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Review Questions in CROP PROTECTION

1. Among the invertebrates, only insects have this characteristics

a. segmented body

b. antennae

c. wings

d. 3 pairs of jointed legs

2. Where are the cerci located in insects?

a. antennae

b. thorax

C. abdomen

d. legs

3. Where are the wings found in insects?

a. head

b. thorax

C. legs

d. thigh

4. Where are the genitalia found in insects?

a. antennae

b. thorax

C. abdomen

d. hindleg

5. Where are the prolegs/pseudolegs located in caterpillars?

a. thigh

b. thorax

d. pseudothorax

6. Which of the following encloses the stylets in insects with piercing-

sucking mouth type?

a. labium

b. hypopharynx

C. labrum

d. epipharynx

7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of arthropods?

a. radial symmetry

b. exoskeleton

c. jointed legs

d. segmented body

8. This sensory organ is not found among insects

a. mouthpart

b. antennae

C. chelicera

d. eye

9. The first segment of the insect antenna is called

a. scape

b. pedicel

c. flagellum

d. davola

10. The second segment of the insect antenna is called

a. scape

b. pedicel
c. flagellum

d. clavola

11. The shape of the majority of plant pathogenic bacteria is

a. spherical

b. rod


d. filamentous

12. He developed the substage condenser for the microscope

a. Leeuwenhoek

b. Berkeley

C. Abbe

d. Pasteur

13. He showed that fire blight of pear and twig blight of apple were

caused by a bacterium

a. Erwin Frank Smith

b. Demetri Iwanowski

C. Martinus Willem

d. Thomas Jonathan Burrill

14. Which among the following does not belong to the five major

genera of phytopathogenic bacteria


b. Xanthomonas

C. Pseudomonas

d. Erwinia

15. This part is not found in the cell envelope of a Gram positivebacteria
a. inner cytoplasmic membrane

b. outer membrane

c. peptidoglycan layer

d. periplasmic space

16. Antibiotic that interferes with peptidoglycan synthesis and prevents

cell wall synthesis in growing bacterial cells

a. kanamycin

b. cycloheximide

C. penicillin

d. streptomycin

17. A bacterial surface appendage responsible for motility

a. cilia

b. fimbrae

C. flagella

d. pili

18. This part is missing in mollicutes

a. cell membrane

b. cytoplasm

C. cell wall

d. ribosomes

19. Flagellation pattern characterized by the presence of a si


a. peritrichous

b. monotrichous

C. ampitrichous
d. polytrichous

20. Refers to the genetic material of bacteria

a. hydrochloric acid

b. ribonucleic acid

C. phosphatidic acid

d. deoxyribonucleic acid

21.A fungal mycelium appearing on rotten fruit is an exampl

a. symptom

b. sign

C. pathogen

d. disease

22. AflatOxin is formed by

a. Aşpergillus flavus

b. Aşpergillus rhizopus

C. Aşpergillus scabies

d. Aspergillus ipomeae

23. Fungi in the Philippines reproduce mainly by forming

a. sexual spores

b. asexual spores

C. mycelia

d. endospores

24. Fungal pathogens are often isolated using this technique

a. serial dilution

b. tissue planting

C.spore trapping
d. Baermann funnel

25. Group of microorganisms that can directly penetrate the intact host


a. fungi

b. bacteria

C. viruses

d. viroids

26. A fungal structure used for attachment to the host surface

a. penetration peg

b. germ tube


d. appressorium

27. Some fungal pathogens form this structure to obtain nutrients from

the host

a. germ tube

b. sporeling

C. infection hypha

d. haustorium

28. In the absence of the plants in the field, fungal pathogens will not

Survive in

a. plant debris

b. soil

C. seeds

d. human beings

29. A characteristic of fungi

a. eukaryotic

b. prokaryotic

c. chlorophyll bearing

d. photosynthetic

30. The presence of different nuclei n the same mycelium is termed as

a. heterotrophism

b. hermaphrodite

C. heterokaryosis

d. heterothallism

31. Some nematodes serves as

which contributes in disease development.

a. predator

b. Pathogens

C. Vectors

d. Parasites

32. For annual crops, the maximum number of nematodes parasites can

be recovered during

a. seedling stage

b. flowering stage

C. vegetable stage

d. near harvest stage

33. This is the outer non-cellular layer cOvering the nematode body and

is shed-off during molting

a. Exoskeleton

b. Endoskeleton
C. Skin

d. Cuticle

34. Refers to the possession of both functional male and female

reproductive organ

a. Amphimictic

b. Hermaphroditic

and transmit plant viruses

C. Parthenogenetic

d. Oviviparous

35. The term for eggs hatching within the uterus followed by expulsion

of living young

a. Amphimictic

b. Oviparous

C. Parthenogenetic

d. Oviviparous

36. The casual organism of the root knot of most vegetables is

a. Plasnmodiophora brassicae

b. Meloidogyne incognita

C. Radopholus similes

d. Phytophythora infestans

37. This does not a characterize a root-feeding nematode

a. Feeds on roots, bulbs, and rhizome

b. Possesses stylet

c. Causes death of plants as a typical symptom

d. Prefers sandy soil texture

38. Which among the following is not a type of root feeding nematodes

a. Endoparasites

b. Ectoparasites

C. Semi-ecto/semi-endoparasites

d. Necrotrophic parasite

39. Number of molting in plant parasitic nematodes




d. 4

40. The infective stage of root knot nematode is during

First stage juveniles

b. Second stage juveniles

c. Third stage juveniles

d. Fourth stage juveniles

41. Which is not included in Koch's postulates?

a. association

b. isolation

C. inoculation

d. colonization

42. A yellowing caused by some factor other than light, such as by a

virus or mycoplasma

a. Necrosis

b. Chlorosis

C. Chlorophyllosis
d. Mottling

43. Which of the following is a barrier to virus movement through the


a. Movement from the first infected cell

b. Movement out of parenchyma cells into vascular tissues

C. Movement out of the vascular tissue into the parenchyma of

an invaded d leaf

d. Movement out of the stylet of the vector among epidermal

cells of the plants

44. A seed with a virus is an important source of infection since the

seed introduces

a. The virus into the crop at a very early stage

b.A concentrated foci of infection throughout the crop

C. The virus into the crop at all stages of the crop

d. The virus into the crop during its reproduction stage

45. The main components of plant viruses are

a. DNA + glycoprotein + lipids

b. simple protein + lipids

c. DNA + protein + lipids

d. either DNA or RNA + protein

46. Plant pathology is the study of

a. pests

b. plant diseases

C. weeds

d. insects
47. He is considered the father of plant pathology.

a. Heinrich de Bary

b. Theophrastus

C. Herodotus

d. Pliny the Elder

48. A blight pathogen will affect the plantť's capacity to

a. reproduce

b. Photosynthesize

C. replicate

d. repair its cells

49. The Autogenetic Theory of Disease states that:

a. Diseases are very infectious.

b. Diseases are caused by 'germs" or microorganism.

C. Pathogens are outgrowths of the disease and not the cause

d. Disease is caused by unfavorable weather and infertile soil

50. Rye may induce this kind of affliction

a. respiratory diseases

b. Skin rashes

c. St. Anthony's Fire

d. Tetanus

51. The pest population density in which the cost of control is much

higher than the expected cost of harvest of the protected crop

a. Economic injury level

b. Economic threshold level

C. equilibrium level
d. damage level

52. The man-directed control of insect pests by employing the use of

natural enemies

a. mechanical control

b. cultural control

C. biological control

d. antibiosis

53. The term given for crop destruction, injury or loss of value caused

by the feeding activity of different pests

a. characteristic damage

b. pest infestation

C. threshold

d. damage indicator

54. A kind of damage caused by the feeding of an insect through the

removal of plant sap or plant parts in contrast with the damage

caused by disease-transmitting insects

a. indirect damage

b. direct damage

C. damage indicator

d. action threshold

55. A biological control organism that usually lives inside the body of its

host and consumes only one host to complete its life cycle

a. parasite

b. predator

C. vector
d. pathogen

56. The most destructive avian pest that attacks rice and other small


a. Philippine weaver

b. Philippine eagle

C. Philippine oriole

d. Philippine bird

57. A serious pest of corn that attacks ll parts of the plant except the


a. cutWorm

b. cornstalk borer

C. Corn semi looper

d. corn borer

58. Synchronous planting is an example of

a. mechanical control

b. biological control

C. chemical control

d. cultural control

59. Mummification of fruits is an example of



b. suscept

C. symptom


60. A diseased plant is considered a

a. specimen

b. parasite

C. Suscept

d. abiotic

61. Which among the following does not describe what weeds are?

a. unwanted

b. harnmful

C. important

d. out-of-place

62. Which among the following is not true about the characteristics of


a. rapid vegetative growth

b. reproduce efficiently

C. not adapted to competition

d. cause damage even at low densities

63. Weeds that originate from other areas and are introduced to the

area where they are found

a. endemic

b. exotic

C. native

d. local

64. Weeds that grow and complete their life cycle under dry or wet

Condition of the soil

a. lowland
b. aquatic

C. floating

d. upland


65. Lowland weeds with their roots attached to the soil but the shoots

are aerial/above-water

a. submerged

b. emerged

C. loafing

d. aquatic

66. Weeds that reproduce mainly through seeds, and grow within a


a. annuals

b. simple perennials

C. creeping perennials

d. biennials

Weeds which are members of Family Gramineae

a. sedges

b. broadleaves

C. grasses

d. annuals

68. Weeds that belong to Family Cyperaceae

a. sedges

b. broadleaves

C. grasses
d. annuals

69. Weeds with rounded hollow stems and fibrous root system

a. sedges

b. broadleaves

C. grasses

d. annuals

70. Weeds with triangular stems and parallel leaf venation

a. sedges

b. broadleaves

C. grasses

d. annuals

71. A toxic substance which is readily available and kills pest instantly

a. insecticide

b. pesticide

c. rodenticide

d. weedicide

72. A group of rodenticides that are slow-acting and are usually referred

to as anti-coagulant rodenticides

a. severe sterilants

b. chronic rodenticides

C. baits

d. acute rodenticides

73. The ability of populations of pests to survive doses of an insecticide

which are normally lethal

a. insecticide resistance
b. overdose

C. insecticide threshold level

d. insecticide mismanagement

74. An insecticide that is absorbed by and translocated in the plant and

the insect acquire the poison through feeding

a.Contact insecticide

b. stomach insecticide

C. systemic insecticide

d. surfactant

75. A liquid pesticide formulation that does not dissolve in water but is

dissolved in organic solvents

a. emulsifiable concentrates

b. dust

c. aqueous concentrates

d. aerosols

76. A solid pesticide formulation applied undiluted where the active

ingredient is combined with inert ingredients such as clay to form

particles about the size of a coarse sugar

a. dust

b. water soluble powder

C. wettable powder

d. granule

77. Pesticide category symbolized by a red band and a skull and


a. Category I
b. Category II

C. Category III

d. Category IV

78. Which is not an expression of active unit in pesticide labels?

a. percent

b. g/ kg

C. ml or g/ liter

d. ppm

79. A universally accepted name given a pesticide by an appropriate

professional organization

a. trade name

b. common name

C. proprietary name

d. brand name

80. This is an effective seed treatment fungicide against corn downy


a. mancozeb

b. metalaxyl

C. captan

d. benomyl

81. In the chewing type of mouthparts, this component cuts and grinds

the food

a. labrum

b. mandible

C. maxilla
d. labium

82. This body region bears the legs and wings of the insect

a. head

b. thorax

C. abdomen

d. cephalotorax

83. The basal segment of an insect leg

a. trochanter

b. tibia

C. tarSus

d. coxa

84. Termites have this type of antenna

a. geniculate



c. filiform

d. lamellate

85. This type of antenna is found among scarabaeid beetles

a. bipectinate

b. clavate

C. filiform

d. lamellate

86. This elbow-like type of antennae is found among ants

a. geniculate

b. clavate
C. lamellate

d. plumose

87. An insect that feeds on a number of unrelated species of plants

a. polyphagous insect

b. phytophagous insect

C. monophagous insect

d. entomophagous insect

88. The collective term for parasitic and predatory insects

a. polyphagous insect

b. phytophagous insect

C. monophagous insect

d. entomophagous insect

89. The growth stage/s of the rice plant that is/are most preferred by

the rice bug

a. seedling stage

b. soft dough stage

C. milk stage

d. bothb and c

90.Substances such as sex pheromones that lure insects and can be

used as a means of control

a. anti-feedants

b. repellants

c. attractants

d. chemo-sterilants

91. Protein synthesis occurs in

a. lysosomes

b. ribosomes

C. mesosomes

d. chromosome

92. Bacteria cannot enter the plant through

a. stomata

b. hydathodes

C. lenticels

d. intact host surface

93. Published the first book on pytobacteriology "Bacteria in Relation to

Plant Diseases"

a. Thomas Jonathan Burril

b. Erwin Frank Smith

c. Charlotte Elliot

d. Martinus Willem

94. The main means of reproduction of bacteria

a. Budding

b. Binaryy fission

C. Spore

d. Transverse fission

95. The five-carbon sugar compound of DNA

a. Ribose

b. Maltose

C. Deoxyribose

d. Dextose
96. The building blocks of proteins is called

a. fatty acids

b. Nucleic acid

C. Peptides

d. Amino acid

97. Metabolic pathway that converts glucose to pyruvate

a. Glycolysis

b. Hydrolysis

c. Gluconeugenesis

d. Photosynthesis

98. A group of pathogens that infect a set of plant varieties

a. Species

b. Pathovar

C. Race

d. Blovar

99. A virus that infects bacteria

a. Prophage

b. Bacteriophage

C. Baculovirus

d. Macrophage

100. A microbial product other than an enzyme which causes obvious

damage to plant tissues, and which n is believed to be involved in

disease development

a. Phytoalexin

b. Cutin
C. Phytotoxin

d. Suberin

101. An example of asexual spores is

a. teliospores

D. Zygospores


d. conidia

102. The walls of fungi generally contain

a. chitin

b. glucan

C. chitin and glucan

d. pectin

103. He demonstrated that fungi are the cause and not the result of

plant diseases

a de Bary

b. Prevost

C. Kuhn

d. Burril

104. Fungi like Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus infecting cereal and

legume seeds produce a carcinogenic toxin which is

a. mycotoxin

b. aflatoOxin

C. fumonisin

d. tabtoxin

105. Which among the following phyla belongs to the kingdom of true

a. Oomycota

b. Zygomycota

C. Myxomycota

d. Plasmodiophoromycota

106. Fungi belonging to Class Oomycetes are commonly called the


a. rust fungi

b. plasmodiophoroid fungi

C. powdery mildew fungi

d. downy mildew fungi

A known non-spore forming fungi is


b. Aspergillus

C. Rhizoctonia

d. Pyricularia

108. The asexual stage of fungi is also known as the

a. pleomorph stage

b. anamorph stage

C. teliomorph stage

d. holomorph stage

109. A fungus merely covering the surface of the plant without

necessarily parasitizing it

a. sooty mold

b.slime mold
C. powdery mold

d. grey mold

110. Fungi that only reproduce asexually

a. Ascomycetes

b. Zygomycetes

C. Deuteromycetes

d. Basidiomycetes

111. Also known as the burrowing nematode and causes the toppling

disease of banana

a. Meloidogyne incognita

b. Radopholus similes

C. GlobOdera pallida

d. Criconomoides snsp.

112. Called the golden cyst nematode of Irish potato

a. Meloidogyne incognita

b. Globodera pallida

C. Radopholus similes

d. Criconomoides sp.

113. Which among the following is not a typical nematode disease


a. Chlorosis

b. Wilting during hot part of the day

C. Reduction in the root system and root gall

d. Leaf mosaic

114. Nota method of isolating plant parasitic soil nematodes

a. Baermann funnel technique

b. Sieving method

C. Centrifugal flotation method

d. Trapping technique

115. The following are insect vector of plant disease except

a. Nematode

b. Leafhoppers

C. Thrips


116. Nematodes as plant pathogens were first observed by Needham in

a. Tomato root knot

b. Con galls



kernel galls

d. Rice root knot

117. The kind of nematodes feeding only on root hairs and root tips

a. Endoparasitic

b. Ectoparasitic

C. Sedentary

d. Migratory

118. The kind of nematodes which move within the host tissues and/or

between the soil and the host

a. Sedentary endoparasites

b. Migratory endoparasites
c. Sedentary ectoparasites

d. Migratory endoparasites

119. The genera of nematodes which causes root knot

a. Hetemdera

b. Pratylenchus

C. Criconemoides

d. Meloidogyne

120. This is an example of foliar nematode

a. Ditylenchus

b. Meloidogyne

C Pratylenchus

d. Hoplolaimus

121. He wrote the first textbook in Plant Pathology

a. Julius Kuhn

b. Franz Unger

C. Heinrich Anton de Bay

d. Pier Antonio mcheli

122. Submicroscopic entities which could pass through bacterial-proof

filters are called

a. Viroids

b. mycoplasma

C. bacteria

d. virus

123. This refers to an organism which has the ability to be a parasite

although it is ordinarily a saprophyte

a. pathogen

b. facultative parasite

C. obligate parasite

d. saprophyte

124. The expression of a diseased plant with certain characteristics

a. Symptoms

b. conditions

C. signs

d. indications

125. This refers to the pathogen associated with the infected plant

a. pathogen

b. facultative parasitic

C. obligate parasite

d. saprophyte

126. When a tomato plant has a root and stem rot disease, which leads

to wilting, the wilting symptoms are classified as

a. Primary symptoms

b. Localized symptoms

C. Secondary symptoms

d. Systematic symptoms

127. The overdevelopment of plant cells, tissue or plant parts is called

a. hyperplastic symptoms

b. necrotic symptoms

C. local

d. systematic symptoms

128. This symptom is also called a lesion.

a. spot

b. blight

C. blast

d. hypertrophy

129. This refers to an extensive, usually sudden death of host tissue

a. Hypertrophy

b. Blast

C. Blight

d. Spot

130. The rotting of seedlings prior to emergence is termed

a. damping off

b. blight

C. blast

d. resetting

131. This may not cause disease in plants

a. abiotic factors

b. parasites

C. infectious agents

d. worms

132. Quiescent or latent infection is often associated with

a. soft rot diseases

b. die-back

C. blights
d. anthracnose

133. This is not a source of pathogen inoculum


b. infected weeds

C. plant debris

d. uninfected plant

134. A group of substances secreted by pathogens that interfere with

the permeability of protoplast membrane

a. enzymes

b. growth regulators

C. toxins

d. suppressors

135. The causal agent of mango anthracnose is

a. Lasiodiplodia theobromae

b. Diplodia natalensis

C. Sphaceloma fawcetti

d. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

136. Peronoscleroşpora philippinensis is the causal agent of

a. corn downy

b. downy mildew of grapes

C. downy mildew of crucifer

d. downy mildew of cucurbits

137. The causal agent of corn rust is

a. Uromyces phaseoli

b. Bipolaris maydis
C. PUccinia polysora

d. Ustilago maydis-zeae

138. Gibberella fujikuroi is the causal agent of

a. rice blast

b. bakanae of rice

C.rice sheath blight

d. brown spot

139. The DA Special Order number which embodies the provisions on

Integrated Pest Management

a. 492

b. 493

C. 494

Sd: 495

140. The year when the DA Special Order on Integrated Pest

Management was signed

a. 1996

b. 1997

C. 1998

d. 1999

141. Weeds having expanded leaves with netted venation

a. sedges

b. broadleaves

C grasses

d. annuals

142. The following are vegetative propagules except

a. seeds

b. tubers



d. off-shoots

143. Most weed seeds in the soil are found within the

a. upper 5 inches

b. upper 40 inches

C. upper 15 inches

d. upper 30 inches

144. The phenomenon when weed seeds fail to germinate even under

favorable conditions

a. quiescence

b. dormancy

C. viability

d. longevity

145. The following are physical causes of weed seed dormancy except.

a. presence of inhibitors

b. thick hull

C. impermeable seedcoat

d. hard seedcoat

146. The mechanism which controls sprouting of Cyperus rotundus

tubers that are attached to the mother plant

a. dormancy

b. quiescence
C. apical dominance


147. The stage of growth when the weed is most affected by weed

Control measures

a. seed stage

b. seedling stage

C. vegetative stage

d. reproductive stage

148. The following are means by which weeds are dispersed from one

area to another, except

a. wind

b. water

C. fire

d. animals

149. Which among the following is not a weed dispersal unit?

a. leaves

b. seeds

C. tubers

d. stem cuttings

150. Described as the struggle between two or more plants for a limited


a. allelopathy

b. dispersal

C. inteference

d. competition
151. The color band of highly toxic pesticides

a. blue

b. red

C. yellow

d. violet

152. The first organic herbicide that revolutionized chemical weed


a. butachlor

b. gramoxone

c. 2,4-D

d. glyphosate

153. When was the first organic and selective herbicide developed?

a. 1930s

b. 1940s

C. 1950s

d. 1960s

154. The first organic herbicide belongs to what chemical family of


a. phenoxys

b. diphenyl ethers

C. phenols

d. triazines

155. The general term used to describe any chemical used to control


a. herbicide
b. pesticide

C. fungicide

d. viricide

156. The inherent property of a herbicide to kill some plants but not

other plants

a. resistance

b. toxicity

C. sensitivity

d. selectivity

157. The ability of some plants to survive a herbicide treatment that

would normally kill other plants


b. toxicity

C. sensitivity

d. selectivity

158. The innate property of a chemical to produce harm

a. toxicity

b. hazard

C. selectivity

d. resistance

159. The risk of likelihood of an adverse effect due to exposure to a

harmful chemical

a. toxicity

b. hazard

C. selectivity
d. resistance

160. The component of a pesticide which is responsible for its toxic


a. acid equivalent

b. active ingredient

C. inert ingredient

d. surfactant

161. The author of the milestone of Philippine Entomology is

a. Antonio S. Sedeno

b. Emiliana N. Bernardo

C. Julio C. Martinez

d. Bernardo P. Gabriel

162. He was the first Filipino to obtain a doctoral degree in entomology

in 1922

L.B. Uichanco

b. L.B. Sanchez

C. G.O. Ocfemia

d. S.M. Cendana

163. The first monographic treatment of Philippine mosquitoes by

Delfinado in 1966 included all genera except

a. Anopheles

b. Culex

C. Aedes

d. Malaria

164. This is the study of insects

a. entomology

b. entomophobia

C. entomologists

d. pathology

165. The earliest insect found during the Middle Devonian period,

Rhyniella praecursor, belong to the insect order

a. Thysanura

b. Collembola

C. Protura

d. Diplura

166. The nearest relative of the class Insecta is

a. Class Crustacea

b. Class Chilopoda

C. Class Diplura

d. Class Diplopoda

167. When the mouthparts are directed anteriad, this is known as

a. prognathous

b. opisthognathous

C. hydrognathous

d. agnathous

168. The lateral sides of the middle segment of the insect thorax is

known as

a. mesosternum

b. mesonotum

C. pleuron
d. mesopleuron

169. The ventral portion of the thorax and abdomen is known as

a. stenum

b. sternopleuron

C. sternites

d. pleurites

170. The part of the mouthparts without a palpus

a. Labium

b. mandibles


d. all of the above

171. A general necrosis caused by the rapid growth and advance of the

causal bacteria through leaves and stems

a. Wilt

b. Blight

C. Blast

d. Rot

172. It is the only genus of plant pathogenic bacteria that produces


a. Xanthomonas

b. Agrobacterium

c. Pseudomonas

d. Streptomyces

173. The pathogen that gained worldwide recognition especially during

the 1960s because of its extreme effectiveness in controlling

lepidopterous pests especially diamondback moth.

a. Fungi

b. Bacteria

C. Virus

d. Nematodes

174. Which among the following may be colonized by plant Pathogenic


a. Xylem

b. Phloem

C. Intercellular spaces

d. All of the above

175. The following are Gram negative bacteria except

a. Pseudomonas

b. Xanthomonas

C. Agrobacterium

d. Corynebacterium

176. The plant disease first shown to be caused by bacteria

a. Potato late blight


Rice bacterial blight

Fireblight of apples and pear

d. Taro blight

177. A disease caused by fastidious vascular bacteria

a. Citrus exocortis

b. Aster yellows
C. Cadang- cadang

d. Pierce's disease of grapes

178. The slimy, whitish secretion containing bacterial cells

a. Mycelium

b. Ooze

C. Gum

d. Sclerotium

179. Which is not a mechanism of bacteria penetration to the host?

a. Direct penetration

b. Through hydathodes

C. Through stomata

d. Through wounds

180. Which of the following is not a mechanism of variation in bacteria?

a. Conjugationn

b. Heterokaryosis

C. Transduction

d. Transformation

181. In a life cycle of a typical myxomycete, the myxamoeba are usually

formed during

a. dry condition

b. humid condition condition

d. sunny condition

182. The naming of newly discovered fungal species is based commonly

a. location

b. host

C. distinct structural character

d. well-known mycologist

a. downy mildew fungi

b. powdery mildew fungi

C. sOoty mold fungi

d. slime molds

184. Growth of germ tube towards hosts or substrates may be due to

chemicals. This response is called

a. thigmotropism

b. phototropism

c. chemotropism

d. aerotropism

183. Non-parasitic fungi which are present on plant parts with deposit189. This is the rice fungal disease
that caused Bengal famine in 1943

of insects, particularly aphids and scale insects

185. Phylogenetic classification of fungi is based on

a. character sets

C. hyphal arrangement

d. evolutionary relationship

b. ultrastucture features

186. A fungal insect parasite

a. Metarrhizium

b. Curvularia

C. Gilmaniella
d. Choanepora

187. The most common infectious agents of plant disease

a. bacteria

b. fungi

C. nematodes

d. phanerogams

188. Sigatoka is a fungal disease of what crop?

a. mango

b. banana

c. citrus

d. rice

a. rice blast


rice tungro

C. brown spot

d. sheath blight

190. The fungal disease which greatly affected the coffee industry of


a. coffee rust

b. twig blight


Fusarium wilt

d. Sclerotium rot

191. The mouthpart of a nematode that is inserted inside a plant cell

thru which the plant juices are withdrawn and sucked

a. Esophagus

b. Digestive gland

C. Stylet

d. pharynx

192. A disease which is aggravated by the presence of root knot


a. Bacterial wilt of tomato

b. Bacterial pustule of tomato

C. Bacterial spot of tomato

d. Leaf mold of tomato

193. An isolation technique used to separate nematodes from the soil

a. Tissue planting technique

b. Pour planting

C. Dilution technique

d. Baermann funnel technique

194. The infective stage of cyst nematodes is

a. 1 juvenile stage

b. 2nd juvenile stage

C. 4 juvenile stage

d. Mature stage

195. Nematodes that move from plant to plant and only their stylet

enter the plant cells are called

a. Sedentary ectoparasite

b. Sedentary endoparasite

C. Migratory ectoparasite
d. Migratory endoparasite

196. Eggs of rootknot nematodes are deposited

a. Inside the zone of elongation

b. Inside female body

C. Inside a gelatinous matrix

d. In the soil

197. Which of the following does not affect the completion of the life

cycle of nematoodes?

a. Species

b. Host

C. Soil moisture

d. Temperature

198. When nematodes form disease complex with another pathogen, it


a. Predispose host to disease

b. Follow up disease formation


d. Cause disease alone

Act as vector

199. The only plant pathogen belonging to Kingdom Animalia

a. earthworms



C. phanerogam

d. fruitfly
200. This is considered to be the most destructive nematode to

worldwide Agriculture

a. Xiphinema

b. Trichodorus

c. Meloidogyne

d. Radopholus

201. The four rules of proof that are used in identifying certain plant


a. the Central Dogma


b. Koch's Rules

Koch's Postulate

d. the disease Proofs

202. Conditions caused by inanimate agents are also called

a. symptoms

b. diseases

C. physiological disorders

d. maladies

203. Which characterizes viroids?

a. Ultramicroscopic, obligately parasitic entities that are made up

of a nucleic acid core and a protein coat,

b. Tiny entities composed of stable and free ribonucleic acids

that can infect plant cells.

C. Unicellular microorganisms that reproduce asexually by binary

d. Non-motile, nonspore-forming, polymorphic microorganisms

that lack cell walls and are bound bya triple-layered unit


204. These pathogens are commonly disseminated by insects

a. Ultramicroscopic, obligately parasitic entities that are made up

of a nucleic acid core and a protein coat.

b. Tiny entities composed of stable and free ribonucleic acids

that can infect plant cells

C. unicellular microorganisms that reproduce asexually by binary


d. non-motile, non-spore-forming, polymorphic microorganisms

that lack cell walls and are bound by a triple-layered unit


205. This refers to the sequence of events that leads to and is involved

in the production of disease

a. Incubation

b. Disease

C. Disease cycle

d. Life cycle

a. Infection

b. Disease

C. Disease Cycle

d. Life Cycle

207. Which of the following is now a survival structure?

a. Phanerogram seeds
b. Chlamydospores

C. sclerotial bodies

d. Spores

a. Pandemic

b. Endemic

208. What is the term for the plant disease epidemics that occur

throughout the world?

C. Sporadic

d. Natural

209. Considered father of Philippine phytopathology and dean of Filipino

plant pathologists

a. Gerardo Ocfemia

b. Dioscoro Umali

C. Leopoldo Ulchanco

d. Faustino Orillo

210. He invented the microscope

a. Robert Hooke

206. This occurs when the pathogen has become established in the212. The physical removal of insect
pests from the infested plants is an

plant tissues and obtains nutrients from the host.


Louis Pasteur

H. Robert Kock

d. Anton de Bary

211. He was the first Filipino Acarologist who spearheaded the research
on mites in the Philippines in 1961

a. F.F. Sanchez

b. C.R. Baltazar

C. L.C. Rimando

d. V.P. Gapud

example of

a. mechanical control

b. biological control

. chemical control

d. cultural control

213. Includes all adverse effects exerted by the plant in the insects

survival, development and reproduction

a. antibioisis

b. host evasion

C. tolerance

d. non-preference

214. Which of the following rice pests possesses chewing type of

mouthparts during the destructive stage?

a. green leafhopper

b. rice bug

C. stemborer

d. brown planthopper

215. An insect which carries and transmits a

a. predator

disease -causing organism to a plant

b. parasite

C vector

d. symbionts

216. The causal agent of soft rot of vegetables is


Pseudomonas solanacearunm

b. Pectobacterium carotovorum

C. Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris

d. Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea


217. The causal agent of bacterial wilt of tomato is

Pectobacterium carotovorum

b. Xanthomonas vesicatoria

c. Ralstonia solanacearum

d. Pseudomonas syingae pv. syringae

218. The corn disease incited by Bipolaris maydis may be controlled by

a. insecticides

b. antibiotics

C. fungicides

d. miticides

219. A common symptom of diseases caused by fungi

a. mosaic

b. sarcody

C. spot

CroenEMDİDg DH n
d. yellowing

220. The use of oil is a

a. physical

b. cultural

C. chemical

d. mechanical

221. The effects of one plant on another plant due to the chemicals

that it releases

a. allelopathy

b. dispersal

C. interference

d. competition

222. The term that collectively describes the effects of both competition

and allelopathy

a. interference

b. harmful



d. critical

223. The point during the life cycle of a crop when it most affected with

the competition by weeds

a. critical period of competition

b. critical threshold level

type of method against insect pests

c. crop-weed competitive threshold

d. density effect

224. The weed density, higher than which significant yield losses will be


a. critical period of competition

b. critical threshold level

C. crop-weed competitive threshold

d. density effect

225. The weed density and duration when the crop is most affected

a. critical period of competition

b. critical threshold level

C. crop-weed competitive threshold

d. density effect

226. The process of decreasing weed population to minimize


a. weed evaluation

b. weed control

C. weed science

d. population management

227. The study of weeds and their control

a. Weed Evaluation

b. Weed Control

C. Weed Science

d. Population Management

228. Chemicals that are used to kill weeds

a. weedicides
b. insecticides

C. herbicides

d. fungicides

229. The world's worst weed based on distribution


Rottboellia cochinchinensis

b. Amaranthus spinosus

Cyperus rotundus

d. Echinochloa crusgalli

230. These genera of weeds resemble rice at its seedling stage

a. Cyperus


b. Eleusine


d. Echinochloa

231. The component of a pesticide that act as surface active agents

a. acid equivalent

b. active ingredient

C. inert ingredient

d. surfactant

232. The presidential decree number which created the Fertilizer and

Pesticide Authority

a 1144

b. 3256

C. 1433
d. 6454

233. The year when the FPA was promulgated

a. 1975

b. 1976


d. 1978


234. The color code of the least toxic pesticides

a. yellow

b. blue

C. green

d. red

235. Herbicides with the blue band belong to what category?

a. 5




236. How many categories of pesticides are there based on toxicity?

a. 4

b. 5

C. 6

d. 7

237. The word 'CAUTION' is the signal word for what category of


a. 3
b. 4

C. 5


238. The chemical family to which 2,4-D belongs

a. phenoXy


C. ureas

d. bipyridiliums

239. This group of insecticides inhibits the cholinesterase enzyme of

insect pests

a. IGRs

b. chlorinated hydrocarbons

C. carbamates

d. microbial insecticides

240. Buthachlor or Machete EC belongs to this group of herbicide

a. triazines

b. ureas

C. amides

d. uraclis

241. The anteriomost vein of an insect forewing is

a. jugum

b. anal

C. costa

d. radial

242. The Pterygote insects incdude the following except

a. Odonata

b. Ephemeroptera

C. Thysanura

d. Orthoptera

243. Nephotettix virescens belong to the Suborder

a. Hemiptera

b. Homoptera

C. Heteroptera

d. Phthiraptera

244. The insect order characterized by having scales on its

membranous wings

a. Trichoptera

b. Orthoptera

c. Hymenoptera

d. Lepidoptera

245. The third segment of the dorsal part of abdomen is

a. T3

b. t2

C. te l

d. t1

246. The injury caused by a "putakti" comes from this body region of

the insect

a. head

b. thorax

C. cephalothorax
d. abdomen

247. The rips belong to this order

a. Thysanoptera

b. Trichoptera

C. Termitidea

d. Thripidae

248. Human louse's life cycle is

a. paurometabola

b ametabola



d. holometabola

249. Naiad is a part of this metamorphosis

a. ametabola

b. paurometabola

C. hemimetabola

d. holometabola

250. Nymph is a part of this metamorphosis

a. ametabola

b. paurometabola

C. hemimetabola

d. holometabola

251. Fungal pathogens that do not produce any spores

a. Oidium and Cladosporium

b. Rhzoctonia and Sclerotium

C. Fusarium and Helminthosporium

d. Colletotrichum and Gloeosporium

252. Macroconidia and microconidia are formed by

a. Colletotrichum spp.

b. Fusarium spp.

C. Alternata spp.

d. CercOSpora spp.

253. A character of hyphae that is found only in the basidiomycetous


a. Pseudpsepta

b. Septal pore

C. Cross walls

d. Clamp connections

254. An ascocarp in fungi with a pore at the top and the wall of its own

a. Apothecium

b. Cleistothecium

C. Pycnidium

d. Perithecium

255. Which is nota district characteristic of Class Loculoascomycetes of


a. AscOcarp in ascostroma

b. Monolocular ascostroma

C. Asci in locules

d. A single-walled ascus

256. Spores produced from fragmentation of hyphal cells

a. Chlamydospores

b. Arthrospores

C. Catenate Culture

d. Basidiospores

257. The primary reproductive structures of fungi are

a. Filaments

b. Mycelium

C. Spores

d. Fungus

258. The Formae specialis is a sub-specific classification of fungi, which

is based on

a. ability to attack different genera of crop plants

b. ability to attack different variety or cultivars

C. morphological characteristics of the fungus

d. cultural characteristics of the fungus

259. Which among the following is nota fungi?

a. Rusts

b. Smuts

C. Mushrooms

d. Algae

260. Which is not a characteristic of true fungi?

a. Eukaryotic

b. No chlorophyll

C. Cell wall composition is cellulose

d. Majority non-motile, some have motile reproductive cell

261. This is the outer non-cellular layer covering the nematode body

and is shed-off during molting

a. skin

b. exoskeleton

C. cuticle

d. endoskeleton

262. A feeding structure that distinguishes plant parasitic from non-

plant parasitic nematodes

a. denticles

b. mural tooth

C. stylet

d. all of the abOve

263. Where are the eggs of root-knot nematode deposited?

a. outside the root

b. inside the root


in the soil

d. in a gelatinous matrix

264. The typical life cycle of Meloidogyne incognita

a. sedentary ectoparasite

b.sedentary endoparasite

C migratory endoparasite

d. migratory ectoparasite

265. Which of the following is not typical of nematode injury to plants

a. mechanical damage to cells

b. death of cells

C. transmission of virus

d. death of plant

266. Plant parasitic nematodes are diagnosed by examining

a. leaves

b. stems

C. flower

d. soil and roots

267. What is the typical number of juvenile stages in the life cycle of a


a. 1

b. 2


d. 4

268. These are nematodes which produce eggs that hatch after being


a. oviparous

b. ovoviviparous

C. parthenogonetic

d. hermaphroditic

269. Nematode species that require the presence of both male and

females for reproduction to Occur

a. amphimictic

b. ovoviviparouS

C. parthenogonetic
d. hermaphroditic

270. Nematodes possessing both functional male and female

reproductive organs

a. amphimictic

b. ovOViviparous

C. parthenogonetic

d. hermaphroditic

271. Author of the "Germ Theory of Disease"

a. Robert Hooke

b. Loujs Pasteur

H. Robert Koch

d. Anton de Bary


272. Proposed "The Sun Spot Cycle Theory" in relation to locust


a. Cendana

b. Uichanco

d. Ela

273. This is not a characteristic of plant viruses


a. Obligate


Inhabit intercellular spaces

d. Transmissible

274. This is the component of plant viruses


a. RNA

b. DNA


d. All of the above

275. A disease caused by a plant viroid

a. Cadang- cadang disease of coconut

b. Tobacco mosaic

C. Peanut mottle

d. Citrus decline

276. This is not a morphological shape of plant viruses

a. Rigid rods

b. Branched filamentous

C. Bacilliform or bullet - shaped

d. Spheres in chains

277. Which among the following may transmit plant viruses

a. Fungi and fungal - like organisms

b. Insects and mites

C. Nematodes and dodder plants

d. All of the above

278. Which among the following are symptoms of a plant virus

a. Moderate to severe dwarfing

b.Leaf deformities
c. Flower variegation

d. All of the abOve

279. This is not a type of plant viruses according to persistence in their

insect vector

a. Non persistent

b. Invasive viruses

C. Circulative viruses

d. Propagative viruses

280. This is not a method of plant virus diseases diagnosis

a. Enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay

b. Use of indicator plants

C. Culture of nutrient media

d. Serology

281. Which of the following pests is not an arthropod?

a. golden apple snail

b. santol gall mite

C. mango fruitfly

d. cotton bollworm

282. Bactrocera dorsalis is a pest of this fruit crop

a. eggplant

b. mango

C. watermelon

d. tomato

283. A cultural practice against pest utilized to enhance the activities

and survival of natural enemies

a. trap crops

b. habitat diversification

C. biological control

d. cultivation

284. The use of adhesive substance is a


a. cultural control

b. physical control

c. chemical control

d. mechanical control

285. Early harvest is

a. cultural control

b. physical control

C. chemical control

d. mechanical control

cultural control

286. Cold storage could also be used against pests and is considered a

method of control

b. physical control

C. Chemical control

d. mechanical control

a. cultural

287. Water management can be categorized under all methods of

Control except

b. physical control
G. chemical control

d. mechanical control

a. cultural method

method used against

288. IPM employs a variety of tactics, and the least type of method that

could be used is

b. HPR

type of control against pests

C. chemical method

d. autocidal

289. A category of pest cause no significant damage under the

conditions currently prevailing, however, this can be a key or

occasional pest if conditions in the field are disrupted

a. key

b. potential

C. OCcasional

d. migrant

290. The term used for non-resident pests is

a. key

b. potential

C. OCcasional

d. migrant

291. This method involves manipulation of the cultural management

practices to suppress the weeds

a. mechanical
b. chemical

C. cultural

d. none

292. Grassy weeds (Poaceae) locks similar to sedges except that their

stem called culm is

a. Triangular

b. Polyhedral

C. Cylindrical

d. Hexagonal

293. The hairy membranous outgrowth in between leafs heat and leaf

blade in grasses is called

a. Leaf blade

b. Liqule

C. Petiole

d. Auricle

294. A weed considered as a true-parasite

a. Portulaca oleraceae

b. Plantago major

Cuscuta sp.

d. Digitaria setigera

295. This is an example broad-leaf weed

a. Impereta cylindrica

b. Commelina benghalensis

d. Leersia hexandra
296. This is an example of a grass weed

a. Digitaria setigera

b. Cyperus kylingia

Cyperus rotundus

C. Peperomia pellucida

d. Portulaca oleraceaue

297. Which among the following weed species is a perennial grass


d. Rottboellia cochinchinensis


Cenchrus echinatus

Echinochloa colona

298. Which among the following weed species reproduces by seed


Imperata cylindrica

Commelina diffusa


Chromolaena odorata

Pistia stratiotes

d. Synedrella nodiflora

299. Which among the following weeds are spread easily by wind?

a. Echinochloa glabnescens

b. MimOsa pudica
Tridax procunmbens

d. Sphenoclea zeylanica

300. Major weeds of crops deposited in the soil seedbank are estimat

to be

a. 1-5%

b. 10-20%

C. 50-70%

d. 70-90%

301. An adjuvant or surfactants that improve absorption of herbicide by

raising the humidity or spray film and leaf surface

a. emulsifiers

b. dispersing agent


d. fertilizer additives

302. A broad spectrum gaseOus chemical used for management of plant

parasitic nematodes that is thought to be damaging to the

a. Metam-sodium

b. Methyl bromide

C. Carbanate

d. All of the above

303. The discovery of DDT on this year is considered as one of the

major event in

t in the history of crop protection

a. 1959

b. 1935
C. 1937

d. 1939

304. A quick acting poison which cause death to rats shortly after


a. Acute poison

b. Anticoagulant

C. Chronic

d. None of the above

305. Mode of action of insecticides?

a. Strangulations

b. Decapitation

C. Neurotoxicant

d. Scratching

306. A component of mycoherbicide

a. Bacterial spores

b. Eggs of nematodes

c. Fungal spores

d. Virus particles

307. Which of the following is a broad-spectrum chemical pesticide,

which can be used for soil fumigation to kill insects, fungi and

nematodes in the soil?

a. Antibiotics

b. Benzimidazoles

C. Chloropicrin or tear gas

d. Carbamates
308. The point of entry of a fumigant insecticide

a. Integument

b. Mouth

C. Spiracles

d. Tympanum

309. An example of organochlorine insecticide

a. Chlordane

b. Lannate

C. Malathion

d. Baygon

310. The following are botanical insecticides except

a. Juvenoids

b. Nicotinoids

C. Pyrethroids

d. Rotenoids

311. This pertains to the winged segments of the insect's thorax

a. mesothorax

b. prothorax

C. Pterothorax

d. cepalothorax

312. This functions as air storage of the insect's respiratory system

a. atrium

b. air sac

C. valves

d. taenidium
313. This functions to control the influX of air within the insect's

respiratory system

a. taenidium

b. air sac

C. valves

d. atrium

314. This functions to guide the air flow within the insect's respiratory


a. valves

b. taenidium

C. atrium

d. air sac

315. This is referred to as thickened tracheoles

a. atrium

b. taenidium

C. valves

d. air sac

316. This part of the digestive system functions as center of absorption

in absorbing nutrients in the hemocoele

b. anus


C. mouth

d. malpigian tubules

317. Cockroaches belong to this insect order



b. Ortho


d. Blattodea

318. This wing type belongs to Orthopterans

a. membranous

b. hemelytron

C. elytron

d. tegmen

319. Insects became pests because of

a. man

b. mouthparts


its vVoraciousness

d. sting

320. The type of metamorphosis for exopterygotes is

a. holometabola

b. ametabola

C. paurometabola

d. hemimetabola

321. This may be a part of a germinating conidium of a pathogenic


a. Germ tube

C. Infection peg

d. All of the above

322.The colonization of plant tissues by hyphae could be

a. Intercellular

b. Intracellular

c. Inter- and intracellular

d. All of the above

323. This is not a sexual process in fungi

a. Paleontology

b. Plasmogamy

C. Karyogamy

d. Melosis

324. This is not a sexual spore of fungi or fungal-like organisms

a. Ascospore

b. Zygospore

C. Basidiospore

d. Melospore

325. The following are signs of fungal diseases except

a. Mycella

b. Ooze

C. Sclerotial bodies

d. Fruiting bodies

326. The majority of plant disease are caused by

a. Viruses

b. Fungi

d. Nematodes

327. The threadlike vegetative fungal structure

a Ooze

b. Sclerotium

C. Mycelium

d. Exudates

328. Which is not a sign of fungi?

a. Sclerotia

b. Seeds

C. Hyphae

d. Spores

329. Which among these pathogens can directly penetrate intact hosts?

a. Bacteria

b. Fungi

C. Mycoplasma-like organisms

d. Virus

330. The following are fungal inocula except

a. Bacterial ooze

b. Rhizomorphs

C. Sclerotial bodies

d. spores

331. A phenomenon in nematodes when males and females have

entirely different morphology

a. sexual mutation
b. sexual dimorphism

C. sexual evolution

d. sexual diversity

332. This category of chemicals has been traditionally used as control

management against plant parasitic nematodes

a. fumigants

b. biocon

C. carbamates

d. mebendazoles

333. The practice of incorporating fresh plants or plant materials into

the soil to control

a. biological control

b. mulching

C. biofumigation

d. organic fertilization

334. When the field is left unplanted for a certain period, the population

of nematodes decreases because they are deprived of their plant

hosts. This practice which also allows soil rejuvenation is called

a. sanitation

b. conservation


crop rotation

d. fallowing

O plant parasitic nematodes

335. This fungus is present in commercial products BIOCON and

BIOACT which parasitizes Radopholus similis, Rotelenchulus

reniformis, Meloidogyne spp.

a. Rhizoctonia solani

b. Arthrobotrys oligospora

C. Paecilomyces lilacinus

d. Verticillium chlamydosporium

336. What is the common pattern of nematode spatial distribution in

the field?

a. uniform

b. patchy

C. random

d. cannot be determined

337. The most preferred site for root penetration of the infective stage

of Meloidogyne spp. is the

a. root hair

b. root cap

c. Zone of elongation

d. zone of differentiation

338. Plant parasiticC nematodes generally prefer this soil texture

a. clayey

b. sandy

C. silty

d. muddy

339. Which life stage of the nematode will not be killed by a systemic

a. females feeding inside the root

b. females feeding on the root surface only

C. juveniles

d. eggs

340. Some planting materials can be subjected to a hot water treatment

to control nematodes that are possibly present. The following

planting materials can be treated this way except

a. banana corm

b. rice seeds

C. seed potato

d. onion bulb

341. The concept that explains the step-wise evolution of virulence and


a. Hybridization

b. Parasexual process

C. Gene-for-gene

d. Cytoplasmic

342. The plant pathogen present in Collego


b. Colletotrichum

C. Curvularia

d. Helminthosporium

343. The art of plant pathology which determines the severity and

prevalence of diseases
a. Disease monitoring

b. Disease assessment

C. Disease forecasting

d. Disease diagnosis

344. The ultimate objective of plant pathology is to

a. Minimize plant diseases

b. Identify plant diseases

C. Survey plant disease

d. Measure plant disease

345. A correct diagnosis is a prerequisite to the

a. Classification of diseases

b. Disease incidence


Formulation of control measures

d. Disease development

346. Scientific studies in plant pathology began with the invention of


a. Compound microscope

b. Electron microscope

C. Lenses

d. Fungicides

347. This is a proteinaceous infectious particle, in which its protein is

encoded by a chromosomal gene of the host

a. Virus

b. Prion
C. Viroid

d. Mollicute

348. One of the following diseases is not due to viroid

a. Potato spindle tube

b. Tobacco mosaic

C. Cadang-cadang

d. Citrus exocortis

349. A kind of symptom that is a direct result of the causal agent's


a. Secondary

b. Localized

C. General

d. Primary

350. A kind of symptom that is distinct and very limited


b. Localized


C. General

d. Primary

351. Pests that are focal point of pest management systems because

their population equilibrium is always above the economic threshold


a. key

b. potential

c. oCcasional
d. migrant

352. A type of pests that are only present part of the time

a. key

b. potential

C. Occasional

d. migrant

353. Prediction technology is useful to prevent this pest's outbreak

a. key

b. potential



d. migrant

354. A modern approach to minimize damage by pests with ultimate

goal of population management rather than eradication

a. Integrated pesticide management

b. integrated pest management

c. Pest control strategies

d. Biological control

355. A control method whereby synthetic toxic substances or bioactive

plant products are used to combat pest population

a. Use of resistant varieties


b. Chemical control

Cultural control

d. IGR
356. An unwanted organism which competes with man for food and

shelter or threatens their health comfort or welfare

a. Pest

b. Weed

C. Insect

d. Pathogens

357. The relative amount of heritable qualities in plants that influence

the ultimate degree of damages by the pest

a. Host plant resistance

b. Tolerance


Insecticide resistance

d. Host evasion

358. A toxic substance which is readily available and ills pest instantly

a. Insecticides

b. Rodenticide

c. Pesticides

d. Weedicide

359. A vetebrate pest which is a perennial problem in crop production

that usually demands a unified, coordinated and sustained

Community action to gain an effective control,

a. Birds

b. Rodents

C. Snakes

d. Snails
360. The symptom of stemborer damage during the reproductive stage

of the rice plant characterized by the pale appearance of the unfilled


a. Deadheart

b. Wilting

C. Whitehead

d. False smut

361. Which among the following is sedge?

a. Beggarstick

b. Bulrush

C.Little iron weed

d. dayflower Spreading

362. The following are common bases of classifying weeds except

a. Gross morphology

b. Habitat

C. Growth habit

d. Anatomy

363. Itchgrass is the common name of

a.Echinochloa colona

b. Eleusine colona

C. Echinochloa glabrescens

d. Rottboellia cochinchinensis

364. The following are vegetative structure ofa weed except

a. Flowers

b. Branches
C. Tillers



365. Crop-weed interaction involves competition for these factors


a. Light

b. Nutrients

C. Water

d. Vitamins

366. Allelopathic substances are equated to

a. Allelochemicals

b. Allosomes

C. MesOSomes

d. Allesomes

367. Weed occupies which trophic level?

a 1 tropic level

b. 2nd tropic level

C. 3rd tropic level

d. 4th tropic level

368. The suspended growth of the embryo is due to propagule

a. Dormancy

b. Germination

C. Respiration

d. Photosynthesis

369. The physical form of dormancy is brought about by the presence


a. Inhibitor in the seed coat

b. Inhibitors in the embryo

C. Immature embryo

d. Thick seed coat

370. The following are considered growth habit of weeds except

a. Tree

b. Vine

C. Shrub

d. Woody

371. Contact, stomach and fumigant poison are classification of

insecticides based on

a. Mode of action

b. Mode of entry

C. Origin of the active ingredient

d. type of formulation

372. The insecticide that kills a wide array of insect pest species

a. Broad spectrum

b. NarTOW Spectrum

C. Specific

d. Aerobic

373. The fungicides that can be translocated to the different parts of

the plant are also called

a. Contact fungicides

b. Localized insecticides
C. Non mobile insecticides

d. Systemic fungicides

374. How many square meters can a 50 ml of a 40% formulation be

covered if the recommended rate is 700 g a.i. /ha?

a. 300.15 sq. m.

b. 250.75 sq. m.

c. 280.75 sq. m.

d. 285.71 sq. m.

375. Three kilograms of insecticide AB is required for the insect pest in

a two hectare tomato farm. The recommended rate is half kilogram

a.i./ha. What is the % a.i. formulation of the insecticide?

a. 30.33%

b. 33.33%

c. 31.33%

d. 32.33%

376. What is the percent concentration of an insecticide with 300 g

thiamethoxam per kilogram of the formulated product and a

recommended dosage of 3 g/ 16 L of water?

a. 5%

b. 20%

C. 25%

d. 30%

377. How many sprayer loads which can hold up to 8 liters are required

to spray the half hectare of the cabbage farm if the spray volume

required is 320 L/ha?

a. 22.5

b. 21.5

C. 20.5

d. 20.0

378. The upperlimit of a recommendation for using an insecticide with

active ingredient of 750g cyromazine per kilogram formulated

product is 7 g/ 16 Lof water. Ifa farmer needed 150 L spray

solution, how many kilograms of the insecticide should he use?

a. 1.066 kq

b. 0.567 kg

C. 0.066 kg

d. 0.0047 kg

379. How much insecticide CD with 40% EC is needed to cover 750 sq.

m of mustard farm with the recommend rate of half kilogram a.i.


a. 1.0L


0.15 L

C. 0.1L

d. 2.0 L

380. Broad spectrum fungicides which inhibit mitosis by preventing

polymerization of beta tubulin, resistance risk is high.

a. Benzimidazoles

b. Triazoles

C. Phenylamides
d. Beta-methoxyacrylates

381.The type of metamorphosis for endopterygotes is

a. holometabola

b. ametabola

c. paurometabola

d. hemimetabola

382. From which character was the name "Arthropoda" derived?

a. seqmentation

b. antennae

C. wings

d. jointed legs

383. Where would you least likely find insects?

a. South Pole

b. Caliraya lake

C. A rainforest

d. Cebu strait

384. Which of the following pests is not an Arthropod?

a. Asiatic corn borer

b. rice black bug

C. field rat

d. Cotton stainer

385. Which statement is not true of all insects?

a. they have antennae

b. they have three body regions

C. they have wings

d. they have three pairs of legs

386. A material used in pesticide formulation to counteract the chemical

characteristics of a substance which may normally cause phytotoxic


a. carrier

b. diluent

C. spreader

d. safener

387. The setaceous type of antennae is found among

a. Butterflies

b. Dragonflies

C. Grasshoppers

d. Houseflies

388. The elbow-like type of antennae found among ants

a. Geniculate

b. Lamellate

C. davate

d. Plumose

389. Preying mantis use this type of forelegs to catch their prey

a. Grasping

b. Walking

C. Clinging

d. Digging

390. Headlice use this type of legs to anchor themselves on the host

a. Grasping
b. Walking

C. Clinging

d. Digging

391. The symptom characterized by perforations in leaf as lesions drop


a. Shot hole

b. Leaf spot

C. Blight

d. Scab

392. The symptom characterized by sunken dead area with cracked


a. Mottle

b. Canker

C. Mosaic

d. Rot

393. The symptom that shows dry or soft decomposition of tissues

a. Chlorosis

b. Mummification

C. Rot

d. Blight

394. The symptom that has pale or translucent veins

a. Vein-clearing

b. Vein-banding

C. mosaic

d. Wilting
395. The symptom characterized by an extensive necrotic area

a. Lesion

b. Spot

C. Blast

d. Blight

396. All of the following are symptoms except

a. Yellowing

b. Ooze

C. Galls

d. Etiolation

397. The identification of specific plant diseases through their

characteristic symptoms and signs

a. Detection

C. Control

b. Diagnosis


398. The non-parasitic agents of plant disease are characteristically

a. Living

b. Non-living



d. Virulent

399. They are pleomorphic microorganisms without cell walls

a. Bacteria

b. Mollicutes
C. Viroids

d. Fungi

400. The usual means of spread of viruses in the field

a Fungi

b. Insects

C. Nematodes

d. Bacteria

401. Diseased plant is a

a. suscept

b. host

C. botha and b

d. Pathogen

402. One of the functions of this agency is to quarantine


b. FPA



403. The regulatory method of insect control is closely related to this

a. Cultural control

b. Biological control

C. Quarantine control

d. Physical control

404. Education, quarantine, using certified planting materials, checking

suspect materials before planting and cleaning equipment, are

examples of what type of management

a. Prevention

b. Eradication

C. Protection

d. All of the above

405. Refers to the control of pest by living organisms under either

natural or artificial environment

a. Cultural Control

b. Behavior Control

C. Biological Control

d. Autocidal Control

406. The kind of interaction between two organisms where both are

adversely affected is called

a. Competition

b. Amensalism


d. Commensalism


407. Which of these are density-independent mortality factors?

a. Parasites

b. Food Supply



d. Drought

408. Legal actions intended to exclude potential pests and to prevent

spread of those already present

a. Eradication

b. Suppression

C. Containment

d. Quarantine


409. Comprise the total complex of organism is a cropped area together

with all aspects of the environment as modified by the activities of

a. Ecosystem

b. Agroecosystem

C. Pathosystem

d. Crop system

410. These pathogens are known to cause the cadang-cadang of


a. bacteria


C. viroids

d. mycoplasma

411. The following are classification of weeds based on gross

morphology except

a. Epiphytic

b. Sedge

C. Grass

d. Broadleaf

412. The sedges possess the following traits except

a. Triangular stem
b. Parallel leaf venation

c. Single cotyledon

d. Hollow stem

413. Allelopathic substances include the following except

a. Koline

b. Marasmin

C. Phytoncide

d. Meristem

414. These structures are found in grasses except

a. Ligule

b. Node

C. Internode

d. Netted venation

415. The purple nutsedge is characterized by the

a. Presence node

b. Presence of ligule


Hollow stem

d. Presence of tuber

416. The almost pure material in the pesticide as it is first manufactured

by the company before the formulation

a. active ingredient

b. acid equivalent

C. toxicant

d. technical material
417. The following are steps in the germination process except

a. Inhibition

b. Rapid metabolism

C. Root emergence

d. Shoot emergence

418. The underground vegetative propagule that can be used for weed



b. Stolon

C. Tuber

d. Twig

419. Asexual reproduction of weeds is greatly affected by the following

factors except

a. Light

b. Minerals

C. Soil type

d. Wind

420. An example of a weed dispersal agent

a. Animal

b. Rhizome

C. Tuber

d. Light

421. To reduce phytotoxicity,

a. Detergents
b. Starch

C. Oils

d. Calcium carbonate

should be added to the fungicides

422. Water-soluble fungicides in powder form that contain inert diluents

and wetting agent is classified as

a. Granules

b. Wettable powders


d. Dusts

Emulsifiable concentrates

423. The type of herbicide (based on the time of application) that is

considered most efficient against weed seedlings is

a. Preplant

b. post-emergence

C. preemergence

d. post-directed

424. This herbicide adjuvant reduces surface tension and thereby

increases contact between spray droplets and sprayed surface is

a. Dispersing agents

b. Sticking agents

C. Spreading agents

d. Humectants

425. The number 3 from the Furadan 3G in the container label refers to

a. weight of the inert material



Quatity of the active ingredient

recommended rate to use

d. Weight of the insecticide

426. A group of insecticides that seldom contains carbon

a. Organic insecticide

b. Flourides

C. Inorganic insecticide

d. Organophosphate

427. An example of carbamate insecticide is

a. Dipel

b. Sherpa

C. Sabidong

d. Sevin

428. Coumatetralyl or racumin is an example of

a. Acute poison

b. Anti-coagulant

c. Blanket system

d. Baiting

e. Botanical poison

429. Which statement is true for the volume of spray solution


a. increases with higher pressure

b. decr

C. increases with larger nozzle size

d. all of the above

430. This characterizes the 2,4-D

a. non selective preemergence hertbicide

selective post emergence herbicide


C. non selective contact herbicide

d. non selective systemic herbicide

431. In what type of insect development has the larval and pupal


a. ametabolous

b paurometabolous

C. hemimetabolous

d. holometabolous

432. The most problematic insect in crucifer plants.

a. common cutworm

b. Aphids


Diamondback moth

d. Cutworm

433. Which do not conform to the principle of entomology?

a. All insects have 3 pairs of legs

b. Not all insects have antennae

All insects are winged

d. All insects have 3 body regions

434. The term for the larval stage of the insects in the order


a. Grubs

b. Pupa

decreases with faster speed of travel

C. Caterpillar

d. Immature stage

435. Leathery, horny and membranous part of the insect body is called

a. Mouth

b. Wings

C. Abdomen

d. Legs

436. This is the part of the insect body which is constricted with forcep

like cerci.

a. Wings

b. Abdomen

C. Mouth

d. Legs

437. The forewing is leathery while the hind legs are modified for


a. Odonata

b. Ephemeroptera

C. Orthoptera
d. Phasmatodea

438. Has forewings that are highly sclerotized

a. Phthirhaptera

b. Strepsiptera

C. Coleoptera

d. Neuroptera

439. The order category in insect classification where most of the

representative insects are natural enemies.

a. Coleoptera

b. Hemiptera

C. Diptera

d. Hymenoptera

440. Which of the types of insect development referred to as complete?

a. Paurometabolous

b. Hememetabolous

C. Ametometabolous

d. Holometabolous

441. Wide-scale appraisal of the severity and prevalence of disease in a

cOuntry, a region, or a continent

a. Disease surveys

b. Disease diagnosis

C. Disease monitoring

d. Disease incidence

442. Stage in a disease cycle when the pathogen has become

established in the plant tissues and starts to damage the host.

a. Colonization

b. Incubation

C. Infection

d. Penetration

443. Refers to the time from inoculation of the pathogen to the

production of visible symptoms

a. Colonization

b. Incubation period

C. Infection

d. Latent period

444. The biotic factor at the inoculation site that may affect pathogen


a. Antagonistic microorganisms

b. Temperature

C. Oxygen tension

d. Relative humidity

445. Which of the following pathogens are generally transmitted by

insect vectors?

a. Bacteria

b. Fungi



d. Virus

446. A soil that contains a variety of antagonistic microorganisms that

produce toxic metabolites against the pathogen and cause pathogen


a.Acidic soil

b. Basic soil

C. Favorable soil

d. Suppressive soil

447. The tumor inducing principle of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the

crown gall bacterium

a. Plasmid bluescript

b. Ri-plasmid

C. T-plasmid

d. Bacterial chromosome

448. A quiescent parasitic relationship which delays symptom

expression but which may change into an active one.

a. Latent period

b. Latent infection

C. Incubation period

d. Cross protection

449. The usual effect of root rotting pathogen in pants is on the

a. Change in reproduction in the host

b. Increased transpiration

C. Interference with uptake of water and inorganic elements

from the soil

d. Translocation of organic compounds through the phloem

450. The following are induced defences of the host in response to

pathogen attack except

a. Formation of abscission layers

b. Hypersensitive reaction

C. Thick cuticle

d. Systemic acquired resistance

451. The formulation of this substance became among the foundation

of chemical disease control of plant diseases.

a. fungicide

b. pesticides

C. Bordeaux mixture

d. benlate

452. Which of the following is not a definition of plant disease?

a. a physiological malfunctioning caused by animate objects

b. any deviation from normal growth or structure of plants that is

C. a malfunctioning process caused by continuous irritation

d. any agent which causes a disease


453. The type of resistance the plant has if the insect exhibit abnormal

development if not immediately killed after feeding.

a. None preference

b. Tolerance

C. Antibiosis

d. mechanical basis of resistance

454. The gestation period of rodents is

a. 25 days



30 days

31 days

De of

455. This type

pheromone ants have

a. Alarm pheromone

b. Dispersal phenomones

C. aggregation pheromones

d. Trail phermones

456. He first discovered viroid as causal agent of plant disease

a. Theodor Deiner

b. Y. Doi et al.

C. A.C. Goheen et al.

d. Berkeley

457. It causes bacterial wilt of tomato and other solanaceous crops,

banana, and ginger in the Philippines

a. Xanthomonas oryzae

b. Ralstonia solanacearum

C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

d. Pectobacterium carotOVorum pV carotovorum

458. It causes common bacterial soft not of vegetables in the


a. Xanthomonas oryzae
b. Ralstonia solanacearum

C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

d. Pectobacterium carotovorum pv carotovorum

459. It causes the bacterial leaf blight of rice

a. Xanthomonas oryzae

b Xanthomonas campestris

C. Xanthomonas vesicatoria

d. Xanthomonas yectonae

460. It causes crown gall and is used in genetic engineering of plants

a. Xanthomonas oryzae

b. Ralstonia solanacearum

C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens


Pectobacterium carotovorum

461. The technical term for the presence of chloroplast in the vascular

bundle sheath of efficient plants is called

a. Krazy

b. Krantz

C. Kruntzy

d. Krebz

462. The oldest form of weed control

a. Biological

b. Chemical

C. Manual

d. Mechanical
463. Efficient plants are characterized by the

a. Absence of chloroplast in the vascular bundle

b. Low light saturation point

C. High light saturation point

d. High water requirement

464. The type of competition existing between rice and jungle rice

a. Intraspecific

b. Interspecific

C. Ultraspecific

d. Extraspecific

465. Less efficient plants are known by the this characteristic

a. Presence of chloroplast in the vascular bundle

b. High light saturation point

C. Low light saturation point

d. High water requirement z

466. The only link between generations in sexually propagated weed

a. Bulb


C. Seed

d. Tuber

467.The most number of weeds belong to the plant family


b. Cyperaceae

c. Poaceae

d Convulvulaceae
468. The critical period of competition is generally about

a. 1/5 of the crop life cycle

b. Va of the crop life cycle

C. 1/3 to ½ of the crop life cycle

d. V4 to 1/8 of the o life cycle

469. Imbibition process involves absorption of

a. Oxygen

b. Nitrogen

C. Water

d. Light

470. In germination, the period of rapid metabolic activity is best

characterized by

a. Faster rate of reproduction

b. Faster photosynthetic activity

C. Faster rate of senescence

d. Faster cell division and elongation

471. A post emergence herbicide is applied

a. after land preparation

b. after the weeds or crops have emerged

C. after irrigation

d. after harvest

472. Type of formulation in which the active material is readily dissolve

in water but not in organic solvents

a. aqueous concentrates

b. emulsifiable concentrates
C. flowables

d. water soluble powders

473. In emulsifiable concentrates, these are being added to the organic

solvents carrying the active material such that if the mixture is

shaken with water, it will break up into small droplets that will

remain dispersed in water to form an emulsion

a. benzene

b. xylene

C. water

d. emulsifying agents

474. Most pesticides are effective in very small quantities. A problem

that consequently arise in using them is

a. the cost per gram

b. the size of sprayer to use

C. the technique of applying small quantities evenly over large


d. the nearest source of the pesticide

475. The following are auxillary materials mixed with the active

component in the formulation process of pesticide, except one

a. carrier

b. diluents

C. toxicant

d. water

476. Identify which of the following choices is not an active component

manufactured in the basic production of a pesticide

a. active ingredient

b. toxicant

C. technical material

d. surfactant

477. In pesticide preparation, this is the written material or graphic

design printed on the container of the pesticide. This is considered a

legal document which requires a government approval.

a. bar code

b. manufacture date

C. color band

d. pesticide label

478. Why is it that in water soluble powders (WSP) pesticide

formulation, the active material is finely ground into a powder form?

a. to increase the total weight

b. to reduce the container size needed

C. to increase the rate in which it will dissolve in water

d. to increase the application rate per minute

479. This pesticide formulation is a suspension of a milky liquid in which

the powder is suspended in water in the presence of a dispersing


a. water soluble powders (wSP)

b. wettable powders (WP)

C. fumigants

d. flowables

480. Some pesticides are seldom formulated as Dusts because of this


a. cost per gram

b. high toxicity


respiratory problems

d. drift problem

481. Which of the following inset order is wingless

a. Lepidoptera

b. Isopteran

C. Anoplura

d. Coleopteran

482. Which of the folowing insect species is commonly used in genetics


a. Chiconomoides sp.

b. Drosophila melanogaster

C. Arabidopsis thaliana

d. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

483. Which insect has siphoning mouthparts

a. Grass hoppers

b. Aphids and bugs

C. Skippers

d. Bees

484. Identify the item that does not belong to the group

a. Thorax

b. Abdomen
C. Tympanum

d. Head

485. Refers to the theoretical yield of parent acid from the active

ingredient content of pesticide formulation

a. acid equivalent

b. technical material


d. emulsifier

486. Which among the following orders have social habits

a. Odonata

b. Coleopteran

C. Lepidoptera

d. Hymenoptera

487. The breathing organ of insect is

a. Tympanum

b. Circus

c. Ecdysis

d. Spiracles

488. Which is a major or key pest of mango?




Black bug


Seedling maggot
d. Brown planthopper


489. Which of one of the following is not due to insect damage?

a. Annoyance

b. Miyasis


d. Vectors of plants/animal diseases

490. Insect mouthpart that is not generally causes damage to plants

a. Piercing sucking

b. Chewing

c. Siphoning

d. Sponging

491. The rapid death of cells immediately surrOunding the point of

infection thereby walling-off the pathogen and the activation of a

cascade of biochemical reactions in the attacked and surrounding

plant cells

a. Hypersensitive response

b. Oxidative burst

C. Phytoalexin production

d. Systemic acquired resistance

492. Toxic antimicrobial substances produced in appreciable amounts in

plants only after stimulation by various types of phytopathogens or

by chemical or mechanical injury

a. Antibiotics

b. Elicitors
C. Phytoalexins

d. Tooxins

493. A non-specific or generalized resistance that spreads systematically

and develop in distal untreated parts of the plant after the plant has

been challenged by the pathogen

a. Durable resistance

b. Hypersensitive response

C. Race-specific resistance

d. Systemic acquired resistance

494. The study of the increase of disease in a population and the

factors that influence them

a. Demography

b. Epidemiology

C. Plant pathology

d. Phytobacteriology

495. Which of the following is not a component of an epidemic?

a. Avirulent pathogen

b. Favorable environment

C. Man as manager of the system

d. Susceptible

496. A plant disease epidemic would most likely develop in this situation

a. Mature plants



C. Planting multilines or mixtures

d. Trees in tropical rain forest

497. Plant disease epidemic would less likely develop in this situation

a. Dense planting

b. Planting multilines or mixture

C. Lenient quarantine regulations

d. Prolonged or repeated high moisture

498. Substances produced by one microorganism that are toxic to

another microorganism

a. Antibiotics

b. Copper compounds

C. Fungicides

d. Growth regulators

499. A tool that unlocks the door to identification of an unknown


a. Key

b. Nomenclature

c. Systematics

d. Taxonomy

500. The following are characteristics of a parasitoid except

a. Kills host gradually

b. Lives inside or outside the host

C. Bigger that its host

d. Requires one host to complete development

501. It causes coffee rust

a. Peronosclerospora philippinensis
b. Hemeleia vastatrix

C. Magnaporthe grisea

d. Colletotrichym glocosporoides

502. It causes rice blast

a. Peronosclerospora philippinensis

b. Hemeleia vastatrix

C. Magnaporthe grisea

d. Colletotrichym glocosporoides

503. The common cause of damping-off of vegetables in the Philippines

a. Pythium spp.

b. Phytopthora

C. Bipolaris maydis

d. Fusarium moniliforme

504. It transmits the grassy and rugged stunt virus

a. Nephotettix virescens

b. Nephotettix nigropictus

C. Nilaparvata lugens

d. Nilaparvata nigropictus

505. A major pest of eggplant

a. Epilachna philippinensis

b. Leucinodes orbinalis

C Dysdercus cingulatus

d. HeliCOverpa armigera

506. Also known as Asiatic palm weevil, the aduts bore through

cabbage while the legless larvae feed on the soft bud of the coconut
resulting on the destruction of the whole crown.

a. Cosmopolites sordidus

b. Erionata thrax

c. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

d. Oryctes rhinOceros

507. Sheath blight of rice and corn is caused by

a. Helminthosporium maydis

b. Rhizoctonia solani

C. CerCOspora cruenta

d. Cercosporidium personatum

508. Sweet potato is the host plant of Cylasformicarius commonly

known as

a. Sweet potato weevil

b. Sweet potato sphinx moth

C. Sweet potato fly

d. Gabi sphinx moth

509. This control

a. physical

b. Biological

C. Chemical

d. Cultural

510. Good recommendation against golden kuhol

a. Water management

b. Water management


Removal of weeds

All of the above

e. None of the above

511. The structure that facilitates efficient dispersal of aquatic weed

a. Periderm

b. Pericarp

C. Meristem

d. Pericardium

512. The allelopathic substance produced by plants which are effective

against another plant

a. Antibiotic

b. Koline



d. Phytoncide

513. The weed control strategy which involves the use of mycoherbicide



b. Mechanical

C. Manual

d. Biological

514. The term allelopathy came from the Greek words

a. Lello and pathos

b. Pathy and allelon

c. Allelon and pathos

d. Allela and pathos

515. The specific chemical intended for weed control is

a. Açaricide

b. Insecticide

c. Herbicide

d. Molluscicide

516. Exposure of weed seeds to low temperature to overcome

M dormancy

a. Stratification

b. Scarification

C. Mineralization

d. Germination

517. Which of the following is not an example of phanerogam?

a. Witchweed

b. Broomrape

C. Dwarf mistletoe

d. Goosegrass

518. A grassy weed capable of producing contractile roots and arrested

shoot growth when subjected to extremely dry condition

a. itch grass

b. large crab grass

C. spiny amaranth

trol method requires host specificity to be effective

d. water lettuce
519. This is the vegetative propagule that allows reproduction of Pistia


a. off shoot

b. shoot



d. tuber

520. Some of the benefits that animals can derive from weeds is

a. food and cover for wildlife

b. hostplant to pathogens

C. SOurce of prohibited drugs

d. competition with nutrient sources

521. This pesticide formulation usually contain 4 - 10 % active

ingredient and are applied in dry form

a. Dusts

b. granules

C. fumigants

d. flowables

522. In this pesticide formulation, the active ingredient is in dry solids

or liquids which upon mixture with another substance will liberate

the toxic material in the form of gas,smoke or finely divided




b. granules
C. fumigants

d. flowables

523. In this pesticide formulation, the active ingredient is suspended in

a container under pressure

a. aerosols

b. granules

C. fumigants

d. flowables

524. In the preparation of the active materials ina pesticide, which

among the following characteristics are being considered and

altered to achieve stability of the chemical

a. solubility

b. volatility

C. toxicity

d. all of the above

525. In pesticide formulation, this material is used to facilitate creeping

or spreading overa surface so that the area cOvered id increasingly


a. spreader

b. sticker

C. Surfactant

d. carrier

526. In pesticide formulation, this material can be a gas, liquid or solid

substance used to dilute, propel, or suspend an active material

during application
a. spreader

b. sticker

C. surfactant

d. carrier

527. Refers to the material in the pesticide mixture which would not

prevent damage or destroy pests if used by itself

a. safener

b. inert ingredient

C. active ingredient

d. carrier

528. The following, except one, are functions of a deflocculating agent

when added into a pesticide mixture

a. to prevent flocculation

b. to assure dispersion

C. to increase per unit cost

d. to regard settling of a slid within a liquid

529. This adhesive material increases the tenacity of substances in the

pesticide mixture

a. sticker

b. spreader

C. emulsifier

d. surfactant

530. Refers to the material in the pesticide mixture which improves the

emulsifying,dispersing,spreading,wetting or other surface modifying

properties of liquids
a. sticker

b. spreader

C. emulsifier

d. surfactant

531. The plhing of skin


b. Ecdysis

C. Metamorphosis

d. Miyasis

532. The part of the mouthparts without a palpus

a. Labium

by which an insect accommodates growth

b. Maxilla

C. Mandibles

d. None of the above

533. The thrips to this

a. Embiina

b. Megatoptera

C. Trichoptera


d. Thysanoptera

534. Termites have this type of mouthparts

a. Chewing-sucking

b. Piercing-sucking type

c. Sponging type
d. Siphoning type

535. Thysanopterans have this type of mouthparts

a. Piercing-sucking

b. Sucking

C. Rasping-sucking

d. Chewing lapping

536. Adult moths and butterflies have this type of mouthparts

a. Chewing type

b. Siphoning type

c. Sponging type

d. Chewing lapping type

537. Bees and wasps have this type of mouthparts

a. Chewing type

b. Siphoning type

C. Sponging type

d. Chewing lapping type

538. These are elongated, segmented structures of varying designs and

are used for sensory purposes

a. Ocell

b. Tympanum

C. Thorax

d. Antennae

539. The characteristics mode of life of a species or its place in the

environment, its relation to food, enemies, etc.

a. Oviparity
b. Insect ecology

C. Habitate

d. Niche

540. Insects belonging to this order are short-lived and die in 1-2 days

a. collembolla

b. diplura

C. odonata

d. ephemeroptera

541. A mechanism of insect resistance that is described as refractory to


a. Anitibiosis

b. Antixenosis

C. Diagnosis

d. Tolerance

542. This is an example of an egg parasitoid

a. Corcyra cephalonica

b. Hippotion celerio


Menonchilus sexmaculatus

d. Trichogramma chilonis

543. The time over which the pathogen fruiting body or lesion

continues to produce new inoculum

a. Incubation period

b. Dormant period

C. Infectious period
d. Latent period

544. Its quality, intensity, and duration affect the growth of both host

and the pathogen

a. Wind

b. Light

C. Moisture

d. Nutrition

545. A group of pathogens that infect a set of plant varieties

a. Species

b. Pathovar

C. Race

d. Blovar

546. Abscission layer is an example of

a. Passive defense structure

b. Active defense structure

C. Historical defense structure

d. Intermediate defense stru


547. What is wax in plant leaves for?

a. Active defense

b. Inducible defense

C. Passive defense

d. All of the above

548. What is the molecular weight of the RNA of viroids?

a. 10,000,000
b. 1,000,000

C. 110,000

d. 111,000

549. A type of parasitoid that develop in or on non-parasitic host

a. Parasite

b. Pathogen

C. Primary parasitoid

d. Hyperparasitoid

e. Secondary parasitoid

550. An area that includes all organisms there in and their physical


a. Ecology

b. Ecosystem

c. Environment

d Demography

551. The following are examples of cultural methods except

a. Choice of variety

b. Flooding

C. Mulching

d. Use of rotary weeder

552. Moldy grains that are discolored and carry-off odors suffer a

reduction in

a. Quantity

b. Quality

C. Loss
d. Disease

553. The disease first reported to be caused by mycoplasma-like

organisms in Japan

a. Peach yellows

b. Aster yellows

C. Cadang-cadang

d. Corn stunt

554. One of the first plant diseases studied in the Philippines

a. Wheat rust

b. Rice bacterial blight

C. Coffee rust

d. Bacterial wilt

555. The cause of coconut bud rot is

a. Pythium ultimum

b. Sclerotium rolfsii

C. Rhizoctonia solani

d. Phytophthora palmivora

556. Corn downy mildew disease was completely controlled in 1978 by

a. Chemical seed treatment

b. Hot water treatment

c. Burning

d. Sanitation

557. A harmful alteration of the normal physiological and biochemical

development of a plant.

a. Injury
b. Disease

C. Pathogenesis

d. Colonization

558. A symptom characterized by a sharply defined variegated pattern

a. Mottle

b. Mosaic

C. Chlorosis

d. Etiolation

559. The structure of the pathogen that are found associated with the

infection host

a. Symptoms

b. Spores

C. Mycelia

d. Signs

560. A kind of symptoms involving the death of protoplasts, cells, or


a. Necrotic

b. Hyperplastic

C. Hypertrophic

d. Histological

561. This weed is toxic to animals because of the diarrhea it can cause

when ingested


Chromolaena odorata

b. Pistia stratiotes
C. Cyperus rotundus

d. Elusine indica

562. Water lettuce is considered an "evergreen" or a perennial weed

reproducing by this vegetative propagule

a. stolon

b. off shoot

C. rhizome

d tuber

563. Seed dispersal through water runoff is common among weeds

mainly because

a. there are many water bodies in the country

b. seeds are light weight and possess film enabling them to float

C. seeds are impermeable to water

d. many areas have high precipitation

564. In weeds-crop association, allelophaty causes

a. the weeds to grow taller than the crop

b. the crop to be a stronger competitor for space


the weeds to secrete substances that may stimulate or retard

the growth of the associated crop

d. weeds to harbor more pest than usual

565. This grass was initially introduced to Southeast Asia as a turf grass

but then grow more luxuriantly as a weed

a. Cynodon dactylon

b. Eleucine indica

Echinochloa colona

d. Digitaris spp.

566. This is considered the most competitive stage of the weed plant

a. juvenile stage

b. early stage

C. seedling stage

d. mature stage

567. Which among the following weeds is both a monocot and a


a. Imperata cylindrical

b. Monochoria vaginalis

c. Sphenoclea zeylanica

d. Bidens pilosa

568. Refers to the measure of the adaptive potential of a weed enabling

it to survive in an environment continuously disturbed by man is

a. persistence

b. natural selection

C. adaptability

d. evolution

569. The lifecycle classification of a weed that germinates, grows

vegetatively, produce seeds and live year to year

a. annual weed

b. continuous weed

C. perennial weed
d. terrestrial weed

570. The weeds found in temperate areas differ from those found in the

tropics mainly because of

a. the difference in climatic conditions

b. the difference in soil properties

C. the difference in staple crops grown

d. the difference in cultural practices

571. A Biological control agent is said to be successful if

a highly effective biocontrol strain can be obtained or


b. its production and formulation is inexpensive

C. its delivery and application methods permit its full expression

d. all of the above

572. The following are major weeds in lowland rice. Which among them

is not an annual grass?

a. Echinochloa glabrescens

b. Echinochloa crusgalli


d. Cyperus iria

Echinochloa colona

573. The following are common major weeds in vegetable crops. Which

among them is not an annual broadleaf?



Trianthema portulacastrum
b. Cyperus rotundus

Amaranthus spinoSUs

d. Amaranthus virilis

574. Dysdercus cingulatus is an insect pest of cotton which causes the

cotton bolls to be deformed and fibers discoloured by nymphs and

adults. What is the common name of this pest?

a. cotton nymph

b. cotton bollworm

C. cotton stainer

d. cotton cutworm

575. This mango fruitfly causes brown punctures on ripe fruits with

eggs or maggots inside. The infested mango fruits will eventually


a. Typhlocyba nigrobilineata

b. Bactrocera dorsalis

C. IdioSCopus niveosparsus

d. Idioscopus clypealis

576. In this insect pest of cOConut commonly called Asiatic palm weevil,

the female beetles lay eggs on wound at the crown while the larvae

destroys the growing point.

a. Rynchophorus f


b. Oryctes ehinoceros

C. Idioscopus niveosparsus

d. Homona coffearia
577. This disease in banana causes the shortening of internodes of

shoots or branches resulting in crowding of foliage

a. sigatoka

b. anthracnose

C. bunchy top

d. toppling disease

578. Which among the following is commonly called the Mango

anthracnose which shows symptoms of necrotic spotting of leaves

from which diseased tissues soon drop out, leaving a hole.

a. Typhlocyba nigrobilineata

b. Idioscopus niveosparsuS

C. Idioscopus clypealis

d. Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes

579. Which of the following management guidelines are being followed

in the concept of Integrated Pest Management?

a. Growing a healthy crop

b. enhancement of natural control mechanisms

c. regular monitoring and adoption of community-based IPM

d. all of the above

580. Nematodes are sporadically distributed in the field as reflected on

the patchy occurrence of stunted plants. This observation isRE

attributed to

a. nematode's very slow active movement from the point of

introduction to adjacent spots

b. nematode's tendency to gather around the rhizosphere of their


C. nematode's tendency to multiply around the rhizosphere of

their host

d. all of the above

581. Housefly and syrphidfly has this type of antennae

a. Geniculate

b. Plumose

C. Aristate

d. Stylate

582. Dragonflies and damselflies has this type of antennae

a. Setaceous

b. Filiform


Monoliform beetles

d. Serrate beetles

583. The genus of honeybees is

a. Aphis

b. Apis

C. Muscu

d. Elsnoe

584. Agromyzid fly is an example of an insect that


Skeletonizes the leaves

b. Destroy growing buds

C. Tunnel in the stem

d. Mines in the leaf tissues

585. One of these is not a predator of insect pest in rice

a. Dragonflies

b. Spidermites

C. Wolf spider

d. Lady bird beetle

586. Refers to the culture of silkworm and their uses

a. Floriculture

b. Apiculture

C. Sericulture

d. Mariculture

587. The white grub commonly as known as "ulalo" is in what stage of

the insect ?

a. Egg

b. Larvae

C. Pupa

d. Adult

588. The most dominant group of animals on earth

a. Birds

b. Insects

C. Mammals


589. The following comprise the three theory body segments of an

insect except

a. Abdomen

b. Cephalothorax

C. Head

d. Thorax

590. The locomotory region of an insect body

a. Abdomen

b. Head

C. Tail

d. Thorax

591. The pest management that the male pupa are fed with

chemosterilants and allowed to mate with normal wild females. This

technique is called

a. Pheromones

b. Physical control

c. Sterile male technique

d. Cultural control

592. Which of the following methods primarily determines a biological

property of a plant virus?

a. positive reaction of certain hosts

b. ease of inoculation

C. positive reaction of certain stains

d. persistence in the host

593. A plant virus is considered unstable when

a. it has a vector


it has a wide host range

it infects only one host

d. it persists even in harsh environment

594. Which of the following is true of non-persistent viruses?

a. its vectors lose the ability to transmit them after molting


b. infects and multiplies in specific tissues/cells of the host


d. it is transmitted by both aphids and leafhoppers

595. In general, plants infected with persistent viruses show symptoms

its vectors do not lose the ability to transmit the virus after


a. dwarfing/stunting only

b. dwarfing/stunting and yellowing/necrosis

C. dwarfing and leaf curling

d. dwarfing and leaf fall

596. Who is considered the Father of Virology?

a. Beijerinck

b. Newton

C. Galileo

d. Berkeley

597. An example of rod - shaped plant virus

a. rice tungro

b. banana bunchy top


citrus tristeza

d. tobacco mosaic

598. The early works on plant diseases due to viruses were based on

this simple facts

a. they are very small but very infectious

b. they are transmitted by aphids

c. they are associated with leafhoppers

d. they cause mosaic symptoms

599. The plant viruses are considered as genetic parasites because they

a. allow continuous and uncontrolled cell division of their host



b. take over the genetic machinery of their host cells for their

own reproduction

use the enzymes of the host cell for their own assembly

d. none of the above

600. Aphids is the most important vector of plant viruses because of

a. the numerous viruses they transmit

b. the economic importance of the crops affected

C. the number of crops affected

d. all of the above

601. The following are hypoplastic symptoms except

a. Canker

b. Mosaic
C. Curling

d. Stunting

602. Organisms that thrive on dead organic matter

a. Facultative saprophyte

b. Facultative parasite

c. Obligate parasite

d. Saprophyte

603. The ability of the parasite/pathogen to cause disease is called

a. Aggressiveness

b. Pathogenic

C. Pathogenicity

d. Pathogenesis

604. Refers to the sequence of events that gives rise to disease

a. Aggresiveness

b. Pathogenic

C. Pathogenicity

d. Pathogenesis

605. A principle of plant disease control that involves the prevention of

infection by putting a barrier (mechanical or chemical) between the

pathogen and the suscept

a. Eradication

b. Exclusion



d. Protection
606. A principle of plant disease control which are intended to eliminate

inhibit or kill the pathogens tat become established within the plant

or in area

a. Eradication

b. Exclusion

C. Immunization

d. Protection

607. Rouging virus-infected plants in the field falls under what principle

of plant disease control?

a. Eradication

b. Exclusion



d. Protection

608. Control of disease through crop rotation falls under what method

of plant disease control?

a. Biological method

b. Cultural method

C Physical method

d. Chemical method

609. Irradiation of fruits with gamma rays falls under what method of

disease control?

a. Biological method

b. Cultural method

c. Physical method
d. Chemical method

610. Soil fumigation to control Moko disease of banana falls under what

method of control?

a. Cultural

b. Chemical

C. Physical

d. Sanitation

611. In an herbarium, the complete plant parts of a weed are also

being collected because

a. they are needed to complete the collection

b. they are good specimen

C. they will facilitate easier identification of weeds

d. it would not be attacked by storage pests

612. Imperate cylindrical has this as the primary propagule for




b. tuber

C. seeds

d. stolon

613. Weeds that live annually can be present in the field every season

despite of good control measures because

a. their seeds are not dormant

b. all of them have vegetative propagules

C. they developed resistance

d. enormous amount of their seeds are added into the soil


614. The best time to collect weeds for herbarium is during

a. early morning

b. late afternoon



d. full moon

615. This refers to the number of weeds in a given unit area

a. weed density

b. weed biomass

C. weed count

d. weed frequency

616. Which among the following weeds can be easily spread by wind


a. Mimosa pudica

b. Echinochloa glabrescens

C. Tridax procumbens

d. Sphenocdea zeylanica

617. More than 95% of the weeds that infest crops come from

a. neighboring farms through irrigation water

b. neighboring farms brought by wind

C. the soil

d. crop residues

618. This cultural practice can control weeds in a transplanted irigated


a. use of high quality seeds

b. thorough land preparation

c. flooding

d. all of the above

619. Factor that determine the distribution and abundance of the weed

a. climnate

b. rainfall

C. edaphic

d. all of the above

620. A plant is considered a weed when

a. it is out of place

b. it is undesirable

it has harmful effects outweighing its beneficial effects

d. all of the above

621. Trichoderma spp. is a microbial agent against the following plant


S,except one, through competition for substrates and


a. Pythium spp.

b. Rhizoctonia solani

C. Fusarium spp.

d. Pseudomonas spp.

622. Diadegma species are larval parasitoids belonging to the family of

Ichneumonid wasps which prefer to lay eggs on the second and

third instar of this host

a. diamondback moth

b. cabbage looper

C. common cutworm

d. cabbage earworm

623. The spores of this microbial agent enter through the body

openings or adhere to the cuticle of the nematode, germinate and

penetrate making it strongly parasitic on all stages of development

of common plant parasitic nematodes, especially the eggs.

a. Gigaspora spp

b. Paecilomyces lilacinus


d. Glomus mUsae

Glomus spp.

624. Which among the following is a disadvantage of using cultural

control against pest and diseases?

a. cheap

b. less disruptive to the environment

C. do not provide effective control to some pests

d. compatible with other control methods

625. Refers to the increase of the amount of substance within a single



b. biofumigation

C. biomagnification

d. protoO-cOoperation

626. Refers to the increase of the amount of substance across trophic




b. biofumigation

c. biomagnification

d. proto-cooperation

627. Which among the following substances cannot bioaccumulate?

a. those with affinity for fat

b. those not soluble in water

C. 1 generation organochlorine

d. those with bigger molecules

628. Which of the following describes bioaccumulation?

a. accumulation of organic chemicals in an organism

b. accumulation of substances in the environment before they

are taken in by the first organism in the food web

C. the concentration of the substance in the organism becomes

greater than the one in the environment

d. all of the aboOve

629. Which of the following substances can biomagnify ?

a. novel organic substances i.e. POPS

b. Mercury
C. Cadmium

d. all of the above

630. Rachel Carson published this book in 1962 which tackled the

environmental impacts of agriculture particularly the concentration

of the popular pesticide DDT in tissues and how it can get passed

on in the food chain

a. Silent Spring

b. No More Spring

c. DDT

d. The pring

Previous Spring

631. The process of hardening of the insect integument is called

a. Melanization

b. Pigmentation

C. Oviposition



632. The appendages not found in the thorax are

a. Legs

b. Wings

C. Legs and wings

d. Cerci

633. The saltatorial type of insect leg is modified for

a. Clinging

b. Jumping
C. Grasping

d. Swimming

634. The type of wing in which the 2/3 or Va of the forewing is

parchment-like while the remaining distal part is membranous

a. Elytron

b. Hemyletron

C. Humeral

d. Tegmen

635. The thickened highly sclerotized, leathery or horny forewings of

Coleoptera and Dermaptera

a. Elytra

b. Fringe

C. Hemyletra

d. Tegmina

636. Refers to the change in the form of the insect during

postembryonic development

a. Ecdysis

b. Metamorphosis

C. Oviposition

d. Sclerotization

637. Refers to the fundamental unit of classification. This is the smallest

group capable of reproduction and production of fertile offsprings

a. F Family

b. Genus

C. Order
d. Species

638. All are morphological characteristics used to distinguish insect

orders except

a. Antennae

b. Mouthparts

C. Wings

d. Body wall

639. The insect order of lacewings

a. Diptera

b. Ephemeroptera

C. Neuroptera

d. Embioptera

640. The insect order of earwigs

a. Coleoptera

b. Dermaptera

C. Megaloptera

d. Phasmatodea

641. The biological properties of a virus are reflected through infectivity

assays in which

a. only infectious particles cause infections

b. only purified viruses can be tested

C. both purified and viruses in sap can be tested

d. infectious and non infectious par

642. From the site of inoculation, plant viruses spread through the plant

in a slow cell-to-cel spread through

a. phlem

b. stomata

C. xylem

d plasmodesmata

643. The survival and spread of certain plant viruses depend on

a. its degree of stability

b. persistence in its vector

C. amount of virus produced in infected tissues

d. all of the above

particles are necessary

644. Which among the following viruses will most likely to survive?




a virus that will not infect and cause disease

a virus that does not replicate in plant

a virus that causes only mild or moderate disease that allows

the plant to survive and reproduce effectively

d. a virus that kills its host plant with a rapidly developing

systemic disease

645. This practice will most likely not contribute to plant virus disease


a. multicropping

b. monocropping

C.planting of cash crops but susceptible hosts

d. presence of active and mobile vectors

646. Roguing as a virus disease control strategy is effective if the

disease spread is

a. occurring at random in the field

b. occurring uniformly in the field

C. occurring rapidly relative to the life cycle of the crop

d. occurring slowly relative to the life cycle of the crop

647. A virus preparation which is not pure (it contains host

components) when used to immunize a rabbit, the rabbit will

a. produce antibodies to both the virus and host component

b. produce antibodies against the virus only


produce antibodies against the host component only

d. not produce any antibody

648. This shows a form of susceptible response by the plant to a virus


a. slow virus multiplication and spreading

b. slow appearance of symptoms

C. relatively fast appearance of symptoms

d. production of local lesions

649. Which of the following is a characteristic of virus as an antigen?

a. a virus will react to all kinds of antibodies produced

b. a virus induces only the production of antibodies produced by

warm-blooded animals

a virus will not be recognized by antibodies in immunized


d. a virus induces the production of antibodies and reacts

specifically to the antibodies

650. This is among the early definitions of a virus

a. smaller than the pore size of bacterial filters


b. it possesses RNA as genetic material

it causes mosaic symptoms

d. it is an obligate parasite

651. What principle of plant disease control is exemplified when one is

required to leave at the airport the planting materials carried from


a. Exclusion

b. Eradication



d. Protection

652. The capacity of the host plant to become infected and harbor the

disease without much effect on yield

a. Immunity

b. Susceptibility

C. Resistance

d. Tolerance

653.The race-specific type of resistance is also called

a. Horizontal resistance

b. Minor gene resistance

c. Polygenic resistance

d. Vertical resistance

654. The non-specific resistance is also called

a. horizontal resistance

b. major gene resistance

C. qualitative resistance

d. monogenic resistance

655. Spraying of plants with a plant defense activator such as salicylic

acid and dichloroisonicotinic acid falls under what principle of plant

disease control?

a. Eradication

b. Exclusion



d. Protection

656. Protection offered by inoculating a mild virus strain against a

virulent strain of the virus

a. Cross protection

b. Immunity

C. Tolerance



657. The phenomenon wherein genetically susceptible plants do not

become infected because the three factors necessary for disease

(susceptible host, virulent pathogen and favorable environment) do

not coincide and interact at the proper time or for sufficient duration

a. Disease escape

b. Durable resistance

C. Immunity

d. Tolerance

658. These are major insect pests of beans except

a. Black bean aphid

b. Podborer

C. Stink bug

d. Leafminer

659. The most important quarantined insect pest of mango

a. Fruit fly

b. Mango planthopper



d. Twig borer

660. The following are advantages of biological control except

a. Safe

b. Self perpetuating

C. Environment-friendly

d. Slow acting

661. The first report of an insect (a housefly) resistance to DDT was

recorded in this cCountry

a. Philippines

b. China

C. Sweden

d. Ireland

662. In the Golden Age of Biology (1840 - 1900 AD), the study of plant

diseases and their control were intensified which led t

a. Bordeaux mixture

b. Paris green

C. lead arsenate

d. DDT

663. In 1732, during the Renaissance Period, farmers begin to grow

crops in row

a. to increase yield

b. to save space

C. to facilitate weeding

d. to reduce labor

664. In the mid of 20 century (1972) there was an epidemic of this

disease in the US which was attributed to their corn hybrid breeding

a. Southern blight of corn



corn borer

army worm

d. corn cutworm

665. Refers to all forms of legislations and regulation preventing the

entry, establishment and spread of a pest organism

a. biological control


b. regulatory control

mechanical control

d. physical control

666. This is the process of evaluation to determine whether a pest

should be regulated, thus serves as a basis for imposing quarantine


a. Pest Risk Analysis (PRA)

b. memo of agreement

C. legislation

d. SPS agreement

667. This refers to the Plant Quarantine Act of 1922

a. RA 3030

b. RA 3028

C. RA 3027

d. RA 3029

i to the

discovery and introduction of the following, except one

668. Which among the following pathogens are declared under

Quarantine/Regulation in the Philippines?

a. papaya ringspot virus

b. banana panama disease

C. coconut lethal yellowing disease

d. all of the above

669. Which among the following insect pests are declared under

Quarantine/Regulation in the Philippines?

a. Mexican fruitfly

b. rice black bug

C. Mediterranean fruitfly

d. all of the above

670. Which of the following are declared to be under the Containment

Program in the Philippines with the aim of preventing the spread of

an introduced pest that cannot be irradicated?

a. Soccoro wilt of coconut in Mindoro

b. Cadang-cadang in Bicol


d. all of the above

Papaya ringspot virus in Luzon

671. All are damages produced by chewing insects except

a. Entire leaf missing


Leaf mines

C. Portion of leaf missing

d. Leaf curling

672. Popular hymenopterous parasitoid as biocon agent of cornborer

a. Apanteles sp.

b. Scelio sp.

Trichogramma sp.

d. none of the above

673. When did V.P. Gapud spearhead the research on mites in the


a. 1959

b. 1960

C. 1958

d. 1961

674. The first written document on Philippine insects was recorded by

a. Pigaffeta

b. Guissepi

C. Philippi

d. Mardon

675. The genus of the starling locally known as "Martinez" which was

imported from Southern China to control locust

a. Aetheopsar

b. Halcyon

C. Microhierax

d. Brahminy

676. Armyworms and cutwoms prefer to pupate in the

a. Leaves

b. Panicle

C. Soil

d. Stem
677. The field of entomology that deals with the interrelationship of

insects in their environment.

a. Insect pest management

b. Insect ecology

c. Insect physiology

d. Insect taxonomy

678. The class of arthropa that has four pairs of walking legs and body

is fused into twO regions.

a. Collembola

b. Crustacea



d. Arachnida

679. The field of entomology that deals with the study of honey bees.

a. Sericulture

b. Apiculture

C. Taxonomy

d. Morphology

e. Physiology

680. The field of entomology that deals with the classification and

nomencature of insects.

a. Insect morphology

b. Insect ecology

C. Insect systematics

d. Insect classification
681. The biggest among the species of rats destructive to agricultural


a. Asian field rat

b. Bush rat

C. Common rice field rat

d. Norway rat

682. The following are factors affecting the population dynamics of

rodents except

a. Birth rate

b. Emigration

C. Fumigation

d. Immigration

683. Also known as the urban rat

a. Rattus argentiventer

b. Rattus exulans

C. Rattus norvegicUs

d. Rattus ratttus mindanensis

684. A cultural practice against pest utilized to enhance the activities

and survival of natural enemies is

a. trap crops

b. habitat diversification

c. biological control

d. cultivation

685. The interest of the concern party is to locate natural enemies in

foreign cOuntries for collection

a. Importation

b. Mass production

C. Colonization

d. Exploration

e. Field release

686. Integrated Pest Management does not encourage this practice

a. frequent, non judicious use of pesticides

b. combination of two or more control measures

C. optimization of control methods

d. utilization of natural enemies

687. Refers to the pest control method that includes tactics causing

pests to contribute to the destruction of their own species

a. biological control

b. behavioural control

C. autocidal control

d. genetic control

688. This principle of crop protection is exhibited when the host is

manipulated to resist pest attack

a. immunization

b. protection

C. host evasion

d. avoidance

689. According to Smith (1969), this phase in the sequential

development of crop protection is characterized by serious pest

outbreaks due to excessive use of pesticides and finally the collapse

of pest control program

a. Integrated pest control

b. Crisis phase

C. Disasater phase

d. Overuse phase

690. Which of the fllowing is an autotroph?

a. plant pathogen

b. insect vector

C. parasite

d. weed

691. Which of the following exemplifies the Suppression Program of

sudden pest outbreak overa wide area that cannot be controlled by

individual effort only

a. locust control campaign

b. rat control campaign


d. none of the above

botha and b

692. Refers to an Apparent Mechanism in Host Plant Resistance due to

geographical barriers, meteorological barriers. One example is when

the soil is not conducive to plant pathogen

a. Host Escape

b. Host Evasion

Induced resistance

d. Antixenosis

693. Which among the following are strategies to cope up when there is

a breakdown of resistance

a. sequential varietal release

b. multiline mixture/varietal mixture

C. refuge crop/variety

d. all of the above

694. Which of the following are transgenic crops in the US?

a. Bt corn

b. Bt potatoes

C. Bt cotton

d. all of the above

695. Which is true for the function of the body regions in insects?

a. head is for sensory purposes


b. thorax is for

abdomen is fY

d. all of the above

protection of visceral organs

696. A type of mimicry in insects in which the palatable species copy

the distasteful/harmful ones

a. Batesian mimicry

b. Mullerian mimicry
C. Wasmannian mimicry

d. none of the above

697. A type of mimicry in insects in which the unpalatable species copy

another unpalatable species

a. Batesian mimicry

b. Mullerian mimicry

C. Wasnmannian mimicry

d. none of the above

698. Refers to the beneficial species of insects which feed or attack

other insects

a. natural enemies

b. pest

C. pathogen

d. prey

699. This theory of plant disease considers the pathogen as an

outgrowth of the infected host plant

a. Germ theory

b. Disease triangle


Autogenetic theory of disease

d. none of the above

700. Refers to the active or passive movement of the pathogen through

the host tissues

a. colonization

b. attack
C. inoculation

d. spread

701. This is a concoction of lime, copper sulphate and water which had

been accidentally fund to have fungicidal activity

a. Bordeaux mixture

b. liming material

C. Paris Green

d. copper fungicide

702. In the principle of pest exclusion, the pest is

a. kept away from the host

b. killed once it is inside the host

C. killed at once upon introduction

d. quarantined

703. This attribute of modern agriculture can aggravate pest and

disease problems

a. planting of high yielding varieties (HYVS)

b excessive use of chemical inputs

C. Continuous monocropping

d. all of the above

704. This crop is a heavy user of fungicide worldwide

a. banana

b. apple

C. citrus

d. grape
705. This pesticide group is excessively used in the Philippines

a. insecticide

b. nematicide

C. rodenticide

d. fungicide

706. Which among the following is a physical control method required

to eliminate fruit flies on mango and papaya for export to Japan?

a. Refrigeration

b. UV radiation

C. Vapor Heat Treatment

d. Hot W

water treatment

707. This pesticide group is excessively used worldwide

a. herbicide

b. insecticide

C. fungicide

d. nematicide

708. To achieve a sustainable agriculture, a practice or method should

aim to make agriculture

a. ecologically sound

b. socially just

C. economically viable

d. all of the above

709. In the development of crop protection, this phase is characterized

by the use of traditional varieties and natural pest control methods

a. Disaster phase

b. Crisis phase

C. Subsistent phase

d. Exploitation phase

710. This type of cultural practice tends to reduce both the initial pest

population or sources of infestation and reproductive ability of the


a. tillage

b. furrowing

crop rotation

. pruning

711. The principle of immunization is achieved through

a. improving the nutrition of the host

b application of pesticide

C. pruning infected plant parts

d. providing physical barriers

712. The Romans traditionally performed this rite to appease the

goddess associated with cereal rust disease

a. Robigalion

b. Robicon

C. Robigalia

d. Robigus

713. Which of the following is a factor involved in disease production?

a. intervention measures by man

b. duration and intensity of various environmental factors

C. plant susceptibility ad pathogen virulence

d. all of the above

714. An epidemic is most likely to occur when

a. plants are predisposed by excessive fertilization or injuries

b. the environment is favourable for disease development

C. monocropping of a single variety is being practiced over a

wide area

d. all of the above

715. Rice tungro can be effectively managed by application of

insecticide. In here, disease management is achieved through

a. controlling the vector

b. making the host resistant

c. reducing the rate of inoculum production

d. changing the host of the vector

716. The presence of this material in the nucleus or cytoplasm of the

cell of an infected plant may indicate viral infection

a. starch inclusions

b. fat bodies

C. inclusion bodies

d. antibodies

717. In disease assessment, this refers to the proportion of plant units

diseased in relation to the total number of units examined

a. disease spread

b. yield loss

C. disease severity
d. disease incidence

718. The clubroot disease of cabbage is widespread in the Mountain

Province which can be attributed to the area's

a. poor fertility of the soil

b. wet and humid condition


elevated farnms

d. wind direction

719. Coconut planting materials from Bicol region are being

quarantined to manage this disease

a. cadang-cadang disease

b. coconut bud rot

C. bunchy top

d. bugtok

720. This disease is not visible when the fruit is still unripe ut begin to

manifest its symptoms when ripening has started

a. citrus scab

b. soft rot of carrots

C. stem end rot of avocado

d. fruit blotch of watermelon

721. Which among the following insect has setaceous antennae?

a. Grasshopper

b. Beetle


C. Cicada
d. Buttefly

722. The insect which can be best controlled by thorough land

preparation is


b. Cutworm

C. Whiteflies

d. Diamondback moth

e. Cabbage butterfly

723. The pest of mango prioritized by the Philippine Nuclear Research

Institute to control using the sterile male technique method

a. Mango pulp beetle


Mango hoppers

C. Fruit fly

d. Vinegar fly

724. The genus of mosquito that serves as a vector of malaria disease

a. Anopheles

b. Culex

C. Mansonia

d. Aedes

725. If the performance of the natural enemy is measured, the process

s termed as

a. Introduction

b. Colonization

C. Evaluation
d. Mass production

e. Exploration

726. The type of pheromones that stimulates insect to locate their mate

a. Sex pheromones

b. Alarm pheromones

C. Dispersal pheromones

d. Aggregation pheromones

e. Alert pheromones

727. A cultural control used in controlling soil insect like caseworm

a. Land preparation and tillage

b. Waste management

C. Irrigation and water management

d. Sterile male technique

728. The first record of Philippine insects was in

a. Laguna

b. Palawan

C. Panay Island

d. Mactan Island

e. Mt. Makiling

729. Refers to the sexual-like process occurring in bacteria

a. Heterokaryosis

b. Heteroploidy

C. Parasexualism

d. Transduction

730. The bacterial disease which affected 41 M people in Asia in the

14th century

a. Bubonic plague

b. Dengue

C. LeptOspirosis

d. Malaria

731. Microorganisms that undergo change and remain geneticaly

homogenous are called

a. Biotype

b. Pathovar

c. Physiologic race

d. Forma speciales

732. Which of the following is not a fungus?

a. Cercospora





d. Meloidogyne

733. The following are mechanisms or variation in fungi except

a. Heterokaryosis


b. Heteroploidy


d. Transduction

734. The following are chemicals used to control fungi except

a. Antibiotics

b. Benzimidazoles

C. Organophosphate

d. Organic sulfur compounds

735. Macroconidia and microconidia are formed by this group of


a. Colletotrichum spp.

b. Fusarium spp.

C. Altenata spp.


736. In nemOd spp.

a variety is said to be resistant if it

a. its leaves appear normal

b. suppresses the multiplication of nematodes

C. produce good yield despite nematode infestation

d. produce many roots despite nematode infestation

737. In nematology, a variety is considered tolerant if

a. its leaves appear normal

b. suppresses the multiplication of nematodes

C. produce good yield despite nematode infestation

d. produce many roots despite nematode infestation

738. This refers to the permanent nurse cells induced by root knot


a. giant cells

b. galls
C. syncytia

d. nodules

739. The citrus disorder caused by Tylenchuus semipenetrans?

a. citrus tristeza

b. toppling disease

root knot

d. citrus decline

740. Considered to be the most serious and widespread nematode pest

of citrus in the Philippines

a. Tylenchulus semịpenetrans

b Rhizoctonia solani

C. Arthrobotrys oligospora

d. Paecilomyces lilacinus

741. These are subunits which make up the capsid of virus

a. amino acids

b. capSomeres

C. protein coat

d. polypeptides

742. Which among the following are the main components of plant


a. Transfer RNA + protein + lipids

b. DNA + glycoprotein + lipids

C. either DNA Or RNA + protein

d. RNA + glycoprotein + lipids

743. Viruses can have either the two types of nucleic acids, DNA or
RNA, which is best differentiated by their

a. sequence

b. phosphate grOups



d. nitrogen bases

744. The plant virus capsid is made up of structural protein component.

On the other hand, the non-structural protein component has this


a. mediate replication of the genome

b. protect the nucleic acid

C. protect the capsid also

d. determine the kind of vector

745. This refers to the study of the antibody and antigen in vitro

a. Hematology

b. Serology

C. Virology

d. Immunology

746. This characterizes a persistently transmitted virus

a. typically has no latent period

b. has a long latent period


induces foliar symptoms like stunting

d. is lost by the vector immediately

747. A virus will not persist in its insect vector if

a. it is lost after molting of the vector

b. it is not lost after molting of the vector


it is transmitted after several hours to few days after vector


d. it only infects specialized cells

748. Refers to the quantitative amount of disease that an isolate of a

given pathogen can cause ina given group of plants in terms of size

of lesions or number of lesions

a. severity

b. virulence

C. aggressiveness

d. disease extent

749. Which of the following are signs of nematode disease

a. eggs

b. juveniles

C. adult nematode

d. all of the above

750. The following are climatic factors, except one, which can cause

symptoms that may be confused with crop damages brought abou

by pests and pathogens

a. drought

b. excess moisture

C. fertilizer burn
d. strong wind

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