2 - Financial Independence UK - FIRE Flowchart

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Create budget FI before Investigate Open

High interest Yes Pay off highest Yes Yes Lifetime ISA taxable
Retired? pension
debt >10%? interest debt first (LISA) 7 investment
No No No

Build Pension Open ISA or Harvest annual

In employer
Buy food emergency Yes trending Yes LISA and invest CGT and
fund with 3 to >LTA?6 in low cost dividend
12 mths. trackers 4,5 allowances
outgoings No No

Increase Look at other

Pay rent Other debt Pay off highest Join employer
Yes pension/SIPP Hit annual limit? Yes investment tax
or >4%? interest debt first pension
contributions shelters e.g.
mortgage scheme VCTs
No No

Pay essential Saving for Consider contributions Increase
bills: council tax, first house? Yes
Lifetime ISA and salary contributions
gas, electricity
(LISA)7 sacrifice if

Look at high
Pay job-related Short term Open SIPP and
interest and Total cost Yes 1. Check here:
expenses e.g. savings Yes invest in low
regular >0.5%? 2 https://www.gov.uk/check -state-pension
transport to work goals? (Optional) cost trackers 3,4
accounts No 2. Check where the pension is invested and if necessary switch to
lower costs funds

3. Additional pension contributions after you have maximised

Maximise overall employer contributions and salary sacrifice options may be more
Check state contributions and efficient in a self invested personal pension (SIPP)
pension forecast
1 claim tax relief
due 4. Global index trackers are offered as a starting point see Asset Map
for other options

5. For the split between pension and ISA contributions see the ISA
vs. Pension flowchart here:
Basics Debt Saving Pension ISA/LISA Investments 6. Lifetime Allowance:
https://www.gov.uk/tax -on-your-private-pension/lifetime-allowance

7. Available to those between 18 and

Financial Independence UK – FIRE Flowchart 40 https://www.gov.uk/lifetime -isa

Based on the original by Gordon Copestake at https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/ and https://ukpersonal.finance/

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