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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh

Session: Nov-Dec, 2023
Examination Centre: RAJSHAHI
Registration No.: 900954

Roll No. : 564

Name : Md Jakaria
Father's Name : Md Mokbul Sheikh
Mother's Name : Sharifa Begum

Assurance Sunday, 10 December 2023 03:00PM-04:30PM
Subject to be Appeared:
Business Law Sunday, 17 December 2023 02:00PM-03:00PM

N.B : Keeping mobile phone during examination is strictly prohibited. Controller of Examinations


1. The examination will commence as per detailed programme published by the Institute. It is your responsibility to know the correct date, time slot and
place of the examination.
2. The doors of the examination hall will be opened each day an hour before the time specified for commencement of the examination. You will be present in
the examination hall well ahead of the time fixed for commencement of the examination.
3. Do not enter the examination hall without the Admit Card issued by the Institute.
4. You are not allowed to appear at the examination in the slot of time which is not allocated for you.
5. You are not allowed to re-enter the examination hall after leaving it on final submission of your answer.
6. Seat allocation report will be hung at the entrance of the examination hall. You must find the room and occupy your seat where allocated.
7. You shall log into the examination system by using your User ID and Password provided by the Institute or as per the instructions provided by the
concerned invigilator.
8. You are strictly forbidden to resort to unfair means during the conduct of an examination or to attempt to influence the supervisor. The Institute may, on
receipt of a report to that effect from any person duly authorized to conduct the examination, remove the name of such candidate from the list of eligible
candidates for the examination and may direct that a candidate whose name has been so removed shall not be admitted to the next or to any subsequent
9. Candidates who are found to have in possession any electronic devices (mobile, electronic watches etc.), book, note, paper, scribbling or any material
whether used or not or resort to any sort of unfair means in the examination hall shall be liable to be expelled from the examination for three years.
10. You must sign your name when required by the supervisor to do so.
11. Do not write down the question(s) anywhere in any form that can be taken away out of the hall.
12. Where applicable, you may take blank paper for working. It must be submitted to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
13. You are allowed to use non-programmable calculator in the papers like Accounting, management Information, Taxation papers where calculations are
required. You must not use any programmable calculator which has the capability to transmit or store data electronically.
14. Notwithstanding the issue of the Admit Card, the Institute reserves the right, for any reason which may appear to them sufficient, to cancel the
admission of any candidate to any examination, whether before, during, or after the examination.
** In case of your violation of any examination discipline as mentioned above, you shall be liable to be expelled from the examination.

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