Febrile Illness 2019 Shamim Qazi
Febrile Illness 2019 Shamim Qazi
Febrile Illness 2019 Shamim Qazi
IMCI algorithm revised
Sick young infant 0-59d recognized by family or by a HW during home visit
7-59d of age with only fast 0-59d of age with signs of PSBI
breathing or local infections assessed by a trained health worker
0-59 days with 0-59 days with clinical 0-6 days with only fast
critical illness severe infection breathing
Critically ill young infants for whom referral is not accepted by families after best efforts should be
treated with once daily injectable gentamicin plus at least twice daily injection ampicillin for 7 days
New implementation strategy
IMNCI Strategic
Conclusions and
Benefits of IMNCI in design and impact
Positive effects on health worker practices and
quality of care.
Shifting epidemiology:
Diversity of Settings
e.g., Housing, WASH, environmental pollution, road safety etc.
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 years
Thank you