1646213205V Sem Literary Theory PDF
1646213205V Sem Literary Theory PDF
1646213205V Sem Literary Theory PDF
(2019 Admission)
Asha P
Asst Professor
Dept of English
NO. OF CONTACT HOURS : 90 hrs (5 hrs/ week)
To introduce the students to the history and principles of literary theory and thereby to
enhance the vision of students by introducing them to newest developments in theory.
a. To cultivate among the students an understanding of important texts and movements in the
history of literary theory.
b. To enable the learners to critically approach literature and culture in the context of theory.
c. To enrich the students through various perspectives of thinking and critique the major
arguments presented in theory.
d. To promote a pluralistic perspective of culture and literature in a multicultural society.
• The cultural turn builds further on the criticism of the Linguistic turn. The difference
between the cultural turn and the Linguistic turn is that the linguistic turn is focused
on language and language as action, Where the cultural turn is focused on culture
and society as a whole.
Ferdinand de Saussure
Roland Barthes
• Barthes’ concept of myth has a tridimensional pattern where the signified of the first
order signification becomes the signifier of the second order signification, through the
operation of differance.
• Barthes deviates from Saussure’s idea that the relation between the signifier and the
signified is arbitrary and argues that the connection between the two is a process that
gets naturalised over a period of time.
• Barthes in “From Work to Text” differentiates between the “work” and the “text”,
arguing that the “text” is not stable and fixed, but fluid, multilayered and
• Text manifests endless postponement of the signified, which is revealed through
disconnections, overlappings and variations. Thus, the text is metonymic, decentred,
open to endless investigation, comprised of differance, emanating from disjoint
heterogeneous perspectives and held in intertextuality. Such a text is termed as the
writerly text.
• The readerly text gives pleasure in the comfort and security of reading, then the
writerly text gives ecstatic ‘enjoyment.
Claude Levi-Strauss
• Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 – 2009) is widely regarded as the father of structural
• Levi-Strauss proposed a methodological means of discovering these rules—through the identification
of binary oppositions. The structuralist paradigm in anthropology suggests that the structure of human
thought processes is the same in all cultures, and that these mental processes exist in the form of
binary oppositions.
• Poststructuralism, movement in literary criticism and philosophy begun in France in the late 1960s.
• Roland Barthes (in his later phase of thought), Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan and
Julia Kristeva are the prominent poststructuralist thinkers.
• Jacques Derrida, who coined the term deconstruction, argues that in Western culture,
people tend to think and express their thoughts in terms of binary oppositions .
• Differance is a pun on “difference” and “deferment”, and is that attribute of language, by which
meaning is generated because of a word’s difference from other words in a signifying system, and at
the same time, meaning is inevitably and infinitely deferred or postponed, is constantly under erasure
and can be glimpsed only through “aporias” or deadlocks in understanding.
• Aporia plays a big part in the work of deconstruction. Derrida, who use the term to describe a text's
most doubtful or contradictory moment. It's the point at which the text has hit a brick wall when it
comes to meaning. It has contradicted itself one too many times, and now it's at an impasse.
• Derrida’s formulation of “ecriture” emerges from his criticism of the most significant binaries of
speech and writing. in an attempt to reorient the established hierarchy of speech over writing, (what he
called logocentrism), Derrida conceptualised ecriture as any system that is characterised by differance
and absence.
Psychoanalytic Theory
• Psychoanalysis is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic methods which have their
origin in the work and theories of Sigmund Freud.
• The primary assumption of psychoanalysis is the belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts,
feelings, desires, and memories.
Sigmund Freud and the Unconscious
• central pillar of Lacan's psychoanalytic theory is that “the unconscious is structured like a language”.
• In the 1950s, Lacan developed the idea of the “symbolic register,” that part of human
existence that includes language, culture, laws, traditions, rituals, and religion.
• He developed three stages in the development of human psyche. Theyt are :
The Mirror Stage / Imaginary stage
• According to Lacan, when the infant stumbles upon a mirror (see Mirror), she is suddenly bombarded
with an image of herself as whole – whereas she previously experienced existence as a fragmented
entity with libidinal needs. The image itself in the mirror is described by Lacan as the "Ideal-I"
Symbolic stage
• The symbolic involves the formation of signifiers and language and is considered to
be the "determining order of the subject". Seeing the entire system of the
unconscious/conscious as manifesting in an endless web of signifiers/ieds and
The Real
• in Lacanian theory the real becomes that which resists representation, what is pre-
mirror, pre-imaginary, pre-symbolic – what cannot be symbolized – what loses it’s
"reality" once it is symbolized (made conscious) through language. It is "the aspect
where words fail" .
Marxism, Cultural Studies, Cultural Materialism and New Historicism
• Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory originated by Karl Marx, which
focuses on the struggle between capitalists and the working class.
• Marx wrote that the power relationships between capitalists and workers were
inherently exploitative and would inevitably create class conflict.
• The Frankfurt School, also known as the Institute of Social Research (Institut für
Sozialforschung),, is a social and political philosophical movement of thought located in
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
• Some of the most prominent figures of the first generation of Critical Theorists are Max
Horkheimer (1895-1973), Theodor Adorno (1903-1969), Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979),
Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), Friedrich Pollock (1894-1970), Leo Lowenthal (1900-1993),
Eric Fromm (1900-1980)
• Theodor Adorno recalls that Max Horkheimer and he first coined the term "culture
industry" in their book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1972; first published in
Amsterdam in 1947). The specific reference is to an essay entitled "The Culture
Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception."
• Horkheimer and Adorno used the term to describe a commodified and industrialized
culture, managed from above and essentially produced for the sake of making profits.
Antonio Gramsci
Louis Althusser
• One central concept in Althusser’s writings is ideology. Early on, Althusser had
argued that ideology is a “system of representations” governed by rules that serve
political ends. Ideology, in Althusser’s view at this time, was a matter of the
unconscious, inescapable even by the dominant class.
• Althusser implies that there is no inherent meaning in the individual. There are no
individuals: only subjects, who come into being when they are hailed or interpellated
by ideology.
• This act of hailing the subject is effected by what Althusser terms “Ideological State
Apparatuses” (ISAs). While Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs), such as the police
force and military, function primarily by repression, ISAs are churches, schools,
families, religion, and other entities in the private domain and function primarily by
ideology. RSAs show themselves rarely; ISAs are commonly accepted features of a
society. ISAs reinforce the hegemonic rule of the dominant class by replicating its
dominant ideology. According to Althusser, schools are a particularly important ISA
because teachers hold captive the undivided attention of their students in what is
supposedly a neutral environment, thus rendering the content taught “obvious.”
Cultural Studies
• Raymond Henry Williams (August 31, 1921 – January 26, 1988) was a Welsh academic, novelist
and critic.
• Culture is seen as a fixed body of material that we inherit from the past; and the
New Left
• New Left, a broad range of left-wing activist movements and intellectual currents that arose in
western Europe and North America in the late 1950s and early ’60s.
• In the United States the New Left grew out of student socialist activism, especially as it intersected
with, and was inspired by, the African American civil rights movement.
Stuart Hall
• Emphasis on the historical and material conditions of the production and reception of
• Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield summarize the critical method of the cultural
materialist. Their practice is marked by the following: Historical context, theoretical
method, political commitment and textual analysis.
• Peter Barry, in Beginning Theory observes three areas of difference from new
historicism: in attitude, in theory and in practice.
Feminism and Queer Theory
• Feminism is the strong belief and feeling that women should have the same rights and
opportunities as men and also the struggle to achieve this greater goal. Feminism as a
moment became popular in the 1960s. It aimed at liberating women from various
gender-based discrimination and exploitation.
• Feminism is both a political stance and a theory that focuses on gender as a subject of
analysis when reading cultural practices and as a platform to demand equality, rights
and justice. Feminist literary criticism draws a link between: -The representation of
women in art and -The real, material conditions in which they live.
• In her A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) Wollstonecraft rejected the
established view that women are naturally weaker or inferior to men. She was one of
the first thinkers to propose that gender roles are not nature al but social.
• The history of feminism can be categorized into three waves:
• The first wave feminism refers mainly to women’s suffrage movements of the 19th
and early20th century.
• The second wave refers to the ideas and actions associated with the women’s
liberation movements beginning in the 1960s.
• The third wave feminism refers to a continuation of, and a reaction to the perceived
failures of second wave feminism, beginning in the 1990s.
First wave Feminism -Key concerns
• Women’s suffrage
• Intersectionality
• The diversity of women is recognized and emphasize is placed on identity, gender,
race, nation, social order and sexual preferences
• Changes on stereotypes, media portrayals and language used to define women
• Sexual identities
• Gynocriticism was a term coined by Elaine Show alters (1979) to describe critical
responses that accounted for the women author as a producer of texts and meanings.
She defines gynocriticism as a concern with, "women as writers….the history, styles,
themes, genres and structures of writing by women; the psychodynamics of female
creativity; the trajectory of the individual or collective female career; and the
evolution and laws of a female literary tradition".
• Gynocriticism has sought to uncover particular modes of women's writing by positing
the women's experience as being at the centre of both writing and criticism.
Marxists Feminism and Radical Feminism
• Two of the influential categories of feminism. While the former is trans-historical, the
latter was a product of the second wave feminism.
• Inspired by the writings of Marx and Engels, Marxist feminism investigates the
myriad ways in which women are oppressed through systems of capitalism and
private property.
• According to them, women's liberation can only be achieved by dismantling the
capitalist system in which they live. They claim that it is impossible for women to
achieve true freedom in a class-based capitalist society.
• Radical feminism, on the other hand, saw patriarchal oppression that exists in all
societies as the original reason for the gender injustice in the world.
• Emphasis the patriarchal root of inequality between man and woman. Central issues
engaged by radical Feminism: 1. breaking down the traditional gender roles in private
as well as public sphere. 2. Understanding pornography as an industry and practice
leading to harm women. 3. Understanding rape as an expression of patriarchal power.
4. Understanding prostitution under patriarchy as the oppression of women sexually
and economically.
• Aim to empower black women with a new and critical ways of thinking that cantered
how racism and sexism worked together to create black women's social issues and
• A significant aspect of Black Feminism is intersectionality.
• Anna Julia Cooper's 'A Voice from the South (1892)' is considered as one of the
original texts of black feminism.
• Alice Walker was the first person to use the word ' womenism' in 1979 (a black
feminist theory). Her 'In Search of Our Mother's Garden' proposed a new facet of
black feminism known as 'womenism' which stressed the collective bonding of all
women, irrespective of race, creed and class.
• While Feminism places priority on women, womenism' incorporates 'racial, cultural,
sexual, national, economic and political consideration.
Queer Theory and LGBT Literature
• Came from the critical and cultural context of post structuralism, feminism and Gay
Liberation Movement in the 1970s worked with two main objectives: to resist
persecution and discrimination against a sexual minority, and to encourage gay
people themselves to develop a pride in their sexual identities.
• It's about trying to understand different kinds of sexual desires and how the cultures
define them.
• Italian feminist and film critic Teresa de Lauretis coined the term queer theory. Main
goal is to deconstruct the existing monolithic social norms.
Postcolonialism, Postmodernism and Ecocriticism
• A critical analysis of the history, culture, literature and modes of discourse on the
Third World countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean Islands and South America,
postcolonialism concerns itself with the study of the colonization, the decolonization,
and the neocolonising process. It critiques cultural hierarchies and the Eurocentrism
of modernity.
• The major theoretical works in postcolonial theory include The Wretched of the Earth
(1961) by Franz Fanon, Orientalism (1978) by Edward Said, In Other Worlds (1987)
by Gayatri Spivak, The Empire Writes Back (1989) by Bill Ashcroft et al, Nation and
Narration (1990) by Homi K Bhabha, and Culture and Imperialism (1993) by Edward
• The origin of postcolonial criticism can be traced to Franz Fanon’s The Wretched of
the Earth published in French in 1961.
• Robert Young describes Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha and Gayatri Spivak as the
Holy Trinity of postcolonial theory.
• Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978) can be said to inaugurate real postcolonial
• A major element in the post colonial agenda is to destablish Eurocentric norms of
literary and artistic values.
• Homi K. Bhabha, the second influential theorist of postcolonialism uses Lacanian
psychoanalytic principles, Foucault's discourses of power and Derrida's poststructural
theories to describe the ways in which colonized people resisted the empire.
• In the Location of Culture, he formulates the theoretical concepts such as mimicry,
ambivalence and hybridity.
• One of his central idea hybridity describes the emergence of new cultural forms from
• Mimicry - appears when members of a colonized society imitate and take on the
culture of the colonizers. (Imitation of the colonizer by the colonized). Mimicry
demonstrates an ambivalent relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. The
colonized subject mimics the colonizer by adopting the colonizer’s cultural habits,
language, attire, values etc. In doing so, he mocks and parodies the colonizer.
• Gayatri Spivak, another theorist whose work with poststructuralism, feminism and
Marxism has resulted in postcolonial studies.
• Spivak adapts the notion of the subaltern, meaning the oppressed class, from Antonio
Gramsci in order to theorize the condition of the native within colonialism and
women in postcolonial state.
• Spivak's most- quoted essay is her 'Can the Subaltern Speak?'