Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Sep. 2008
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
Ref .no _____________
Kalayu kiros
-Program coordinator
- Finance division
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
181,272.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for NNPWE
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
human resource etc However, after successful achievement of this project, it is
believed that additional intervention areas including capacity building would be
expanded within and/or to the un covered areas.
1.3 Socio Economic Analysis
The National Regional state of Tigray is situated in the North part of Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Its absolute location is 12 o 15 N to 14o15 N and 36 027
E to 39o 59E. It is bordered by state of Eritrea in the North, the Sudan in the west, the
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
National Regional state of Amhara in the South and the National Regional State of Afar
in the East. Due to the rugged, terrain and altitudinal difference in land configurations;
Dega, wenadega and kola climatic types are observed. The targeted project areas:
Alamata, Maychew, Mekelle, Adigrat, Axum, shire & Humera consist of kola, Dega,
Weina Dega, Weina Dega, semi-kola, -kola &kola climatic conditions respectively. All of
them have an ideal land for investment.
Tigray region has six administration zones (Southern, Mekelle, Eastern, Central,
North Western & western zones) each zone sub divided in to wereda and tabia
(Kebelle) In the 2006 G.C the total inhabitant of the region is expected to be about 4.5
million. In the 1994 G.C population and housing census report, the total population was
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
III. Goal /General objective:
To build up the institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa Hiwot Association of
Women living with HIV/AIDS through recruiting human resources, purchasing office
furniture and furnishing access to office supplies & utilities.
IV Activities to be carried out:
A call for applicants & recruit a project/ programmer officer, a
secretary cashier, a guard & a janitor.
Preparation of specifications for the computer, printer and office
furniture purchase
Opening the bidding process to the concerned bidders.
Procuring the materials from bid/Performa winner(s).
Renting a house for office usage for 12 months
V. Implementation Strategies:
To capacitate Tesfa Hiwot Association of Women living with HIV/AIDS
with implementing capacity so as to make it self- sustained in the long run, (for efficient
coordination, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of overall undertaking)
To focus in capacitating staffs of the organization to administer, monitor
and evaluate the undertakings effectively & efficiently,
Promote collaboration with governmental and non governmental
organizations to realize intended objectives and goal.
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 12 28,980.00
1.1.2 Project officer ‘’ 01 2300.00 12 27,600.00
1.1.3 Accountant ‘’ 01 1300.00 12 15,600.00
1.1.4 Secretary cashier ‘’ 01 1219 12 14,628.00
1.1.5 Janitor ‘’ 01 460 12 5,520.00
1.1.6 Guard ‘’ 02 420 12 5,040.00
1.2.1 Regional Coordinator ‘’ 01 890 12 10,680.00
1.2.2 HBC Officer 01 546.25 12 6,555.00
1.2.3 Training and Education officer 01 546.25 12 6,555.00
1.2.4 Canceller officer 01 546.25 12 6,555.00
1.3.1 Home base care (HBC) 20 325.00 12 78,000.00
1.3.2 Executives ‘’ 05 300.00 12 18,000.00
Sub total 145,713.00
2. Office accommodation
2.1 Office rent ‘’ 01 2000.00 12 24000.00
2.2 Telephone expenses ‘’ 03 450.00 12 16,200.00
2.3 Fax, internet services 350.00 12 4200.00
2.4 Miscellaneous Expense 150.00 12 1800.00
2.5 Stationary &Transportation Expense ‘’ 500.00 12 6,000.00
Sub total 52,200.00
Grand total 197,913.00
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Sep. 2008
Ref .no _____________
Kalayu kiros
Program Coordinator
-Program coordinator
- Finance division
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
181,272.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for THAPCO
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
III. Goal /General objective:
To build up the institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa Hiwot Association of
Women living with HIV/AIDS through recruiting human resources, purchasing office
furniture and furnishing access to office supplies & utilities.
IV Activities to be carried out:
A call for applicants & recruit a project/ programmer officer, a
secretary cashier, a guard & a janitor.
Preparation of specifications for the computer, printer and office
furniture purchase
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
Evaluation would be conducted two times, the first mid evaluation would be on
third month after the release of finance and the second evaluation would be at the end
of the project fiscal year. In evaluations, the basic items are the impact of the income-
undertakings over the life of the project
VIII. Indicators:
Documents prepared to a achieve the procurement
Documents prepared & performances to achieve all types of recruitments.
The types & number of furniture bought by the project.
Improvements shown, (up to date, in the implementation capacity of the
VIIII. Assumptions:
The assistance by donors will be continued as per the demand of the
applicant ( fund secured on time)
The staff administrative expenses will be covered by the reliant partners.
Stakeholders network will be more strengthened than at present
The market price shall be as appropriates as expected
X . Stakeholders:
Regional HIV/AIDS prevention & Control office (THAPCO
Women's Association of Tigray (WAT)
Tigray Development Association (TDA)
Red-cross Tigray Branch
Regional Health Bureau
Regional youth Association
Kebelle (local) Administration
Industry, Micro & small scale business development offices.
Bureau of Labor & Social Affairs ( BOLSA)
Different Religious In Situations
Technical & vocational In situations
Different civic Societies as Indris, clubs, etc
XI. Project period.
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 12 28,980.00
1.1.2 Project officer ‘’ 01 2300.00 12 27,600.00
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Sep. 2008
Ref .no _____________
Subject:- Submitting of project Proposal For Capacity Building
Dear sir/Madam
Attached herewith please find a project proposal document prepared by Association of
women living with HIV/Aids Capacity Building for women living with HIV/ADIS.
Finally, on behalf of the members of the association, l would like to extend my
deepest appreciation for giving all the assistances to the organization. We have
attached all the necessary details for implementing the project activities hoping full
cooperation from your good office,
I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Kalayu kiros
Admin. And finance head
- Finance division
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
17,534.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for THAPCO
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
human resource etc However, after successful achievement of this project, it is
believed that additional intervention areas including capacity building would be
expanded within and/or to the un covered areas.
1.3 Socio Economic Analysis
The National Regional state of Tigray is situated in the North part of Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Its absolute location is 12 o 15 N to 14o15 N and 36 027
E to 39o 59E. It is bordered by state of Eritrea in the North, the Sudan in the west, the
National Regional state of Amhara in the South and the National Regional State of Afar
in the East. Due to the rugged, terrain and altitudinal difference in land configurations;
Dega, wenadega and kola climatic types are observed. The targeted project areas:
Alamata, Maychew, Mekelle, Adigrat, Axum, shire & Humera consist of kola, Dega,
Weina Dega, Weina Dega, semi-kola, -kola &kola climatic conditions respectively. All of
them have an ideal land for investment.
Tigray region has six administration zones (Southern, Mekelle, Eastern, Central,
North Western & western zones) each zone sub divided in to wereda and tabia
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
(Kebelle) In the 2006 G.C the total inhabitant of the region is expected to be about 4.5
million. In the 1994 G.C population and housing census report, the total population was
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
III. Goal /General objective:
To build up the institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa Hiwot Association of
Women living with HIV/AIDS through recruiting human resources, purchasing office
furniture and furnishing access to office supplies & utilities.
IV Activities to be carried out:
A call for applicants & recruit a project/ programmer officer, a
secretary cashier, a guard & a janitor.
Preparation of specifications for the computer, printer and office
furniture purchase
Opening the bidding process to the concerned bidders.
Procuring the materials from bid/Performa winner(s).
Renting a house for office usage
V. Implementation Strategies:
To capacitate Tesfa Hiwot Association of Women living with HIV/AIDS
with implementing capacity so as to make it self- sustained in the long run, (for efficient
coordination, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of overall undertaking)
To focus in capacitating staffs of the organization to administer, monitor
and evaluate the undertakings effectively & efficiently,
Promote collaboration with governmental and non governmental
organizations to realize intended objectives and goal.
VI. Out put/ Result:
By the project period, a significant number of office furniture will be
purchased; by this the problem of office furniture will be solved.
A significant number of staff members ( salary as well) will be fulfilled
Office accommodation in general gets improved.
The office of the association will get the capacity to administer, monitor
& evaluate the various accomplishments.
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 2 4830.00
1.1.4 Secretary and cashier ‘’ 01 1219 2 2438.00
1.1.5 Janitor ‘’ 01 460 2 920.00
1.1.6 Guard ‘’ 02 460 2 1840.00
1.2.1 Regional Coordinator ‘’ 01 890 2 1780.00
1.2.2 HBC Officer 01 646 2 1292.00
1.2.3 Training and Education officer 01 646 2 1292.00
1.2.4 Canceller officer 01 646 2 1292.00
Sub total 15,684.00
2. Office accommodation
2.5 Stationary Expense , Telephone expenses and ‘’ Lump sum 1850.05
Other Miscellanies expense
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
NOV. 2008
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
Ref .no _____________
Kalayu kiros
Program coordinator
-Program coordinator
- Finance division
12. Project Goal:- To build up the Institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
181,272.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for NNPWE
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
human resource etc However, after successful achievement of this project, it is
believed that additional intervention areas including capacity building would be
expanded within and/or to the un covered areas.
1.3 Socio Economic Analysis
The National Regional state of Tigray is situated in the North part of Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Its absolute location is 12 o 15 N to 14o15 N and 36 027
E to 39o 59E. It is bordered by state of Eritrea in the North, the Sudan in the west, the
National Regional state of Amhara in the South and the National Regional State of Afar
in the East. Due to the rugged, terrain and altitudinal difference in land configurations;
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
Dega, wenadega and kola climatic types are observed. The targeted project areas:
Alamata, Maychew, Mekelle, Adigrat, Axum, shire & Humera consist of kola, Dega,
Weina Dega, Weina Dega, semi-kola, -kola &kola climatic conditions respectively. All of
them have an ideal land for investment.
Tigray region has six administration zones (Southern, Mekelle, Eastern, Central,
North Western & western zones) each zone sub divided in to wereda and tabia
(Kebelle) In the 2006 G.C the total inhabitant of the region is expected to be about 4.5
million. In the 1994 G.C population and housing census report, the total population was
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 12 28,980.00
1.1.2 Project officer ‘’ 01 2000.00 12 24,000.00
1.1.3 Accountant ‘’ 01 1300.00 12 15,600.00
1.1.4 Secretary cashier ‘’ 01 1219 12 14,628.00
1.1.5 Janitor ‘’ 01 460 12 5,520.00
1.1.6 Guard ‘’ 02 420 12 5,040.00
1.2.1 Regional Coordinator ‘’ 01 890 12 10,680.00
1.2.2 HBC Officer 01 546.25 12 6,555.00
1.2.3 Training and Education officer 01 546.25 12 6,555.00
1.2.4 Canceller officer 01 546.25 12 6,555.00
1.3.1 Home base care (HBC) 15 325.00 12 58,500.00
Sub total 145,713.00
2. Office accommodation
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Sep. 2008
Ref .no _____________
Kalayu kiros
Admin. And finance head
- Finance division
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
31,376.00birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for THAPCO
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
human resource etc However, after successful achievement of this project, it is
believed that additional intervention areas including capacity building would be
expanded within and/or to the un covered areas.
1.3 Socio Economic Analysis
The National Regional state of Tigray is situated in the North part of Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Its absolute location is 12 o 15 N to 14o15 N and 36 027
E to 39o 59E. It is bordered by state of Eritrea in the North, the Sudan in the west, the
National Regional state of Amhara in the South and the National Regional State of Afar
in the East. Due to the rugged, terrain and altitudinal difference in land configurations;
Dega, wenadega and kola climatic types are observed. The targeted project areas:
Alamata, Maychew, Mekelle, Adigrat, Axum, shire & Humera consist of kola, Dega,
Weina Dega, Weina Dega, semi-kola, -kola &kola climatic conditions respectively. All of
them have an ideal land for investment.
Tigray region has six administration zones (Southern, Mekelle, Eastern, Central,
North Western & western zones) each zone sub divided in to wereda and tabia
(Kebelle) In the 2006 G.C the total inhabitant of the region is expected to be about 4.5
million. In the 1994 G.C population and housing census report, the total population was
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
III. Goal /General objective:
To build up the institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa Hiwot Association of
Women living with HIV/AIDS through recruiting human resources, purchasing office
furniture and furnishing access to office supplies & utilities.
IV Activities to be carried out:
A call for applicants & recruit a project/ programmer officer, a
secretary cashier, a guard & a janitor.
Preparation of specifications for the computer, printer and office
furniture purchase
Opening the bidding process to the concerned bidders.
Procuring the materials from bid/Performa winner(s).
Renting a house for office usage
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
V. Implementation Strategies:
To capacitate Tesfa Hiwot Association of Women living with HIV/AIDS
with implementing capacity so as to make it self- sustained in the long run, (for efficient
coordination, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of overall undertaking)
To focus in capacitating staffs of the organization to administer, monitor
and evaluate the undertakings effectively & efficiently,
Promote collaboration with governmental and non governmental
organizations to realize intended objectives and goal.
VI. Out put/ Result:
By the project period, a significant number of office furniture will be
purchased; by this the problem of office furniture will be solved.
A significant number of staff members ( salary as well) will be fulfilled
Office accommodation in general gets improved.
The office of the association will get the capacity to administer, monitor
& evaluate the various accomplishments.
VII Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring is a continuous assessment or gathering information in all aspects of
the project. The activities are designed to provide a constant feed back on a project.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of Women living with HIV/AIDS has experience in participatory
way of monitoring and evaluation. The mechanisms are
Comparison the monthly report, quarterly report, semi-annual and annual
report, the physical performance against to financial performance, the project idea
against the progressing projects, and the governing document against the materialized
Monthly technical meeting with representatives of fundraising organization,
wereda administrative and with other stakeholders
Evaluation would be conducted two times, the first mid evaluation would be on
third month after the release of finance and the second evaluation would be at the end
of the project fiscal year. In evaluations, the basic items are the impact of the income-
undertakings over the life of the project
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
VIII. Indicators:
Documents prepared to a achieve the procurement
Documents prepared & performances to achieve all types of recruitments.
The types & number of furniture bought by the project.
Improvements shown, (up to date, in the implementation capacity of the
VIIII. Assumptions:
The assistance by donors will be continued as per the demand of the
applicant ( fund secured on time)
The staff administrative expenses will be covered by the reliant partners.
Stakeholders network will be more strengthened than at present
The market price shall be as appropriates as expected
X . Stakeholders:
Regional HIV/AIDS prevention & Control office (THAPCO
Women's Association of Tigray (WAT)
Tigray Development Association (TDA)
Red-cross Tigray Branch
Regional Health Bureau
Regional youth Association
Kebelle (local) Administration
Industry, Micro & small scale business development offices.
Bureau of Labor & Social Affairs ( BOLSA)
Different Religious In Situations
Technical & vocational In situations
Different civic Societies as Indris, clubs, etc
XI. Project period.
11.1 Implementation period:- the project life is three month
XII . Budget Summary:
o Human Resource (Salary) ------------------------------------ birr
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
o Office Rent______________________________________birr
o Office supplies & Office utility____________________birr
Total birr --------- birr 31,376.00
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 3 7245.00
1.1.4 Secretary and cashier ‘’ 01 1219 3 3657.00
1.1.5 Janitor ‘’ 01 460 3 1380.00
1.1.6 Guard ‘’ 02 460 3 2760.00
1.2.1 Regional Coordinator ‘’ 01 890 3 2670.00
1.2.2 HBC Officer 01 646 3 1938.00
Prepared by:
Jan. 2008
Ref .no _____________
Dear sir/Madam
Attached herewith please find a project proposal document prepared by Association of
women living with HIV/Aids Capacity Building for women living with HIV/ADIS.
Finally, on behalf of the members of the association, l would like to extend my
deepest appreciation for giving all the assistances to the organization. We have
attached all the necessary details for implementing the project activities hoping full
cooperation from your good office,
I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Kalayu kiros
Admin. And finance head
- Finance division
1.Title :- Capacity Building for Women Living With HIV/AIDS Home base
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of its
organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
72,000.00birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for Red Cross
Tigray Branch that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1 HBC Each 20 150.00 12 36,000.00
Sub total 36,000.00
2. Office accommodation
2.1 Office Rent 2000 12 24,000.00
2.2 HBC Material (Like Soap , Omo , barakina ) ‘’ Lump sum 12 12,000.00
Sub total 36,000.00
Grand total 72,000.00
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Ref .no _____________
Kalayu kiros
Admin. And finance head
- Finance division
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of its
organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
100,000.00birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for Tigray HIV
Aids Preventing and Controlling office that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
human resource etc However, after successful achievement of this project, it is
believed that additional intervention areas including capacity building would be
expanded within and/or to the un covered areas.
1.3 Socio Economic Analysis
The National Regional state of Tigray is situated in the North part of Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Its absolute location is 12 o 15 N to 14o15 N and 36 027
E to 39o 59E. It is bordered by state of Eritrea in the North, the Sudan in the west, the
National Regional state of Amhara in the South and the National Regional State of Afar
in the East. Due to the rugged, terrain and altitudinal difference in land configurations;
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
Dega, wenadega and kola climatic types are observed. The targeted project areas:
Alamata, Maychew, Mekelle, Adigrat, Axum, shire & Humera consist of kola, Dega,
Weina Dega, Weina Dega, semi-kola, -kola &kola climatic conditions respectively. All of
them have an ideal land for investment.
Tigray region has six administration zones (Southern, Mekelle, Eastern, Central,
North Western & western zones) each zone sub divided in to wereda and tabia
(Kebelle) In the 2006 G.C the total inhabitant of the region is expected to be about 4.5
million. In the 1994 G.C population and housing census report, the total population was
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 6 14490.00
1.1.2 Accountant ‘’ 01 1300.00 6 7,800.00
1.1.3 Secretary and cashier ‘’ 01 1219 6 7314.00
1.1.4 Janitor ‘’ 02 460 6 5520.00
1.1.5 Guard ‘’ 02 420 6 5040.00
1.2.1 Regional Coordinator ‘’ 01 890 6 5340.00
1.2.2 HBC Officer ‘’ 01 646 6 3876.00
1.2.3 Training and Education officer ‘’ 01 646 6 3876.00
1.3.4 Home base care (HBC) allowance ‘’ 15 100 12 18,000.00
Sub total 71,256.00
2. Office accommodation
2.1 Office rent ‘’ 01 2000.00 12 24000.00
2.4 Telephone , utility and ‘’ Lump some 6 4,744.00
Miscellaneous Expense
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Ref .no _____________
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
-Program coordinator
- Finance division
19. Title :- Capacity Building for HBC materials for Women Living With HIV/AIDS.
21. Project Goal:- To build up the Institutional & Implementation for HBC materials
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
15,000.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for THAPCO
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
III. Goal /General objective:
To build up the institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa Hiwot Association of
Women living with HIV/AIDS through recruiting human resources, purchasing office
furniture and furnishing access to office supplies & utilities.
IV Activities to be carried out:
A call for applicants & recruit a project/ programmer officer, a
secretary cashier, a guard & a janitor.
Preparation of specifications for the computer, printer and office
furniture purchase
Opening the bidding process to the concerned bidders.
Procuring the materials from bid/Performa winner(s).
Renting a house for office usage for 12 months
V. Implementation Strategies:
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Sep. 2008
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
the organization.
Registration No _________052/99__________
(09 14 ) 76 04 80
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfahiwot Association of women Living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting
HIV/AIDS than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of
getting infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and
economic disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after
women's increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4
times more exposed to HiV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject
poverty facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women Living with HiV/AIDS( THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women Living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. with a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives
of the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women Living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and thir
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 300 members . It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the Physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them.
On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not voluntary to know how it
is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin work,thinking "It will end
up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional association to work with HIV
positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same problems, tries to contact with
some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office,
UNFPA and so on to alleviate those social, psychological, economic and medical
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. another bright day, For this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Idirs,
- Mutual accomplishments ( partnership ) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
Tigray region has six administration zones (Southern, Mekelle, Eastern, Central,
North Western & western zones) each zone sub divided in to wereda and tabia
(Kebelle) In the 2006 G.C the total inhabitant of the region is expected to be about 4.5
million. In the 1994 G.C population and housing census report, the total population was
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female.The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26% . The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, many of the towns in the region are economic centers for
their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this case).
Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all the areas have social
services and infrastructures , financial ,educational and communication institutions.
There are also governmental and private banks and insurance companies.
Amongest difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment . As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity .
Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution as one means of
earnings. The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse ( about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
V. Implementation Strategies:
To capacitate Tesfa Hiwot Association of Women living with HIV/AIDS
with implementing capacity so as to make it self- sustained in the long run, (for efficient
coordination, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of overall undertaking)
To focus in capacitating staffs of the organization to administer, monitor
and evaluate the undertakings effectively & efficiently,
Promote collaboration with governmental and non governmental
organizations to realize intended objectives and goal.
Evaluation would be conducted two times, the first mid evaluation would be on
third month after the release of finance and the second evaluation would be at the end
the project fiscal year. In evaluations, the basic items are the impact of the income-
undertakings over the life of the project.
VIII. Indicators:
Documents prepared to achieve the training program.
Documents prepared & performances to achieve all types of recruitments.
The types & number of HBC beneficiaries by the project.
VIIII. Assumptions:
The assistance by donors will be continued as per the demand of the
applicant ( fund secured on time)
The staff administrative expenses will be covered by the reliant partners.
Stakeholders network will be more strengthened than at present
The market price shall be as appropriates as expected
Hall rent
1000.00 x 3 days = 3,000.00
62person x15.00x3days =2,790.00
Stationary & other materials
60 person x 16.27 =976.00
Total 16,666.00
X . Stakeholders:
Regional HIV/AIDS prevention & Control office (THAPCO
Women's Association of Tigray (WAT)
Tigray Development Association (TDA
Save Generation Association of Tigray (SGAT)
Red-cross Tigray Branch
Regional Health Bureau
Regional youth Assocation
Kebelle (local) Administration
Industry, Micro & small scale business development offices.
Bureau of Labor & Social Affairs ( BOLSA)
Different Religious In Stitutions
Technical & vocational In stitutions
Different civic Societies as Idirs, clubs, etc
Prepared by:
Ref .no _____________
-Program coordinator
- Finance division
40. Project Goal:- To build up the Institutional & Implementation for HBC materials
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
25,000.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for THAPCO
that will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
3.9 million and the annual growth rate was projected 2.9% per year. Out of the total
population, projected 48% are male & 52% female. The highest age group is observed
below age 15 (44.4%) as to 1994 population and housing census, the crude birth rate
(CBR) of the region was 44.26%. The gross fertility rate (GFR) for the region was 6.95 3.
There are six nationalities with in the region and the Tigrigna speaking is the most
dominant speech.
In Tigray region about 83% of the population is living in rural area; they are
engaged in mixed farming. Agriculture in the region is exercised in intensive way but
less productive because of many reasons. The land holding is not more than half a
hectare per household. As of the population pressure, even the sloppy area and
mountains are used for cultivation purpose. The natural factors (rainfall) more
dominated over the agricultural activity. The rearing of animals is not intended for
market utilization rather used for social and economic value .The region is not self
sufficient to produce the regional food demands. The gap is fulfilled from other regions
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1.1.1 Stipend allowance ‘’ Lump same 2950.00
Sub total 2950.00
2. Food and oil UNIT COST
2.1 OIL LIT 180 25.00 One 4500.00
2.2 Food (flour ) kg 2250 7.8 One 17,550.00
Sub total 22,050.00
Grand total 25,000.00
Prepared by:
Association of Women Living with
( Tesfa Hiwot Tigray)
Sep. 2008
Ref .no _____________
Kalayu kiros
Program Coordinator
-Program coordinator
- Finance division
Registration No_________052/99__________
Executive Summary:
It has been long time to recognize that HIV/AIDS has become not only health
problem but also is becoming social and economic problems as well, It grows to be the
second largest Killer subsequent to malaria in Ethiopia.
The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has prepared policies and
multi-sect oral Strategic plan to prevent and control the epidemic. Under the umbrella of
the national HIV/AIDS Policy, Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office has set a
strategic plan which underlined to care & support for people living with HIV/AIDS but
never encourage dependency syndromes
It is with this understanding and the realities HIV positive women face, that Tesfa
Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA)- a non governmental,
non profitable organization was established.
Tesfa hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS has observed that there has
been a gap in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most Vulnerable and affected part of society -the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies have shown that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) When it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological and economic
disparities as will as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, Women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising vulnerability.
Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-specific ways.
Therefore, any strategy that does not take this central position of women amidst the
challenge in to account is not believed to address the root causes of problems
effectively than simply hovering over them. The nation wide effort towards preventing
the spread of HIV and managing the multifaceted problems exerted by AIDS needs to
recognize the participation and indispensable role women can play in leader ship if it is
to be rewarding.
It is important to create anti-HIV/AIDS mobilization that appreciates the key
leadership role women living with HIV and AIDS can play in the response. This is what
experience of countries with track record of effectively mitigating the challenge shows.
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in our country are taking some steps in
this regard, but the efforts are simply beginning to unfold and they have quite a distance
to go. Hence, tapping the reach experience of women and using it for the response is
an alternative strategy we have at hand.
Having these all realities, Tesfa Hiwot association of women living with HIV/AIDS has
planned- specific to this project- to improve the institutional and implementation capacity of
its organization through man power recruitment and office accommodation which costs about
8,342.00 birr. The association has therefore great pleasure and appreciation for THAPCO that
will grant the proposed amount of fund.
I Project Background
1.1 Introduction.
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous
NGO established in 26 December 2007 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in
cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With a recognition of Regional justice Bureau.
THAWLHA is the only Positive Women's Association in the region to work with HIV
Positives and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive Members. The bold objectives of
the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To advocate for the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their
families can assure their health, economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this
Starting from its inception, THAWLHA has registered more than 250 members. It has
an office at mekelle and has preparations to open branch offices at all administrative
zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of
Tigray has set a strategic plan. This plan highlighted that care and support for people
living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a way it will break the
dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and
THAPCO Capacity Building Projects For HIV/AIDS Positive Women (2009)
Tesfa Hiwot Tigray HIV/AIDS Positive Women Association (2009)
medically health members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given
initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to
get free from dependency and can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA
are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot afford to buy medicine,
food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their
pain and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not
voluntary to know how it is transmitted. They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin
work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". THAWLWA, as an intentional
association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same
problems, tries to contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS
prevention & control office, UNFPA, and so on to alleviate those social, psychological,
economic and medical problems.
THAWLWA also believes that tomorrow will be. Another bright day, for this reason,
the association with its members and donors has been performing:
- Home based care & support
- Post test &ongoing counseling services
- Lessons of personal ( behavioral ) testimonies in schools, church, mosque,
military & civil crowd----
- Coffee ceremony programs with members, anti- AIDS & drama Clubs, Indris,
- Mutual accomplishments (partnership) with all governmental & NGOs
working in the area of preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
1.2 Project area description
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLWHA), the
implementer of the project, has ahead quarter in Mekelle (Metropolitan city of the
region) and will have about six zones and some other sub branch offices in the near
future. But particular to this project intervention, it has planned to work in the head
quarters office for the very reason that there is lack of sufficient amount of finance,
human resource etc However, after successful achievement of this project, it is
and external contribution .In the recent years; however, there is an indication to self-
sufficiency on family bases.
Including Mekelle city, almost 3/4 of project areas selected are economic centers
for their respective zones (Alamata, Adigrat, shire & Humera are exemplary in this
case). Maychew, Mekelle & Axum have different nature of factories, all project areas
selected have social services and infrastructures, financial, educational and
communication institutions. There are also governmental and private banks and
insurance companies.
Amongst difficult conditions existing in the region is the fast growth of
unemployment. As to the 1994 population and housing census out of total productive
age group about 9% are looking for jobs. Majority of the unemployed are at youth age
group. This can be one of the reasons for the fast spreading of HIV/AIDS. The young
age group, due to lack of knowledge & behavioral change, exercised un controlled
sexual activity . Unsafe sex considered as a means of entertainment and prostitution
as one means of earnings.
The health service coverage not exceed 62% of the total population in
2004/20054.There is one referral hospital, 12 zonal hospitals, 29 health centers, 160
clinics, and 103 health posts. The health institution lacks accessibility to the whole
region. In medical personals 14 specialists, 49 junior nurses, 8-field surgery, 26
pharmacy technicians, 37 laboratory technician, 10x-ray technicians and 30 sanitarians.
There is a shortage of professional health workers.
II. Problem Statement and Justification.
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been
observed in the struggle to-date to halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That
is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of Society- the women, and
give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS
than the men. The Situation is even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting
infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24. Biological &economic
disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's
increased vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times
more exposed to HIV infection than men. In addition to this, the age-old abject poverty
facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender-
specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to
address the root causes of problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their
experiences to the community and themselves,
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income
generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange
information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human &
economic positions (i.e. Staffing & furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the
concerned organizations.
III. Goal /General objective:
To build up the institutional & Implementation capacity of Tesfa Hiwot Association of
Women living with HIV/AIDS through recruiting human resources, purchasing office
furniture and furnishing access to office supplies & utilities.
IV Activities to be carried out:
A call for applicants & recruit a project/ programmer officer, a
secretary cashier, a guard & a janitor.
Preparation of specifications for the computer, printer and office
furniture purchase
Opening the bidding process to the concerned bidders.
Procuring the materials from bid/Performa winner(s).
Renting a house for office usage for 12 months
V. Implementation Strategies:
o Office accommodation______________________________birr
Total birr --------- birr 8,342.00
s. Activity Description unit Qty Monthly No of Total cost Remark
No rate months
1. Salary, allowance & par time
payment s
1.1 Salary
1.1.1 Administration and Finance Head ‘’ 01 2415.00 1 2415.00
1.1.4 Secretary cashier ‘’ 01 1219 1 1219
1.1.5 Janitor ‘’ 01 460 1 460
1.1.6 Guard ‘’ 02 460 1 920.00
1.2.1 Regional Coordinator ‘’ 01 890 1 890
1.2.2 HBC Officer 01 1
646 646
1.2.3 Training and Education officer 01 1
646 646
1.2.4 Canceller officer 01 1
646 646
Sub total 7842.00
2. Office accommodation
2.1 Stationary &Transportation Expense 500.00 500.00
Sub total 500.00
Grand total 8,342.00