A 0.076 MM 12 B 26.5 MW 600 MS/s 4-Way Interleaved Subranging SAR-On-Chip Buffer in 28 NM CMOS
A 0.076 MM 12 B 26.5 MW 600 MS/s 4-Way Interleaved Subranging SAR-On-Chip Buffer in 28 NM CMOS
A 0.076 MM 12 B 26.5 MW 600 MS/s 4-Way Interleaved Subranging SAR-On-Chip Buffer in 28 NM CMOS
Abstract— A 0.076 mm2 12b 28 nm 600 MS/s 4-way time noise shaping with oversampling [5] [7], single slope [6],
interleaved ADC with on chip buffer is presented. The usage of a and pipelining. The strategy is a divide et impera approach
subranging scheme consisting of a coarse SAR ADC followed by where different conversion techniques are combined in a
an incremental fine converter provides better suppression of
thermal noise added during conversion for a given power com- single design and each of them is used in a resolution and
pared to a conventional SAR. The ADC area has been optimized signal amplitude range where it performs at its maximum
by using a segmented charge-sharing charge-redistribution DAC. power efficiency. For high-resolution and medium-sampling
The prototype achieves an SNDR of 60.7 dB and 58 dB at low rates converters, excellent power efficiency figures have been
and high frequency, respectively, while consuming 26 mW. achieved with hybrid SAR-pipeline architectures [8], [9] that
Index Terms— Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), Delta sigma employ SAR as subADCs, but whose noise performance
converter, SAR, successive approximation. is determined by a high-efficiency interstage amplifier as
opposed to the comparator.
I. I NTRODUCTION SAR area has also been greatly reduced in recent years
with the introduction of digital DAC linearity calibrations [12]
I NTEGRATION of low-power and area-efficient ADCs is
a key differentiator in modern mixed-signal SoCs in both
consumer and industrial applications. The increasing adoption
that relax matching requirements, allowing scaling down the
SAR DAC capacitance to the kT/C limit. In noise-limited
of software radio like approaches for the design of wireline ADCs, for every extra bit of resolution, the sampling and DAC
communication receivers calls for medium to high resolution capacitance grows 4× while, at the same time, the ripple on the
ADCs with both high sampling rate and extremely low power converter reference voltage has to be reduced 2× to preserve
consumption [1], [2]. At the same time, other emerging linearity. Such a trend sets very tough requirements for the
wireline standards like the G.hn Gen 2 [3] that employ MIMO reference generator of high resolution charge-redistribution
strategies often require the integration of a large number of DAC (CR-DAC) SAR ADCs, especially when no external
wide bandwidth analog front ends that must be low-power components can be used, hence requiring the integration of
and extremely area-efficient. In order to address these require- very large on-chip capacitors [9]. Another approach to address
ments, wide-bandwidth high-resolution ADCs with both high this issue in literature is using DAC switching schemes that
power efficiency and extremely small area are of primary optimize the current drawn from the reference [8], [9] or with
importance. Given the large number of channels integrated DAC topologies more immune to reference ripple, like current-
in the SoC, the usage of off-chip components should be steering [10] or charge-sharing DACs (CS-DAC) [11].
minimized in order to reduce the Bill of Materials (BoM). In this paper, a 12 b 4-way interleaved 600 MS/s ADC
In scaled technologies, power challenges have been with on-chip input signal and reference buffer is presented.
addressed using SAR architectures, often in combination with The energy efficiency challenge is addressed with a sub-
techniques like redundancy, asynchronous operation, and time range scheme that employs a SAR as a coarse ADC and an
interleaving to meet the application sampling rate require- incremental Delta–Sigma as a fine ADC, while drastic area
ments. However, for high-resolution ADCs (9b+ENOB), a tra- reduction is achieved with a segmented charge-sharing charge-
ditional SAR is intrinsically energy-inefficient since it reuses redistribution DAC architecture. The converter delivers 58 dB
the same low-noise comparator to perform both coarse con- SNDR at Nyquist for 26.5 mW of power with a total area of
versions (where little accuracy is needed) and fine conversions only 0.076 mm2 and does not require any external component.
(where thermal noise is of paramount importance) [8]. Sections II and III discuss the thermal noise performance
In recent literature, this challenge is addressed by combining of incremental ADCs and compare it with SAR. The
SAR with different conversion techniques like, averaging [4], subrange SAR- ADC architecture is then introduced
in Sections IV and V. Section VI reviews the requirements for
Manuscript received April 14, 2016; revised June 9, 2016; accepted
July 3, 2016. Date of publication August 12, 2016; date of current version the reference generator of high-resolution charge-redistribution
November 21, 2016. This paper was approved by Guest Editor Jan Mulder. DAC and introduces the segmented charge-sharing charge-
The authors are with Marvell Italia s.r.l., Pavia 27100, Italy. redistribution DAC architecture. The overall ADC architec-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. ture and calibrations are presented in Section VII while
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2016.2591553 in Section VIII the circuit-level implementation is presented.
0018-9200 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 4. SAR- subrange lane ADC conceptual block diagram and timing.
the number of clock cycles whereas Tint is a fraction Fig. 6. Single-ended charge-redistribution DAC (CR-DAC) shown in track
of TCLK .
Since a first-order suppresses the quantization noise
with the inverse of the oversampling (OSR = T /TCLK ) at
the power of 3 it can be calculated that a first-order modulator
is enough to suppress the quantization noise in N = 8
cycles to roughly the same level as the thermal noise. The
result of this analysis matches well with the simulated noise
contributions (cf. Fig. 16).
Fig. 8. Reference ripple and requirement on CREF for one additional bit of resolution (T/H phase omitted to simplify the visualization). (a) Original
ripple (black). (b) Ripple (blue) with CDAC increased four times to meet kT/C requirements. (c) Ripple (blue) with CREF increased by four to obtain the
original ripple. (d) Ripple (red) with CREF increased by 8 to meet linearity requirements.
the reference voltage to virtually infinite attenuation when evaluated from Fig. 7(a) where the reference voltage ripple is
the DAC has all of the capacitors connected between the sketched in steady state (ripple recovered within TS ). In this
comparator input node and the ground voltage. Therefore, qualitative example, the reference generator has a bandwidth
ripples on the reference voltage greater than 1 LSB during much smaller than the ADC conversion frequency fS and the
the SAR phase can cause errors in the comparator decisions decoupling capacitance is equal to CREF . In this condition, by
that if not corrected may produce distortion in the converted approximating the ripple peak amplitude generated by the first
signal. Moreover, the net charge absorbed by the reference few MSB transitions as εMAX = αCDAC /CREF and assuming
generator during one conversion, due to the switching of the a linear reference voltage recovery the required CREF can be
DAC capacitors, is not linearly code-dependent as well, as estimated as
described in [19]. The net switching charge per conversion is Tbin N−1
absorbed by the finite impedance of the reference generator CREF ≥ α · ·2 · CDAC (5)
and produces a low frequency code-dependent voltage ripple
with a major spectral component at the ADC input signal where CDAC is the total DAC capacitance and the factor α
second harmonic (in differential structures). This ripple, when takes into account for the switching scheme adopted in the
mixed with the input signal fundamental, produces a third DAC. In the literature, several CR-DAC switching schemes
harmonic at the ADC output. have been presented aimed to reduce the current drawn from
The two nonlinear mechanisms discussed above translate the reference and therefore also the associated reference volt-
into very tough requirements for the reference generator of age ripple. With the merged capacitor switching scheme pro-
high-resolution charge-redistribution SAR ADC. To mitigate posed in [20], for example, the factor α can drop to 0.25 with
the effects of the non-linear reference-to-comparator transfer minor implementation drawbacks, while a more aggressive
function a large decoupling capacitance is usually required scheme like in [21] reduces further the factor α but results
to reduce the high-frequency ripple while low output peak in a code-dependent DAC output common mode.
impedance of the reference buffer is needed to attenuate the In the case of a noise-limited charge-redistribution SAR
effects of the low-frequency nonlinear current drawn from the ADC, it is interesting to analyze the scaling of the size of
references by the switching DAC activity. the CREF as the required resolution increases, by using (5).
In a SAR ADC using binary weighted CR-DAC, the ref- In Fig. 8, it is shown an example for 1 bit of additional
erence voltage is required to settle within 1 LSB accuracy at resolution requirement. Here, the CDAC has been multiplied
every conversion cycle. Non-Binary weighted CR-DAC imple- by a factor 4 to meet the kT/C noise requirement Fig. 8(b).
mentations tolerate larger reference errors in the redundant To recover the original ripple the CREF must be increased by
part of the DAC, but still they require 1LSB settling accuracy a factor 4 as well [Fig. 8(c)]. However since the new LSB
during the last few conversion cycles where errors cannot be is half the original one (N is increased by 1), to preserve
recovered by redundancy. The requirements on the reference the linearity specification, the ripple must be reduced by
voltage accuracy in a generic non-binary CR-DAC can be another factor 2, hence requiring CREF to be multiplied by
a factor 8 [Fig. 8(d)]. As a consequence of that, in a noise- voltage ripple code independent. The combination of these
limited charge-redistribution SAR ADC, as the resolution two properties relaxes the noise/ripple requirements on the
increases, the size of the reference capacitance grows with CS-DAC reference generator allowing a drastic reduction of
double rate with respect to its core DAC capacitance eventually the CREF and easing the specifications on the reference buffer
becoming the main integrated area contributor for resolutions output peak impedance.
beyond 9/10 b ENOB. However, the CS-DAC is not as area-efficient as the
For the specific case of the 12 b SAR- architecture CR-DAC. Each CS-DAC element requires, in fact, a top plate
using a CR-DAC, the reference ripple can be tolerated to a switch (that is a switch on the comparator side) in order to
certain extent in the SAR phase thanks to the DAC redundancy share the charge between CDAC and CTH in additive/subtractive
and to the overrange but during the fine phase the way during the conversion phase. The parasitic capacitances
reference error must be kept within 1 LSB as in a non-binary- associated with the top plate switches (C’x, C”x) affect the
weighted SAR ADC (Fig. 7(b)). The required CREF can be DAC element effective capacitance value. The scaling of
then calculated using (5) as the LSB capacitance in a CS-DAC is therefore dictated by
T the capacitance of a minimum size switch instead of kT/C
CREF ≥ α · · 2N−1 · CDAC ∼
= 50pF (6) noise. In deep-submicron technologies this usually leads to a
significant core area penalty with respect to a CR-DAC.
where N = 12, CDAC = 300 fF, α = 0.25, T = 2.22 ns, To exploit the CS-DAC area advantage in the voltage
and TLANE = 6.66 ns. Integrating such a capacitance would references design while keeping competitive DAC core area in
clearly result in exceeding the area budget of the project and this work, a segmented SAR-DAC architecture (CS-CR-DAC)
led us to explore alternative DAC architectures. is adopted using a CS-DAC for the 4 MSBs and a CR-DAC
The charge-sharing DAC (CS-DAC) has been introduced for the remaining 6 LSBs (Fig. 10). The parasitic-insensitive
in [11] as an effective way to reduce the area of the reference 6 LSBs DAC capacitors can be scaled down as in a con-
generator. A CS-DAC is depicted in Fig. 9 together with ventional CR-DAC to the kT/C noise requirements while the
the T/H capacitance on which the input signal is sampled 4 MSBs CS-DAC capacitances are sufficiently large that the
at the end of the T/H phase. Simultaneously, the reference associated switch parasitics can be easily maintained propor-
voltage VREF is sampled on CDAC . After sampling, the VREF is tionally small, hence impacting negligibly the DAC linearity.
disconnected from CDAC for the entire SAR conversion phase. As the CR-DAC total capacitance (CCR ) is limited to the
In this way, the comparator decisions are virtually insensitive LSBs, the associated high-frequency ripple (εMAX ) and the
to the noise/ripple on the references. Moreover, the CDAC is low-frequency code-dependent ripple are reduced roughly by
reset to zero at end of the conversion phase by the SAR algo- 2 to the power of 4 (number of MSBs). Moreover, the transfer
rithm itself making the net charge absorbed by the reference function from the reference voltage nodes to the comparator
generator during one conversion and the associated reference input benefits from the large attenuation (β) provided by the
VENCA et al.: 0.076 mm2 12 b 26.5 mW 600 MS/s 4-WAY INTERLEAVED SUBRANGING SAR- ADC WITH ON-CHIP BUFFER IN 28 nm CMOS 2957
Fig. 11. Four-way interleaved SAR- ADC block diagram and calibrations.
4 MSBs of the CDAC capacitance (CCS ) referred to ground. T = 2.22 ns, and TLANE = 6.66 ns. For the CS-DAC
By keeping separate the reference generated voltages for the segment, the decoupling capacitance CREFCS is chosen equal
CR-DAC (VREFCR ) and for the CS-DAC (VREFCS ) segments, to 3.4 pF limiting the drop on the reference samples value
the former reference capacitance can be sized according to to 10%. Each SAR ADC lane (with a core capacitance
T of 300 fF single-ended) requires a single-ended reference
CREFCR ≥ α · β · · 2N−1 · CCR ∼
= 1.6pFwith capacitor of only 5 pF (CREFCS + CREFCR ). The VREFCR and
VREFCS are shared among the four time-interleaved lanes for
β= (7) a total ADC reference capacitance of 20pF a quite large area
CC S saving when compared to the 200 pF (50 pF ×4) initially
where N = 12, CCR = 25.8 fF, α = 1, β = 0.09, required with a charge-redistribution only solution. Both CR
Fig. 16. Noise contributors of the SAR- ADC including input buffer at
low frequency. SNR = 61.13 dB.
Fig. 19. ADC performance at 600 MS/s versus input frequency with and
without PLL jitter.
Fig. 17. ADC output spectrum at fin = 265 MHz (PLL jitter dominated).
Fig. 20. Nyquist Schreier FoM versus Nyquist sampling frequency for ADCs
published at ISSCC and VLSI between 1997 and 2015 with SNDR at Nyquist
larger than 57 dB [25].
Fig. 21. Performance summary and comparison with state-of-the-art ADCs (SNDR HF> 57 dB, Fs>300 MS/s) including on-chip buffering.
tracking. The buffer consists of an OTA in differential inverting input signal power, while above 20 MHz, the measurement is
configuration with a resistive (R = 700 ) feedback network. dominated by white noise of the auxiliary path buffer chain.
The OTA (Fig. 13) is a 2-stages single-slope with a class AB This jitter figure is sufficient for the target application as the
cascode compensated output stage. The unity-gain bandwidth ADC input signal has a peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR)
is at 2 GHz to achieve the required gain at the edge of the which is much larger compared to a sinewave. A spectrum
signal bandwidth for linearity in tracking mode. The settling of with a 265 MHz input signal and PLL jitter included is shown
the sampling capacitor from the reset condition to the tracking in Fig. 17. The effect of the PLL jitter is visible in the skirts
signal value is boosted by the OTA output stage that in the around the input tone. The SNR performance as a function
initial part of the settling drives the load with its low output of the signal amplitude for a 2 MHz and a 265 MHz input
impedance. frequency (see Fig. 18) shows the typical jitter induced roll off
the SNR when the input signal approaches full scale at high
frequency. We can further verify this jitter measurement result
The ADC is fabricated in 28 nm CMOS process and con- by evaluating the ADC performance as a function of the input
sumes 17.5 mW from a dual 1.2 V/1.5 V supply. 1.5 V is used signal frequency (Fig. 19). The SNDR roll-off with the input
only for the reference generator and the integrator in order to signal frequency matches very well with a 3 ps-rms sampling
improve the power supply rejection ratio. During operation, time jitter induced SNR depicted in Fig. 19 as a red curve.
the power consumption of the digital calibration is less than Given the good agreement between the jitter measurement
0.2 mW. The on-chip buffer, which drives the ADC full-scale techniques, that is, the phase noise measurement and the
of 1.5 Vppd , has an SNR of 65 dB at Nyquist, and consumes SNDR roll off with input signal amplitude and frequency, we
9 mW from 1.5 V. As the buffer cannot be bypassed, all of the have extrapolated the ADC SNR performance from a small
measurements include buffer power consumption, distortions, signal SNR measurement. The resulting SNDR performance
and noise. The total area including input and reference buffer has then been calculated by adding to the extrapolated SNR all
as well as digital calibration is only 0.076 mm2 while the ADC the tones in the original spectrum. The results of this operation
core is 0.04 mm2 as shown in Fig. 14. are depicted in Fig. 19 as dashed lines. After de-embedding
With a 2 MHz input, the SNR and SNDR before calibration the PLL jitter, the final SNDR performance at high frequency
with off are 44 and 42 dB, respectively (Fig. 15(a)). After is 58 dB. The extrapolated SNDR degradation with the input
activating the fine -sub-ADC and performing calibration, signal frequency can be mainly ascribed to sampling time
the SNR and SNDR performance increases to 61.13 dB and interleaving errors which are not calibrated in this design and
60.7 dB, respectively (Fig. 15(b)). The simulated breakdown of to an increase in THD. This operation also removes the jitter of
the different contributors to the final SNR is shown in Fig. 16. the ADC clock tree whose contribution (120 fs-rms estimated
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tion (PLC) SoC and it is clocked by an on chip PLL with negligible degradation of the 265 MHz SNDR.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [20] V. Hariprasath, J. Guerber, S.-H. Lee, and U.-K. Moon, “Merged
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computer engineering from the University of Pavia, Superiore Sant’Anna in 2007 and 2008, respectively.
Pavia, Italy, in 2000 and 2003, respectively. From 2007 to 2010, he was with the Mixed Signal
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Research Engineer, the Studio di Microelettron- Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where he
ica, a University of Pavia–STMicroelectronics joint worked on high-speed ADC for cable tuners
research center, where he focused on digitally applications. Since 2010, he has been with Marvell,
assisted ADCs. In 2006 he moved to Marvell Italia Pavia, Italy, working on high-performance data
as a Senior Analog Designer. His research interests converters for telecommunications systems. His
include wide-band high-resolution analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog con- current research interests include high-speed power-efficient ADCs, data
verters and digital calibration techniques. converter digital calibration systems and high-performance wireline interfaces.