Article type: Dental traumatic injuries most commonly occur in the primary and mixed dentition,
Case Report but vertical complicated crown-root fractures are rarely seen in children. Clinical and
radiographic examination of these injuries helps in accurate diagnosis and
management. According to the International Association of Dental Traumatology
Article History:
guidelines, treatment usually involves extraction followed by placement of a space
Received: 29 Apr 2020
maintainer. Cases of complicated crown and root fracture in primary posterior teeth
Accepted: 13 Nov 2020
are often unnoticed by the clinician, at the time of injury. Two such patients are
Published: 28 Dec 2020
presented, who reported symptoms a few weeks after their accident. They were
* Corresponding author: managed conservatively by initial stabilization with stainless steel crowns, followed
Department of Dentistry, Government by root canal therapy. This report highlights the need for referral to specialists and
Medical College, Khandwa, Madhya emphasizes the importance of conservative management of primary teeth to
Pradesh, India maintain functional demands.
Key words: Crowns; Pulpectomy; Wounds and Injuries; Tooth Fractures; Tooth,
Email: [email protected]
Deciduous; Endodontics
Cite this article as: Kumari R, Kumar N, Gauba K. Endodontic Management of Complicated Vertical Crown-Root
Fracture in Deciduous Molars: Report of Two Cases. Front Dent. 2020;17:39. doi: 10.18502/fid.v17i39.5292
Fig. 1. Representative images of crown-root fracture management of Case 1. Preoperative intra oral view (1A)
and periapical radiograph (1B) of lower first and second primary molars, showing crown-root fracture.
Stainless steel crowns were placed followed by pulpectomy (1C,1D). Twelve-month (1E), 24-month (1F) and
36-month (1G,1H) follow-up were uneventful
The cases presented herein, demonstrate the We decided to preserve the primary teeth and
conservative management of complicated after explanation to the parents, consent was
crown-root fractures of deciduous molars obtained. Stabilization of the fractured
which were stabilized by stainless steel segments was done with flowable composite
crowns, followed by endodontic treatment (Filtek Z350 XT, 3M, ESPE, USA) followed by
and resin restoration. These cases were crown preparation, placement of stainless
clinically and radiographically followed for 36 steel crowns (3M, ESPE, USA) and
months without any complications. cementation, using GIC luting cement. Under
rubber dam isolation, access was gained
CASE REPORT through the crown followed by biomechanical
A 5-year-old girl reported to the unit of preparation, obturation with metapex
Pediatric Dentistry with a chief complaint of (Metapex Biomed Co. Ltd, South Korea),
‘pain in her left lower back teeth’, during restoration with GIC (Fuji II) and composite
chewing. There was a history of trauma from (3M, ESPE, USA) (Figures 1C and 1D). The
falling off a swing, 4 months back. Her chin had child was instructed to maintain oral hygiene
struck directly against the ground, leading to a and all other carious teeth were restored
deep laceration which was immediately during the subsequent appointments. On the
sutured by a private practitioner. The patient recall visits on months 12 and 24 (Figures 1E
did not exhibit dental pain at that time. After 4 and 1F), there was no clinical or radiographic
months, she started experiencing pain in her pathology, with physiologic root resorption.
left lower posterior teeth while eating. Medical The patient was asymptomatic clinically and
history revealed no systemic illness or history radio-graphically after 36 months and showed
of previous hospitalization. On examination continuation of physiologic root resorption
there was evidence of a healed laceration on (Figures 1G and 1H).
the chin with no facial asymmetry and mouth Case 2
opening was normal. Intraoral examination A 5-year-old girl reported to our department
revealed a complicated crown-root fracture of with a chief complaint of ‘pain in her upper left
the left first and second primary mandibular back tooth’ while eating. The patient’s father
molars, which was confirmed by a periapical gave a history of falling from a height of 5 feet
radiograph (Figures 1A and 1B). while playing.
Fig. 2. Treatment of crown-root fracture in Case 2. Preoperative intraoral photograph (2A) and periapical
radiograph (2B) show crown-root fracture in the upper left second primary molar. A stainless steel crown was
placed, after which pulpectomy was performed (2C, 2D). No failure was observed in the 12-month (2E), 24-
months (2F) and 36-months (2G, 2H) follow-up
She suffered abrasive injuries on the right side forces caused by a blow to the chin region, are
of her face, chin and neck, which were treated extremely rare. Holan et al [7] reported that
in a private hospital. No active intervention 32%-35% of direct injuries to the mental area
had been done for dental pain. The patient may result in coronal fractures of primary
reported to the department 10 days after the molars. In both presented cases, the children
day of injury. Medical history was not were approximately 5 years old, which
contributory. Extraoral examination revealed corresponds to the peak age-range of traumatic
healed abrasive injuries on the right side of the dental injuries. The fact that the etiology in both
forehead, cheek, chin and neck. Intraoral patients was falling while playing, also
examination showed a crown fracture coincides with the most frequent cause of
extending from the cervical region to the dental traumatic injuries in children [1,2].
occlusal surface of the left maxillary second In most instances, crown-root fractures
primary molar with subgingival extension of remain undetected immediately after trauma,
the fracture line (Figures 2A and 2B). There but they may be manifested a few
was no periapical abscess or fistula. Because of days/months later when the patient starts
the patient’s age, conservative treatment was experiencing pain/gingival inflammation [8].
opted similar to that discussed in Case 1, i.e., In both presented cases, primary teeth were
stabilization with stainless steel crown fractured because of a sudden blow to the chin,
followed by endodontic therapy of the which dissipated forces indirectly to the
offending tooth (Figures 2C and 2D). The child posterior primary teeth. Limited cases exist in
was followed for 12, 24 (Figures 2E and 2F) the literature where more than two teeth had
and 36 months with no clinical/radiographic been fractured. According to a previous study,
signs of failure (Figures 2G and 2H). only two out of 96 children had five fractured
primary molars, while 20.3% of the children
DISCUSSION had one tooth fractured due to trauma to the
Crown-root fractures resulting from indirect chin region [7].