done in these years through application of EU Direc- to national requirements ranges between 21% (France) to 90% (Por-
tives on the energy efficiency have improved significantly the tugal). Moreover, the renewable integration has minimum value of
energy performances of new constructions (above all for what con- 21% in France and maximum value in Italy (67%), meanwhile addi-
cerns the behavior in the heating season) and partially of the stock tional costs compared to conventional building are not always
of existing buildings, but the path to fully achieve the nZEB objec- declared: in Italy, it is 378 €/m2, while in Bulgaria it is around
tive seems still long. 130 €/m2.
In this paper, the design criteria for a residential nZEB built in In various studies carried out by the Passive House Institute, it
Mediterranean climate are discussed. According to this aim, first has been shown that passive house is an ideal basis for the defini-
of all, the present nZEB standards for residential sector in Europe tion of the Nearly Zero Energy Building. Several examples are avail-
are discussed, then a brief review of design solutions investigated able in many European countries. At the Polytechnic University of
by researchers is proposed. Timisoara [15], an experimental program was developed to
demonstrate that the application of passive house design princi-
1.1. nZEB standards in Mediterranean climate ples could be an alternative solution for energy-efficient buildings,
by reflecting the Romanian local climate conditions, materials, and
Presently, the nZEB concept is described with a wide range of construction techniques. Really, during the design phase, passive
approaches [9,10]. The most important issues are: the metric of design strategies and available renewable sources should be care-
the balance, the balancing period, the types of energy use included fully considered. AlAjmi et al. [16] have demonstrated, for hot cli-
in the balance, the kind of energy balance, the accepted renewable mate, the possibility of converting a public building from
energy supply options, the connection to the energy infrastructure, inefficient energy consumer into a nZEB through cost effective
the requirements of energy efficiency and the indoor microclimate. energy efficient measures and integration of solar energy systems.
As stated by Marszal et al. [11], four general principles concerning Moreover Colclough et McGrath have described how a low-energy
940 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

building has achieved nearly zero energy heating through the addi- storage wall (Type II). They have concluded that in Type II, the
tion of a solar domestic hot water and space heating system with a energy and exergy efficiencies are greater than in the first type,
seasonal thermal energy store [17]. under the same operational conditions.
However, as underlined by Lu et al. [18], there is no exact De Gracia et al. [27] have presented a new type of ventilated
approach for the design and control of buildings to achieve the facade with macro-encapsulated PCM. Two identical test-
nearly/net zero energy target. This is mainly due to complex inter- cubicles, located in Puigverd de Lleida (Spain), were monitored
play of energy production/consumption/storage systems as well during summer 2012. The experimental results have demonstrated
as the automatically and manually controlled systems/elements the high potential of night free cooling effect in reducing the cool-
in highly integrated buildings. Thus, energy forecasting models ing loads; it can prevent successfully the overheating effect
are essential to building energy control and operation [19]. About between the PCM solidification and melting periods, being the
it, Connolly et al. [20] have proposed a review of different com- temperature of the air inside the cavity even lower compared to
puter tools that can be used to analyse the integration of renew- the outdoor environments during the peak load.
able energy. More recently, Li et al. [21] have developed high The experimental study of Rehman [28] has showed that if the
fidelity energy forecasting model for a building cluster with mul- standard building material, i.e. solid concrete, is retrofitted with
tiple buildings and distributed energy systems; this utilizes multi- polyisocyanurate and reflective coatings or completely replaced
objective optimizations to determine the operation strategies: with energy-efficient dry insulation material wall, energy savings
building temperature set-point, energy storage charging and dis- up to an average of 7.6–25.3% can be achieved. Ibrahim et al.
charging schedules, etc. By means of hybrid Genetic Algorithm [29] have presented a new thermal insulating rendering based on
and Monte Carlo simulation approach, for a cluster of Net Zero silica aerogels. Results show that the optimum rendering thickness
Energy Buildings, Garshasbi et al. [22] have shown that about is in the range of 1.7–4.4 cm and the payback period in the range of
60–100% of total daily generated renewable energy was consumed 1.4–2.7 years depending on the climate. Iyi et al. [30] have ana-
by NZEBs. The minimum grid dependency was observed in June lyzed the impact, on the behavior of the DSF, of the tilt angles of
and July where around 11.2% and 9.9% of required electricity venetian blinds, as well as their position. Moreover, Barbosa and
was supplied from the central energy grid, respectively. Ip [31] have identified three groups of parameters affecting the
Discussions about existing nZEBs suggest that the objective of thermal and energy performance of buildings with DSFs. These
nearly zero consumption, mainly for Mediterranean residential are the ‘façade’ parameters, which comprise the features of the
sector, can be achieved only through a mix of solutions that must cavity and the external layer of the façade; the ‘building’ parame-
be evaluated in every single case. Passive bioclimatic solutions (i.e., ters, which are those related to the physical configurations of the
choosing natural and local materials, using thermal inertia and nat- building; and the ‘site’ parameters, which are related to the effects
ural ventilation), high efficient active systems (equipment and of the outdoor environmental conditions on the building and the
HVAC plants) and the most effective use of the renewable energies DSF behaviors. Peng et al. [32] have shown that a ventilated photo-
(not only solar, but also micro wind turbines, geothermic etc.) voltaic double-skin facade at Berkeley can reduce net electricity
should be integrated. use by about 50% compared with other commonly used glazing
1.2. Passive technologies and bioclimatic approach for nZEB design The use of PCMs in buildings seems to be quite beneficial.
Indeed, PCMs can decrease energy consumption, shift the peak
The ‘‘nearly zero energy challenge in warm and Mediterranean loads of cooling energy demand, decrease temperature fluctuations
climates” report identifies ten main strategies to design nZEB in by providing a thermally comfortable environment, and reduce the
Mediterranean climate [23], recognizing also that the inhabitants’ electricity consumption. A review of PCM applications for cooling
involvement is a key element. First of all, this report underlines purposes and about factors affecting the effectiveness of PCMs
that the bio-climatic urban development, the housing typology has been by Souayfane et al. [33]. Kenisarin and Mahkamov [34]
and orientation can positively or negatively affect the energy and have analyzed the state of the art in R&D on integration of phase
environmental performance of building. An accurate use of both change materials into building structures for their passive thermal
green areas and water, attention to the climatic factors, the use control as gypsum wallboards, concretes, porous and other materi-
of natural and local materials as well as an accurate selection of als. Alam et al. [35], by using five different phase change tempera-
the materials for covering and flooring can also contribute to the ture ranges, with reference to eight Australian cities, have
reduction of energy need and to improve comfort in winter and concluded that potential of PCMs strongly depends on local
summer, inside and outside the dwellings. Agugliaro et al. [24] weather, thermostat range, thickness and surface area. Different
have examined the concept of bioclimatic architecture. Italy, Spain PCMs were found to be effective during times of the year. Depend-
and Brazil are the countries with higher interest in this matter. ing on local weather, the integration of PCMs is resulted in 17–23%
However, among the more modern strategies, there are: thin build- annual energy savings, with the exception of hot and humid cities
ing integrated photovoltaic films on buildings; spraying of water like Darwin.
on roofs; placement of buried pipes as heat exchangers, for pre- Panayiotou et al. [36] have evaluated the application of macro-
heating and cooling the ventilation air. encapsulated PCM, on the envelope of a typical dwelling in the
nZEB design requires correct mix of active and passive systems, Mediterranean region. The energy saving achieved by the addition
of renewable energies and integration of monitoring system. In our of PCM layer on the envelope of the test cubicle, compared to the
brief review, according to the aim of the proposed study, only mea- base case (no insulation), is resulted between 21.7 and 28.6%.
sures for improving the behavior of the building envelope are con- A novel active building integrated photovoltaic thermoelectric
sidered. Omrany et al. [25] have identified some efficient walls’ wall system has been proposed by Luo et al. [37]; the simulation
solutions: Trombe walls, autoclaved aerated concrete walls, double results showed that when indoor air temperature is 24 °C, the
skin walls (DSFs), phase change materials (PCMs) and green walls. thickness and thermal conductivity of insulation is 0.04 m and
Duan et al. [26] recently have compared the thermal performance 0.05 W/m K, this wall can reduce about 70% daily heat gain com-
of two different types of Trombe walls: one is equipped with an pared with traditional wall in typical day simulation. Instead,
absorber plate pasted on the thermal storage wall (Type I) and building integrated photovoltaic-thermal multifunctional roofing
one with absorber plate placed between glass cover and thermal panel has been developed by Chen [38].
F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 941

Cool and green roofs are two innovative techniques to reduce 2. Motivation of a new study: aims and methodology
building energy requirements for cooling and to improve indoor
thermal comfort conditions. In recent years, important experimen- Nearly or net zero edifices can be built only if in the early design
tal and numerical studies have been carried out to demonstrate stage, designers have appropriate building performance informa-
cool roof efficacy in different climatological contexts [39,40] and tion for a certain destination of use and climatic condition. Very
for different construction and occupancy typologies. Recently, often, building configuration is selected basing on designers’ expe-
Pisello and Cotana [41] have discussed the possibility of applying riences that could ignore performance of new envelope technolo-
an innovative ‘‘cool roof” solution, consisting of a prototyped cool gies or achievable efficiency of actual active systems. Really,
clay tile, on a traditional residential building in central Italy. The designers should consider the largest number of design possibili-
year-round analysis has shown that the proposed cool roof solu- ties, and solve a multidisciplinary problem with contrasting objec-
tion produces a maximum effect of decreasing summer peak tives (e.g. minimization of costs and energy demand, maximization
indoor overheating of the attic by up to 4.7 °C. Moreover, the study of indoor comfort). Surely, a correct design approach requires
of Revel et al. [42] has confirmed that significant improvements building energy performance simulations, but this procedural
can be obtained also by working on the facade, especially for
method is time-intensive and involves complex processes.
high-rise buildings. Of course, the design criteria affect greatly both
According to this aim, the proposed investigation want suggest
technologies, as stated by Ascione et al., by means of extended
original guidelines for design nearly zero-energy building in typical
studies, with reference to cool colors [43] and vegetation on the
Mediterranean climate. More in detail, optimization techniques,
building roof [44].
coupled with building performance simulation tools, are used to
The increase of insulation levels as well as of airtightness and
support designers in identifying the most suitable sets of technical
the enhancement of solar control capabilities are useful aspects
solutions for building envelope, in order to guarantee at the same
in the design of components, but the role of dynamic thermal prop-
time a comfortable indoor environment and a minimum energy
erties on the energy performance cannot be underestimated. As
underlined by Aste et al. [45], the positive effect of thermal capac-
About this matter, Echenagucia et al. [51], for office building in
ity appears to be relevant for moderate climates and intermediate
Palermo, Torino, Frankfurt and Oslo, have investigated different
seasons, where it can work as a stabilizing factor of the thermal
configurations by varying thickness of the masonry walls; number,
dynamics of the whole building system.
shape and placement of windows; glazing characteristics of the
Design optimization problems of window size and façade orien-
windows. Also Lin et al. [52] have studied designing envelope
tation have been investigated many times. Mangkuto et al. [46]
have presented a simulation study to investigate the influence of configurations of office building with the low construction cost
window-to-wall ratio (WWR), wall reflectance and window orien- and energy consumption. Moreover, several studies have dis-
tation on various daylight metrics and lighting energy demand, in cussed innovative methodologies for optimizing the thermo-
simple buildings located in tropical climate. The optimum solution, physical properties of the building envelope [53] and for select
with the least mean distance from the utopia points, has resulted the mix of renewable energy systems [54] also considering three
the combination of WWR  30%, wall reflectance of 0.8, and south design objectives [55] and thus minimization of cost, minimiza-
orientation. Goia [47] has studied the optimal WWR in different tion of energy consumption and maximization of occupant com-
European climates for an office building with the aim to minimize fort level.
energy use for heating, cooling and lighting. The results have indi- As said also in Section 1.2, several articles have proposed stud-
cated that ideal values can be found in the range 0.30–0.45. Only ies about the use of building technologies and optimization tech-
south-oriented facades could require WWR values outside this niques to support designers. However, there are not papers that
range in very cold or very warm climates. Firlag et al. [48] have analyze, for residential kind of use, multiple configurations for
pointed out that for residential building, the use of automated building envelope by varying, simultaneously, transparent compo-
shading systems can reduce the site energy in the range of 11.6– nents, different technologies for opaque walls, spectral characteris-
13.0% and that the control algorithms have a strong influence on tics of roof, thickness and type of insulation material. Moreover,
the effectiveness of shades. Basing on the thermal performance not very often, applications of innovative solutions as double layers
of a reference room located in the climate region of Coimbra, of PCM are discussed, and the charging and discharging cycle are
Amaral et al. [49] have concluded that large glazing areas facing not simulated assuming that both indoor and outdoor loads are
north are not particularly poor in terms of thermal performances, present.
since gains through sky diffuse radiation compensate partly the Briefly, in this paper a multi-objective optimization is applied in
thermal losses. order to provide the best compromise between transparent envel-
Finally, Bruno et al. [50] have presented a parametric analysis ope solutions, thermal mass of the building and radiative charac-
for an innovative prototype of passive building, located in south teristics of roof in simple residential building located in four
Italy and for residential use. Their main conclusions are: different cities of the Mediterranean climate. Results could be use-
fully considered by designers because these allow to know effect of
 transparent surfaces with low solar gain coefficients south fac- selection for numerousness kind of solutions. Moreover, results
ing are penalizing; could orient experimental research with the aim to deepen certain
 an appropriate insulation thickness in the ground floor must be solutions for hot climate.
chosen; The proposed approach for case study is shown in Fig. 1. It con-
 a fixed overhang on south exposure slightly modifies the energy sists of optimization process with two sequential phases.
performance indexes; First of all, the multi-objective optimization problem is posed.
 the role of free cooling during the nocturnal hours, is substantial The methodology for solving an optimization problem can be sub-
in summer; divided in several main steps, that, also using the analysis frame-
 windows with triple pane are also appropriate for the south work suggested by Samuelson et al. [56], can be summarized as
exposure; following:
 the employment of sand and wood panels in dry assembled
walls confers them appropriate thermal inertia reaching satis- a. Select objective functions (Section 3.1);
factory thermal dynamic characteristics. b. Define problem constraints (Section 3.2);
942 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 1. Outline of adopted methodological approach.

c. Choose design variables and discuss potential confounding – Minimization of heating load [kW h]: energy demand to set
variables (Section 3.3); comfort operative temperature during the winter period con-
d. Choose simulation software and appropriate weather files sidering heat losses through building envelope, ventilation
(Section 3.4); and inner gains;
e. Describe model and specify model assumptions (Section 3.5); – Minimization of cooling load [kW h]: amount of heat energy to
f. Run parametric simulations and detect the configurations of be removed from a house to maintain indoor design tempera-
design variables that minimize selected objectives (Section 4). ture due to sensible and latent heat gains.

Since several solutions can represent optimal trade-offs, the

decision-maker can select the best one according to his criteria 3.2. Constraints
[57]. In particular, final outcome is the Pareto front [58], which is
the set of the non-dominated solutions. In the proposed approach, As underlined by Carlucci et al. [59], very often optimization
among Pareto points, three solutions will be selected and discussed algorithms have been used to maximize the energy performance
for further analysis: of buildings, by giving secondary importance to thermal comfort
and usually neglecting visual comfort and the indoor air quality.
 optWint: solution that minimizes the heating demand; The proposed study takes into account the indoor thermal com-
 optSum: solution the minimizes the cooling demand; fort, using the hours of discomfort as limiting constraint for deter-
 optTOT: solution for which the energy overall demand is mining the Pareto front solutions. More in detail, it has been
minimized. chosen that the annual value of discomfort hours should be less
than 350 h. Comfort conditions have been expressed as the combi-
Only for the configuration that minimizes the energy overall nation of humidity ratio and operative temperature included in the
demand, also the application of a PCM plaster on internal or exter- ASHRAE 55-2004 (Fig. 2) summer or winter clothes’ regions.
nal side of all vertical facades has been taken into account. Numer- For these outputs, the operative temperature is simplified to be
ical tools can simulate materials with variable properties such as the average of the air temperature and the mean radiant tempera-
PCMs by using one-dimensional conduction finite difference solu- ture. For the cooling and heating seasons, the 0.5 Clo and 1.0 Clo
tion algorithm. CondFD discretizes walls, floors, and ceilings into levels were used, respectively. This option implies that solutions
several nodes and uses an implicit finite difference scheme to failing the constraint requirement are not included on the Pareto
numerically solve the appropriate heat transfer equations. This Front.
method is very reliable, but models require higher computational
power; moreover the coupling of different numerical schemes is 3.3. Design variables
too complex. Moreover time steps 63 min should be used. In this
paper, to avoid very long computational timing, PCMs have been These are the elements of the model that are to be allowed to
considered only in the second step of procedure with discrete eval- vary during the optimization analysis. More in detail, tested
uations performing dedicated simulations. Different melting tem- parameters include several early-design phase decisions, such as
peratures have been analyzed for a commercial product (see window to wall ratios, glazing components, external and internal
Section 5 for technical data) with the aim to minimize summer shading systems, spectral characteristics of last layer of roof slab
energy need. The percentage reduction of the cooling demand and opaque envelope constructions by varying technology, thick-
(DEc), for all considered scenarios, has been evaluated and the ness and type of insulation material.
improvement of indoor comfort conditions as well as the overheat- More in detail, the WWR has been varied between 15% and 80%
ing risk with PCM adoption have been examined. assuming an optimization step of 2%. Several solutions of double
and triple-glazed windows have been considered by varying the
3. Case study: optimization problem and building description type of glass: clear, low-emissive (LoE) spectral coating and selec-
tive coating (LoE Spec Sel). Overhangs and projection Louvre have
The analysis framework presented in the previous section is been tested as external shading system. Different blade depths
explained in detail for the case study. have been selected but all systems are made of white painted steel.
Blind with medium reflectivity slats, drapes and shade roll have
3.1. Objective functions been compared for internal shade.
Table 1 shows all variables concerning typologies of glazing and
In order to evaluate the optimized solutions, the following two shading system. Please, note that Ug is glass thermal transmittance
targets have been taken into consideration: and g is the solar factor.
F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 943

Fig. 2. Comfort range according to the standard ASHRAE 55-2004.

For all simulations, the window frame has been considered In Italy, often, external walls are made of autoclaved aerated con-
wooden made meanwhile the window blind type and the local crete blocks with external thermal insulation but also wood and
shading type have been put on all exposures. wood-fiber walls. The most diffused slab type is mixed brick and
In order to determine the effect of internal inertia, six types of cement with insulation.
walls were developed, by assuming similar values of stationary Taking into account previous analysis, Fig. 3 describes layers for
thermal transmittance (U) and periodic thermal transmittance studied walls (‘‘s” thickness, ‘‘k” thermal conductivity, ‘‘cp” specific
(YIE) within the limits indicated by energy saving regulations. heat, ‘‘q” density). In detail, Wall 1 is made of innovative interlock-
The solutions selected for building envelope take into account ing brick with holes filled with rock-wool insulations meanwhile
the most common technologies in selected countries and also some bricks of Wall 4 have holes filled, at the last phase of productive
interesting market solutions for high performance building. process, with expanded polystyrene (EPS). Wall 2 and wall 5 are
Indeed, considering TABULA WebTool [60] to understand charac- made of autoclaved cellular concrete with different values for den-
teristics of national residential buildings stock, the case study has sity. Moreover, Wall 6 is a traditional brick wall with hollow blocks
been modeled according to technologies diffused after the Second and external wooden fiber insulation. Finally, by taking into
World War and thus with use of reinforced concrete for the struc- account development of studies and new available technologies
tural parts (i.e., pillars, beams and joists) and hollow clay blocks or regarding earthquake engineering, Wall 3 is based on cross-
concrete blocks with external insulation for the opaque vertical laminated panels (XLAM).
envelope. Ceiling and floor with insulated reinforced concrete or Table 2 shows the value of thermal transmittance and the main
mixed brick-concrete slab are mostly diffused. Moreover, taking dynamic parameters as periodic thermal transmittance, internal
into account existing NZEBs [12], it is obtained that these have or areal heat capacity (v), thermal mass (Ms), decrement factor (fa)
structure with cellular concrete insulated with polystyrene or brick and time lag (/).
walls insulated with mineral wool (e.g. in France). The ceilings are Moreover, for all kind of walls, different insulation materials
usually made of reinforced concrete with mineral-wool insulation. have been tested as well as different thicknesses (5, 10, 15,
20 cm). More in detail, four insulation materials have been chosen:
expanded polystyrene (k  0.035 W/m K q  30 kg/m3), rock-wool
Table 1
Variable for glazing components.
(k  0.047 W/m K, q  92 kg/m3), wood fiber (k  0.038 W/m K,
q  50 kg/m3), panel of wood and Portland cement (k  0.075
Variable Description W/m K, q  40 kg/m3).
Window to wall ratio Selected floors differ both for the materials whose are com-
Min value 15%; Max value 80% Optimization_step 2% posed as well as for the production process. More in detail, the first
Glazing type type is the most diffuse technology in Europe (roof 1) and thus it is
– Dbl Clr 6/13/6 Argon: Ug  2.55 W/(m2 K), g = 0.70 a brick-concrete floor with external insulation (EPS). Instead, the
– Dbl LoE (e2 = 1) 6/13/6 Argon: Ug  1.55 W/(m2 K), g = 0.56
– Dbl LoE Spec Sel 6/13/6 Argon: Ug  1.33 W/(m2K), g = 0.42
second type is a wooden roof with cross-laminated elements. The
– Dbl Refl 6/13/6 Argon: Ug  2.55 W/(m2 K), g = 0.34 material layers of the roof are reported in Fig. 4 and all perfor-
– Trp LoE Spec Sel (e2 = e5 = 1) 4/10/4/10/4 Argon: Ug  0.81 mance parameters are indicated. The optimization problem
W/(m2 K), g = 0.51 includes different thicknesses of insulation material (5, 10, 15,
– Trp LoE 3/13/3 Argon: Ug  1.62 W/(m2 K), g = 0.68
20 cm) for both roof types.
– Trp LoE Spec Sel (e2 = e5 = 1) 6/13/6/13/6 Air: Ug  1.22
W/(m2 K), g = 0.36 With reference to all simulated configurations, an insulated
concrete structure has been considered for the slab on the ground
Local shading type
– No shading (Uslab  0.25 W/(m2 K), YIE  0.001 W/(m2 K)). The partition walls
– Projection Louvre from 0.5 to 1.5 m have wooden structures, with clay plasters on both the sides
– Overhang from 0.5 to 2.0 m (Upartition = 0.76 W/m2K).
Window blind type With reference to the radiative behavior of the sun-exposed
– None surfaces of the roof, multiple sets of solar reflectance and infrared
– Blind with medium reflectivity slats emissivity have been considered.
– Drapes open weave medium
– Shade roll – medium opaque
More in detail, 15 discrete values have been considered for the
solar absorptance of the outer roof surface (i.e., ‘asolar’ ranges
944 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 3. Description of layers for investigated walls.

Table 2
Thermo-physical parameters for investigated walls.

U [W/m2 K] Ms [kg/m2] v [kJ/m2 K] fd u [h] YIE [W/m2 K]

Wall 1 0.312 326 40.5 0.047 19.98 0.015
Wall 2 0.286 275 38.3 0.063 18.72 0.018
Wall 3 0.292 161 49.2 0.121 13.02 0.035
Wall 4 0.298 275 38.6 0.069 18.32 0.020
Wall 5 0.298 417 46.3 0.019 21.22 0.006
Wall 6 0.300 260 42.9 0.079 15.49 0.024

Fig. 4. Description of layers for investigated roofs.

F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 945

between 0.2 and 0.9), and 6 values can be attributed to the infrared 3.5. Model description and simulation assumptions
emissivity (i.e., ‘einfrared’ ranges between 0.4 and 0.9). Due to the
large experimental researchers in this field [61,62] in matter of The case study is a single-storey building, with a rectangular
non-white cool materials, in our investigations, all combinations shape and a net conditioned building area of around 140 m2. The
among the aforementioned values have been considered in the ‘‘surface‘‘ to ”volume‘‘ ratio (S/V) is equal to 0.94 m 1. It could be
optimization study. a single detached house (Fig. 6) with two bedrooms and bathrooms
According to [56], parameters that are not under the designer and a living room with an open kitchen. When residential building
control, should be specify because these may affect the optimal is considered, according to [60], net floor area can range between
solutions. For proposed case-study, the design parameters will be 60 and 220 m2 by taking into account houses with 2/3 floors. The
tested with one unique level of internal plug-loads (see Section 3.5) proposed case study has only one floor with intermediate charac-
assuming conventional values for a household of four people. Peo- teristics also because, several NZEBs under construction in Euro-
ple and plug-load have been modeled with typical schedules for pean regions, have only one floor (e.g. Maison DOISY in France,
residential kind of use, but further study will be done because CorTau House in Italy [70]).
some authors have found that although people use energy, the In order to define reliable thermal loads, four typologies of ther-
physical building characteristics largely determine how much it mal zones have been assumed (Table 3), according to classifica-
is used [63]; instead some others underline that residents, with tions and requirements specified by the Standard UNI 10339
greater environmental knowledge, could lead to energy saving in [71]. The Air Change Rate has been fixed to 0.5 h 1, in order to
households [64]. guarantee the required comfort conditions fixed by the standard
UNI EN 15251 [72], Italian but derived by the European homolo-
gous. For occupancy schedule and plug-loads, standardized factors
3.4. Simulation software and weather files of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 have been used [73].
The types of appliances included in the design are typical for a
For this project, the predicted performance and the optimiza- new house of this size with the highest energy label. LED lamps
tion problem are determined by developing the energy model for (50–90 lm/W) have been chosen.
the house by means of dynamic energy simulations. An interface The building has a hydronic air-conditioning system, for both
program of EnergyPlus [65], i.e., DesignBuilder [66], has been used. the space heating and the summer cooling. Four pipe fan-coils have
Among the capabilities of the program, there is the possible use of been used for the sensible loads’ control in both the seasons, with
a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on the NSGA-II method [67], which hot water produced by a condensing gas boiler and chilled water
is widely used as a ‘‘fast and elitist multi-objective” method pro- provided by an air-cooled chiller (energy efficiency ratio, at rated
viding a suitable trade-off between a well converged and a well conditions, equal to 3.3 Wthermal/Welectric).
distributed solution set. For our scopes, the maximum number of During the winter, the dwelling is heated at 20 °C, every days,
generations has been set to 200 and it is typically in the range from 6.00 to 9:00, from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 23:00.
50–500. This value reflects the complexity of the analysis. Each In summer, the house is cooled at 26 °C with the same daily
generation includes at most 20 designs. schedule.
The computational domain is the whole year, thus simulations Considering available data on existing buildings [60], the hydro-
run for all months and both daily or monthly results are available; nic air-conditioning system is the most diffused and it can be con-
moreover the time interval between two consecutive energy bal- sidered the reference type for the proposed case study.
ances has been fixed equals to 6 per hour. Finally, conventional heating and cooling periods have been
The building performances have been simulated in Madrid considered in order to compare the efficiency of proposed solutions
(Spain), Nice (France) Naples (Italy) and Athens (Greece). These with reference to the same operational conditions in the various
cities are characterized by different climatic conditions, and thus countries. The heating period has been assumed starting from
the variability of Mediterranean climates of European Countries the 15 November and ending at 31 March. About the cooling per-
is well-represented (Fig. 5). In this way, it is possible to investigate iod, this begins the 15 May and finishes at the end of September.
the effect of different envelope solutions characterized by high
thermal resistance in Mediterranean climates (where, commonly,
4. Results of optimization analysis and discussion
the cooling demand is comparable or higher than the heating
Firstly, a discussion about optimal solutions for each city is pro-
Synthetically, according to the climate classification of Köppen
posed; then a statistical elaboration of the search space variables
within the Pareto line is presented. This elaboration can be applied
to develop a wider knowledge of selected solutions with experi-
– Madrid: Mediterranean climate with mild cool/cold winters and
mental approach. This is also our further step by means of a multi
hot summers;
activity test-room developed by Department of Engineering of
– Nice: hot-summer Mediterranean climate, enjoying mild win-
University of Sannio [75]. Moreover, results of this stage can allow
ters with moderate rainfall and hot, dry, and sunny summers;
several further post-Pareto analysis. At the designer level, the opti-
– Naples: mixed marine and continental Mediterranean climate
mal Pareto solutions could represent a pre-elaborated material,
with cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers;
ready to be used for select the more suitable technologies for NZEB
– Athens: subtropical Mediterranean climate with alternation
design in Mediterranean climate.
between prolonged hot and dry summers and mild winters with
moderate rainfalls.
4.1. Analysis of optimal solution for investigated cities
The design impacts have been studied in typical weather years
(IWEC data files) for taking into account high probability condi- The solution of optimization problem for Madrid (Fig. 7) gener-
tions. These have been arranged by ASHRAE Research Project ates a Pareto front with around 42 points. A global overview allows
1015 from up to 18 years (1982–1999 for most stations) of DAT- to remark that highly insulated walls and roof are optimal solu-
SAV3 hourly weather data originally archived at the U.S. National tions. Indeed, almost all wall types require 15–20 cm of insulation
Climatic Data Center [65,69]. and only 7 points are characterized by roof types with less than
946 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 5. Average climatic data in the period 2002–2012.

Fig. 6. (a) Case study internal plant; (b) examples of actual project of new NZEB detached house.

Table 3 of the solutions have triple selective windows and overhang as

Main data concerning the simulated building – thermal zones. external shade. The lower value (14.8 kW h/m2 y) of heating
Appliance Lighting demand is obtained with brick wall (4th type in Fig. 3) and
15 cm of expanded polystyrene and with wooden roof with
Kitchen 30 W/m2 3.5 W/m2
Dining room 3.1 W/m2 3.5 W/m2 20 cm of wood fiber insulation and waterproofing membrane char-
Bathroom 2.0 W/m2 3.5 W/m2 acterized by lowest solar reflectance (10%) and medium thermal
Bedroom 3.6 W/m2 3.5 W/m2 emittance (0.5). Triple selective glazing windows (Ug  0.81
W/m2 K, g = 0.51) are recommended with overhang system
(0.5 m) and internal blinds; the window wall ratio is 23%. The
20 cm of insulation. WWR has a mean value of 45% with maximum minimization of the cooling demand requires the adoption of
value of 79% (for one solution with overhang and shade roll). Most traditional brick (wall 6) with external EPS insulation (15 cm)
F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 947

Fig. 7. Madrid – results of the optimization study.

and wooden roof (medium insulated, Ur  0.26 W/m2 K). WWR value (0.5) for infrared emissivity and high value for solar absorp-
becomes 39% with double selective windows and both external tance (0.9). As regard the glazed envelope, the optimal window to
(overhang, 2.0 m) and internal (shade roll) shade systems. The wall ratio is 29% with installation of triple selective glazing system
minimum value of total demand for heating and cooling (4/10/4/10/4 argon) and both external (0.5 m projection Louvre)
(31.7 kW h/m2 y) can be obtained with Wall 4 (Fig. 3) and insula- and internal (drapes) shading systems. The lowest value of cooling
tion with rock-wool (10 cm), the adoption of brick-concrete roof demand is 17 kW h/(m2 y) and it is related to configuration with
slab with external insulation (20 cm of EPS) and cool membrane autoclaved cellular concrete (wall 5), by adding 5 cm of expanded
(asolar  0.2, einfrared  0.9). Triple low-emissive windows should polystyrene and brick-concrete roof slab with external insulation
be selected only with external shade (overhang, 0.5 m) for an over- (10 cm of EPS) and cool membrane (asolar  0.2, einfrared  0.9). In
all WWR around 45%. this case, the optimal window to wall ratio is 37% with triple selec-
Table 4, for these three optimal solutions, summarizes the main tive system (6/13/6/13/6 air), internal shade roll and external pro-
performance indexes. For each scenario, walls and roofs should be jection Louvre (1.0 m). Globally, the solution that minimizes the
very insulated. All solutions have very low value of periodic ther- overall demand (34 kW h/m2 y) for heating and cooling, requires
mal transmittance and good properties of attenuation and time adoption of very insulated wall with termok30 block (wall 4) and
lag. In the last scenario, it is very important select roof with high 10 cm of EPS (Uw  0.16 W/m2 K), cool brick-concrete roof with
thermal mass and medium value of internal heat capacity while external insulation (20 cm of EPS, Ur  0.16 W/m2 K). The Pareto
u is not the maximum possible (same value than summer point is characterized by very high WWR (61%), with triple selec-
optimization). tive windows (6/13/6/13/6 air) and only external projection Louvre
Fig. 8 shows the solutions of optimization problem for Nice; 55 (1.0 m).
points give the Pareto front. More in detail, most of solutions have Table 5 summarizes stationary and dynamic parameters. It is in
very low thermal transmittance for walls (15–20 cm of insulation) evidence that the walls have very low periodic thermal transmit-
and, with the exception of 7 points, roof has always 20 cm of insu- tance but, for the cooling minimization, a higher stationary ther-
lation meanwhile only five configurations are not characterized by mal transmittance is admissible, meanwhile high thermal mass
cool finishing. The mean value of WWR is 47% and, generally, triple should be required. Both total and winter optimization points are
glazing windows are recommended; if double glazing systems are characterized by very insulated roof, with very high time lag
considered (10 points), these should have selective coating. Usu- (21 h), but, for improving also the summer behavior, high thermal
ally, external shade must be preferred. mass is needed. Finally, the ‘annual’ optimum point is defined by
Briefly, the minimum energy request during winter period is very insulated structures, with a periodic thermal transmittance
7.8 kW h/(m2 y). This value can be obtained by considering very lower compared to the limit value and by assuming cool roof with
insulated wall with termok30 block (wall 4) and 10 cm of rock- high thermal mass.
wool (U  0.18 W/m2 K), wooden roof slab with 20 cm of insula- Results of numerical optimization for Naples are shown in
tion (U  0.16 W/m2 K) and a waterproof membrane with medium Fig. 9. The Pareto front is composed by around 60 points. Wall

Table 4
Madrid: thermo-physical parameters for optimal wall and roof.

U [W/m2 K] Ms [kg/m2] v [kJ/m2 K] fd u [h] YIE [W/m2 K]

Wall_opWint 0.13 279 38.7 0.016 21.7 0.002
Roof_opWint 0.16 145 41.4 0.043 21.5 0.007
Wall_opSum 0.20 269 42.9 0.057 16.9 0.011
Roof_opSum 0.26 127 41.6 0.158 14.7 0.041
Wall_opTOT 0.18 284 38.7 0.021 21.5 0.004
Roof_opTOT 0.16 532 67.0 0.051 14.7 0.008
948 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 8. Nice – results of the optimization study.

Table 5
Nice: thermo-physical parameters for optimal wall and roof.

U [W/m2 K] Ms [kg/m2] v [kJ/m2 K] fd u [h] YIE [W/m2 K]

Wall_opWint 0.18 284 38.7 0.021 21.5 0.004
Roof_opWint 0.16 145 41.4 0.043 21.5 0.007
Wall_opSum 0.27 417 46.3 0.017 21.3 0.005
Roof_opSum 0.28 529 67.1 0.057 13.6 0.016
Wall_opTOT 0.16 278 38.7 0.019 21.1 0.003
Roof_opTOT 0.16 532 67.0 0.051 14.8 0.008

types of autoclaved cellular concrete with different insulation optimal points, equally distributed between different blade depths
materials and thicknesses are the most frequent solutions among (37% for 0.5 m and 1.0 m); for this shading system, angle of 15° and
optimal configurations. All points are characterized by very insu- 4 blades have been considered. For all other points, different kinds
lated roofs; for both proposed typologies, the thickness of insula- of overhang are suggested but the most frequent projections are
tion ranges between 15 and 20 cm and, except for 3 points, the 0.5 m and 2.0 m (both 32%). Internal shading systems are not
optimal solar absorptance is 0.2 while the most diffused values very common, however installation of drapes should be preferred
for the infrared emissivity are 0.5, 0.8 and 0.9. Regarding the glazed among considered types.
envelope, the best solution is typically triple glazed window, since The minimum heating demand is around 7.4 kW h/m2 and the
only 9 Pareto points are characterized by double windows; in any design configuration is achieved with a traditional brick wall and
case, spectral selective components (Dbl LoE Spec Sel 6/13/6 in external wooden fiber insulation and wooden roof slab with
Table 1) should be selected. The external shading systems are 20 cm of insulation (Ur  0.16 W/m2 K), by adding a waterproof
always considered in the optimal configurations. More in particu- membrane with medium value (0.5). Window to wall ratio should
lar, projection Louvre is the most suitable solution for 56% of the be equal to 67% and triple selective glazing system (4/10/4/10/4

Fig. 9. Naples – results of the optimization study.

F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 949

Table 6
Naples: thermo-physical parameters for optimal wall and roof.

U [W/m2 K] Ms [kg/m2] v [kJ/m2 K] fd u [h] YIE [W/m2 K]

Wall_opWint 0.16 274 42.9 0.047 18.3 0.008
Roof_opWint 0.16 145 41.4 0.043 21.46 0.007
Wall_opSum 0.24 277 38.4 0.034 20.5 0.008
Roof_opSum 0.24 530 67.1 0.056 13.8 0.014
Wall_opTOT 0.21 279 38.4 0.024 21.4 0.005
Roof_opTOT 0.16 532 67.0 0.051 14.76 0.008

Fig. 10. Athens – results of the optimization study.

Table 7
Athens: thermo-physical parameters for optimal wall and roof.

U [W/m2 K] Ms [kg/m2] v [kJ/m2 K] fd u [h] YIE [W/m2 K]

Wall_opWint 0.13 422 46.4 0.010 23.1 0.001
Roof_opWint 0.16 145 41.4 0.043 21.5 0.007
Wall_opSum 0.18 281 38.4 0.019 22.2 0.003
Roof_opSum 0.24 530 67.1 0.056 13.8 0.014
Wall_opTOT 0.11 281 38.7 0.014 22.42 0.002
Roof_opTOT 0.16 532 67.0 0.051 14.76 0.008

argon) should be installed only with external overhang (1.0 m). The thermal mass and time lag, and lowest value for YIE. The roof has
minimization of cooling demand (21.4 kW h/m2 y) requires wall of the same insulation level of winter optimal solution but the same
autoclaved cellular concrete (wall 2) with a panel of 5 cm of wood mass of summer best trade-off.
and Portland cement and selection of cool brick-concrete roof with Finally, Fig. 10 shows the Pareto front (44 points) for Athens. As
external insulation (20 cm of EPS). Finally, the overall optimal solu- in the other cities, optimal solutions require that roof and wall are
tion is characterized by heating demand of 15.4 kW h/(m2 y) and a well insulated, only 7 points do not require 20 cm of insulation for
cooling demand of around 23.2 kW h/(m2 y). In this case, the same the roof, and 6 points have the solar absorptance of the outer roof
kind of wall but with only 10 cm of insulation is resulted and the surface higher than 0.2. Mean value for WWR is 47% and triple sys-
adoption of cool brick-concrete roof with external insulation tems, for windows, are greatly preferable; otherwise when double
(20 cm of EPS). Window to wall ratio should be equal to 15% and windows are considered, these require selective coating. All solu-
triple selective windows (6/13/6/13/6 air) should be installed with tions are characterized by external shading. Heating demand can
external Louvre (1.5 m). be minimized until 3.90 kW h/m2 y; this configuration requires
Table 6 summarizes stationary and dynamic parameters for wall of autoclaved cellular concrete (wall 5) with 20 of EPS and
Naples. By taking into account the wintertime, very insulated wall wooden roof with 20 cm of wooden fiber (asolar  0.9, einfrared 
and roof should be chosen with good value of thermal inertia since 0.5). High percentage of glazed surface (75%) and triple windows
the time lag is greater than 15 h and the periodic thermal transmit- with selective coatings are the main characteristics of transparent
tance is slightly lower than 0.01 W/m2 K. Also for Naples, the roof envelope meanwhile only external projections are required
should be very insulated and it is important also an high value of (0.5 m). When the aim is the minimization of cooling demand
thermal mass. For what concerns the overall annual performance, (30 kW h/m2 y), aerated concrete blocks (wall 2) should be used
for the wall, an intermediate value for the thermal transmittance with 15 cm of wood and Portland cement and brick-concrete roof
between opWint and opSum should be select, higher value for with 12 cm of expanded polystyrene and cool membrane as
950 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 11. Athens: indoor comfort analysis.

Fig. 12. Naples: indoor comfort analysis.

F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 951

Fig. 13. Statistical post-Pareto analysis: (a) wall; (b) roof; (c) glazing envelope.

external covering (asolar  0.2, einfrared  0.9). WWR is 21% and tri- PPD values suggest that good hygro-thermal conditions are
ple selective systems are recommended for windows, with both achieved. Considering the lounge room as representative house
external (1.5 m projection Louvre) and internal (shade roll) shades. space, for one typical summer day, also during the HVAC no-
The minimum value of the total energy demand is 42 kW h/(m2 y) operating time, the operative temperature stays in comfort range;
and the cooling demand has the greatest incidence. For the opaque this means that the selected configuration has good inertial perfor-
envelope, wall 2 (Fig. 3) type is required with 15 cm of wood and mance. During the night, the PPD value rises up 10%; this is due
Portland cement, and the same roof construction system that min- also due to uncontrolled value of relative humidity that influences
imizes cooling demand, but considering 20 cm of insulation mate- the PMV value and thus the percentage of dissatisfied people. More
rial. The window to wall ratio becomes 19% and triple selective satisfactory conditions can be reached in Naples (Fig. 12b). Also
windows with internal shade roll should be installed. during the night and when HVAC is turned off, the operative tem-
Stationary and dynamic parameters are summarized in Table 7. perature does not rise over 27 °C and the mean radiant tempera-
Wall thermal transmittance is very low, especially for optimal ture has minor variations. Similar considerations can be done for
solution with low value of internal heat capacity. Minimization the other cities. Thus, in conclusion, the suggested approach allows
of cooling and total demand requires high thermal mass for the to minimize energy demand of building without compromising the
roof with an insulation level that assures also good performance indoor thermal comfort.
during the winter. Time lag for walls is very long and periodic ther-
mal transmittance is usually lower than 0.01 W/m2 K. 4.2. Post-Pareto analysis
All solutions have been investigated by assuming limited value
for discomfort hours. Moreover, the analysis has been supported by Some general indications can be obtained from previous results.
evaluation of mean radiant temperature (Tmr), operative tempera- Thus, the percentage distribution of the values assumed by the
ture profile (To) and of value of predicted mean vote (PMV) and input variables in all the non-dominated solution is presented in
percentage of dissatisfied people (PPD), according to European Fig. 13. More in detail in Fig. 13a, for building walls, suitability of
indications [74]. Globally, simulations demonstrate the optimality technologies, type and thickness of insulation are shown for each
of indoor thermal-hygrometric conditions. More in detail, Fig. 11 city. Taking into account wall technologies, globally, the Pareto
shows, referring to Athens, for one day in February and in July, front does not include wall made with innovative interlocking
the previous indexes for two different rooms. Fig. 12 proposes brick with holes filled with rock-wool insulations (Wall 1 in
the same analysis for Naples. Fig. 3). Wall made of autoclaved cellular concrete should be
In the aforementioned figures, the hours when the HVAC sys- selected in Mediterranean climate. Indeed summing results for
tem is turned on are pointed out. It can be seen that, in both cities, Wall 2 and wall 5, for Naples and Athens a percentage greater than
during typical winter days (also during the night), when the HVAC 50% is obtained. Wall 6, probably the most diffused solution nowa-
is turned off, the operative temperature remains in comfort range days not appear a good compromise to minimize both heating and
and the mean radiant temperature decreases only of around cooling request.
1.5 °C compared with the operating hours. Operative temperature Rock-wool and EPS insulations are dominant solutions in each
in Athens is averagely higher than in Naples. However, the hourly city meanwhile adoption of wood fiber insulation is not suitable.
952 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 14. Simulated configurations with PCM: (a) Madrid; (b) Nice; (c) Naples; (d) Athens; (e) temperature-enthalpy function.

This is due for rock-wool insulation, at high value of density that windows (4/10/4/10/4) with Ug  0.81 W/(m2 K) and solar factor
assures better performance also during the summer and for of 0.51.
expanded polystyrene, at lowest value of thermal conductivity. Analogously, some clear indications can be obtained for the
Insulation thickness should be higher than 5 cm and a value minimization of cooling demand. For opaque envelope, brick-
between 10 and 15 cm is preferable. concrete roof should be selected, and external finishing with high
Fig. 13b shows distribution of optimal configurations for roof thermal reflectance are suitable too. Conversely, the same consid-
slab. It is quite clear that mixed brick-concrete roof is the best erations than in wintertime can be done for wall system. Windows
compromise for the proposed minimization objectives, as well as should be triple selective systems and both external and internal
the insulation level should be very high; 20 cm is optimal thickness shading systems (more in detail shade roll) are required.
for around 70–80% of points in each city. The results allow to When the aim is to reduce the overall energy demand, walls
remark that adoption of cool paints assures optimal performance should have Ms P 250 kg/m2 and aerated concrete blocks or bricks
(asolar = 0.2 for 70% of points) meanwhile great variability has been with integrated insulation should be selected. Brick-concrete roof
obtained for thermal emissivity. with external insulation (Ur  0.16 W/m2 K and Ms  500 kg/m2)
Double clear or low emissive or reflective windows are not and cool membrane as external covering (asolar  0.2, einfrared 
included in the Pareto front (Fig. 13c). The best solution for trans- 0.9) are the most common best solutions for the roof slab. Optimal
parent envelope is the adoption of triple selective window. Win- WWR changes greatly, instead triple glazing windows with selec-
dow to wall ratio varies but value between 30% and 50% could be tive coating and external shading appear to be the best solutions
appropriate in Mediterranean climate mainly because heat gain for transparent envelope.
during the winter allows to reduce heating demand greatly.
Instead there is not clear indication about inner and outer shading 5. PCM integration: cooling reduction and comfort
system; more in general drapes could be preferred and overhang improvement
with depth of 1.5 m or projection Louvre with blade depth of 0.5 m.
Finally, in Mediterranean climate, for minimizing the heating A last analysis concerns the integration of phase change mate-
demand, different solutions can be preferred for walls, but the Par- rial as finishing layer of wall. The reference building for evaluation
eto front does not include Wall 1 (in Fig. 3) nor construction sys- of potential reduction of cooling demand is the annual optimal
tem based on cross-laminated panel (XLAM). Moreover, it should solution shown in the previous section. This study indeed would
be installed wooden roof with 20 cm of wooden fiber and water- like to investigate real commercial products. Therefore, the consid-
proof membrane with medium value (0.5) for infrared emissivity ered gypsum plasterboards have been chosen according to the
and high value for solar absorptance. In each city, the best solution market availability. Fig. 14 describes drawings of the PCM location
for transparent envelope is the adoption of triple selective and size for each city assuming melting temperature of 25 °C. For
F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 953

Fig. 15. Percentage reduction of cooling demand: (a) Madrid; (b) Nice; (c) Naples; (d) Athens.

considered material, the latent heat of fusion is 182 kJ/kg, the con- building. This is important to allow cooling and recrystallization
ductivity is 0.20 W/(m K), the specific heat is 1970 J/(kg K) and the of the PCM, so that it can be able to absorb heat during a period
density is 235 kg/m3. of hot days.
Parametric analysis has been done by varying melting temper- Night ventilation is an energy-saving strategy, by means of nat-
atures and thus considering 25 °C, 27 °C and 29 °C. Since the start- ural or mechanical ventilation during the night hours [77]. Energy-
ing point is the configuration that minimize the annual energy Plus allows to control the operation of natural ventilation using a
demand and considering the peculiarities of Mediterranean cli- predefined ventilation rates (a maximum air change rate modified
mate, these values have been chosen with the aim to reduce above by operation schedules) or to calculate the ventilation rates using
all the cooling need. Firstly, the three configurations for inner and wind and buoyancy-driven pressure, opening sizes and operation,
outer side have been considered separately. Then, by assuming the crack sizes etc. within EnergyPlus Airflow Network. Using this
best melting temperature for inside and outside applications, the model, Oropeza-Perez et al. [78] have shown that natural ventila-
last simulation investigates the effect of the contemporary applica- tion could help to cool down the building. However, the conditions
tion of two PCMs, one on the inner side and the other one on the must be correct. Moreover, it is important to optimize the natural
outer façade. airflow within the building according to outdoor wind speed, inci-
EnergyPlus can simulate materials with variable properties dent air angle, size of windows, percentage of the openings. This is
such as PCMs by using one-dimensional conduction finite differ- not the aim of this paper, thus natural ventilation has not be opti-
ence solution algorithm. The user can choose between two differ- mized in this paper.
ent formulations. According to the EnergyPlus Engineering With conservative approach, without evaluate in this phase of
References: the first one is a semi implicit and based on the study if the required airflow rate is achievable by the simple open-
Crank-Nicholson scheme and the second one is the fully implicit ings of windows, only an air exchange rate of 1.5 h 1 has been
scheme, that is first-order in time. In this study, the fixed during the assumed cooling period, from the 00:00 to the
temperature-enthalpy function has been defined through a set of 06:00 to favor PCM performance. It can be assumed that it is sup-
inputs that specify 16 pairs of combinations ‘temperature/enthal plied by a fan with a pressure head equal to 200 Pa. According to
py’, by means of a tabular form. The tabular function considers technical data, it could be a typical mechanical ventilation system
the entire temperature range, from 20 °C to 100 °C (Fig. 13e). for a conditioned floor area of 140 m2. This implies, by assuming a
The 0.5 °C temperature variation, during the phase change, has fan efficiency equal to 0.7 and a volumetric flow rate of 0.22 m3/s
been defined just to show the function and in order to model a real (it is the equivalent of 1.5 ACH considering the building volume
material instead of a theoretical one. of 517 m3), a required power of around 62 W. This value has been
The experimental results, proposed by Barzine et al. [76], have multiplied by the number of operating hours (6 h) and the cooling
shown that, if PCM is not used with proper control strategy, it period (138 days) and an electric energy demand equal to 51 kW h
may lead to an increase in the air-conditioning energy required. has been calculated.
In order to work efficiently, a combination of ‘‘night ventilation” More in detail, first investigation takes into account the per-
and ‘‘free cooling” method should be applied in which low temper- centage reduction of the cooling demand (DEc) for all considered
ature outdoor air at night is used to discharge the PCM inside the scenarios. Fig. 15 shows the achieved results.
954 F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957

Fig. 16. Percentage of overheating hours: (a) Madrid; (b) Nice; (c) Naples; (d) Athens.

Starting from Madrid, application on external side, for each particular when Tf = 25 °C, DEc  6.9%. Considering this fusion
melting temperature, determines a reduction of cooling demand temperature for two PCMs on inner and outer sides, the cooling
of around 1.2%. More interesting is the integration of PCM with demand could be reduced until 9.1%. The choice to use 25 °C also
Tf = 27 °C or 29 °C on inner side; in these two cases, DEc  3.0%. for the external wall allows to reduce also the heating demand of
The adoption of two layers with same melting temperature around 1.75. This results contributes to reduce the overall
(29 °C) on two different sides allows cooling energy saving of demand (5900 kW h), globally, of around 7.5%. It should be noted
around 4.2%. that the inner application of phase change material provides a
By considering Fig. 15b, for Nice, the application on inner side of longer lifetime.
PCM appears to be more interesting whatever is the melting tem- The obtained results suggest that, even if the thermostatic con-
perature; however, the adoption of Tf = 27 °C assures greatest trol induces small fluctuations of the indoor air building tempera-
energy savings ( 4.4%). The reduction of cooling demand is ture, the location of phase change materials on the internal wall
always around 1.7% when PCM is applied on outer side. When surfaces could be useful because the trend of the temperature
two PCMs are considered, by using Tf = 27 °C on internal wall and inside the layer of PCM depends also from other causes. The total
Tf = 29 °C on external wall, the reduction becomes 6.2%. Annually, heat flow through the walls – and thus the temperature of the
it means that the overall energy demand (4800 kW h for the ref- PCM layer for the charging/discharging cycle – depends by climate,
erence case) can be reduced of around 4.8%. It is interesting to note building utilization and structural design. More in particular, the
that PCM activation point is reached also during the wintertime. outdoor forcing cause, in Mediterranean climate, can determine
Indeed, the combined effect of radiation, external temperature the fusion of PCM also during the winter period, thus the choice
and indoor gains can cause, during the early afternoon of some of a low melting temperature induces a PCM extra-utilization in
days, the increase of wall temperature. More in detail, melting the coldest months.
temperature of 25 °C or 27 °C can determine a reduction of heating It is evident that the thermal wave transmission through the
demand of 1.5% both with external and internal application. wall depends by the structure stratigraphy, insulation and thermal
Naples seems to have the greatest potentiality for PCM adop- inertia of building envelope. When these have been optimized, also
tion. Fig. 15c shows that, also in this case, the integration on the PCM could contribute to reduce cooling demand meaningfully in
inner side is the more promising solution since, with melting tem- some case (e.g. Naples).
perature of 27 °C, a DEc  8.8% can be achieved. If Tf is 25 °C, this As further analysis, the improvement of indoor comfort
reduction becomes 12.8%. By using this PCM for both sides, cool- conditions and the overheating risk with PCM adoption have been
ing demand could be reduced of around 15%. The annual energy examined. More in detail, for reference configuration (No_PCM)
demand (5800 kW h in reference scenario) is characterized by and for the best configuration according to the energy saving, the
DEc  10%. Also in this case, the phase change material com- values of operative temperature and mean radiant temperature
pletes its fusion cycle during some winter days especially with have been evaluated. About these, the risk of overheating has
Tf = 25 °C and external application since the heating demand is been estimated using the percentage of hours of cooling period
reduced of around 2.5%. Also for Athens (Fig. 15d), the fusion cycle in which the operative temperature (To) is in the following range
is optimized when material is positioned on inner side and, in (%hour_OH):
F. Ascione et al. / Applied Energy 183 (2016) 938–957 955

 To 6 26: very comfortable conditions are assured inside the Some general indications can be obtained from the results of
house; case study. In Mediterranean climate, for minimizing heating
 26 < To 6 28: there is the possibility that the indoor environ- demand, walls made of autoclaved cellular concrete or with bricks
ment is too hot and overheating conditions are realizable; and integrated EPS or traditional brick wall with hollow blocks and
 To > 28: the risk of overheating is very frequent for occupants. external wooden fiber insulation can be selected. Minimization of
cooling demand requires adoption of cool-colored roof, highly
This analysis has been performed by considering the adoption insulated. In any case, windows should be triple selective systems
of cooling system with schedule described in the previous sections. and both external and internal shading systems (more in detail,
Fig. 16 shows, for months among May and September, the shade roll) are required.
%hour_OH index for the case study, by considering three represen- When the aim is to reduce the overall energy demand, walls
tative indoor spaces: bedroom, lounge room and kitchen. For should have Ms P 250 kg/m2 and aerated concrete block or brick
Madrid (16a), in each room, the adoption of two PCMs determines with integrated insulation should be selected. Brick-concrete roof
the reduction of hours with temperature lower than 26 °C because with external insulation (Ur  0.16 W/m2 K and Ms  500 kg/m2)
the discharging cycle of PCM causes higher mean radiant temper- and cool membrane as external covering (asolar  0.2, einfrared 
ature (e.g., for bedroom Tmr 6 26 °C for 23% of hours of summer 0.9) are the most common solutions for the roof slab. Optimal
period without PCM and for 18% when PCMs are applied) than ref- WWR changes greatly, instead triple glazing windows, with selec-
erence configuration. Moreover, also the time for which To P 28 °C tive coating and external shading, appear to be the best solution for
is reduced also if slightly (1–2%) with application of PCMs. For Nice the transparent building envelope. For what concerns the mean
(Fig. 16b) same conclusions can be made, but, compared to Madrid, radiant temperature, operative temperature profile and percentage
the percentage of hours with To P 28 °C is lower for each room. In of dissatisfied people (PPD), the optimality of indoor thermal-
the bedroom, the adoption of PCMs does not implies a significant hygrometric conditions has been underlined.
improvement in terms of thermal comfort (%hour_OH  5% for A last analysis has concerned the integration of phase change
To P 28 °C) while, in the kitchen, the amount of hours inside the material as finishing layer of the walls. The obtained results sug-
range 26–28 °C is maximized. Naples (Fig. 16c) seems to have the gest that the adoption of melting temperature of 25 °C on the inner
better performances. Indeed, only the kitchen, in both cases, has side allows, in each city, reduction of cooling demand (from  2%
low percentage of hours (8% for No_PCM and 6% for I_25&E_25) in Madrid to  13% in Naples). The outdoor forcing cause in
with temperature higher than 28 °C. The adoption of melting tem- Mediterranean climate can determine the fusion of PCM also dur-
perature of 25 °C allows to increase the hours with temperature ing the winter period, thus the choice of a low melting temperature
below 26 °C and more comfortable conditions for the entire sum- induces a PCM extra-utilization in the coldest months. By combin-
mer period. Finally, results for Athens are shown in Fig. 16d. The ing this solution with the application of another PCM layer with
adoption of PCMs allows to reduce the hours of overheating risk high melting temperature, on the external side, the cooling energy
from 15% to 3% in the kitchen. For all rooms, the percentage of saving is maximized. In this case, the optimal melting temperature
hours with To P 26 °C increases. It should be remarked that PCMs depends greatly by the outdoor conditions of temperature and
reduce the value of mean radiant temperature and thus, by assum- solar radiation.
ing the same value of air temperature (supplied by HVAC), the
value of operative temperature is lower. Otherwise, by taking the
same value of operative temperature, the HVAC system can oper- Acknowledgements
ate with lower air temperature and the energy consumptions can
be reduced without affecting the indoor comfort. The authors gratefully would like to thank the financial support
Some common considerations can be done by studying results from the Project SMARTCASE, MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education,
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conditions. It depends, surely, from high value of inner gains and (ID Number of the Project PON03PE_00093_1).
from its exposure (south-west). Adoption of shade systems could
be further optimized or differentiated PCMs, with higher internal
melting temperature, could be selected. References
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