The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry has its origin as Agricultural
Chemistry section at the College of Agriculture, Pune which was established in 1905 under
leadership of Dr. A. A. Meggit followed by Dr. H. S. Mann, Dr. D. L. Sahasrabudhe, Dr. J. A.
Daji and Dr. Narayana. The Department was established in 1968 which was shifted to Central
Campus, Rahuri during the year 1972. The department was renamed as the Department of Soil
Science and Agricultural Chemistry in 2006.
The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Mahatma Phule Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Rahuri has been entrusted with the major responsibilities of teaching, research and
extension in the field of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry specifically in the jurisdiction
of Western Maharashtra through colleges and research stations.
To offer courses in the disciplines of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry for the
undergraduate degree programmes in the faculties of Agriculture, Horticulture,
Agricultural Engineering and Agri-business management.
To offer courses in the disciplines of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry for M.Sc.
(Agri.) and Ph.D. degree programmes.
To exchange information with other scientists and extension staff engaged in Soil Science
and Agricultural Chemistry research through field trials, training, group discussions,
seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences and scientific, technical and extension
To provide advisory service to both Government and public sector through analysis of
soil, plant, irrigation water, manure and fertilizer samples along with respective
To render technical advice to farmers on specific problems of soil, plant and irrigation
To collaborate with national, international and other research organizations and fertilizer,
pesticide and sugar industries for undertaking research programme.
Academic programme
5. Research 45
Total Credits 75
Compulsory Non Credit Courses 15
There are four well equipped laboratories with sophisticated equipments. These
laboratories not only used for teaching purpose but also render the advisory services to farmers
by analyzing samples of Soil – Water – Plant and Fertilizers at the nominal charges.
X-ray diffraction system
Soil CO2 flux system
ARC, GIS software
Pressure membrane apparatus
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
TOC analyzer
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Microwave digestion system
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) Incubator
Flame Photometer
Automatic Nitrogen analyzer
Soil moisture meters
Muffle furnace
High Speed Centrifuge machine
Advanced Leaf area meter
Generated dry land technologies for soil and water conservation and nutrient
management for field crops.
Developed integrated nutrient management strategies for dry land crops and
recommendations are given.
Advocated the use of saline water through drip irrigation for vegetables and use of
pressurized irrigation for fertigation.
Developed integrated nutrient management system for higher sugarcane productivity and
sugar recovery.
Developed the technology for enhancing the nutrient use efficiency for rice.
Developed the technology for one time controlled application of post biomethanted spent
wash as a liquid manure.
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS and LUP), Nagpur
Extension Programmes
S. N. Particulars Year
1 Recommendations for Sustainable Agril. (Plant Nutrition, Soil 2014
and Water Conservation)
1 Laboratory Methods for Analysis of Soil, Irrigation Water and 2013
2 Ber- Dryland Fruit 2013
3 Agricultural Knowledge at a Glance 2013
4 Dryland Agriculture 2014
5 Objective Soil Science 2015
6 Key Notes on ACSS 2015
7 Dryland Fruit Crops 2016
8 GIS-Soil Fertility Maps of Western Maharashtra 2016
9 GIS-Soil Fertility Status of Western Maharashtra 2016
10 50 Years of Research on STCR 1967-2017
1 Soil Health: A Key to Food Security 21-22 January, 2014 2014
2 Soil Health Awareness: A Prerequisite to Yield Sustainability 21- 2015
22 December, 2015
1 Compendium Ph.D. Thesis 1963-2009
2 Compendium M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis 1963-2009
3 Soil, Irrigation Water Analysis and Fertilizer Use 2013
4 Soil Testing for Available N, S and B 2015
5 Soil Testing for Soil Available N, S and B 2014
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