Regional Disparities in India
Regional Disparities in India
Regional Disparities in India
1.State Per Capita Income: The most significant indictor of regional imbalance or disparity among the
different states of India is the difference in per Capita income state income .
Among 28 states and 5 union territories Goa has the highest NSDP Per capita ( 2019-20 ) 24,66,285 and
Bihar has the smallest NSDP PC746,644.Telegana , Karnataka , Kerala , Haryana , Tamil Nadu and
Gujarat achieved higher percapita income compared with UP , Jharkhand , Assam , Manipur and Madhya
Pradesh .
The gap in per –capita incomes between the richest and the poorest states has grown over the past few
decades . at the beginning of the millennium , the per capita income of the five richest states was 145 %
higher than that of the bottom five states . That difference rose to 289 % in 2010-11 , and further to 322
% in 2018-19 .
2.Inter - State Disparities in Agricultural and Industrial Development: In spite of various attempts for
industrialization , agriculture continues to be the most important economic activity from the point of
view of output & employment in most of the States in India . The impact green revolution has been
confined to relatively small areas .
Inter – state disparities in agricultural & industrial development in India are majorly in the states like
Punjab , Haryana & parts of Uttar Pradesh . Yet Punjab & Haryana have recorded high rate of
productivity due to its high proportion of irrigated area & higher level of fertilizer use . On the other hand
, states ; like Assam . Bihar , Orissa and Uttar Pradesh have been lagging behind in respect of the pace of
3. Intra-State imbalance: There is a growing tendency among most of the advanced states concentrate
its development activities towards relatively more developed urban, and metro cities of the states while
allocating its industrial and infrastructural projects by neglecting the backward areas.
4. Spatial Distribution of Industries: The country as a whole has achieved industrial development at a
fair rate , since independence , but the spatial distribution of such industries & their development
between various states remained almost uneven .
States like Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala, and Karnataka have achieved considerable
development in its industrial sector. But West Bengal could not keep pace in its industrial growth as
much as other industrially developed states.
5. Population below poverty line: Percentage of population living below the poverty line in different
states is another important indicator of regional imbalance.
while some states like Goa , Maharashtra have about 5 % of population living below the poverty line ,
states like Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh & Bihar have 29,31 & 33 percent of population living below
the poverty line . With all India average of 21.6 percent in 2013 they were 11 states whose percentage of
population lying below the poverty line exceeded the all India average.
7. Per Capita Consumption of Electricity: Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra etc., having higher
degree of industrialization and mechanization of agriculture, have recorded a higher per capita
consumption of electricity than the economically backward states like Assam, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya
Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
1. Identification of the Backward Areas and Allocation of funds: First of all, government must identify
all the backward areas within the country and special attention should be paid by preparing and
implementing special plans and models suited to these for the overall development. Due care also to be
taken by allotting sufficient funds.
2. Need for Investments in Backward Areas: Government and the private sector must realize that
regional disparities can be removed only, if greater attention is paid towards backward areas, which
need more investments. It is also important to formulate special policies and programmes for the
development of backward areas like - north- eastern regions.
3. Good Governance: Good governance refers to equitable distribution of the gains of development to all
the regions without any prejudice so that over all development takes place in a country. Thus, the better
the governance, the less would be the disparities in country.
4. Political Will: Political will is vital for the balanced regional development i.e. to remove regional
imbalances in a country.
5. Incentives: Incentives should be provided for promoting investments in the backward regions.
Incentives may be broadly divided in to
(a) Central Government Incentives: Income Tax concession, Tax Holiday, Central Investment Subsidy
Scheme, Transport Subsidy Scheme should be provided to all the identified backward and Hill areas to
correct the regional imbalances.
(b) State Government Incentives: In order to attract private sector investment in backward regions, the
State Governments have also been offering several incentives in different forms. The State Governments
should review all these schemes time to time for further development of their backward regions.
6. Promoting New Financial Institution in Backward Region: In order to accelerate the pace of
industrialization in backward areas, the Government of India should promote new financial institutions.
Government must see that these Institutions functional well for all round development of the backward
7. Setting Up of Regional Boards: As per Article 321 D of Indian Constitution, Regional Boards with
necessary legal powers, funds should be instituted to remove regional disparities in the States.
8. Growth Corridors comprised of education zones, agricultural zones and industrial zones should be
operationalized for the rapid development of backward areas in the states.
9. Strict restrictions on usage of productive agricultural lands for nonagricultural purposes to be
implemented. If required, permissions for non-agricultural usage should be granted only after the
farmers have been guaranteed a better life.
10.Usage of natural resources for the development of tribal areas to be implemented. There should be
guaranteed share for the tribals in the income generated from the use of natural resources.
11. A composite criteria for identifying backward areas (with the Mandal/Block as a unit) based on
indicators of human development including poverty, literacy and infant mortality rates, along with
indices of social and economic infrastructure should be developed by the NITI Aayog.
12. Devolution of funds: Union and State Governments should adopt a formula for Mandal/ Block-wise
devolution of funds targeted at more backward areas.
13. Strengthening of local governments and making them responsible and accountable.
14. A system of rewarding States (including developed States) achieving significant reduction in intra-
State disparities should be introduced.
15. Additional funds for Infrastructure: Additional funds need to be provided to build core infrastructure
at the inter-district level in less developed States and backward regions. The quantum of assistance
should be made proportionate to the number of people living in such areas.
16. Greater share of central pool of funds should be allocated to backward states.
17. Provision of Grant-in-aid by the Central Government to the backward states.
18. Launching of Special Area Programmes like Desert Development Programme, Drought Prone Area
Programme, etc.
19. Propagation and use of improved dry farming technology.
20. Provision of infrastructural facilities in backward districts.
21. Development of forward and backward linkages in the backward regions.
22. Special grants are to be given to the backward and tribal areas.
23.Schools to be opened providing free and compulsory education to remove illiteracy.
24. Hospitals and dispensaries to be set up to give medical care to the people.
25.Water facilities to be provided for domestic purposes and agriculture.
26.Cottage and small industries are to be promoted to provide employment opportunities.
27. Roads and railway lines have to be laid down to link different places.
28. Shedding Caste and Religion politics and marching towards “Balanced Regional Development” is the
need of the hour to reduce “Regional Imbalances in India”.
29. Government must speedup developmental works in backward areas.
Regional imbalance is a threat to the goal of inclusive growth and reduction of poverty. The growing
regional disparities have dampened the speed of further economic reforms, and hence may pose a
barrier to India’s future economic growth. Regional disparities will result in regional tensions, which in
turn may lead to popular agitations and at some times militant activities also. Regional disparities in
economic and social development which exist within some of the States due to the neglect of certain
backward regions have created and creating demand for separate States.