Got It 1 Review Tests 7 8
Got It 1 Review Tests 7 8
Got It 1 Review Tests 7 8
Review Test
Tests 7–8 Units 7–8
Review Tests 7–8
8 Write the names of the places. Where … 11 Imagine you are on one of these tours. Answer
1 can you walk in the snow? ________ the questions.
2 is very hot? ________ 1 Which tour are you on and why did you choose
3 can you go cycling? ________ this tour?
__ /3 _____________________________________
home to the 3________ trees in the world. 12 Imagine you are on the tour. Write an e-mail to a
friend and tell him / her all about the tour. Use
the information in Exercise 11.
You can 4________ or use snow shoes to
__ /7
see the park in winter.
13 Listen to the conversation about Lucy’s
Kids can learn all about the amazing vacation. Check (✓) the places she mentions.
5________ in the park.
1 a park
__ /5
2 an airport
10 Answer the questions. 3 an aquarium
1 Why is it a good idea to take a camera to 4 a stadium
Dante’s view? 5 an art museum
_____________________________________ 6 a zoo
2 Where does the Death Valley tour finish? __ /4
_____________________________________ 14 Listen to the conversation again. Choose
3 Where is the Tree House? the correct answers.
_____________________________________ 1 Lucy got back from her vacation ...
4 What afternoon tours can you do on the a this morning.
Avenue of the Giants tour? b last night.
_____________________________________ c two weeks ago.
5 How many lakes are there in Yosemite d two days ago.
National Park?
_____________________________________ 2 Lucy ....
6 How can you travel around Yosemite National a went to Atlanta with her aunt and uncle.
Park in winter? b stayed at the Olympic stadium.
_____________________________________ c stayed at her aunt and uncle’s house.
__ /12 d went to Atlanta to see the Olympic Games.
Review Tests 7–8
Total __ /100