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[Refer proviso to section 4(3) rules 9(4) and 10(1A)]

Section A:To be filled in for all Diagnostic Procedure Tests
1. Name and complete address of the Genetic : Amruta scanning center
Clinic/Ultrasound Clinic/Imaging Centre
2. Registration no. (Under PC & PNDT Act, 1994) : 155/2022
3. Patient’s Name : Sudha rani
4. Age : 22
4. Total Number of living Children : 0
A. Number of living Sons with age of each living son : 0
(in years or months)
B. Number of living Daughters with age of each : 0
living daughter (in year months)
5. Husband’s/wife/Father’s/Mother’ Name” : Sachin sai
6. Full Postal address of the patient with contact : Pathapatnam
Number, if any
7 Referred by (Full name and addresses of doctor : Self
a. (s)/Genetic Counseling Centre
(Referral Slips to be preserved carefully with form
b. Self-Referral by : Self
Gynecologist/Radiologist/Registered Medical
Practitioner Conducting the diagnostic procedure
(Referral note with indications and case papers of
the patient to be preserved with form F)
(Self-referral does not mean a client coming to a clinic and requesting for the test or the
relative/s requesting for the test of a pregnant women)
8. Last Menstrual period or weeks of pregnancy : 16-02-2023
Section B: Tobe filled in for performing non-invasive diagnostic Procedures/Tests only
9. Name of the doctor performing the procedure/s : Rajesh kumar
10. Indication/s for diagnosis procedures : Estimation of gestational age (dating)
11. Procedure carried out (Non-Invasive) Put a “Tick” on the appropriate procedures) :
12. Date on which declaration of pregnant : 21-07-2023
women/person was obtained
13. Date on which procedure carried out : 21-07-2023
14. Result of the non-invasive procedure carried out : Growth scan
(report in brief of the test
15. The result of pre-natal diagnostic procedures was : 21-07-2023On21-07-2023
conveyed to
16. Any indication for MTP as per the abnormality : Nill
detected in the diagnostic procedures/test

Name, Signature and Registration

Numbers with seal of the Gynaecologist /
Radiologist / Registered Medical Practitioner
performing Diagnostic procedure/s
Section C: Tobe filled for performing invasive Procedure/Test only
17. Name of the doctor/s performing the procedure/s : NOT APPLICABLE
18. History of genetic/medical disease in the family : NOT APPLICABLE
19. Indication for the diagnosis procedure (“Tick” on
appropriate indication)

A. Previous child/children with : NOT APPLICABLE

B. Advanced maternal age (35) : NOT APPLICABLE
C. Mother/Father/sibling has genetic (specify) : NOT APPLICABLE
D. Other (specify) : NOT APPLICABLE
20. Date on which consent of pregnant : NOT APPLICABLE
women/person was obtained if form G prescribed
in PC & PNDT Act, 1994
21. Invasive procedure carried out (“Tick” on : NOT APPLICABLE
appropriate indication/s)
22. Any complication/s of invasive procedure : NOT APPLICABLE
23. Additional test recommended (Please mention if : NOT APPLICABLE
24. Result of the Procedures/Test carried out (report : NOT APPLICABLE
in brief of the invasive
25. Date on which procedure carried out : NOT APPLICABLE
26. The result of pre-natal diagnosis procedure was : NOT APPLICABLE
conveyed to
27. Any indication for MTP as per the abnormality : NOT APPLICABLE
detected in the diagnostic procedures tests

Name, Signature and Registration

Number with Seal of the Gynecologist /
Radiologist / Registered Medical Practitioner
performing Diagnostic Procedure/s
Section D: Declaration
Declaration of the person undergoing prenatal diagnostic test/Procedure
I, Mrs./Mr. Sudha rani declare that by undergoing Ultrasound Prenatal Diagnostic Test/Procedure. I
do not want to know the sex of my foetus.
Date: 21-07-2023
Signature / Thumb impression of the person
undergoing the prenatal Diagnostic Test / Procedure
In case of thumb Impression
Identified by (Name) Age Sex Relation (if any) Address and Contact No &
Signature of person attesting thumb impression . Date
Declaration of Doctor/Person Conducting

Pre Natal Diagnostic Procedure/Test

I, Rajesh kumar (name of the person conducting ultrasonography/image scanning) declare that while
conducting ultrasonography/image scanning on M/s./ Mr. Sudha Rani (name of the pregnant women or the
person undergoing per natal diagnostic procedure/test), I have neither detected nor disclosed the sex of her
fetus to anybody in any manner.

Date: 21-07-2023
Name in Capitals, Registration Number with Seal
of the Gynaecologist/Radiologist/Registration Medical
Practitioner Conducting Diagnostic procedure

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