Chinese Language Chinese Language

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A Brief I ntroduction to the

Chinese Language

Keqian Xu, Ph.D.

Professor of Chinese Literature and Culture,
Nanjing Normal University,
Visiting Professor and deputy director of
the Confucius Institute at NCSU
[email protected]
A very old yet still living language:

„ Several thousand years long history, ever

changing, but never interrupted.
„ Belong to the “Sino- Tibetan ” language
„ More people speak Chinese than any other
language in the world.
„ One of the five official languages of UN.
„ About 2 million American residents are
Chinese home speakers.
„ 60% of Korean vocabulary comes from
„ Written Japanese has several thousand
characters borrowed from Chinese.
„ I t has been estimated that until the 18th
century more than half of the world's
printed books were in Chinese.
Some confusing terms:

„ Chinese Language 中文
„ Hanyu 汉语
„ Mandarin 官话
„ Putonghua 普通话
I s Cantonese Chinese?
„ Yes!
„ I t ’s only one of the many dialects of
Chinese (Yue Dialect).
„ The difference is mainly in pronunciation,
slightly in vocabulary and grammar, but
not in writing system.
The Map of Chinese Dialects

„ Northern
„ Wu
„ Yue
„ Min
„ Xiang
„ Gan
„ Hakka
What is “Pin Yin ”?
„ The Romanized phonetic spelling system
created in 1950’s for Mandarin or standard
Chinese (Putonghua)
„ I t is based on Beijing Dialects, a branch of
the Northern dialects of Chinese language
„ I t uses 25 letters in English except “ V ”.
Chinese (Mandarin) Phonetics
„ I nitials (consonants)
„ Finals (a vowel, or a combination of vowels,
sometimes with a nasal at the end)
„ Tones (four distinct and one light tones)
„ Each Chinese character corresponds to one
syllable. A syllable is consist of an initial, a final
and a tone.
21 initials (consonants)
Voiceless Voiced
Unaspirated Aspirated Nasal
fricative fricative

Labial b p m f
Alveolar d t n l
Velar g k h
Palatal j q x
sibilant z c s
Retroflex zh ch sh r

y w
35 finals
6 simple
finals: a o e i u ü

ai ao ei ia iao ie iou (iu) ou ua
finals: uai üe uei (ui) uo
8 front an en ian in uan üan
nasals: uen (un) ün
16 nasal
8 back ang eng iang ing iong
nasals: ong uang ueng

4 tones and a light tone

High Up Low Dow n light

mā má mǎ mà ma
Māma q í m ǎ m ǎ m àn m ā m à m ǎ.

妈 妈 骑 马,马 慢, 妈 骂 马。

Mother is riding on a horse, the horse walks

too slow, so mother curses it.
„ Combinations of initials and finals, plus
several special cases, result in 411
possible combinations.
„ Applying the four tones, we get a total of
around 1,600 unique syllables.
Zh ōng Gu ó Měi Gu ó
中 国 美 国
China USA
Běi Jīng 北京
Nán Jīng 南京
Dōng Jīng 东京

Běi kǎ lu ó lái n à 北卡罗来纳

Why not use “Pin Yin ” to replace Chinese
characters as Chinese writing system?

„ I mpossible! Because there are too many

homophonic characters.
„ Zhao Yuanren , a famous Chinese linguist,
wrote an article entitled 施氏食狮史( The
Story of Mr. Shi Ate a Lion ), the whole
article only use one syllable “shi”.
When did the earliest Chinese
Characters appeared?
„ No later than 14 century B.C.
„ Oracle- bone inscriptions of the Shang
Dynasty (1600- 1028 B.C.)
I nscription on tripod
Large seal script
(1100- 256 BC)
I nscription on
stone stele,
Qin Dynasty
(221B.C. - 206 B.C )
small seal
“Li shu ” or Clerical
Han Dynasty (220
B.C. - 206 A.D.)
„ “Kai Shu ” , the
standard script
Tang Dynasty
(618- 907)
The evolution of Chinese Characters.

Oracle Large Small Clerical Standard Running Grass Simplified

bone seal seal script script script script script
script script script (207 BC-
BC- (Since (Since (Since (Since
(1400- (1100-
(1100- (221-
(221- 207 BC) 207 BC) 207 BC) 1949)
220 AD)
1200 BC) 256 BC) 207 BC)

r én
Sun r ì
Horse M ǎ
Are all the Chinese characters

„ No! Only some basic words are.

„ Chinese works pictographically as well as
How do Chinese characters
„ Xu Shen a scholar lived in Han Dynasty,
summarized “Six Ways” : 指事 象形 形声
会意 转注 假借
„ Later scholars pointed out that only the
first 4 are the principle of constructing
Chinese characters, the rest two are ways
of using them.
The Main 4 Principles for Character

„ Pictographs ( ≈4% )
„ I deographs ( ≈1% )
„ Logical Aggregates ( ≈13% )
„ Phonetic Complexes ( ≈82% )
Represent real- life objects by drawings ( ≈4% )
– Animal, plants, parts of the body etc.
– Example (Scripts from oracle bone)

zHorse 马 zBig great 大

zHuman 人 zHand 手
zSun 日 zKnife 刀
zMountain 山 zTree wood 木
I deographs:
Represent positional and numeral
concepts by indication ( ≈1% )

z一 二 三 zHeaven 天
z 上 下
z 本 末 zSeparate 分
Logical Aggregates:
Form a new meaning by combining the meanings of two
or more characters ( ≈13% )
„ Wood 木 Small Forest 林 Big Forest 森
„ Person 人 Small Group 从 Large Group 众

„ Person 人 Ground 土= Sit 坐

„ 手 + 分 + 手 = 掰 Hand + To separate +
Hand = To separate sth with two hands
Phonetic Complexes
Form a character by combining the meaning of one
character and the pronunciation of another character
( ≈82% )


„江 河 湖 海 流 沐 潮
„椅 杆 杨 桐 案 架 梨
„妈 码 玛 骂 蚂 吗 犸
„驴 骡 骆 驾 驶 骑 驻
9 basic
stokes 书
How many Chinese characters in all ?
„ 9,353 in 1st century C.E. 《说文解字》
„ 47,043 in 1716 《康熙字典》
„ ~ 60,000 in 1990
„ Occurrence
ƒ 1,000 characters 90%
ƒ 2,400 characters 99%
ƒ 3,800 characters 99.9%
ƒ 6,600 characters 99.999%

300 of the most common characters w ill help you

survive in Chinese daily life.
Chinese word building:
„ Some words are single syllable (one
„ Majority words in modern Chinese are
double syllable (two characters)
„ Some words are multi- syllable (three or
more characters)
学 xu é :learn study
„ 学校 school „ 学者 scholar
„ 小学 primary school „ 奖学金 scholarship
„ 中学 secondary school „ 哲学 philosophy
„ 大学 university „ 科学 science
„ 学院 college „ 物理学 physics
„ 学生 student „ 形而上学 metaphysics
„ 学分 credit „ 人类学 anthropology
„ 学费 tuition „ 医学 medicine
„ 学期 semester „ 汉学 sinology
Strong capability in make new w ords:

电 diàn :thunder flash electricity

„ 电力 electricity power „ 电池 battery

„ 发电站 power plant „ 电视 TV
„ 电灯 electric light „ 彩电 color TV
„ 电车 trolley bus „ 电脑 computer
„ 电话 telephone „ 电子邮件 E- mail
„ 电影 movie
I s Chinese grammar complex ?
„ Not any more complex in general compare
with other languages. Some aspects are
even much simpler.
„ Main features:
– No inflection of nouns, verbs etc.
– The order of words is more important.
– Functional empty words.
– Many measure words.
English: Chinese:
to be ----- am, is, are, always “ 是” sh ì .
was, were, been, being,
have been,

study studied, always “ 学习 ” xu é

studying xí .
„ 我在姑妈家 I am in auntie's home.
„ 姑妈在我家 Auntie is in my home.
„ 我姑妈在家 My auntie is at home.
„ 我家姑妈在 My auntie is right here.
Learning Chinese:A rewardable
long- term investment
„ I f my kids w ere of very young ages
today, I w ould be asking them, and
encouraging them, to learn Chinese.
( How ard Schultz Chairman, Starbucks - Seattle Times,
12/ 25/ 2005)

„ I f you w ant to get ahead, learn

Mandarin…learning Chinese w ill
provide an edge in the 21st.
( Time magazine , June 19, 2006) .
Some useful internet resource
index web pages:
„ Leaning Chinese Online
„ MERLOT (Multimedia Educational
Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)
Thank you!

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