Part 1-2023 (1st Version)
Part 1-2023 (1st Version)
Part 1-2023 (1st Version)
1- A newborn term infant after birth develops cyanosis that improves with crying. What is most likely the
a. Unilateral choanal atresia
b. Bilateral Choanal atresia
2- An 11 months old presented with history of weeks exercise intolerance, shortness of breath & fatigue.
They have history of sudden death in infants. On examination, he has gallop rhythm & he is afebrile. Labs
showed non-ketotic hypoglycemia
a. Myocarditis
b. Endocarditis
c. Dilated cardiomyopathy
d. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
4- a girl presents to your clinic with complain of painless swelling inside her mouth that have a rapid onset
and fluctuate in size, what is the most likely diagnosis? (The exact pic was in the exam)
a. Mucocele
b. Oral lymphagioma
c. Brachial cyst
d. Pyogenic granuloma
5- You saw a patient with AOM. Described amoxicillin. He came for follow up & you notice that the
pharmacy given him double the dose. Patient is doing well otherwise. What do you do next?
a. You discharge the patient on correct dose
b. Tell the family to complaint
c. Tell the family this is the pharmacy mistake
d. Disclose the issue & apologize
6- Exclusively breast-fed patient comes to you with this rash & alopecia as well as diarrhea. What
investigation you need to do?
a. Zinc level
b. Stool culture
c. Stool for occult blood
d. Stool for reducing substances
7- 14yrs old with 4 months of weight loss, languo hair & amenorrhea. Her heart rate is 40. What is she likely
to have?
a. Prolonged QT
b. Right axis deviation
8- A 6 months old presented with fever, tachypnea & has basilar rales. He is nontoxic looking. Next step to
a. Oxygen saturation
b. Chest x-ray
c. CBC
d. CRP
9- Anorexic patient admitted and planned to start feeding. What problem will arise in the early
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Hyperkalemia
c. Hypophosphatemia
d. Hypernatremia
11- Female adolescent came with heavy menstruation that requires admission. What is the most common
cause of heavy bleeding?
b. Cervical polyps
c. Hemangioma
d. Bleeding disorder
12- Boy that with history of gingival bleeding, also (??knee involvement) with the following labs:
Bleeding time: Prolonged
APTT: Prolonged
a. Hemophilia A
b. Hemophilia B
c. Von Willebrand Disease
13- A 2 years old boy presented with his mother to your clinic with skin lesion around the mouth. Which of
the following is the appropriate treatment? (Picture was provided)
a. Topical mupirocin
14- A girl presented for treatment of acne... feeling upset because her mother doesn't allowed her to go
with her friends.. and she will not be popular because of that ... thinks that her mother does that so she will
not be tired for school ...thinks that she is not as attractive as other colleagues
a. Late adolescent
b. Mid adolescent
c. Early adolescent
d. Pre-adolescent
15- Patient with Severe DKA (hx of polydipsia, weight loss and presented with abdominal pain and
vomiting) with High RBS and blood gas showing: PH 6.9 and HCO3: 6. what to do next?
a. IVF normal saline bolus of 10ml/kg over 1hr
b. Bicarbonate 2meq/kg
c. IV fluids with maintenance + 9%
d. IV Fluids @ 1.5Maintenance
16- Family coming with complaint that their son is more irritable & has perianal
itching. They notice that there is worms coming from his anus. What is the
diagnostic testing? (This is the same picture provided in the exam)
a. Stool for ova & parasite
b. Stool culture
c. Tape test
17- Patient became jaundiced & had dark urine after eating fava bean. What do you expect to see in
peripheral blood smear?
a. . Heinz body
b. . Stomatocyte
c. . Howell jolly body
18- Patient diagnosed with SLE and had worsening of her arthritis started on regular ibuprofen. However,
she started having severe headache and vomiting. Referred to for management. She most likely has:
a. . Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
b. . Aseptic meningitis
c. . CNS lupus
19- Child with recurrent fever and oral ulcer. His throat culture and vital study are all negative.. With
exudative tonsils and cervical lymph node ...this episodes occurred every 6 weeks for the last 9 months. He
has all cultures (bacterial & viral negative). High ESR & CRP. What is the curative management?
a. Tonsillectomy
b. Steroid
c. Naproxen
d. Cimetidine
20-(Long case scenario about Rett Syndrome), What is the earliest sign in this disease?
a. Motor regression
b. Speech delay
c. Regression of head
d. Wrething movement of the hand
21- Child stacks blocks together, build 4 blocks, runs away from parents, throw ball without falling back..
height gain velocity of 12cm/year:
a. 12 months
b. 15 months
c. 18 months
d. 24 months
23- Case of temper tantrums with breath holding spells (turns blue, loses tone for around 1 minute). Mother
concerned and wants to try pharmacological therapy. Physician wants to decrease occurrence of attacks. In
addition to behavioral modifications, what pharmacological agent to add?
a. Resperidone
b. Diazepam as needed
c. Iron supplement
d. Vitamin D supplement
24- two weeks old with rectal temp of 38.3 otherwise well looking. Best next step:
a. Full step work up & start empiric antibiotics
b. Take cultures & discharge
c. Discharge with close follow up
25- Child develop a rash that is scaly, pruritic plaques in the palm of his hand. He recently started playing
with homemade slime without gloves. What is the diagnosis? (This is the same exact picture provided in the
a. Contact dermatitis
b. Atopic dermatitis
c. Scabies
d. Seborrheic dermatitis
26- Patient develops direct hyperbilirubinemia at 10 hours of life. What is the most likely diagnosis? (No
family hx or maternal blood grouping)
a. Hypothyroidism
b. ABO incompatibility
c. Hereditary spherocytosis
d. Breastfeeding jaundice
27- An unvaccinated girl that lives on the farm with her family (family was not supporting the idea of
vaccination). She was found to be unresponsive. She had recent history of URI & diarrhea. On your
examination, she is icteric. What is most likely to be positive?
a. Hepatitis A IgM
b. Hepatitis B s Ag
c. Hepatitis C Ab
d. Hepatitis E
30- 10 years old boy admitted with fever, cough, and weight loss, hx of contact with his grandmother who
has 3 months hx of cough and hemoptysis, weight loss.
PPD test of child: 12 mm
What is the appropriate test for diagnosis?
a. Quantiferon test
b. gastric aspiration for fast acid bacilli
c. CT chest
31- 3 years old girl brought by her mother to the clinic. She is not worried about her development. She said
her first word at 11 months. She can say sentences now but she says (m-m-m-mummy, mummy, mummy)
and (Uh) between the sentences. She also has tics. What’s next step?
a. Reassure
b. Hearing assessment
c. Development assessment
d. Refer to physiatrist
34- Scenario of patient that was dry for months and then he again started wetting his bed only at night.
What is this called?
a. Primary nocturnal enuresis
b. Secondary nocturnal enuresis
c. Primary diurnal enuresis
d. Secondary diurnal enuresis
35- Patient with Tourette & has ADHD. You want to start methylphenidate. You need to discuss side effect
of methylphenidate:
a. Worsening of tics
36- Scenario about ADHD in school. Best to confirm this:
a. A week trial of methylphenidate
b. By asking teacher & parents of the symptoms
c. Getting educational assessment by a different teacher that never taught him
37- Patient with recurrent staph aureus abscess and currently has severe pneumonia with empyema
Blood Culture: Negative
Pleural fluid culture: Serratia
39- What do you expect to find high in patient with chronic anemia?
a. Ferritin
c. Serum Iron
d. Transferrin
41- girl with worries about her weight. She comes with episode of fresh bleeding. She has dental enamel
erosion. Labs showed IDA.
a. Mallory-Weiss syndrome
b. Peptic ulcer
c. Aspiration
42- Which synovial fluid findings confirm the diagnosis of septic arthritis?
a. WBC 50,000 PMN 50%
b. WBC 100,000 PMN 90%
c. WBC ??? PMN 30%
d. WBC ??? PMN 15%
43- Patient has septic arthritis. He had history of bloody diarrhea 5 days prior. What is the likely organism?
a. E.Coli
b. Salmonella
c. Rota
d. Giardia
44- Autistic patient now has difficulty sleeping & has become more active & aggressive during the day.
Family would like to give something to reduce these behaviors?
a. Risperidone
b. Lamotrigine
c. Phenobarbital
45- Child can undress himself, use spoon well & say sentence of 3 words (noun, adjective & verb). What is
the age in months?
a. 18 months
b. 24 months
c. 30 months
d. 48 months
46- Case of 8 years old girl with brown spotting in her underwear with foul odor for weeks. Mother says
nobody touched her. Labia minora erythema, annular hymen, no signs of injury. underwear has discharge.
Tanner stage 1-2. No hair in axilla or groin.
a. Physiological leukorrhea
b. Precocious menarche
c. Group A beta hemolytic strep vaginitis
d. Foreign body
47- Girl with depressive symptoms. Presents to the ER within 45 minutes after ingesting significant amount
of amptriyline pills. She is well & is vitally stable. What is your next step?
a. Give charcoal
b. Consult psychiatry
48- Patient with seizures for 10 minutes given diazepam then lorazepam. Seizures aborted but Developed
labored breathing and Desaturations down to 70%. What is your next step?
a. STAT flumazenil
b. Naloxone
c. Intubate and put on mechanical ventilator
49- Patient in PICU intubated developed desaturation and found to have crackle on chest auscultation,
what’s next step in management?
a. Increase PEEP
b. Give furosemide
50- Picture of patient post lobectomy has nasty wound infection. What is your next step?
a. IV Cefazolin 7 days
b. Oral antibiotics
c. Open wound, take cultures & start IV antibiotics
51- Scenario of orbital cellulitis (proptosis with limitation of eye movement). What is next step?
a. Admit for IV antibiotics
b. Oral antibiotic and follow up within 24hrs
c. Topical Abx
52- 2yrs unvaccinated coming with inspiratory stridor & not toxic looking. What is most likely caused?
a. Parainfluenza
b. Hemophilis influenza b
53- Child with episodes of staring occasionally accompanied by staring, lip smacking, squinting
a. - Daydreaming
b. - Pseudoseizures
c. - Absence seizures
d. - Myoclonic seizures
54- Patient with constipation. He has soiling of the underwear and mass felt in the abdomen. What is your
next step?
a. Abdominal X-ray
b. Laxative
c. Reassurance
55- 12 months old with iron deficiency anemia. Hgb of 7 but cardiorespiratory stable. What is your next
a. Start oral iron & follow in 2 weeks
b. Add meat to diet & follow in 2 weeks
c. Reassure
56- Male adolescent, has tender rubbery mass below right areola around 2 cm. Tanner stage 2-3 Normal
genital examination. Next step?
a. - Reassurance
b. - Fine needle aspiration
c. - Ultrasonography
d. - Refer to endocrinology
57- A mother concerned about her 10-year-old’s weight calls your office to find out how to calculate her
child’s BMI. Your office nurse tells her the BMI can be calculated only if one knows which of the following
a. Weight
b. Height
c. Weight and height
d. Weight, height, and age
58- Patient after motor vehicle accident developed shoulder pain and left upper quadrant pain. He is
hypotensive & has low hemoglobin. What is most likely cause?
a. Liver laceration
b. Pancreatic laceration
c. Splenic rupture
d. Kidney hematoma
59- case scenario about HSP with only mild abdominal pain. What to do next?
a. Skin biopsy
b. Corticosteroids
c. Urine dipstick, hydration, bed rest & analgesia
60- Asthmatic patient in PICU receiving continous salbutamol. ECG was provided in the exam. Most likely
electrolyte imbalance:
a. Hypokalemia
61- 10 day old boy coming with lethargy & vomiting. He was found to have hyperkalemia, hyponatremia
and metabolic acidosis. No glucose given.
a. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
62- 3 years old child came to the ophthalmology clinic for check up, what is the best test to assess his visual
a. Tumbling E
b. Visual evoked response
c. Snellen Chart
d. Indirect opthalmoscope
63- 12 year-old boy Patient MVA with abdominal pain, tenderness, pallor. Hypotensive 90/? Tachypneic
with RR 60X-ray shows air under diaphragm. Low hemoglobin what is the best next step?
a. - CT abdomen
b. - Emergency laparotomy with stabilization and repair at later stage
64-9 months old with persistent head lag, poor feeding & respiratory difficulty. They have history of sibling
with infant death. On exam, hepatomegaly. X-ray cardiomegaly How to reach diagnosis?
a. - Nerve conduction
b. - Muscle biopsy
c. - Liver biopsy
d. - Enzyme assay from dry blood spot
65- Infant delivered at home. Presented to the ER because of pallor, no jaundice. Mum is A+, baby O+ve.
Most likely cause of anemia:
a. ABO incompatibility
b. Transplacental bleeding
c. RH incompatibility
66- 10 day old patient with total bilirubin 150. Well looking & he is exclusively breast fed. What do you
advise mother?
a. Admit for phototherapy
b. Continue breast-feeding
c. Start formula feed
67- 30 days old with history of poor feeding, activity & he has sibling that died with same presentation. Only
investigation that was given is normal ammonia which is 99 (which was within normal range)
a. Galactossemia
b. Organic acidemias
c. Urea cycle defect
d. Aminoacidopathies
68- Patient with status epilepticus controlled only after midazolam infusion. Afterwards developed
hematuria what is the likely cause?
Urinalysis showed HBG ++++ (the only investigation given)
a. Rhabdomyolsis
69- Patient came to ER with history of Kerosene ingestion has cough after ingestion immediatly.
Examination otherwise is normal. What do you do next?
a. Chest x-ray
b. Discharge home
70- years old comes after ingesting a coin. X-ray that was provided in the exam shows coin in stomach. Next
a. Serial abdominal x-ray
b. Discharge & follow up 2 weeks
c. Admit
73- X-ray with multiple air fluid levels. Boy that comes in with right inguinal pain.
a. Incarcerated inguinal hernia
74- Case scenario about Migraine asking what is the most likely the patient has?
75- Patient with focal seizures. CSF showed lymphocytosis & high RBC. What is most likely organism?
a. HSV encephalitis
b. TB
76- Patient had history of fever & runny nose, 2 days ago which resolved. Then came with history of sudden
wheezing. No family history of wheezing. On examination, he has focal wheezing on the right and nasal
flaring. What is next step?
a. Bronchoscopy
77- X-ray showing Rib notching (the same exact picture was provided in the exam but without the arrows)
a. Coarctation of aorta
78- Neonate with poor feeding, lethargy and vomiting. You suspect metabolic disease. What is the initial
step in the management?
a. Stop protein intake
b. Fluid resuscitation
c. Start high dextrose infusion
79- 4 months old bloody diarrhea after starting formula. What is next step?
a. Start hydrolyzed formula
b. Stop formula
80- Patient started on INH therapy then developed peripheral neuropathy. What is the next step?
a. Stop INH
b. Start folate
c. Start pyridoxine
82- Breast mass + asking from the following which will confirm or aid the dx
a. In premenstrual cycle
83- Child presented to ER with hx of lethargy, vomiting have stippling sells in peripheral blood smear, what
is the diagnosis?
Lead poisoning
84- SCD patient came with sever pallor his usual HBG 8-9 and current HBG is 5, Spleen was 8cm below costal
margin while his usual was 6 cm below costal margin, what to do next?
a. PRBC transfusion
85- baby say baba, sit with support, at what this age what he can do?
a. Transfer from hand to hand
86- case about patient with features of DiGeorge syndrome, what type of immunodeficiency they have:
a. B-Cell lymphoengemia
b. T-cell lymphoengemia
87- patient with picture of PSGN(hx of throat infection, then hematuria) what is diagnostic test?
a. Low C3
b. Streptozyme test
88- Child presented with sudden onset of blood in stool, what to do? (Not sure about the choices)
a. Meckel scan
b. endoscopy????
89- Scenario of child present with fever and acute vomiting, urgent CT done (image was provided in the
exam and showing hemorrhage with???Mid-line shifting, what is of the following will help you on
confirming the diagnosis?
a. CBC
b. coagulation profile
c. LP
d. Fundoscopy
90- Patient in PICU. Intubated. Underwent insertion of Right internal jugular line. During procedure, started
desating. Chest x ray shows whitish right lung. What is the likely cause?
a. imperial site of line
b. right side pleural effusion
91- Patient with parents farmers, came with sudden gray-blue color, with good feeding, there are goats in
the farm, and they drink from well water. What is the next step?
a. Oxygen and methylene blue
92- Patient with features of celiac disease & anti-tissue transglutaminase is high what is the next step?
-eliminate wheat, rye free diet
93- Patient with history of fever and URTI a week ago. Then developed difficulty walking. On examination,
he has tenderness in calf what is the Next step:
a. serum Creatinine Kinase
94- 4 months old infant with repetitive jerking neck upper extremities and trunk. Followed by loss of
tone. Normal EEG.
a. Benign sleep myoclonus
95- Marfan syndrome came with sudden chest pain and shortness of breath
a. pneumothorax
96- Patient took antiemetic medication and then developed extrapyramidal symptoms. What is the cause?
a. Metoclopramide
97- Patient came with suspicion of meningitis and father refused LP, what is your action?
-a. explore the concern of the father and explain the importance of the procedure
98- Child unable to sit by herself and has exaggerated startle response and cherry red spot
a. tay sache disease
99- Patient with recurrent chest infection, Sinusitis and nasal polyps, which test will you do?
a. sweat chloride test
100- A 4-month-old infant previously healthy presented to Emergency room with history of swelling over
the right side of his head. The child is irritable and crying. on examination he looks happy and well. The
mother denies any history of head trauma. Radiological head CT scan were done which showed linear
fracture of the right parietal bone What is your next step?
a. Vancomycin
103- Upon auscultation a neonate who was intubated in the delivery room, you found that heart rate was
50 beat/min, what is appropriate next step?
a. Chest compression
104- 5 months old baby, pre term infant, exclusively breastfed, no supplements.
Labs shows:
Calcium: normal.
Phosphate: normal
ALP: 1200
What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Vitamin D deficiency.
b. Osteopenia of prematurity.
c. Transient hypophosphatemia.
d. Familial hypophosphatemia
105- Parents came to clinic cause of abnormal behavior of a 5 years old child was talking then stopped
talking for short time and back talking again after few seconds patient otherwise normal. EEG: 3hz spike
a. Absence seizures.
106- A child fell to the back and hit his head, he had no vomiting or loss of consciousness. In ER he has blood
behind the right tympanic membrane. What is the cause?
108- 4 months old baby boy presented with painful swollen Left thigh , Radiological imaging done showed spiral
fracture of the left thigh , what is the cause of this fracture :
a. Someone twisted
b. By his younger brother
c. He felt while rolling over
109- Atired-appearing mother of a 2-month-old boy states he is feeding and sleeping well but cries for a
total of 3 hours each day. The baby’s examination is normal. Which of the following statements about
crying is correct?
110- 8 years old girl, presents to your clinic stating she is afraid to lose her mother, but she enjoys playing
with her friends when they are invited to her house, fear comes back when holiday ends.
a. Separation anxiety
b. Social phobia
112: 6 months old child, what are the vaccines he should receive at his age? (None of the choices has
113- (Myasthenia Gravies case) Boy with difficulty in opening eyes, ptosis, sad face although he is happy.
what is the treatment:
a. neostigmine
114- Case about Duchene muscular dystrophy (hx progressive weakness and has calf muscle hypertrophy),
what is the mood inheritance?
A. X-linked Recessive
B. Autosomal dominant
C. Autosomal recessive
D. Sporadic
115- Patient recently discharged from the hospital and was diagnosed as case of ITP and received IVIG
during his stay, which of the following vaccine he should not receive? (Cannot remember the other choices)
a. MMR
b. Stalk polio
116- ECG was provided and ask about which heart block this patient has?
a. first degree heart block
b. Second degree heart block Mobitz type 1
c. Second degree heart block Mobitz type 2
d. Third degree heart block
117- A 3 years old child previously healthy playing the farm found to be lethargic, brought to ER in with
wheezing, lacrimation and salivation (no mention of pupils or vitals):
a. Organophosphate toxicity
b. anaphylaxis shock
118- Child with eye dryness and he cannot see well in the night? (Couldn’t recall the question very well)
a. Vitamin A Deficiency
b. Vitamin E Deficiency
119- Case of CP who has GERD came with Respiratory distress after feeding + Picture showing with ground
glass appearance and hyperinflation of both lungs, bilateral Basal crepitation:
a. Aspiration Pneumonia
b. Cardiopulmonary Edema
c. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
120- Healthy baby other than FTT and emesis after feed, what is the best Diagenetic method?
a. PH prop.
b. Esophogoscopy
c. Barium
121- Patient has recurrent Sinopulmonary infection, thrombocytopenia and severe eczema, what is best
next laboratory test?
122- Child following up for FTT, he is not gaining weight despite he is on high calorie diet, what to do next?
a. Admit the patient and reevaluate for weight
b. Discharge patient home
123- A 3-year-old boy presented with a history of fever, and vomiting for 3 days. On examination, there is
neck stiffness. Other examinations are unremarkable. He is diagnosed as Hib b Meningitis. Which one of the
following should be done before the discharge?
a. Brain MRI.
b. Hearing test.
c. Developmental survey
a. Laryngotracheobronchitis
b. Epiglottis
c. Bacterial Trachealis
d. Retropharyngeal abscess
125- Young athlete presented with pain of the knee joint, examination showed normal knee exam with slight swelling
beneath the knee, (exact picture was provided):
What will you do to the patient:
a. Rest and reassurance
b. Joint aspirate
c. Knee MRI
d. Knee injection of corticosteroid
126- a child drunk an alkaline detergent, what to do next?
a. Endoscopy within 24hr
b. CXR