1 - 2204253315418 - Half Yearly Syllabus 2021-22
1 - 2204253315418 - Half Yearly Syllabus 2021-22
1 - 2204253315418 - Half Yearly Syllabus 2021-22
Opposites:(oral) Come - Go
In - Out
Up - Down
Sit - Stand
Big - Small
Open - Close Give - Take
Fat - Thin Day - night
Front - Back Happy - Sad
Left - Right
A2 Sit,Stand, Roll,Jump,Kick.
Q3 Name 5 fruits.
A3 Mango, Apple,Banana,Orange, Grapes
Q4 Name 5 Vegetables.
A4 Potato, Tomato, Carrot, Peas, Brinjal.
Q5 Name 5 clothes we wear.
A5 Shirt,trousers, frock, tie ,socks
Q6 Name the different rooms at home
A drawing room, bedroom, bathroom,
kitchen, bathroom
Q7 Name 5 domestic Animals.
A7 Dog, cat, cow, goat, sheep.
Q8 Name 5 wild Animals.
A8 Lion, tiger, elephant, deer, bear.
Q9 Name 5 Food we eat.
A9 Rice, chapati , bread, butter, egg.
Q10 What is your father's father/ father's mother called?
A10 Grand father / Grand mother
Q11. How many brother and sister do you have?
A 11. I have _______ brother and _____ sister
Q1 Who made you?
Ans God made me.
Q2 Where is God?
Ans God is everywhere.
Q3 Who made all the things?
Moral Science: Ans God made all the things.
Q4 Who are we?
Ans We all are God’s children.
Q5 Do you love God?
Ans Yes, I love God.
Q6 Whom do we worship?
Ans We worship God.
Q7 Who made the world?
Ans God made the world.
Q8 Do you love your Parents?
Ans Yes, I love my Parents.
Oral: - Counting- 1- 50
Recognition of shapes- Square, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Oval
Unit test-Match 1 to 5
Circle the correct number 1 to 5
Write 1 ,4
Dodging 1- 10
Write-1 to 10
Count and Write 1 to 10
Circle the correct number-1 to 10
Fill in the missing number 1 to 20
(Reference-My maths Book-Page 24 to 100)
Oral- स्वर-अ से अः
Recognition-स्वर अ,आ,उ,ऊ,अं,अः
गोिाा िाग ओ