Fetal Development and Fetal Circulation
Fetal Development and Fetal Circulation
Fetal Development and Fetal Circulation
| ● outer layer of a blastocyst
Sperms travel to the Ampulla of fallopian tube ● develop into a large part of the placenta
| ● The trophoblast proliferates and
Capacitation differentiates into 2 cell layers at
sperm approach the egg, the sperm release approximately 6 days after fertilization:
hyaluronidase which dissolve the protective ● Cytotrophoblast: inner layer, single
layer of the egg, allowing penetration of one celled
sperm for fertilization ● Syncytiotrophoblast: outer layer, thick
| and multinucleated. It secretes hCG to
Fertilization maintain progesterone secretion and
Joining of the sperm & the egg sustain pregnancy.
-Product of fertilization
-Zygote travels towards the uterus ● Cepalo -caudal growth & development
approximately 3 days (Zygote: 1-8 cells & ● Stem cell- 4 days of zygote pluripotent
Morulla: 16-50 cells) stem cell use for for reproductive
| cloning
Blastocysts ● Multipotent - after few more days
Fluid-filled cell mass - secretory phase specific parts develop.
attached to endometrial lining
Trophoblast - cells on the blastocysts outer
ring that develop into placenta and membranes OVUM OR PREEMBRYONIC- last from
conception until day 14. This period covers
Embryoblast - inner cell mass that will form cellular replication, blastocyst formation, initial
the embryo development of the embryonic membranes and
| establishment of primary germ layers.
Contact between the growing fertilized cell & PRIMARY GERM LAYERS
uterine lining
| 1. Ectoderm - the upper layer of the
Apposition embryonic disk. Forms the epidermis, the
Process by which the fertilized egg brushes the glands (anterior pituitary, cutaneous and
endometrial lining mammary), the nails and hair, the CNS and
| PNS, the lens of the eyes, enamel and floor of
Embryo the amniotic cavity tooth
Fertilized egg that has implanted
2. Mesoderm middle layers, forms the bones,
FERTILIZATION teeth and connective tissue, the CVS and
spleen, the muscles (skeletal, smooth and
● Begins with 46 pair of chromosomes, cardiac) and the urogenital system
splits off to 23 then combine for a
unique new 46 pair. 3. Endoderm - lower layer, rise to epithelium
● Decidua - results from the preservation lining the respiratory and digestive tract,
and further thickening of the glandular cells of associated organs, including
endometrial lining. The corpus luteum the oropharynx, liver and pancreas, urethra,
by HCG cause elevation of bladder and vagina. Also forms the roof of the
progesterone level that cause yolk sac.
development of decidua.
Early Human Development
1. Zygote 1. CHORION -
2. Blastomeres - Develops from thropoblast and contains
3. Morula chorionic villi on its surface. This
4. Blastocyst becomes the covering of the fetal side
5. Embryo of the placenta. Contains the major
6. Fetus umbilical blood vessels.
7. Conceptus - Chorionic villi have progesterone
central core. Produce placental
Stages and Time Frames hormones such as hcg, hpl, estrogen
● Ovum and progesterone
● Zygote (3-4 days, 16-50 cell) -
● Morula (3-4 days)
● Blastocyst 2. AMNION -
● Embryo - inner cell membranes, develops from
● Fetus the interior cells of the blastocyst. The
cavity that develops between this inner about 5 mm (about 0 .2 in) from crown
cell mass and outer layer of cells to rump.
(trophoblast) is the amniotic cavity
- Support the amniotic fluid & produced Week Six
fluids, it is also seem as fetal surface of ● Beginning of formation of the lungs and
the placenta. It also produces further development of the brain. Arms
phospholipid that forms prostaglandins and legs have lengthened with foot and
that cause contraction hand areas distinguishable. Hands and
feet have digits, but may still be
Month 6
At the end of 6 months:
● Baby is 11 to 14 inches long
● Weight is about 1 3/4 to 2 pounds and
Eyelids begin to parta eyes open
sometimes for short periods of time AMNIOTIC FLUID
● Skin is covered with protective coating
called vernix ● Clear, yellowish fluid surrounding the
● Baby is able to hiccup developing fetus.
● Eyebrows and eyelashes are well ● Average amount 1000 ml.
formed. ● Having < 300ml – Oligohydramnios,
● The fetus has a hand and startle reflex associated with fetal renal
foot prints and fingerprints abnormalities.
● Forming alveoli (air sacs) forming in ● Having > 2 L- Hydramnios, associated
lungs with GI and other malformations
At the end of 7 months:
● Baby is 14 to 16 inches long ➢ Protects Fetus (cushion)
● Weight is about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds ➢ Allows Movement
● Taste buds have developed ➢ Source of oral fluid
● Fat layers are forming ➢ Acts as a excretion-collection
● Organs are maturing repository
● Skin is still wrinkled and red ➢ Maintain constant body temperature
● If born at this time, baby will be ➢ Shields against pressure or a blow to
considered a premature baby and the mother's abdomen
require special care ➢ Probably aids in muscular development
● Rapid increase in the amount of body because it allows the fetus freedom to
at rhythmic breathing movements move
occur, but lungs are not fully mature ➢ Protects umbilical cord from pressure,
bones are fully developed, but still soft protecting fetal oxygenation
and pliable fetus begins storing iron,
calcium, and phosphorus AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE
● Foramen Ovale allows blood to flow ● Kidneys form in 5th week and begin to
from right to left atrium, bypassing function 4 weeks later.
lungs. ● Voiding into amniotic fluid
● Ductus Arteriosus allows blood flow ● Low volume can show renal
from pulmonary artery to aorta, dysfunction
bypassing fetal lungs ● Renal malformation can be diagnosed
in utero.
● GFR is low at birth
Foramen Ovale Closes shortly after
Ductus arteriosus Closes soon after ● Formed from the ectoderm during the
birth becomes 3rd week
ligamentum ● Respiratory effort 18 1/2 WKS
arteriosum in about 3 ● Swallowing 12 1/2 WKS
mos. ● Sucking 29 WKS
● Fetal movement felt 16-20 WKS
Ductus venosus Ligamentum (Quickening)
Umbilical arteries Medial umbilical ● Thyroid gland 1st to develop
ligaments ● Insulin produced at 20 weeks