Chap6 2
Chap6 2
Chap6 2
2 SAC 99-01
6.1 Scope
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.1 at this time.
6.2 Shoring
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.2 at this time.
6.4 Preparation
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.4 at this time.
6.5 Execution
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.5 at this time.
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.6.1 at this time.
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.6.2 at this time.
6.6.3 Criteria
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
formation of the plastic hinge at the predetermined location, together with forces resulting from
gravity loads.
frame Deformed frame shape
Plastic Hinges
drift angle - θ
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
the column flange material and large inelastic strain demands on the weld metal
and surrounding heat affected zones stress and strain demands on the welded
beam flange to column flange joint. These conditions can also lead to brittle
joint failure. Although ongoing research may reveal conditions of material
properties, design and detailing configurations that permit connections with
yielding occurring at the column face to perform reliably, for the present, it is
recommended In order to achieve more reliable performance, it is recommended
that the connection of the beam to the column be modified to be sufficiently
strong to force the inelastic action (plastic hinge) away from the column face.
Plastic hinges in steel beams have finite length, typically on the order of half the
beam depth. Therefore, the location for the plastic hinge should be shifted at
least that distance away from the face of the column. When this is done, the
flexural demands on the columns are increased. Care must be taken to assure
that weak column conditions are not inadvertently created by local strengthening
of the connections.
If the types of damage described above are unacceptable for a given building,
then alternative methods of structural modification should be considered that will
reduce the plastic deformation demands on the structure during a strong
earthquake. Appropriate methods of achieving such goals include the installation
of supplemental braced frames, energy dissipation systems, and similar
systematic modifications of the building’s basic lateral force resisting system.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
The guidelines contained in this section are intended to address the design of
flexurally dominated moment resisting frames. When utilizing these guidelines, it
is important to confirm that the configuration of the structure is such that the
presumed flexural hinging can actually occur. It is possible that shear yielding of
frame beams, such as that schematically illustrated in Figure 6.6.3-2 may be a
desirable behavior mode. However, to date, there has not been enough research
conducted into the behavior of such frames to develop recommended design
guidelines. If modifications to an existing frame result in such a configuration
designers should consider referring to the code requirements for eccentrically
braced frames. Particular care should be taken to brace the shear link of such
beams against lateral-torsional buckling and also to adequately stiffen the webs
to avoid local buckling following shear plastification.
Shear Link
Shear Link Strength
When these Interim Guidelines require determination of the strength of a framing element or
component, this shall be calculated in accordance with the criteria contained in UBC-94, Section
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
2211.4.2 {NEHRP-91 Section 10.2, except that the factor φshould be taken as 1.0}, restated as
2211.4.1 Member strength. Where this section requires that the strength of the member be
developed, the following shall be used:
Flexure Ms = Z F y
Shear Vs = 0.55 Fy d t
Axial compression Psc = 1.7 Fa A
Axial tension Pst = Fy A
Full Penetration welds Fy A
Partial Penetration welds 1.7 allowable (see commentary)
Bolts and fillet welds 1.7 allowable
Alternatively, the criteria contained in the 1997 edition of the AISC Seismic Provisions for
Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 1997) may be used.
Commentary: At the time the Interim Guidelines were first published, they were
based on the 1994 edition of the Uniform Building Code and the 1994 edition of
the NEHRP Provisions. In the time since that initial publication, more recent
editions of both documents have been published, and codes based on these
documents have been adopted by some jurisdictions. In addition, the American
Institute of Steel Construction has adopted a major revision to its Seismic
Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC Seismic Provisions), largely
incorporating, with some modification, the recommendations contained in the
Interim Guidelines. This updated edition of the AISC Seismic Provisions has
been incorporated by reference into the 1997 edition of the NEHRP Provisions
and has also been adopted by some jurisdictions as an amendment to the model
building codes. Structural upgrades designed to comply with the requirements of
the 1997 AISC Seismic Provisions may be deemed to comply with the intent of
these Interim Guidelines. Where reference is made herein to the requirements of
the 1994 Uniform Building Code or 1994 NERHP Provisions, the parallel
provisions of the 1997 editions may be used instead, and should be used in those
jurisdictions that have adopted codes based on these updated standards.
Many WSMF structures are constructed with concrete floor slabs that are
provided with positive shear attachment between the slab and the top flanges of
the girders of the moment-resisting frames. Although not generally accounted for
in the design of the frames, the resulting composite action can increase the
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01 Stiffness
Calculation of frame stiffness for the purpose of determining interstory drift under the
influence of the design lateral forces should be based on the properties of the bare steel frame,
neglecting the effects of composite action with floor slabs. The stiffening effects of connection
reinforcements (e.g.: haunches, side plates, etc.) may be considered in the calculation of overall
frame stiffness and drift demands. When reduced beam section connections are utilized, the
reduction in overall frame stiffness, due to local reductions in girder cross section, should be
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
The plastic rotation capacity of modified connections should reflect realistic estimates of the
required level of plastic rotation demand. In the absence of detailed calculations of rotation
demand, connections should be shown to be capable of developing a minimum plastic rotation
capacity on the order of 0.025 to 0.030 radian. The demand may be lower when braced frames,
supplemental damping, base isolation, or other elements are introduced into the moment frame
system, to control its lateral deformation; when the design ground motion is relatively low in the
range of predominant periods for the structure; and when the frame is sufficiently strong and stiff.
As used in these Guidelines, plastic rotation is defined as the plastic chord rotation angle. The
plastic chord rotation angle is calculated using the rotated coordinate system shown in Fig. 6.6.5-
1 as the plastic deflection of the beam or girder, at the point of inflection (usually at the center of
its span,) ∆CI, divided by the distance between the center of the beam span and the centerline of
the panel zone of the beam column connection, LCL. This convention is illustrated in Figure 6.6.5-
It is important to note that this definition of plastic rotation is somewhat different than the
plastic rotation that would actually occur within a discrete plastic hinge in a frame model similar
to that shown in Figure 6.6.3-1. These two quantities are related to each other, however, and if
one of them is known, the other may be calculated from Eq. 6.6.5-1.
∆ CL
θp = LCL
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
θ p = θ ph
( LCL − lh )
If calculations are performed to determine the required connection plastic rotation capacity,
the capacity should be taken somewhat greater than the calculated deformation demand, due to
the high variability and uncertainty inherent in predictions of inelastic seismic response. Until
better guidelines become available, a required plastic rotation capacity on the order of 0.005
radians greater than the demand calculated for the design basis earthquake (or if greater
conservatism is desired - the maximum capable considered earthquake) is recommended.
Rotation demand calculations should consider the effect of plastic hinge location within the beam
span, as indicated in Figure 6-12 Figure 6.6.3-1, on plastic rotation demand. Calculations should
be performed to the same level of detail specified for nonlinear dynamic analysis for base isolated
structures in UBC-94 Section 1655 {NEHRP-94 Section}. Ground motion time histories
utilized for these nonlinear analyses should satisfy the scaling requirements of UBC-94 Section
1655.4.2 {NEHRP-94 Section} except that instead of the base isolated period, TI, the
structure period, T, calculated in accordance with UBC-94 Section 1628 {NEHRP-94 Section} should be used.
Commentary. When the Interim Guidelines were first published, the plastic
rotation was defined as that rotation that would occur at a discrete plastic hinge,
similar to the definition of θph. in Eq. 6.6.5-1, above. In subsequent testing of
prototype connection assemblies, it was found that it is often very difficult to
determine the value of this rotation parameter from test data, since actual plastic
hinges do not occur at discrete points in the assembly and because some amount
of plasticity also occurs in the panel zone of many assemblies. The plastic chord
angle rotation, introduced in Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 1, may more
readily be obtained from test data and also more closely relates to the drift
experienced by a frame during earthquake response.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
would yield (in shear) in a nearly perfectly plastic manner producing the plastic
rotations necessary to dissipate the energy of the earthquake. It is now known
that the prescriptive connection is often incapable of behaving in this manner.
It should be noted that the connection assembly capacity criteria for the
modification of existing buildings, recommended by these Interim Guidelines, is
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
somewhat reduced compared to that recommended for new buildings (Chapter 7).
This is typical of approaches normally taken for existing structures. For new
buildings, these Interim Guidelines discourage building-specific calculation of
required plastic rotation capacity for connections and instead, encourage the
development of highly ductile connection designs. For existing buildings, such an
approach may lead to modification designs that are excessively costly, as well as
the modification of structures which do not require such modification.
Consequently, an approach which permits the development of semi-ductile
connection designs, with sufficient plastic rotation capacity to withstand the
expected demands from a design earthquake is adopted. It should be understood
that buildings modified to this reduced criteria will not have the same reliability
as new buildings, designed in accordance with the recommendations of Chapter
7. The criteria of Chapter 7 could be applied to existing buildings, if superior
reliability is desired.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section at this time.
The minimum acceptance criteria for connection qualification for specimens tested in
accordance with these Interim Guidelines should be as follows:
a) The connection should develop beam plastic rotations as indicated in Section 6.6.5, for
at least one complete cycle.
b) The connection should develop a minimum strength equal to 80% of the plastic
strength of the girder, calculated using minimum specified yield strength Fy,
throughout the loading history required to achieve the required plastic rotation
capacity, as indicated in a), above.
c) The connection should exhibit ductile behavior throughout the loading history. A
specimen that exhibits a brittle limit state (e.g. complete flange fracture, column
cracking, through-thickness failures of the column flange, fractures in welds subject to
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
tension, shear tab cracking, etc. ) prior to reaching the required plastic rotation shall be
considered unsuccessful.
d) Throughout the loading history, until the required plastic rotation is achieved, the
connection should be judged capable of supporting dead and live loads required by the
building code. In those specimens where axial load is applied during the testing, the
specimen should be capable of supporting the applied load throughout the loading
The evaluation of the test specimen’s performance should consistently reflect the relevant limit
states. For example, the maximum reported moment and the moment at the maximum plastic
rotation are unlikely to be the same. It would be inappropriate to evaluate the connection using
the maximum moment and the maximum plastic rotation in a way that implies that they occurred
simultaneously. In a similar fashion, the maximum demand on the connection should be
evaluated using the maximum moment, not the moment at the maximum plastic rotation unless the
behavior of the connection indicated that this limit state produced a more critical condition in the
connection. Calculations
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section at this time.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
Commentary: Table 6-3, Note 1 - The material properties for steel nominally
designated on the construction documents as ASTM A36 can be highly variable
and in recent years, steel meeting the specified requirements for both ASTM A36
and A572 has routinely been incorporated in projects calling for A36 steel.
Consequently, unless project specific data is available to indicate the actual
strength of material incorporated into the project, the properties for ASTM A572
steel should be assumed when ASTM A36 is indicated on the drawings, and the
assumption of a higher yield stress results in a more severe design condition.
The ASTM A992 specification was specifically developed by the steel industry
in response to expressed concerns of the design community with regard to the
permissible variation in chemistry and mechanical properties of structural steel
under the A36 and A572 specifications. This new specification, which was
adopted in late 1998, is very similar to ASTM A572, except that it includes
somewhat more restrictive limits on chemistry and on the permissible variation in
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
yield and ultimate tensile stress, as well as the ratio of yield to tensile strength.
At this time, no statistical data base is available to estimate the actual
distribution of properties of material produced to this specification. However, the
properties are likely to be very similar, albeit with less statistical scatter, to those
of material recently produced under ASTM A572, Grade 50.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
While this statistical distribution suggests the likelihood that the through-
thickness strength of column flanges could be less than the flexural strength of
attached beam elements, testing of more than 40 specimens at Lehigh University
indicates that this is not the case. In these tests, high strength plates,
representing beam flanges and having a yield strength of 100 ksi were welded to
the face of A572, Grade 50 and A913, Grade 50 column shapes, to simulate the
portion of a beam-column assembly at the beam flange. These specimens were
placed in a universal testing machine and loaded to produce high through-
thickness tensile stresses in the column flange material. The tests simulated a
wide range of conditions, representing different weld metals as well and also to
include eccentrically applied loading. In 40 of 41 specimens tested, the assembly
strength was limited by tensile failure of the high strength beam flange plate as
opposed to the column flange material. In the one failure that occurred within
the column flange material, fracture initiated at the root of a low-toughness weld,
at root defects that were intentionally introduced to initiate such a fracture.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
Notwithstanding all of the above, successful tests using cover plates and other
measures of moving hinges (and coincidentally reducing through-thickness stress)
continue to be performed. In the interim, structural engineers choosing to utilize
connections relying on through-thickness strength should recognize that despite
the successful testing, connections relying on through-thickness strength can not
be considered to be fully reliable until the influence of the other parameters
discussed above can be fully understood. A high amount of structural
redundancy is recommended for frames employing connections which rely on
through-thickness strength of the column flange.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
total flexural demand, the location of the plastic hinge may be assumed to occur as indicated in
Table and illustrated in Figure, at a distance equal to 1/3 of the beam depth
from the edge of the reinforced connection (or start of the weakened beam section), unless
specific test data for the connection indicates that a different value is appropriate. Refer to Figure
s h=
sh = reinforcement
Edge of reinforced
Edge of reinforced
Commentary: The suggested locations for the plastic hinge, at a distance d/3
away from the end of the reinforced section indicated in Table and
Figure are is based on the observed behavior of test specimens, with
no significant gravity load present. If significant gravity load is present, this can
shift the locations of the plastic hinges, and in the extreme case, even change the
form of the collapse mechanism. If flexural demand on the girder due to gravity
load is less than about 30% of the girder plastic capacity, this effect can safely be
neglected, and the plastic hinge locations taken as indicated. If gravity demands
significantly exceed this level then plastic analysis of the girder should be
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
where: α is a coefficient that accounts for the effects of strain hardening and modeling
uncertainty, taken as:
Fya is the actual yield stress of the material, as identified from mill test reports. Where
mill test data for the project is not traceable to specific framing elements, the
average of mill test data for the project for the given shape may be used. When
mill test data for the project is not available, the value of Fym, from
table 6-3Table may be used.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
When the Interim Guidelines were first published, Eq. included a
coefficient, α, intended to account both for the effects of strain hardening and
also for modeling uncertainty when connection designs were based on
calculations as opposed to a specific program of qualification testing. The intent
of this modeling uncertainty factor was twofold: to provide additional
conservatism in the design when specific test data for a representative connection
was not available, and also as an inducement to encourage projects to undertake
connection qualification testing programs. After the Interim Guidelines had been
in use for some time, it became apparent that this approach was not an effective
inducement for projects to perform qualification testing, and also that the use of
an overly large value for the α coefficient often resulted in excessively large
connection reinforcing elements (cover plates, e.g.) and other design features that
did not appear conducive to good connection behavior. Consequently, it was
decided to remove this modeling uncertainty factor from the calculation of the
probable strength of an assembly.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
hinge P Note: if 2Mpr /L’is less
then the gravity shear in
the free body (in this
case P/2 + wL’/2),
L’ then the plastic hinge
sh location will shift and L’
L must be adjusted,
Mpr Mpr
Vp L’
Mf Mpr Mpr
Vp dc
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
where: Zc is the plastic modulus of the column section above and below the connection
Fyc is the minimum specified yield stress for the column above and below
fa is the axial load in the column above and below
ΣMc is the moment calculated at the center of the column in accordance with
Section sum of the column moments at the top and bottom of the
panel zone, respectively, resulting from the development of the probable beam
plastic moments, Mpr, within each beam in the connection.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
Vc =
∑ [M pr ] (
+ V p ( L − L ' ) / 2) − V f hb + d p / 2 )
hb + d p + ht
Vp Mct M ct = Vc ht
Mpr (
M cb = Vc + V f hb )
M c = M ct + M cb
Vp Note:
The quantities Mpr, Vp, L, and L’are
as previously identified.
Vf is the incremental shear distributed
Vc+Vf to the column at the floor level.
Other quantities are as shown.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
2211.7.2.1 Strength (edited). The panel zone of the joint shall be capable of resisting the
shear induced by beam bending moments due to gravity loads plus 1.85 times the
prescribed seismic forces, but the shear strength need not exceed that required to develop
0.8ΣMs 0.8ΣMf of the girders framing into the column flanges at the joint. The joint panel
zone shear strength may be obtained from the following formula:
3b c t c f 2
V = 0.55Fy d c t 1 + (11-1)
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
permitted by the code, thereby avoiding potential failures due to this kinking
action on the column flanges.
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section 6.6.7 at this time.
Design Issues: This approach developed acceptable levels of plastic rotation. Acceptable levels
of connection strength were also maintained during large inelastic deformations of the plastic
hinge. This approach does not require that the top flange be modified, or slab disturbed, unless
other conditions require repair of the top flange, as in the detail on the left of Figure 6-16. The
bottom flange is generally far more accessible than the top flange because a slab does not have
to be removed. In addition, the haunch can be installed at perimeter frames without removal of
the exterior building cladding. There did not appear to be any appreciable degradation in
performance when the bottom beam flange was not re-welded to the face of the column.
Eliminating this additional welding should help reduce the cost of the repair.
Performance is dependent on properly executed complete joint penetration welds at the column
face and at the attachment of the haunch to the girder bottom flange. The joint can be subject to
through-thickness flaws in the column flange; however, this connection may not be as sensitive
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
to this potential problem because of the significant increase in the effective depth of the beam
section which can be achieved. Welding of the bottom haunch requires overhead welding. The
skewed groove welds of the haunch flanges to the girder and column flanges may be difficult to
Experimental Results: This approach developed excellent levels of plastic rotation. In Specimen
1, the bottom flange CJP weld was damaged in a prior test but was not repaired: only the bottom
haunch was added. During the test of specimen 1, a slowly growing crack developed at the
underside of the top flange-web intersection, perhaps exacerbated by significant local buckling
of the top flange. Some of the buckling may be attributed to lateral torsional buckling that
occurred because the bottom flange was not restrained by a CJP weld. A significant portion of
the flexural strength was lost during the cycles of large plastic rotation. In the second specimen,
the bottom girder flange weld was intact during the haunch testing, and its performance was
significantly improved compared with the first specimen. The test was stopped when significant
local buckling led to a slowly growing crack at the beam flange and web intersection. At this
time, it appears that repairing damaged bottom flange welds in this configuration can produce
better performance. Acceptable levels of flexural strength were maintained during large
inelastic deformations of the plastic hinge for both specimens. As reported in NIST, 1998, a total
of 9 beam-column connection tests incorporating bottom haunch modifications of pre-
Northridge connections have been tested in the laboratory, including two dynamic tests. Most of
the connection assemblies tested resisted in excess of 0.02 radians of imposed plastic rotation.
However, for those specimens in which the existing low-toughness weld was left in place at the
beam top flange, without modification, connection behavior was generally limited by fractures
generating at these welds at relatively low plastic rotations. It may be expected that enhanced
performance can be obtained by replacing or reinforcing these welds as part of the modification.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section at this time.
Figure Figure 6-18 illustrates the basic configurations of cover plate connections.
The assumption behind the cover plate is that it reduces the applied stress demand on the weld at
the column flange and shifts the plastic hinge away from the column face. Only the connection
with cover plates on the top of the top flange has been tested. There are no quantitative results
for cover plates on the bottom side of the top flange, such as might be used in repair. It is likely
that thicker plates would be required where the plates are installed on the underside of the top
flange. The implications of this deviation from the tested configuration should be considered.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
d/2, typical
Top &Bottom Top &Bottom
Design Issues: Following the Northridge earthquake, the University of Texas at Austin
conducted a program of research, under private funding, to develop a modified connection
configuration for a specific project. Following a series of unsuccessful tests on various types of
connections,Approximately eight connections similar to that shown in Figure 6-18Figure 6.7.3-1
have been were tested (Engelhardt & Sabol - 1994), and have demonstrated the ability to
achieve acceptable levels of plastic rotation provided that the beam flange to column flange
welding wasis correctly executed and through-thickness problems in the column flange wereare
avoided. Due to the significant publicity that followed these successful tests, as well as the
economy of these connections relative to some other alternatives, cover plated connections
quickly became the predominant configuration used in the design of new buildings. As a result,
a number of qualification tests have now been performed on different variations of cover plated
connections, covering a wide range of member sizes ranging from W16 to W36 beams, as part of
the design process for individual building projects. The results of these tests have been
somewhat mixed, with a significant number of failures reported. Although this connection type
appears to be significantly more reliable than the typical pre-Northridge connection, it should be
expected that some connections in buildings incorporating this detail may still be subjected to
earthquake initiated fracture damage. Designers should consider using alternative connection
types, unless highly redundant framing systems are employed.
The option with the top flange cover plate located on top of the flange can be used on
perimeter frames where access to the outer side of the beam is restricted by existing building
cladding. The option with the cover plate for the top flange located beneath the flange can be
installed without requiring modification of the slab. In the figures shown, the bottom cover plate
is rectangular, and sized slightly wider than the beam flange to allow downhand fillet welding of
the joint between the two plates. Some configurations using triangular plates at the bottom
flange, similar to the top flange have also been tested.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
Designers using this detail are cautioned to be mindful of not making cover plates so thick
that excessively large welds of the beam flange combination to column flange result. As the
cover plates increase in size, the weld size must also increase. Larger welds invariably result in
greater shrinkage stresses and increased potential for cracking prior to actual loading. In
addition, larger welds will lead to larger heat affected zones in the column flange, a potentially
brittle area.
Performance is dependent on properly executed girder flange welds. The joint can be subject
to through-thickness failures in the column flange. Access to the top of the top flange requires
demolition of the existing slab. Access to the bottom of the top flange requires overhead welding
and may be problematic for perimeter frames. Costs are greater than those associated with
approaches that concentrate modifications on the bottom flange
Experimental Results: Six of eight connections tested by the University of Texas at Austin were
able to achieve plastic rotations of at least 0.025 radians, or better. These tests were performed
using heavy column sections which forced nearly all of the plastic deformation into the beam
plastic hinge; very little column panel zone deformation occurred. Strength loss at the extreme
levels of plastic rotation did not reduce the flexural capacity to less than the plastic moment
capacity of the section based on minimum specified yield strength. One specimen achieved
plastic rotations of 0.015 radians when a brittle fracture of the CJP weld (type W2 failure)
occurred. This may partially be the result of a weld that was not executed in conformance with
the specified welding procedure specification. The second unsuccessful test specimen achieved
plastic rotations of 0.005 radian when a section of the column flange pulled out (type C2
failure). The successful tests were terminated either when twisting of the specimen threatened to
damage the test setup or the maximum stroke of the loading ram was achieved. Since the
completion of that testing, a number of additional tests have been performed. Data for 18 tests,
including those performed by Engelhardt and referenced above, are in the public domain. At
least 12 other tests have been performed on behalf of private parties, however, the data from
these tests are not available. Some of those tests exhibited premature fractures.
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section at this time.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
There are no modifications to the Guidelines or Commentary of Section at this time.
Heavy bolted brackets, incorporating high strength bolts, may be added to existing welded
connections to provide an alternative load path for transfer of stress between the beams and
columns. To be compatible with existing welded connections, the brackets must have sufficient
strength and rigidity to transfer beam stresses with negligible deformation. Pre-tensioning of the
bolts or threaded rods attaching the brackets to the column flanges and use of welds or slip-
critical connections between the brackets and beam flanges can help to minimize deformation
under load. Reinforcement of the column flanges may be required to prevent local yielding and
excessive deformation of these elements. Two alternative configurations, which may be used
either to repair an existing damaged, welded connection or to reinforce an existing undamaged
connection are illustrated in Figure The developer of these connections offers the
brackets in the form of proprietary steel castings. Several tests of these alternative connections
have been performed on specimens with beams ranging in size from W16 to W36 sections and
with large plastic rotations successfully achieved. Under a project jointly funded by NIST and
AISC, the use of a single bracket at the bottom flange of the beam was investigated. It was
determined that significant improvement in connection behavior could be obtained by placing a
bracket at the bottom beam flange and by replacing existing low-toughness welds at the top flange
with tougher material. NIST, 1998 provides a recommended design procedure for such
connection modifications.
Design Issues: The concept of bolted bracket connections is similar to that of the riveted “wind
connections” commonly installed in steel frame buildings in the early twentieth century. The
primary difference is that the riveted wind connections were typically limited in strength either
by flexural yielding of outstanding flanges of the brackets, or shear and tension on the rivets,
rather than by flexural hinging of the connected framing. Since the old-style wind connections
could not typically develop the flexural strength of the girders and also could be quite flexible,
they would be classified either as partial strength or partially restrained connections. Following
the Northridge earthquake, the concept of designing such connections with high strength bolts
and heavy plates, to behave as fully restrained connections, was developed and tested by a
private party who has applied for patents on the concept of using steel castings for this purpose.
Bolted bracket connections can be installed in an existing building without field welding. Since
this reduces the risk of construction-induced fire, brackets may be installed with somewhat less
demolition of existing architectural features than with welded connections. In addition, the
quality assurance issues related to field welding are eliminated. However, the fabrication of the
brackets themselves does require quality assurance. Quality assurance is also required for
operations related to the drilling of bolt holes for installation of bolts, surface preparation of
faying surfaces and for installation and tensioning of the bolts themselves.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01
High tensile
threaded rod Pipe
casting Plate
Bolted brackets can be used to repair damaged connections. If damage is limited to the beam
flange to column flange welds, the damaged welds should be dressed out by grinding. Any
existing fractures in base metal should be repaired as indicated in Section 6.3, in order to
restore the strength of the damaged members and also to prevent growth of the fractures under
applied stress. Since repairs to base metal typically require cutting and welding, this reduces
somewhat the advantages cited above, with regard to avoidance of field welding.
Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 SAC 99-01