Review Question-WPS Office
Review Question-WPS Office
Review Question-WPS Office
a. segmented body
b. antennae
c. wings
a. antennae
b. thorax
C. abdomen
d. legs
a. head
b. thorax
C. legs
d. thigh
a. antennae
b. thorax
C. abdomen
d. hindleg
a. thigh
b. thorax
d. pseudothorax
a. labium
b. hypopharynx
C. labrum
d. epipharynx
a. radial symmetry
b. exoskeleton
c. jointed legs
d. segmented body
a. mouthpart
b. antennae
C. chelicera
d. eye
a. scape
b. pedicel
c. flagellum
d. davola
a. scape
b. pedicel
c. flagellum
d. clavola
a. spherical
b. rod
d. filamentous
a. Leeuwenhoek
b. Berkeley
C. Abbe
d. Pasteur
13. He showed that fire blight of pear and twig blight of apple were
caused by a bacterium
b. Demetri Iwanowski
C. Martinus Willem
14. Which among the following does not belong to the five major
b. Xanthomonas
C. Pseudomonas
d. Erwinia
15. This part is not found in the cell envelope of a Gram positivebacteria
a. inner cytoplasmic membrane
b. outer membrane
c. peptidoglycan layer
d. periplasmic space
a. kanamycin
b. cycloheximide
C. penicillin
d. streptomycin
a. cilia
b. fimbrae
C. flagella
d. pili
a. cell membrane
b. cytoplasm
C. cell wall
d. ribosomes
a. peritrichous
b. monotrichous
C. ampitrichous
d. polytrichous
a. hydrochloric acid
b. ribonucleic acid
C. phosphatidic acid
d. deoxyribonucleic acid
a. symptom
b. sign
C. pathogen
d. disease
a. Aşpergillus flavus
b. Aşpergillus rhizopus
C. Aşpergillus scabies
d. Aspergillus ipomeae
a. sexual spores
b. asexual spores
C. mycelia
d. endospores
a. serial dilution
b. tissue planting
C.spore trapping
d. Baermann funnel
25. Group of microorganisms that can directly penetrate the intact host
a. fungi
b. bacteria
C. viruses
d. viroids
a. penetration peg
b. germ tube
d. appressorium
27. Some fungal pathogens form this structure to obtain nutrients from
the host
a. germ tube
b. sporeling
C. infection hypha
d. haustorium
28. In the absence of the plants in the field, fungal pathogens will not
Survive in
a. plant debris
b. soil
C. seeds
d. human beings
b. prokaryotic
c. chlorophyll bearing
d. photosynthetic
a. heterotrophism
b. hermaphrodite
C. heterokaryosis
d. heterothallism
a. predator
b. Pathogens
C. Vectors
d. Parasites
32. For annual crops, the maximum number of nematodes parasites can
be recovered during
a. seedling stage
b. flowering stage
C. vegetable stage
33. This is the outer non-cellular layer cOvering the nematode body and
a. Exoskeleton
b. Endoskeleton
C. Skin
d. Cuticle
reproductive organ
a. Amphimictic
b. Hermaphroditic
C. Parthenogenetic
d. Oviviparous
35. The term for eggs hatching within the uterus followed by expulsion
of living young
a. Amphimictic
b. Oviparous
C. Parthenogenetic
d. Oviviparous
a. Plasnmodiophora brassicae
b. Meloidogyne incognita
C. Radopholus similes
d. Phytophythora infestans
b. Possesses stylet
a. Endoparasites
b. Ectoparasites
C. Semi-ecto/semi-endoparasites
d. Necrotrophic parasite
d. 4
a. association
b. isolation
C. inoculation
d. colonization
virus or mycoplasma
a. Necrosis
b. Chlorosis
C. Chlorophyllosis
d. Mottling
an invaded d leaf
seed introduces
a. pests
b. plant diseases
C. weeds
d. insects
47. He is considered the father of plant pathology.
a. Heinrich de Bary
b. Theophrastus
C. Herodotus
a. reproduce
b. Photosynthesize
C. replicate
a. respiratory diseases
b. Skin rashes
d. Tetanus
51. The pest population density in which the cost of control is much
C. equilibrium level
d. damage level
natural enemies
a. mechanical control
b. cultural control
C. biological control
d. antibiosis
53. The term given for crop destruction, injury or loss of value caused
a. characteristic damage
b. pest infestation
C. threshold
d. damage indicator
a. indirect damage
b. direct damage
C. damage indicator
d. action threshold
55. A biological control organism that usually lives inside the body of its
host and consumes only one host to complete its life cycle
a. parasite
b. predator
C. vector
d. pathogen
56. The most destructive avian pest that attacks rice and other small
a. Philippine weaver
b. Philippine eagle
C. Philippine oriole
d. Philippine bird
57. A serious pest of corn that attacks ll parts of the plant except the
a. cutWorm
b. cornstalk borer
d. corn borer
a. mechanical control
b. biological control
C. chemical control
d. cultural control
b. suscept
C. symptom
60. A diseased plant is considered a
a. specimen
b. parasite
C. Suscept
d. abiotic
61. Which among the following does not describe what weeds are?
a. unwanted
b. harnmful
C. important
d. out-of-place
62. Which among the following is not true about the characteristics of
b. reproduce efficiently
63. Weeds that originate from other areas and are introduced to the
a. endemic
b. exotic
C. native
d. local
64. Weeds that grow and complete their life cycle under dry or wet
a. lowland
b. aquatic
C. floating
d. upland
65. Lowland weeds with their roots attached to the soil but the shoots
are aerial/above-water
a. submerged
b. emerged
C. loafing
d. aquatic
66. Weeds that reproduce mainly through seeds, and grow within a
a. annuals
b. simple perennials
C. creeping perennials
d. biennials
a. sedges
b. broadleaves
C. grasses
d. annuals
a. sedges
b. broadleaves
C. grasses
d. annuals
69. Weeds with rounded hollow stems and fibrous root system
a. sedges
b. broadleaves
C. grasses
d. annuals
a. sedges
b. broadleaves
C. grasses
d. annuals
71. A toxic substance which is readily available and kills pest instantly
a. insecticide
b. pesticide
c. rodenticide
d. weedicide
72. A group of rodenticides that are slow-acting and are usually referred
to as anti-coagulant rodenticides
a. severe sterilants
b. chronic rodenticides
C. baits
d. acute rodenticides
a. insecticide resistance
b. overdose
d. insecticide mismanagement
a.Contact insecticide
b. stomach insecticide
C. systemic insecticide
d. surfactant
75. A liquid pesticide formulation that does not dissolve in water but is
a. emulsifiable concentrates
b. dust
c. aqueous concentrates
d. aerosols
a. dust
C. wettable powder
d. granule
a. Category I
b. Category II
C. Category III
d. Category IV
a. percent
b. g/ kg
C. ml or g/ liter
d. ppm
professional organization
a. trade name
b. common name
C. proprietary name
d. brand name
a. mancozeb
b. metalaxyl
C. captan
d. benomyl
81. In the chewing type of mouthparts, this component cuts and grinds
the food
a. labrum
b. mandible
C. maxilla
d. labium
82. This body region bears the legs and wings of the insect
a. head
b. thorax
C. abdomen
d. cephalotorax
a. trochanter
b. tibia
C. tarSus
d. coxa
a. geniculate
c. filiform
d. lamellate
a. bipectinate
b. clavate
C. filiform
d. lamellate
a. geniculate
b. clavate
C. lamellate
d. plumose
a. polyphagous insect
b. phytophagous insect
C. monophagous insect
d. entomophagous insect
a. polyphagous insect
b. phytophagous insect
C. monophagous insect
d. entomophagous insect
89. The growth stage/s of the rice plant that is/are most preferred by
a. seedling stage
C. milk stage
d. bothb and c
a. anti-feedants
b. repellants
c. attractants
d. chemo-sterilants
b. ribosomes
C. mesosomes
d. chromosome
a. stomata
b. hydathodes
C. lenticels
Plant Diseases"
c. Charlotte Elliot
d. Martinus Willem
a. Budding
b. Binaryy fission
C. Spore
d. Transverse fission
a. Ribose
b. Maltose
C. Deoxyribose
d. Dextose
96. The building blocks of proteins is called
a. fatty acids
b. Nucleic acid
C. Peptides
d. Amino acid
a. Glycolysis
b. Hydrolysis
c. Gluconeugenesis
d. Photosynthesis
a. Species
b. Pathovar
C. Race
d. Blovar
a. Prophage
b. Bacteriophage
C. Baculovirus
d. Macrophage
disease development
a. Phytoalexin
b. Cutin
C. Phytotoxin
d. Suberin
a. teliospores
D. Zygospores
d. conidia
a. chitin
b. glucan
d. pectin
103. He demonstrated that fungi are the cause and not the result of
plant diseases
a de Bary
b. Prevost
C. Kuhn
d. Burril
104. Fungi like Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus infecting cereal and
a. mycotoxin
b. aflatoOxin
C. fumonisin
d. tabtoxin
105. Which among the following phyla belongs to the kingdom of true
a. Oomycota
b. Zygomycota
C. Myxomycota
d. Plasmodiophoromycota
a. rust fungi
b. plasmodiophoroid fungi
b. Aspergillus
C. Rhizoctonia
d. Pyricularia
a. pleomorph stage
b. anamorph stage
C. teliomorph stage
d. holomorph stage
necessarily parasitizing it
a. sooty mold
b.slime mold
C. powdery mold
d. grey mold
a. Ascomycetes
b. Zygomycetes
C. Deuteromycetes
d. Basidiomycetes
111. Also known as the burrowing nematode and causes the toppling
disease of banana
a. Meloidogyne incognita
b. Radopholus similes
C. GlobOdera pallida
d. Criconomoides snsp.
a. Meloidogyne incognita
b. Globodera pallida
C. Radopholus similes
d. Criconomoides sp.
a. Chlorosis
d. Leaf mosaic
b. Sieving method
d. Trapping technique
a. Nematode
b. Leafhoppers
C. Thrips
b. Con galls
kernel galls
117. The kind of nematodes feeding only on root hairs and root tips
a. Endoparasitic
b. Ectoparasitic
C. Sedentary
d. Migratory
118. The kind of nematodes which move within the host tissues and/or
a. Sedentary endoparasites
b. Migratory endoparasites
c. Sedentary ectoparasites
d. Migratory endoparasites
a. Hetemdera
b. Pratylenchus
C. Criconemoides
d. Meloidogyne
a. Ditylenchus
b. Meloidogyne
C Pratylenchus
d. Hoplolaimus
a. Julius Kuhn
b. Franz Unger
a. Viroids
b. mycoplasma
C. bacteria
d. virus
b. facultative parasite
C. obligate parasite
d. saprophyte
a. Symptoms
b. conditions
C. signs
d. indications
125. This refers to the pathogen associated with the infected plant
a. pathogen
b. facultative parasitic
C. obligate parasite
d. saprophyte
126. When a tomato plant has a root and stem rot disease, which leads
a. Primary symptoms
b. Localized symptoms
C. Secondary symptoms
d. Systematic symptoms
a. hyperplastic symptoms
b. necrotic symptoms
C. local
d. systematic symptoms
a. spot
b. blight
C. blast
d. hypertrophy
a. Hypertrophy
b. Blast
C. Blight
d. Spot
a. damping off
b. blight
C. blast
d. resetting
a. abiotic factors
b. parasites
C. infectious agents
d. worms
b. die-back
C. blights
d. anthracnose
b. infected weeds
C. plant debris
d. uninfected plant
a. enzymes
b. growth regulators
C. toxins
d. suppressors
a. Lasiodiplodia theobromae
b. Diplodia natalensis
C. Sphaceloma fawcetti
d. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
a. corn downy
a. Uromyces phaseoli
b. Bipolaris maydis
C. PUccinia polysora
d. Ustilago maydis-zeae
a. rice blast
b. bakanae of rice
d. brown spot
a. 492
b. 493
C. 494
Sd: 495
a. 1996
b. 1997
C. 1998
d. 1999
a. sedges
b. broadleaves
C grasses
d. annuals
b. tubers
d. off-shoots
143. Most weed seeds in the soil are found within the
a. upper 5 inches
b. upper 40 inches
C. upper 15 inches
d. upper 30 inches
144. The phenomenon when weed seeds fail to germinate even under
favorable conditions
a. quiescence
b. dormancy
C. viability
d. longevity
145. The following are physical causes of weed seed dormancy except.
a. presence of inhibitors
b. thick hull
C. impermeable seedcoat
d. hard seedcoat
a. dormancy
b. quiescence
C. apical dominance
147. The stage of growth when the weed is most affected by weed
Control measures
a. seed stage
b. seedling stage
C. vegetative stage
d. reproductive stage
148. The following are means by which weeds are dispersed from one
a. wind
b. water
C. fire
d. animals
a. leaves
b. seeds
C. tubers
d. stem cuttings
150. Described as the struggle between two or more plants for a limited
a. allelopathy
b. dispersal
C. inteference
d. competition
151. The color band of highly toxic pesticides
a. blue
b. red
C. yellow
d. violet
a. butachlor
b. gramoxone
c. 2,4-D
d. glyphosate
153. When was the first organic and selective herbicide developed?
a. 1930s
b. 1940s
C. 1950s
d. 1960s
a. phenoxys
b. diphenyl ethers
C. phenols
d. triazines
155. The general term used to describe any chemical used to control
a. herbicide
b. pesticide
C. fungicide
d. viricide
156. The inherent property of a herbicide to kill some plants but not
other plants
a. resistance
b. toxicity
C. sensitivity
d. selectivity
b. toxicity
C. sensitivity
d. selectivity
a. toxicity
b. hazard
C. selectivity
d. resistance
harmful chemical
a. toxicity
b. hazard
C. selectivity
d. resistance
a. acid equivalent
b. active ingredient
C. inert ingredient
d. surfactant
a. Antonio S. Sedeno
b. Emiliana N. Bernardo
C. Julio C. Martinez
d. Bernardo P. Gabriel
in 1922
L.B. Uichanco
b. L.B. Sanchez
C. G.O. Ocfemia
d. S.M. Cendana
a. Anopheles
b. Culex
C. Aedes
d. Malaria
b. entomophobia
C. entomologists
d. pathology
165. The earliest insect found during the Middle Devonian period,
a. Thysanura
b. Collembola
C. Protura
d. Diplura
a. Class Crustacea
b. Class Chilopoda
C. Class Diplura
d. Class Diplopoda
a. prognathous
b. opisthognathous
C. hydrognathous
d. agnathous
168. The lateral sides of the middle segment of the insect thorax is
known as
a. mesosternum
b. mesonotum
C. pleuron
d. mesopleuron
a. stenum
b. sternopleuron
C. sternites
d. pleurites
a. Labium
b. mandibles
171. A general necrosis caused by the rapid growth and advance of the
a. Wilt
b. Blight
C. Blast
d. Rot
a. Xanthomonas
b. Agrobacterium
c. Pseudomonas
d. Streptomyces
a. Fungi
b. Bacteria
C. Virus
d. Nematodes
a. Xylem
b. Phloem
C. Intercellular spaces
a. Pseudomonas
b. Xanthomonas
C. Agrobacterium
d. Corynebacterium
d. Taro blight
a. Citrus exocortis
b. Aster yellows
C. Cadang- cadang
a. Mycelium
b. Ooze
C. Gum
d. Sclerotium
a. Direct penetration
b. Through hydathodes
C. Through stomata
d. Through wounds
a. Conjugationn
b. Heterokaryosis
C. Transduction
d. Transformation
formed during
a. dry condition
b. humid condition condition
d. sunny condition
a. location
b. host
d. well-known mycologist
d. slime molds
a. thigmotropism
b. phototropism
c. chemotropism
d. aerotropism
183. Non-parasitic fungi which are present on plant parts with deposit189. This is the rice fungal disease
that caused Bengal famine in 1943
a. character sets
C. hyphal arrangement
d. evolutionary relationship
b. ultrastucture features
a. Metarrhizium
b. Curvularia
C. Gilmaniella
d. Choanepora
a. bacteria
b. fungi
C. nematodes
d. phanerogams
a. mango
b. banana
c. citrus
d. rice
a. rice blast
rice tungro
C. brown spot
d. sheath blight
190. The fungal disease which greatly affected the coffee industry of
a. coffee rust
b. twig blight
Fusarium wilt
d. Sclerotium rot
b. Digestive gland
C. Stylet
d. pharynx
b. Pour planting
C. Dilution technique
a. 1 juvenile stage
C. 4 juvenile stage
d. Mature stage
195. Nematodes that move from plant to plant and only their stylet
a. Sedentary ectoparasite
b. Sedentary endoparasite
C. Migratory ectoparasite
d. Migratory endoparasite
d. In the soil
197. Which of the following does not affect the completion of the life
cycle of nematoodes?
a. Species
b. Host
C. Soil moisture
d. Temperature
Act as vector
a. earthworms
C. phanerogam
d. fruitfly
200. This is considered to be the most destructive nematode to
worldwide Agriculture
a. Xiphinema
b. Trichodorus
c. Meloidogyne
d. Radopholus
201. The four rules of proof that are used in identifying certain plant
b. Koch's Rules
Koch's Postulate
a. symptoms
b. diseases
C. physiological disorders
d. maladies
d. Non-motile, nonspore-forming, polymorphic microorganisms
that lack cell walls and are bound bya triple-layered unit
205. This refers to the sequence of events that leads to and is involved
a. Incubation
b. Disease
C. Disease cycle
d. Life cycle
a. Infection
b. Disease
C. Disease Cycle
d. Life Cycle
a. Phanerogram seeds
b. Chlamydospores
C. sclerotial bodies
d. Spores
a. Pandemic
b. Endemic
208. What is the term for the plant disease epidemics that occur
C. Sporadic
d. Natural
plant pathologists
a. Gerardo Ocfemia
b. Dioscoro Umali
C. Leopoldo Ulchanco
d. Faustino Orillo
a. Robert Hooke
206. This occurs when the pathogen has become established in the212. The physical removal of insect
pests from the infested plants is an
Louis Pasteur
H. Robert Kock
d. Anton de Bary
211. He was the first Filipino Acarologist who spearheaded the research
on mites in the Philippines in 1961
a. F.F. Sanchez
b. C.R. Baltazar
C. L.C. Rimando
d. V.P. Gapud
example of
a. mechanical control
b. biological control
. chemical control
d. cultural control
213. Includes all adverse effects exerted by the plant in the insects
a. antibioisis
b. host evasion
C. tolerance
d. non-preference
a. green leafhopper
b. rice bug
C. stemborer
d. brown planthopper
a. predator
C vector
d. symbionts
Pseudomonas solanacearunm
b. Pectobacterium carotovorum
Pectobacterium carotovorum
b. Xanthomonas vesicatoria
c. Ralstonia solanacearum
a. insecticides
b. antibiotics
C. fungicides
d. miticides
a. mosaic
b. sarcody
C. spot
CroenEMDİDg DH n
d. yellowing
a. physical
b. cultural
C. chemical
d. mechanical
221. The effects of one plant on another plant due to the chemicals
that it releases
a. allelopathy
b. dispersal
C. interference
d. competition
222. The term that collectively describes the effects of both competition
and allelopathy
a. interference
b. harmful
d. critical
223. The point during the life cycle of a crop when it most affected with
224. The weed density, higher than which significant yield losses will be
d. density effect
225. The weed density and duration when the crop is most affected
d. density effect
a. weed evaluation
b. weed control
C. weed science
d. population management
a. Weed Evaluation
b. Weed Control
C. Weed Science
d. Population Management
a. weedicides
b. insecticides
C. herbicides
d. fungicides
Rottboellia cochinchinensis
b. Amaranthus spinosus
Cyperus rotundus
d. Echinochloa crusgalli
a. Cyperus
b. Eleusine
d. Echinochloa
a. acid equivalent
b. active ingredient
C. inert ingredient
d. surfactant
232. The presidential decree number which created the Fertilizer and
Pesticide Authority
a 1144
b. 3256
C. 1433
d. 6454
a. 1975
b. 1976
d. 1978
a. yellow
b. blue
C. green
d. red
a. 5
a. 4
b. 5
C. 6
d. 7
237. The word 'CAUTION' is the signal word for what category of
a. 3
b. 4
C. 5
a. phenoXy
C. ureas
d. bipyridiliums
insect pests
a. IGRs
b. chlorinated hydrocarbons
C. carbamates
d. microbial insecticides
a. triazines
b. ureas
C. amides
d. uraclis
a. jugum
b. anal
C. costa
d. radial
b. Ephemeroptera
C. Thysanura
d. Orthoptera
a. Hemiptera
b. Homoptera
C. Heteroptera
d. Phthiraptera
membranous wings
a. Trichoptera
b. Orthoptera
c. Hymenoptera
d. Lepidoptera
a. T3
b. t2
C. te l
d. t1
246. The injury caused by a "putakti" comes from this body region of
the insect
a. head
b. thorax
C. cephalothorax
d. abdomen
a. Thysanoptera
b. Trichoptera
C. Termitidea
d. Thripidae
a. paurometabola
b ametabola
d. holometabola
a. ametabola
b. paurometabola
C. hemimetabola
d. holometabola
a. ametabola
b. paurometabola
C. hemimetabola
d. holometabola
a. Colletotrichum spp.
b. Fusarium spp.
C. Alternata spp.
d. CercOSpora spp.
a. Pseudpsepta
b. Septal pore
C. Cross walls
d. Clamp connections
254. An ascocarp in fungi with a pore at the top and the wall of its own
a. Apothecium
b. Cleistothecium
C. Pycnidium
d. Perithecium
a. AscOcarp in ascostroma
b. Monolocular ascostroma
C. Asci in locules
d. A single-walled ascus
b. Arthrospores
C. Catenate Culture
d. Basidiospores
a. Filaments
b. Mycelium
C. Spores
d. Fungus
is based on
a. Rusts
b. Smuts
C. Mushrooms
d. Algae
a. Eukaryotic
b. No chlorophyll
a. skin
b. exoskeleton
C. cuticle
d. endoskeleton
a. denticles
b. mural tooth
C. stylet
in the soil
d. in a gelatinous matrix
a. sedentary ectoparasite
b.sedentary endoparasite
C migratory endoparasite
d. migratory ectoparasite
C. transmission of virus
d. death of plant
a. leaves
b. stems
C. flower
267. What is the typical number of juvenile stages in the life cycle of a
a. 1
b. 2
d. 4
268. These are nematodes which produce eggs that hatch after being
a. oviparous
b. ovoviviparous
C. parthenogonetic
d. hermaphroditic
269. Nematode species that require the presence of both male and
a. amphimictic
b. ovoviviparouS
C. parthenogonetic
d. hermaphroditic
reproductive organs
a. amphimictic
b. ovOViviparous
C. parthenogonetic
d. hermaphroditic
a. Robert Hooke
b. Loujs Pasteur
H. Robert Koch
d. Anton de Bary
a. Cendana
b. Uichanco
d. Ela
a. Obligate
a. RNA
b. DNA
b. Tobacco mosaic
C. Peanut mottle
d. Citrus decline
a. Rigid rods
b. Branched filamentous
d. Spheres in chains
b.Leaf deformities
c. Flower variegation
insect vector
a. Non persistent
b. Invasive viruses
C. Circulative viruses
d. Propagative viruses
d. Serology
C. mango fruitfly
d. cotton bollworm
a. eggplant
b. mango
C. watermelon
d. tomato
b. habitat diversification
C. biological control
d. cultivation
a. cultural control
b. physical control
c. chemical control
d. mechanical control
a. cultural control
b. physical control
C. chemical control
d. mechanical control
cultural control
286. Cold storage could also be used against pests and is considered a
method of control
b. physical control
C. Chemical control
d. mechanical control
a. cultural
Control except
b. physical control
G. chemical control
d. mechanical control
a. cultural method
288. IPM employs a variety of tactics, and the least type of method that
could be used is
b. HPR
C. chemical method
d. autocidal
a. key
b. potential
C. OCcasional
d. migrant
a. key
b. potential
C. OCcasional
d. migrant
a. mechanical
b. chemical
C. cultural
d. none
292. Grassy weeds (Poaceae) locks similar to sedges except that their
a. Triangular
b. Polyhedral
C. Cylindrical
d. Hexagonal
293. The hairy membranous outgrowth in between leafs heat and leaf
a. Leaf blade
b. Liqule
C. Petiole
d. Auricle
a. Portulaca oleraceae
b. Plantago major
Cuscuta sp.
d. Digitaria setigera
a. Impereta cylindrica
b. Commelina benghalensis
d. Leersia hexandra
296. This is an example of a grass weed
a. Digitaria setigera
b. Cyperus kylingia
Cyperus rotundus
C. Peperomia pellucida
d. Portulaca oleraceaue
d. Rottboellia cochinchinensis
Cenchrus echinatus
Echinochloa colona
Imperata cylindrica
Commelina diffusa
Chromolaena odorata
Pistia stratiotes
d. Synedrella nodiflora
299. Which among the following weeds are spread easily by wind?
a. Echinochloa glabnescens
b. MimOsa pudica
Tridax procunmbens
d. Sphenoclea zeylanica
300. Major weeds of crops deposited in the soil seedbank are estimat
to be
a. 1-5%
b. 10-20%
C. 50-70%
d. 70-90%
a. emulsifiers
b. dispersing agent
d. fertilizer additives
a. Metam-sodium
b. Methyl bromide
C. Carbanate
major event in
a. 1959
b. 1935
C. 1937
d. 1939
304. A quick acting poison which cause death to rats shortly after
a. Acute poison
b. Anticoagulant
C. Chronic
a. Strangulations
b. Decapitation
C. Neurotoxicant
d. Scratching
a. Bacterial spores
b. Eggs of nematodes
c. Fungal spores
d. Virus particles
which can be used for soil fumigation to kill insects, fungi and
a. Antibiotics
b. Benzimidazoles
d. Carbamates
308. The point of entry of a fumigant insecticide
a. Integument
b. Mouth
C. Spiracles
d. Tympanum
a. Chlordane
b. Lannate
C. Malathion
d. Baygon
a. Juvenoids
b. Nicotinoids
C. Pyrethroids
d. Rotenoids
a. mesothorax
b. prothorax
C. Pterothorax
d. cepalothorax
a. atrium
b. air sac
C. valves
d. taenidium
313. This functions to control the influX of air within the insect's
respiratory system
a. taenidium
b. air sac
C. valves
d. atrium
314. This functions to guide the air flow within the insect's respiratory
a. valves
b. taenidium
C. atrium
d. air sac
a. atrium
b. taenidium
C. valves
d. air sac
b. anus
C. mouth
d. malpigian tubules
b. Ortho
d. Blattodea
a. membranous
b. hemelytron
C. elytron
d. tegmen
a. man
b. mouthparts
its vVoraciousness
d. sting
a. holometabola
b. ametabola
C. paurometabola
d. hemimetabola
a. Germ tube
C. Infection peg
a. Intercellular
b. Intracellular
a. Paleontology
b. Plasmogamy
C. Karyogamy
d. Melosis
a. Ascospore
b. Zygospore
C. Basidiospore
d. Melospore
a. Mycella
b. Ooze
C. Sclerotial bodies
d. Fruiting bodies
a. Viruses
b. Fungi
d. Nematodes
a Ooze
b. Sclerotium
C. Mycelium
d. Exudates
a. Sclerotia
b. Seeds
C. Hyphae
d. Spores
329. Which among these pathogens can directly penetrate intact hosts?
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
C. Mycoplasma-like organisms
d. Virus
a. Bacterial ooze
b. Rhizomorphs
C. Sclerotial bodies
d. spores
a. sexual mutation
b. sexual dimorphism
C. sexual evolution
d. sexual diversity
a. fumigants
b. biocon
C. carbamates
d. mebendazoles
a. biological control
b. mulching
C. biofumigation
d. organic fertilization
334. When the field is left unplanted for a certain period, the population
a. sanitation
b. conservation
crop rotation
d. fallowing
a. Rhizoctonia solani
b. Arthrobotrys oligospora
C. Paecilomyces lilacinus
d. Verticillium chlamydosporium
the field?
a. uniform
b. patchy
C. random
d. cannot be determined
337. The most preferred site for root penetration of the infective stage
a. root hair
b. root cap
c. Zone of elongation
d. zone of differentiation
a. clayey
b. sandy
C. silty
d. muddy
339. Which life stage of the nematode will not be killed by a systemic
a. females feeding inside the root
C. juveniles
d. eggs
a. banana corm
b. rice seeds
C. seed potato
d. onion bulb
341. The concept that explains the step-wise evolution of virulence and
a. Hybridization
b. Parasexual process
C. Gene-for-gene
d. Cytoplasmic
b. Colletotrichum
C. Curvularia
d. Helminthosporium
343. The art of plant pathology which determines the severity and
prevalence of diseases
a. Disease monitoring
b. Disease assessment
C. Disease forecasting
d. Disease diagnosis
a. Classification of diseases
b. Disease incidence
d. Disease development
a. Compound microscope
b. Electron microscope
C. Lenses
d. Fungicides
a. Virus
b. Prion
C. Viroid
d. Mollicute
b. Tobacco mosaic
C. Cadang-cadang
d. Citrus exocortis
a. Secondary
b. Localized
C. General
d. Primary
b. Localized
C. General
d. Primary
351. Pests that are focal point of pest management systems because
a. key
b. potential
c. oCcasional
d. migrant
352. A type of pests that are only present part of the time
a. key
b. potential
C. Occasional
d. migrant
a. key
b. potential
d. migrant
d. Biological control
b. Chemical control
Cultural control
d. IGR
356. An unwanted organism which competes with man for food and
a. Pest
b. Weed
C. Insect
d. Pathogens
b. Tolerance
Insecticide resistance
d. Host evasion
358. A toxic substance which is readily available and ills pest instantly
a. Insecticides
b. Rodenticide
c. Pesticides
d. Weedicide
a. Birds
b. Rodents
C. Snakes
d. Snails
360. The symptom of stemborer damage during the reproductive stage
a. Deadheart
b. Wilting
C. Whitehead
d. False smut
a. Beggarstick
b. Bulrush
d. dayflower Spreading
a. Gross morphology
b. Habitat
C. Growth habit
d. Anatomy
a.Echinochloa colona
b. Eleusine colona
C. Echinochloa glabrescens
d. Rottboellia cochinchinensis
a. Flowers
b. Branches
C. Tillers
a. Light
b. Nutrients
C. Water
d. Vitamins
a. Allelochemicals
b. Allosomes
C. MesOSomes
d. Allesomes
a 1 tropic level
a. Dormancy
b. Germination
C. Respiration
d. Photosynthesis
C. Immature embryo
a. Tree
b. Vine
C. Shrub
d. Woody
insecticides based on
a. Mode of action
b. Mode of entry
d. type of formulation
372. The insecticide that kills a wide array of insect pest species
a. Broad spectrum
b. NarTOW Spectrum
C. Specific
d. Aerobic
a. Contact fungicides
b. Localized insecticides
C. Non mobile insecticides
d. Systemic fungicides
a. 300.15 sq. m.
b. 250.75 sq. m.
c. 280.75 sq. m.
d. 285.71 sq. m.
a. 30.33%
b. 33.33%
c. 31.33%
d. 32.33%
a. 5%
b. 20%
C. 25%
d. 30%
377. How many sprayer loads which can hold up to 8 liters are required
to spray the half hectare of the cabbage farm if the spray volume
b. 21.5
C. 20.5
d. 20.0
a. 1.066 kq
b. 0.567 kg
C. 0.066 kg
d. 0.0047 kg
379. How much insecticide CD with 40% EC is needed to cover 750 sq.
a. 1.0L
0.15 L
C. 0.1L
d. 2.0 L
a. Benzimidazoles
b. Triazoles
C. Phenylamides
d. Beta-methoxyacrylates
a. holometabola
b. ametabola
c. paurometabola
d. hemimetabola
a. seqmentation
b. antennae
C. wings
d. jointed legs
a. South Pole
b. Caliraya lake
C. A rainforest
d. Cebu strait
C. field rat
d. Cotton stainer
a. carrier
b. diluent
C. spreader
d. safener
a. Butterflies
b. Dragonflies
C. Grasshoppers
d. Houseflies
a. Geniculate
b. Lamellate
C. davate
d. Plumose
389. Preying mantis use this type of forelegs to catch their prey
a. Grasping
b. Walking
C. Clinging
d. Digging
390. Headlice use this type of legs to anchor themselves on the host
a. Grasping
b. Walking
C. Clinging
d. Digging
a. Shot hole
b. Leaf spot
C. Blight
d. Scab
a. Mottle
b. Canker
C. Mosaic
d. Rot
a. Chlorosis
b. Mummification
C. Rot
d. Blight
a. Vein-clearing
b. Vein-banding
C. mosaic
d. Wilting
395. The symptom characterized by an extensive necrotic area
a. Lesion
b. Spot
C. Blast
d. Blight
a. Yellowing
b. Ooze
C. Galls
d. Etiolation
a. Detection
C. Control
b. Diagnosis
a. Living
b. Non-living
d. Virulent
a. Bacteria
b. Mollicutes
C. Viroids
d. Fungi
a Fungi
b. Insects
C. Nematodes
d. Bacteria
a. suscept
b. host
C. botha and b
d. Pathogen
b. FPA
a. Cultural control
b. Biological control
C. Quarantine control
d. Physical control
b. Eradication
C. Protection
a. Cultural Control
b. Behavior Control
C. Biological Control
d. Autocidal Control
406. The kind of interaction between two organisms where both are
a. Competition
b. Amensalism
d. Commensalism
a. Parasites
b. Food Supply
d. Drought
b. Suppression
C. Containment
d. Quarantine
a. Ecosystem
b. Agroecosystem
C. Pathosystem
d. Crop system
a. bacteria
C. viroids
d. mycoplasma
morphology except
a. Epiphytic
b. Sedge
C. Grass
d. Broadleaf
a. Triangular stem
b. Parallel leaf venation
c. Single cotyledon
d. Hollow stem
a. Koline
b. Marasmin
C. Phytoncide
d. Meristem
a. Ligule
b. Node
C. Internode
d. Netted venation
a. Presence node
b. Presence of ligule
Hollow stem
d. Presence of tuber
a. active ingredient
b. acid equivalent
C. toxicant
d. technical material
417. The following are steps in the germination process except
a. Inhibition
b. Rapid metabolism
C. Root emergence
d. Shoot emergence
418. The underground vegetative propagule that can be used for weed
b. Stolon
C. Tuber
d. Twig
factors except
a. Light
b. Minerals
C. Soil type
d. Wind
a. Animal
b. Rhizome
C. Tuber
d. Light
a. Detergents
b. Starch
C. Oils
d. Calcium carbonate
a. Granules
b. Wettable powders
d. Dusts
Emulsifiable concentrates
a. Preplant
b. post-emergence
C. preemergence
d. post-directed
a. Dispersing agents
b. Sticking agents
C. Spreading agents
d. Humectants
425. The number 3 from the Furadan 3G in the container label refers to
a. weight of the inert material
a. Organic insecticide
b. Flourides
C. Inorganic insecticide
d. Organophosphate
a. Dipel
b. Sherpa
C. Sabidong
d. Sevin
a. Acute poison
b. Anti-coagulant
c. Blanket system
d. Baiting
e. Botanical poison
431. In what type of insect development has the larval and pupal
a. ametabolous
b paurometabolous
C. hemimetabolous
d. holometabolous
a. common cutworm
b. Aphids
Diamondback moth
d. Cutworm
All insects are winged
434. The term for the larval stage of the insects in the order
a. Grubs
b. Pupa
C. Caterpillar
d. Immature stage
435. Leathery, horny and membranous part of the insect body is called
a. Mouth
b. Wings
C. Abdomen
d. Legs
436. This is the part of the insect body which is constricted with forcep
like cerci.
a. Wings
b. Abdomen
C. Mouth
d. Legs
437. The forewing is leathery while the hind legs are modified for
a. Odonata
b. Ephemeroptera
C. Orthoptera
d. Phasmatodea
a. Phthirhaptera
b. Strepsiptera
C. Coleoptera
d. Neuroptera
a. Coleoptera
b. Hemiptera
C. Diptera
d. Hymenoptera
a. Paurometabolous
b. Hememetabolous
C. Ametometabolous
d. Holometabolous
a. Disease surveys
b. Disease diagnosis
C. Disease monitoring
d. Disease incidence
b. Incubation
C. Infection
d. Penetration
a. Colonization
b. Incubation period
C. Infection
d. Latent period
444. The biotic factor at the inoculation site that may affect pathogen
a. Antagonistic microorganisms
b. Temperature
C. Oxygen tension
d. Relative humidity
insect vectors?
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
d. Virus
a.Acidic soil
b. Basic soil
C. Favorable soil
d. Suppressive soil
a. Plasmid bluescript
b. Ri-plasmid
C. T-plasmid
d. Bacterial chromosome
a. Latent period
b. Latent infection
C. Incubation period
d. Cross protection
b. Increased transpiration
b. Hypersensitive reaction
C. Thick cuticle
a. fungicide
b. pesticides
C. Bordeaux mixture
d. benlate
453. The type of resistance the plant has if the insect exhibit abnormal
a. None preference
b. Tolerance
C. Antibiosis
a. 25 days
30 days
31 days
De of
a. Alarm pheromone
b. Dispersal phenomones
C. aggregation pheromones
d. Trail phermones
a. Theodor Deiner
b. Y. Doi et al.
d. Berkeley
a. Xanthomonas oryzae
b. Ralstonia solanacearum
C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
a. Xanthomonas oryzae
b. Ralstonia solanacearum
C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
a. Xanthomonas oryzae
b Xanthomonas campestris
C. Xanthomonas vesicatoria
d. Xanthomonas yectonae
a. Xanthomonas oryzae
b. Ralstonia solanacearum
C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Pectobacterium carotovorum
461. The technical term for the presence of chloroplast in the vascular
a. Krazy
b. Krantz
C. Kruntzy
d. Krebz
a. Biological
b. Chemical
C. Manual
d. Mechanical
463. Efficient plants are characterized by the
464. The type of competition existing between rice and jungle rice
a. Intraspecific
b. Interspecific
C. Ultraspecific
d. Extraspecific
a. Bulb
C. Seed
d. Tuber
b. Cyperaceae
c. Poaceae
d Convulvulaceae
468. The critical period of competition is generally about
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
C. Water
d. Light
characterized by
C. after irrigation
d. after harvest
a. aqueous concentrates
b. emulsifiable concentrates
C. flowables
shaken with water, it will break up into small droplets that will
a. benzene
b. xylene
C. water
d. emulsifying agents
475. The following are auxillary materials mixed with the active
a. carrier
b. diluents
C. toxicant
d. water
b. toxicant
C. technical material
d. surfactant
a. bar code
b. manufacture date
C. color band
d. pesticide label
C. fumigants
d. flowables
b. high toxicity
respiratory problems
d. drift problem
a. Lepidoptera
b. Isopteran
C. Anoplura
d. Coleopteran
a. Chiconomoides sp.
b. Drosophila melanogaster
C. Arabidopsis thaliana
d. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
a. Grass hoppers
C. Skippers
d. Bees
484. Identify the item that does not belong to the group
a. Thorax
b. Abdomen
C. Tympanum
d. Head
485. Refers to the theoretical yield of parent acid from the active
a. acid equivalent
b. technical material
d. emulsifier
a. Odonata
b. Coleopteran
C. Lepidoptera
d. Hymenoptera
a. Tympanum
b. Circus
c. Ecdysis
d. Spiracles
Black bug
Seedling maggot
d. Brown planthopper
a. Annoyance
b. Miyasis
a. Piercing sucking
b. Chewing
c. Siphoning
d. Sponging
plant cells
a. Hypersensitive response
b. Oxidative burst
C. Phytoalexin production
a. Antibiotics
b. Elicitors
C. Phytoalexins
d. Tooxins
and develop in distal untreated parts of the plant after the plant has
a. Durable resistance
b. Hypersensitive response
C. Race-specific resistance
a. Demography
b. Epidemiology
C. Plant pathology
d. Phytobacteriology
a. Avirulent pathogen
b. Favorable environment
d. Susceptible
496. A plant disease epidemic would most likely develop in this situation
a. Mature plants
497. Plant disease epidemic would less likely develop in this situation
a. Dense planting
another microorganism
a. Antibiotics
b. Copper compounds
C. Fungicides
d. Growth regulators
a. Key
b. Nomenclature
c. Systematics
d. Taxonomy
a. Peronosclerospora philippinensis
b. Hemeleia vastatrix
C. Magnaporthe grisea
d. Colletotrichym glocosporoides
a. Peronosclerospora philippinensis
b. Hemeleia vastatrix
C. Magnaporthe grisea
d. Colletotrichym glocosporoides
a. Pythium spp.
b. Phytopthora
C. Bipolaris maydis
d. Fusarium moniliforme
a. Nephotettix virescens
b. Nephotettix nigropictus
C. Nilaparvata lugens
d. Nilaparvata nigropictus
a. Epilachna philippinensis
b. Leucinodes orbinalis
C Dysdercus cingulatus
d. HeliCOverpa armigera
506. Also known as Asiatic palm weevil, the aduts bore through
cabbage while the legless larvae feed on the soft bud of the coconut
resulting on the destruction of the whole crown.
a. Cosmopolites sordidus
b. Erionata thrax
c. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
d. Oryctes rhinOceros
a. Helminthosporium maydis
b. Rhizoctonia solani
C. CerCOspora cruenta
d. Cercosporidium personatum
known as
a. physical
b. Biological
C. Chemical
d. Cultural
a. Water management
b. Water management
Removal of weeds
a. Periderm
b. Pericarp
C. Meristem
d. Pericardium
a. Antibiotic
b. Koline
d. Phytoncide
513. The weed control strategy which involves the use of mycoherbicide
b. Mechanical
C. Manual
d. Biological
a. Açaricide
b. Insecticide
c. Herbicide
d. Molluscicide
M dormancy
a. Stratification
b. Scarification
C. Mineralization
d. Germination
a. Witchweed
b. Broomrape
C. Dwarf mistletoe
d. Goosegrass
a. itch grass
C. spiny amaranth
d. water lettuce
519. This is the vegetative propagule that allows reproduction of Pistia
a. off shoot
b. shoot
d. tuber
520. Some of the benefits that animals can derive from weeds is
b. hostplant to pathogens
a. Dusts
b. granules
C. fumigants
d. flowables
b. granules
C. fumigants
d. flowables
a. aerosols
b. granules
C. fumigants
d. flowables
a. solubility
b. volatility
C. toxicity
a. spreader
b. sticker
C. Surfactant
d. carrier
during application
a. spreader
b. sticker
C. surfactant
d. carrier
527. Refers to the material in the pesticide mixture which would not
a. safener
b. inert ingredient
C. active ingredient
d. carrier
a. to prevent flocculation
b. to assure dispersion
pesticide mixture
a. sticker
b. spreader
C. emulsifier
d. surfactant
530. Refers to the material in the pesticide mixture which improves the
properties of liquids
a. sticker
b. spreader
C. emulsifier
d. surfactant
b. Ecdysis
C. Metamorphosis
d. Miyasis
a. Labium
b. Maxilla
C. Mandibles
a. Embiina
b. Megatoptera
C. Trichoptera
d. Thysanoptera
a. Chewing-sucking
b. Piercing-sucking type
c. Sponging type
d. Siphoning type
a. Piercing-sucking
b. Sucking
C. Rasping-sucking
d. Chewing lapping
a. Chewing type
b. Siphoning type
c. Sponging type
a. Chewing type
b. Siphoning type
C. Sponging type
a. Ocell
b. Tympanum
C. Thorax
d. Antennae
a. Oviparity
b. Insect ecology
C. Habitate
d. Niche
540. Insects belonging to this order are short-lived and die in 1-2 days
a. collembolla
b. diplura
C. odonata
d. ephemeroptera
a. Anitibiosis
b. Antixenosis
C. Diagnosis
d. Tolerance
a. Corcyra cephalonica
b. Hippotion celerio
Menonchilus sexmaculatus
d. Trichogramma chilonis
543. The time over which the pathogen fruiting body or lesion
a. Incubation period
b. Dormant period
C. Infectious period
d. Latent period
544. Its quality, intensity, and duration affect the growth of both host
a. Wind
b. Light
C. Moisture
d. Nutrition
a. Species
b. Pathovar
C. Race
d. Blovar
a. Active defense
b. Inducible defense
C. Passive defense
a. 10,000,000
b. 1,000,000
C. 110,000
d. 111,000
a. Parasite
b. Pathogen
C. Primary parasitoid
d. Hyperparasitoid
e. Secondary parasitoid
550. An area that includes all organisms there in and their physical
a. Ecology
b. Ecosystem
c. Environment
d Demography
a. Choice of variety
b. Flooding
C. Mulching
552. Moldy grains that are discolored and carry-off odors suffer a
reduction in
a. Quantity
b. Quality
C. Loss
d. Disease
organisms in Japan
a. Peach yellows
b. Aster yellows
C. Cadang-cadang
d. Corn stunt
a. Wheat rust
C. Coffee rust
d. Bacterial wilt
a. Pythium ultimum
b. Sclerotium rolfsii
C. Rhizoctonia solani
d. Phytophthora palmivora
c. Burning
d. Sanitation
development of a plant.
a. Injury
b. Disease
C. Pathogenesis
d. Colonization
a. Mottle
b. Mosaic
C. Chlorosis
d. Etiolation
559. The structure of the pathogen that are found associated with the
infection host
a. Symptoms
b. Spores
C. Mycelia
d. Signs
a. Necrotic
b. Hyperplastic
C. Hypertrophic
d. Histological
561. This weed is toxic to animals because of the diarrhea it can cause
when ingested
Chromolaena odorata
b. Pistia stratiotes
C. Cyperus rotundus
d. Elusine indica
a. stolon
b. off shoot
C. rhizome
d tuber
mainly because
b. seeds are light weight and possess film enabling them to float
565. This grass was initially introduced to Southeast Asia as a turf grass
a. Cynodon dactylon
b. Eleucine indica
Echinochloa colona
d. Digitaris spp.
566. This is considered the most competitive stage of the weed plant
a. juvenile stage
b. early stage
C. seedling stage
d. mature stage
a. Imperata cylindrical
b. Monochoria vaginalis
c. Sphenoclea zeylanica
d. Bidens pilosa
a. persistence
b. natural selection
C. adaptability
d. evolution
a. annual weed
b. continuous weed
C. perennial weed
d. terrestrial weed
570. The weeds found in temperate areas differ from those found in the
572. The following are major weeds in lowland rice. Which among them
a. Echinochloa glabrescens
b. Echinochloa crusgalli
d. Cyperus iria
Echinochloa colona
573. The following are common major weeds in vegetable crops. Which
Trianthema portulacastrum
b. Cyperus rotundus
Amaranthus spinoSUs
d. Amaranthus virilis
a. cotton nymph
b. cotton bollworm
C. cotton stainer
d. cotton cutworm
575. This mango fruitfly causes brown punctures on ripe fruits with
a. Typhlocyba nigrobilineata
b. Bactrocera dorsalis
C. IdioSCopus niveosparsus
d. Idioscopus clypealis
576. In this insect pest of cOConut commonly called Asiatic palm weevil,
the female beetles lay eggs on wound at the crown while the larvae
a. Rynchophorus f
b. Oryctes ehinoceros
C. Idioscopus niveosparsus
d. Homona coffearia
577. This disease in banana causes the shortening of internodes of
a. sigatoka
b. anthracnose
C. bunchy top
d. toppling disease
a. Typhlocyba nigrobilineata
b. Idioscopus niveosparsuS
C. Idioscopus clypealis
d. Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes
attributed to
their host
a. Geniculate
b. Plumose
C. Aristate
d. Stylate
a. Setaceous
b. Filiform
Monoliform beetles
d. Serrate beetles
a. Aphis
b. Apis
C. Muscu
d. Elsnoe
a. Dragonflies
b. Spidermites
C. Wolf spider
a. Floriculture
b. Apiculture
C. Sericulture
d. Mariculture
the insect ?
a. Egg
b. Larvae
C. Pupa
d. Adult
a. Birds
b. Insects
C. Mammals
insect except
a. Abdomen
b. Cephalothorax
C. Head
d. Thorax
a. Abdomen
b. Head
C. Tail
d. Thorax
591. The pest management that the male pupa are fed with
technique is called
a. Pheromones
b. Physical control
d. Cultural control
b. ease of inoculation
a. it has a vector
its vectors do not lose the ability to transmit the virus after
a. dwarfing/stunting only
a. Beijerinck
b. Newton
C. Galileo
d. Berkeley
a. rice tungro
citrus tristeza
d. tobacco mosaic
598. The early works on plant diseases due to viruses were based on
599. The plant viruses are considered as genetic parasites because they
b. take over the genetic machinery of their host cells for their
own reproduction
use the enzymes of the host cell for their own assembly
a. Canker
b. Mosaic
C. Curling
d. Stunting
a. Facultative saprophyte
b. Facultative parasite
c. Obligate parasite
d. Saprophyte
a. Aggressiveness
b. Pathogenic
C. Pathogenicity
d. Pathogenesis
a. Aggresiveness
b. Pathogenic
C. Pathogenicity
d. Pathogenesis
a. Eradication
b. Exclusion
d. Protection
606. A principle of plant disease control which are intended to eliminate
inhibit or kill the pathogens tat become established within the plant
or in area
a. Eradication
b. Exclusion
C. Immunization
d. Protection
607. Rouging virus-infected plants in the field falls under what principle
a. Eradication
b. Exclusion
d. Protection
608. Control of disease through crop rotation falls under what method
a. Biological method
b. Cultural method
C Physical method
d. Chemical method
609. Irradiation of fruits with gamma rays falls under what method of
disease control?
a. Biological method
b. Cultural method
c. Physical method
d. Chemical method
610. Soil fumigation to control Moko disease of banana falls under what
method of control?
a. Cultural
b. Chemical
C. Physical
d. Sanitation
b. tuber
C. seeds
d. stolon
613. Weeds that live annually can be present in the field every season
a. early morning
b. late afternoon
d. full moon
a. weed density
b. weed biomass
C. weed count
d. weed frequency
616. Which among the following weeds can be easily spread by wind
a. Mimosa pudica
b. Echinochloa glabrescens
C. Tridax procumbens
d. Sphenocdea zeylanica
617. More than 95% of the weeds that infest crops come from
C. the soil
d. crop residues
c. flooding
619. Factor that determine the distribution and abundance of the weed
a. climnate
b. rainfall
C. edaphic
a. it is out of place
b. it is undesirable
a. Pythium spp.
b. Rhizoctonia solani
C. Fusarium spp.
d. Pseudomonas spp.
a. diamondback moth
b. cabbage looper
C. common cutworm
d. cabbage earworm
623. The spores of this microbial agent enter through the body
a. Gigaspora spp
b. Paecilomyces lilacinus
d. Glomus mUsae
Glomus spp.
a. cheap
b. biofumigation
C. biomagnification
d. protoO-cOoperation
b. biofumigation
c. biomagnification
d. proto-cooperation
C. 1 generation organochlorine
b. Mercury
C. Cadmium
630. Rachel Carson published this book in 1962 which tackled the
of the popular pesticide DDT in tissues and how it can get passed
a. Silent Spring
b. No More Spring
c. DDT
d. The pring
Previous Spring
a. Melanization
b. Pigmentation
C. Oviposition
a. Legs
b. Wings
d. Cerci
a. Clinging
b. Jumping
C. Grasping
d. Swimming
a. Elytron
b. Hemyletron
C. Humeral
d. Tegmen
a. Elytra
b. Fringe
C. Hemyletra
d. Tegmina
postembryonic development
a. Ecdysis
b. Metamorphosis
C. Oviposition
d. Sclerotization
a. F Family
b. Genus
C. Order
d. Species
orders except
a. Antennae
b. Mouthparts
C. Wings
d. Body wall
a. Diptera
b. Ephemeroptera
C. Neuroptera
d. Embioptera
a. Coleoptera
b. Dermaptera
C. Megaloptera
d. Phasmatodea
assays in which
642. From the site of inoculation, plant viruses spread through the plant
b. stomata
C. xylem
d plasmodesmata
644. Which among the following viruses will most likely to survive?
systemic disease
645. This practice will most likely not contribute to plant virus disease
a. multicropping
b. monocropping
disease spread is
warm-blooded animals
a virus will not be recognized by antibodies in immunized
d. it is an obligate parasite
a. Exclusion
b. Eradication
d. Protection
652. The capacity of the host plant to become infected and harbor the
a. Immunity
b. Susceptibility
C. Resistance
d. Tolerance
c. Polygenic resistance
d. Vertical resistance
a. horizontal resistance
C. qualitative resistance
d. monogenic resistance
disease control?
a. Eradication
b. Exclusion
d. Protection
a. Cross protection
b. Immunity
C. Tolerance
not coincide and interact at the proper time or for sufficient duration
a. Disease escape
b. Durable resistance
C. Immunity
d. Tolerance
b. Podborer
C. Stink bug
d. Leafminer
a. Fruit fly
b. Mango planthopper
d. Twig borer
a. Safe
b. Self perpetuating
C. Environment-friendly
d. Slow acting
b. China
C. Sweden
d. Ireland
662. In the Golden Age of Biology (1840 - 1900 AD), the study of plant
a. Bordeaux mixture
b. Paris green
C. lead arsenate
d. DDT
crops in row
a. to increase yield
b. to save space
C. to facilitate weeding
d. to reduce labor
corn borer
army worm
d. corn cutworm
a. biological control
b. regulatory control
mechanical control
d. physical control
b. memo of agreement
C. legislation
d. SPS agreement
a. RA 3030
b. RA 3028
C. RA 3027
d. RA 3029
i to the
669. Which among the following insect pests are declared under
a. Mexican fruitfly
C. Mediterranean fruitfly
b. Cadang-cadang in Bicol
Leaf mines
d. Leaf curling
a. Apanteles sp.
b. Scelio sp.
Trichogramma sp.
673. When did V.P. Gapud spearhead the research on mites in the
a. 1959
b. 1960
C. 1958
d. 1961
a. Pigaffeta
b. Guissepi
C. Philippi
d. Mardon
675. The genus of the starling locally known as "Martinez" which was
a. Aetheopsar
b. Halcyon
C. Microhierax
d. Brahminy
a. Leaves
b. Panicle
C. Soil
d. Stem
677. The field of entomology that deals with the interrelationship of
b. Insect ecology
c. Insect physiology
d. Insect taxonomy
678. The class of arthropa that has four pairs of walking legs and body
a. Collembola
b. Crustacea
d. Arachnida
679. The field of entomology that deals with the study of honey bees.
a. Sericulture
b. Apiculture
C. Taxonomy
d. Morphology
e. Physiology
680. The field of entomology that deals with the classification and
nomencature of insects.
a. Insect morphology
b. Insect ecology
C. Insect systematics
d. Insect classification
681. The biggest among the species of rats destructive to agricultural
b. Bush rat
d. Norway rat
rodents except
a. Birth rate
b. Emigration
C. Fumigation
d. Immigration
a. Rattus argentiventer
b. Rattus exulans
C. Rattus norvegicUs
a. trap crops
b. habitat diversification
c. biological control
d. cultivation
b. Mass production
C. Colonization
d. Exploration
e. Field release
687. Refers to the pest control method that includes tactics causing
a. biological control
b. behavioural control
C. autocidal control
d. genetic control
a. immunization
b. protection
C. host evasion
d. avoidance
b. Crisis phase
C. Disasater phase
d. Overuse phase
a. plant pathogen
b. insect vector
C. parasite
d. weed
botha and b
a. Host Escape
b. Host Evasion
Induced resistance
d. Antixenosis
693. Which among the following are strategies to cope up when there is
a breakdown of resistance
C. refuge crop/variety
a. Bt corn
b. Bt potatoes
C. Bt cotton
695. Which is true for the function of the body regions in insects?
b. thorax is for
abdomen is fY
a. Batesian mimicry
b. Mullerian mimicry
C. Wasmannian mimicry
a. Batesian mimicry
b. Mullerian mimicry
C. Wasnmannian mimicry
other insects
a. natural enemies
b. pest
C. pathogen
d. prey
a. Germ theory
b. Disease triangle
a. colonization
b. attack
C. inoculation
d. spread
701. This is a concoction of lime, copper sulphate and water which had
a. Bordeaux mixture
b. liming material
C. Paris Green
d. copper fungicide
d. quarantined
disease problems
C. Continuous monocropping
a. banana
b. apple
C. citrus
d. grape
705. This pesticide group is excessively used in the Philippines
a. insecticide
b. nematicide
C. rodenticide
d. fungicide
a. Refrigeration
b. UV radiation
d. Hot W
water treatment
a. herbicide
b. insecticide
C. fungicide
d. nematicide
a. ecologically sound
b. socially just
C. economically viable
b. Crisis phase
C. Subsistent phase
d. Exploitation phase
710. This type of cultural practice tends to reduce both the initial pest
a. tillage
b. furrowing
crop rotation
. pruning
b application of pesticide
a. Robigalion
b. Robicon
C. Robigalia
d. Robigus
wide area
a. starch inclusions
b. fat bodies
C. inclusion bodies
d. antibodies
a. disease spread
b. yield loss
C. disease severity
d. disease incidence
elevated farnms
d. wind direction
a. cadang-cadang disease
C. bunchy top
d. bugtok
720. This disease is not visible when the fruit is still unripe ut begin to
a. citrus scab
a. Grasshopper
b. Beetle
C. Cicada
d. Buttefly
preparation is
b. Cutworm
C. Whiteflies
d. Diamondback moth
e. Cabbage butterfly
Mango hoppers
C. Fruit fly
d. Vinegar fly
a. Anopheles
b. Culex
C. Mansonia
d. Aedes
s termed as
a. Introduction
b. Colonization
C. Evaluation
d. Mass production
e. Exploration
726. The type of pheromones that stimulates insect to locate their mate
a. Sex pheromones
b. Alarm pheromones
C. Dispersal pheromones
d. Aggregation pheromones
e. Alert pheromones
b. Waste management
a. Laguna
b. Palawan
C. Panay Island
d. Mactan Island
e. Mt. Makiling
a. Heterokaryosis
b. Heteroploidy
C. Parasexualism
d. Transduction
a. Bubonic plague
b. Dengue
C. LeptOspirosis
d. Malaria
a. Biotype
b. Pathovar
c. Physiologic race
d. Forma speciales
a. Cercospora
d. Meloidogyne
a. Heterokaryosis
b. Heteroploidy
d. Transduction
b. Benzimidazoles
C. Organophosphate
a. Colletotrichum spp.
b. Fusarium spp.
C. Altenata spp.
738. This refers to the permanent nurse cells induced by root knot
a. giant cells
b. galls
C. syncytia
d. nodules
a. citrus tristeza
b. toppling disease
root knot
d. citrus decline
a. Tylenchulus semịpenetrans
b Rhizoctonia solani
C. Arthrobotrys oligospora
d. Paecilomyces lilacinus
a. amino acids
b. capSomeres
C. protein coat
d. polypeptides
742. Which among the following are the main components of plant
743. Viruses can have either the two types of nucleic acids, DNA or
RNA, which is best differentiated by their
a. sequence
b. phosphate grOups
d. nitrogen bases
745. This refers to the study of the antibody and antigen in vitro
a. Hematology
b. Serology
C. Virology
d. Immunology
given pathogen can cause ina given group of plants in terms of size
a. severity
b. virulence
C. aggressiveness
d. disease extent
a. eggs
b. juveniles
C. adult nematode
750. The following are climatic factors, except one, which can cause
a. drought
b. excess moisture
C. fertilizer burn
d. strong wind