Dahlia Diversity
Dahlia Diversity
Dahlia Diversity
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Multivariate analysis 01 divergenre among 23 varieties 01 dahlia lor nine developmental rhararters
led to their grouping into 10 dusters. The first two dusten had lour varieties, the next two dusten
had three varieties earh, three rlusten romprised two varieties each, and the last three dusters
induded one variety earb. Thus, these three varieties were more diversed than others. Based on
duster means, rharaders like Rower weight, Rower diameter, number otRowen and shoots/plant,
and length or noral stalk were the major rarton or differentiation among these 23 varieties. The
interduster n2 val..,s ranged from 74 to 3033, su.stlag very little domestiration In this rrop.
The material for the presentinvestigation consisted of 20 released varieties and three
strains (18 exotic and 5 indigenous) of dahlia. They were grown at IARI Regional Station,
Katrain, Kullu Valley, during 1981 and 1982 in RBD replicated thrice, allowing feeding area
of 75 X 60 cm per plant and keeping seven plants per replication. The data were recorded on
five.plants (leaving the first and the last plants in each row) per replication for plant height,
number of shoots per plant, days to first flower, durability of one flower, number of flowers per
plant, flower diameter,length offloral stalk, flower weight at full bloom stage, and plant spread.
52 R. L. Misra et al. [Vol. 50, No.1
The importance of genetic diversity in crop plants was first realized by Darwin [2] and
the term morphism employing genetic morphs was given by Huxley [3], which means the
existence ofdistinct genetic forms in balance in a pOpulation. Several improvements were made
in crop plants by JII.a1dng use of genetic diversity. The presellt study has indicated that the 23
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varieties of dahlia differ from each other in nine characters under study, as is evident from the
significant mean squares for these characters (Table 1).
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•• P = 0.01, • P = 0.05.
On the basis of D 2 analysis, the 23 varieties were grouped in 10 clusters (Table 2).
Maximum number of varieties, Le. four in each, were observed in clusters I and II. Cluster I
included three exotics (My Beauty, Silkin Sheen, Elizabeth Margarette) and one indigenous
(Decorative Yellow Mutant) varieties. All three exotics gave average performance for all the
characters, whereas the indigenous variety had minimum plant spread (44.8 cm). Similarly,
cluster II comprised two exotics (Dark Red, Variegated) and two indigenous varieties (Fojal
Mutant, Bharat Laxmi). Both the, exotics had average performance for length of floral stalk,
flower weight and flower diameter, but they were good for flower durability (7.7 days). On the
February, 1990] Genetic Diversity in Dahlia 53
Table 2. Varieties included in 10 clusters or dahlia
Cluster Varieties
I Decorative Yellow Mutant, My Beauty, Silkin Sheen, Elizabeth Margarette
II Dark Red, Fojal Mutant, Variegated, Bharat Laxmi
III Potridgar, Creamy Violet, Kitty
IV Avalanche, Garden Glory, Annapuma
V Decorative Yellow, Seleetion-8
VI Powder Puff, Eggiestion
VII Duston Stone, Tam Tam
VIII Arthur Godfrey
IX African Queen
X Pioneer
other hand, both indigenous varieties were taller and early to medium in flowering.
Cluster III comprised three exotics (Potridgar, Creamy Violet, Kitty). Variety Kitty showed
maximum flower durability (9.4 days) and minimum flower weight (3.B g). The flower diameter.
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in var. Kitty was also smallest among all the varieties under study. Cluster IV included two
exotics (Avalanche, Garden Glory) and one indigenous (Annapurna) varieties. The indigenous
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var. Annapurna produced heaviest flowers (49.0 g). Cluster VI comprised two varieties of
.exotic origin (Powder Puff, Egglestion), while cluster V had one indigenous (Selection-B) and
one exotic (Decorative Yellow) varieties. Var. Egglestion flowered earliest in our conditions.
Cluster VII also consists of two exotics (Duston Stone, Tam Tam), but among these var. Tam
Tam produced smallest flowers (diameter 4.6 em). Clusters VIII, IX and X comprised one
exotic variety each, i.e. Arthur Godfrey, African Queen, and Pioneer. Varieties African Queen
and Arthur Godfrey produced flowers with longest stalks (30.7 c?,) and maximum diameter
(21.8 em), respectively.
Average cluster means for different character~ show that the varieties inclpded in
cluster I had poor plant spread, average plant height and shoot formation per plant, but highest
number of flowers per plant (Table 3). Cluster IV showed maximum plant height, maximum
number of flowers/plant and highest spread, whereas the varieties included in clusters nI, V,
VnI and X were poor for flower weight, flowers/plant, plant height and shoots/plant,
respectively. Varieties included in clusters IX and VIII had maximum floral length and flower
weight, respectively.
The lowest D 2 value of 18 was observed for cluster V and maximum of 32 for cluster VI
(Table 4). Clusters II, nI and IV had relatively moderate to high n 2 values (202, 133, 143,
respectively), indicating that the varieties constituting these clusters were more diverse
genetically. Similar conclusions were also derived from the intercluster D 2 values, which were
maximum between clusters VI and IV (3033) and minimum between clusters V and I (74).
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The present study has revealed that plant spread, flower durability, flowers/plant, and
flower diameter had maximum variation among the 23 varieties of dahlia studied. Significant
mean squares for all the characters analysed' also indicated that they showed maximum,
variation, while multivariate analysis also indicates that the varieties displayed high genetiC
diversity for all the characters. However, improvement in this crop would be possible if
promising varieties are chosen irrespective of origin for individual characters to create best
recombinants. In this regard, var. Arthur Godfrey for flower diameter, Kitty for early flowering
and flower durability, Bharat Laxmi for plant height, Garden Glory for plant spread, flowers
and shoots/plant, African Queen for length of floral stalk, and Annapurna for flower weight
should be crossed, in single or double crosses to obtain the best hybrid and to create further
variability ~or these characters.
February, 1990] Genetic Diversity in Dahlia 55
Our earlier study with 23 varieties of dahlia [4] indicated that high flower number and
plant spread can be easily combined due to significant positive correlation among these two
characters, and var. Garden Glory possesses both these characteristics. This study also
suggested that varieties Garden Glory and Annapurna are the best parents for hybridization.
Bhattacharjee and Wahi [5] also pointed out that characters like flower diameter, plant height,
flower longevity and number of branches were important component characters for flower
yield per plant in dahlia. The important components for flower diameter are number of flowers
and leaves/plant.
Though the exotic genotypes had poor performance for some of the characters, these
are a good source for increasing flower diameter, flower weight, plant spread, and number of
flowers/plant. These can directly help in increasing flower number/plant and flower diameter.
Thus, by increasing the total plant height and shoots/plant more remunerative varieties with
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In the past dahlia has remained neglected, and improvement through breeding was not
very effective due to limited genetic diversity. The recent germplasm accessions provide scope
for Vigorous improvement through hybridization. The clusters comprising only one variety, i.e.
Arthur Godfrey, African Queen and Pioneer, with specific valuable~raits ean also be used in
hybridization to exploit hybrid vigour. The highly divergent groups are also likely to produce
new genotypes with hitherto unknown combinations.
1. C. R.· Rao. 1952. Advance Statistical Methods in Biometric Research. John Wiley and
Sons, New York.