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Pile Foundations

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Generally for structures with load >10 t/m2 , we go for
deep foundations.
Deep foundations are used in the following cases:
 Huge vertical load with respect to soil capacity.

 Very weak soil or problematic soil.

 Huge lateral loads eg. Tower, chimneys.

 Scour depth criteria.

 For fills having very large depth.

 Uplift situations (expansive zones) Urban areas for

future large and huge construction near the existing
What are Piles?
 A pile is a relatively small diameter shaft, which is
driven or installed into the ground by suitable
 The piles are usually driven in groups to provide
foundations for structures.
 The pile groups may be subjected to vertical loads,
horizontal loads or a combination of vertical and
horizontal loads.
1. Based on material
 Timber piles
 Steel piles
 Concrete piles
 Composite piles (steel + concrete)
2. Based on method of installation
 Driven piles ----(i) precast (ii) cast-in-situ.
 Bored piles.
3. Based on the degree of disturbance
 Large displacement piles (occurs for driven piles)
 Small displacement piles (occurs for bored piles)
4. Based on the mode of load transfer
 Bearing
 Friction
 Tension
5. Based on the method of forming
 Precast
 Pre-stressed
 Cast-in-situ
6. Based on Shape
 Cylindrical
 Tapered
 Under reamed
 Selection of a pile type depends on several factors such as:
 Type of structure and the load it carries
 Location of the site
 Soil conditions and position of water table
 Required pile length and its structural capacity
 Durability
 Economy
 Loose cohesion less soil develops much greater shaft bearing capacities if driven large
displacement piles are used.
 Displacement effect enhanced by tapered shafts.
 High displacement piles are undesirable in stiff cohesive soils, otherwise excessive
heaving takes place.
 Driven piles are undesirable due to noise, damage caused by vibration, ground
 Heavy structures with large reactions require high capacity piles and small diameter
cast-in-situ piles are inadequate.
 Driven piles are unaffected by ground water while in bored piles, concreting has to be
carefully monitored when the construction is being carried out below the water table.
 Friction piles. (load transferred through friction along length of pile)
 End bearing piles. (load transferred through end bearing)
 Compaction piles.(Used for ground movement, not for load bearing )
 Tension piles/Anchored piles.(To resist uplift pressures)
 Laterally loaded Piles. (To resist horizontal loads eg. Foundations for
retaining walls, bridge abutments)
 Batter piles (Inclined) --- + ve and –ve.
 Raymond piles. (Driven cast-in-situ piles, first tapered shell is driven
and then cast)
 Franki Piles (Driven cast-in-situ piles, first casing is driven upto 2m
depth, then cast a block within that casing and then drive the block.
When it reaches the particular depth, take out the casing and cast
the piles.)
 Underreamed piles (bored cast-in-situ piles, bulbs used, hence not
possible to install in loose sand and very soft clays.)
Pile Driving
Piles are driven using a
pile hammer. When a pile
is driven into granular soil,
the soil so displaced,
equal to the volume of the
driven pile, compacts the
soil around the sides since
the displaced soil particles
enter the soil spaces of the
adjacent mass which leads
to the densification of the
Pile Hammers
The function of a pile hammer is to furnish the energy required to
drive a pile. Pile-driving hammers are designated by type and size.
The types commonly used include the following:
1. Drop.
2. Single-acting steam. (Can be Air, Steam, or Diesel Fueled)
3. Double-acting steam.
4. Differential-acting steam.
5. Diesel.
6. Vibratory.
7. Hydraulic.
The size of a drop hammer is designated by its weight, while the
size of each of the other hammers is designated by theoretical
energy per blow
Effect of Pile Driving
Procedure for ultimate pile capacity

1. Static analysis
2. Dynamic formulae
3. Pile load test
Static Analysis
Piles in granular soils
(sands and gravel)
Bored cast-in situ piles
 The load carrying capacity of a bored cast in situ
pile will be much smaller than that of a driven pile
in sand. The angle of shearing resistance of the soil
is reduced by 3°, to account for the loosening of the
sand due to the drilling of the hole. In general,
bored piles have a unit point bearing resistance
which is one-half to one-third of the value in driven
 Values for different consistencies of clays
Dynamic Formulae
These are based on the laws governing the impact of
elastic bodies. The input energy of the hammer blow is
equated to the work done in overcoming the resistance
of the ground to the penetration of the pile. Allowance
is made for the losses of energy due to elastic
contractions of the pile, pile cap, and subsoil and also
the losses due to the inertia of the pile.
Engineering News formula
Modified Hilley Formula
When W> Pe and pile is driven into penetrable ground
When W< Pe and pile is driven into penetrable ground
Pile Load Test
1. Pile load test is the most reliable of all the approaches to determine the allowable
load on the pile.
2. Pile load test are very useful for cohesion less soil. However, incase of cohesive
soils, the data from the pile load test should be used with caution on account of
disturbance due to pile driving, development of pore pressure and the in
adequate time allowed of consolidation settlement
3. Three types of pile tests are generally carried out-Vertical load test, Lateral load
test, Pull out test
IS: 2911 Part IV (1979) details the procedure for carrying out the load tests and
assessing the allowable load. According to the code, the test shall be carried out
by applying a series of vertical downward loads on a RCC cap over the pile. The
load shall preferably be applied by means of a remote controlled hydraulic jack
taking reaction against a loaded plot form. The test shall be applied in increments
of about 20% of the assumed safe load. Settlement shall be recorded with at
least three dial gauges of sensitivity 0.02 mm. each stage of loading shall be
maintained till the rate of movement of pile top is not more than 0.1 mm per hours
which ever is later.
 Under reamed piles are bored cast-in-situ concrete piles having one or more
number of bulbs formed by enlarging the pile stem.
 These piles are best suited in soils where considerable ground movements
occur due to seasonal variations, filled up grounds or in soft soil strata.
 Provision of under reamed bulbs has the advantage of increasing the
bearing and uplift capacities.
 It also provides better anchorage at greater depths.
 These piles are efficiently used in machine foundations, over bridges,
electrical transmission tower foundation sand water tanks.
 Indian Standard IS 2911 (Part III) - 1980 covers the design and construction
of under reamed piles having one or more bulbs.
 According to the code the diameter of under reamed bulbs may vary from 2
to 3 times the stem diameter depending upon the feasibility of construction
and design requirements. The code suggests a spacing of 1.25 to 1.5 times
the bulb diameter for the bulbs.
 This code also gives Mathematical expressions for calculating the bearing
and uplift capacities
Group of Piles
Settlement of a Pile Group
The settlement of a group of piles is more than the
settlement of a single pile even when the load on
the single pile and the load on each pile of the pile
group are the same. This is because of the fact that
the zone of influence of a pile group is much deeper
than that of a single pile.

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