Phil 201 Ethics I Spring 23 Syllabus
Phil 201 Ethics I Spring 23 Syllabus
Phil 201 Ethics I Spring 23 Syllabus
Spring 2023
Email: [email protected]
Class Meetings:
Tuesdays 10:40-13:30 YP-D204 & Zoom (we won’t always meet on Thursdays between 10:40-11:30, look
out for announcements in class)
Course Description
This course offers an introductory survey to various ethical theories within the history of
western philosophy, including virtue ethics, deontology, utilitarianism, social contract theory,
care ethics, and existentialist ethics. Bringing these ethical frameworks to bear on contemporary
ethical issues, this course seeks to combine theoretical and applied approaches to ethics.
Beginning with the question of “the good life,” we shall ask: Why live ethically? And how to live
ethically? Tracing how each philosopher with whom we engage responds to these questions, the
students are expected to develop an understanding of different kinds of ethical reasoning, which
in turn would enable them to analyze issues and propose an informed, intelligent response. As
their final project, the students will write a paper in which they take up a specific ethical problem
(e.g. capital punishment, euthanasia, incarceration, animal liberation, suicide, sex
work/prostitution, torture, hunger strike, pornography, etc.) and argue for a position by utilizing
and building on the kinds of ethical reasoning we traced and scrutinized throughout the semester.
All readings may be found on The students must attend class
having done the assigned readings for the day and ready for discussion.
Grading Components
Midterm 30%
10 Reflections (around 500 words each) 20% (to be posted on the forum by 23:59 on Mondays)
Argumentative Paper 50% (1200-1500 words, due on finals week)