Pallet Storage Type in SAP EWM

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A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

SAP EWM has many flavours of Storage Types like Bulk Storage Type,
Standard Storage Type, Flexible Storage Type and Pallet Storage Type.
Among all these flavours Pallet Storage Type is one of my favourite Storage
types. I made this small attempt to make you get a clear picture of Pallet
Storage Type.

Figure 1 This is how a Pallet Storage Type looks when you go and visit a Warehouse.

From the above picture it is obvious that Pallet Storage

Type is Place Where we can store only Handling Units. And it has the
Racking System specially designed for storing Handling Units. We cannot
store Loose Products here.

Before we get into the subject let us know what a Pallet is.

Pallet is a Packaging Material and it is most widely used packaging material

in warehouses to handle the products.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Let’s have a look at the Pallet.

Figure 2 : Empty Pallet

The above image shows what a pallet is. And the above
picture is called an empty pallet because no product is present with the
above packaging material.

In the above sentence I said Empty Pallet means there must be some other
pallets with products.

Now lets us have a look at Full Pallet.

Figure 3 Full Pallet

The above picture depicts a Full Pallet as the

Packaging Material Pallet is Fully packed with Products or Products with
other packaging Materials (here carton boxes).

Now we know what is an Empty Pallet and a Full Pallet.

Is there any other type of pallets based on the quantity of the product the
Pallet holding?

Ans. Yes.

What do you think if the Pallet is not Fully packed. What about the Pallet
which is holding some products but not to its fullest capacity.

Yes, here comes one more pallet called Partial Pallet.

Now let’s have a look at that pallet which is packed partially.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Figure 4 : Partial Pallet

Half Pallet and Quarter Pallet comes under Partial Pallet. Try to explore
them on Google.

I have a question Sir?

Yes please.

Are there any other pallets other than Those Pallets which you have
explained till now?

Yes, there are many other types of Pallets Based on the material they are
made of and based on the characteristics they have.

Let’s have look at those Pallets.

Names of the Pallets vary from county to county. The

above are some of the pallets which I want to make you know. If you want to

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

explore more other type of pallets. Just google it. You will come to know
many things. As our main focus is SAP EWM. I want to stop exploring these
things related to Pallets. Here I am not stopping your Zeal to explore.
Explore as many things as possible. But for now, let us strictly stick to our
subject which is SAP EWM.

For this movement just consider that every packaging

material is associated with a Handling Unit (HU). We will come to know the
link between packaging material and Handling unit in other documentation.
In some areas of this documentation, I use the words pallet, Packaging
material and Handling Unit interchangeably. So don’t get confused.

Client: Welcome to My Warehouse Manoj.

Manoj: I’m grateful, thanks.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Now it is time to explore How to configure This Pallet Storage Type in SAP

Let’s Have Look at the Pallet Storage Type in SAP EWM and its control

IMG→ SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Master Date → Define Storage Type.

Figure 5: Standard Pallet Storage type (0070).

In Storage type every Parameter is very important, but I mentioned some of

the parameters which are required for a Pallet Storage Type.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Storage Behaviour
In the above Image we can see that Storage Behaviour is Pallet Storage as
we are going to create a Pallet Storage Type.

HU Requirement
Next important Parameter is HU requirement ‘X’ which means HU required.
This control parameter takes responsibility of storing only Handling Units
means Pallets or Boxes only those packaging materials which are associated
with Handling Units.

Client: Manoj. Are you going allow all Handling Units in this storage type?

Manoj: Yes Sir. I am going to allow all Handling Units with is Parameter and
loose products will not be allowed in this Storage Type.

Client: Manoj. I want to allow only some type of Handling Units in to this
Storage Type, But I want to store remaining type of Handling Units in other
Storage types.

Manoj: We have an Option to fulfil your requirement my client.

Client: Show me. Where is that option?

HU type Check
When we tick this HU Type check system will allow those Handling Units

which are allowed in this storage Type.

Client: Yes perfect, but where is that setting which can restrict or allow

specific Handling Units into this Storage Type?

Client: I want to see that setting right now Manoj.

Manoj: Here is the setting.

IMG→ SCM Extended Warehouse Management→Extended Warehouse

Management→ Goods Receipt Process→Strategies→ Storage Bin
Determination→HU Types→ Define HU Types for each Storage Type.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Figure 6 Define HU Types for Each Storage Type

As you can see above screen, we can allow up to 30 Handling in a specific

Storage Type.

Client: Manoj, I have one more requirement.

Manoj: Tell me my client.

Client: But Manoj in that Storage type Some Big Bins and Some Small Bins
are there.

Manoj: ok.

Client: But Manoj as You said in Allowed HUs in Storage Type. We can allow
all the HUs which are allowed in that Storage Type. But when it comes to
Bin level, Small Bins can accommodate small Pallets and Big Bins can
accommodate Big Pallets.

Manoj: OK. That’s not an issue.

Client: But, how can you make your SAP understand my requirement of
allowing the HUs in Bins?

Manoj: We have a solution for that

1. First of all let us define HU types with each Storage Type.

2. Define Bin Types for Small Bins and Big Bins in your Warehouse.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

3. lets assign those Bins Types to Bins.

4. Then we go for Define HU Types for each Storage Bin Type.

Client: Is it possible to restrict the HU types at Bin Type level?

Manoj: Yes, my client?

Client: Can you please shoe me where is that setting to restrict the HU
Types at Bin Type Level?

Manoj: Here it is.

IMG→ SCM Extended Warehouse Management→Extended Warehouse

Management→ Goods Receipt Process→Strategies→ Storage Bin
Determination→HU Types→ Define HU Types for each Storage Bin Type.

Figure 7 Define HU Type for Each Storage Bin Type

As You can See above settings, we can Bin Types to Each HU Types against
the Warehouse Number and Storage Type. As you can see that we are
creating a link between HU Type and Bin Type against the Storage Type.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

It is very clear that in other Storage Type we can allow the HU Types in Bin
Types. It means we are not creating a link between Bin Type and HU Type at
Warehouse Number level but at Storage Type level.

Client: Manoj are you thinking of storing only one Pallet in one Bin?

Manoj: Yes, that is What you said.

Client: No Manoj, no, Small Bin can accommodate 4 small Pallets, and Big
Bin can accommodate 2 Big Pallets. Can You make this configuration on
your SAP System?

Manoj: Yes, we can divide each Bin in Sections Based upon How many
Handling Units you want to store in that specific Bin.

Client: Can you please show me the setting in your system?

Manoj: Yes.

IMG→ SCM Extended Warehouse Management→Extended Warehouse

Management→ Goods Receipt Process→Strategies→ Pettaway Rules→
Storage Behaviour: Pallets→ Define Bin Sections.

Figure 8 Define Bin Sections

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Bin Position: What do you want to name for each Bin Section is the Bin

In the above Screen it is clear that we can divide the Bins into Sections
according to requirement against the Storage Type level. As you said you
want to store 4 small HUs in small Bins and 2 Big HUs in Big Bins. So we
can define 4 Bin sections against that small Bin Type and 2 Bin Sections
against that Big Bin Type.

Client: Manoj, you have defined Bin Section. But how these bin Sections are
connected to the Handling Unit Types?

Manoj: Yes, I will tell you.

IMG→ SCM Extended Warehouse Management→Extended Warehouse

Management→ Goods Receipt Process→Strategies→ Pettaway Rules→
Storage Behaviour: Pallets→ Perform Bin Sectioning for Bin Type and HU

Figure 9 Perform Bin Sectioning for Bin Type and HU Type.

Try to read the sentence which is framed in the above screen. You will come
to know How the HU Types are connected with Bin Types and Bin Sections.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Note. Bin Section is different from Section in Storage Type. Don’t get
confused here.

So far, we came to know that Bin gets divided into the sections as per the
HU it is going to accommodate in Pallet Storage Type.

Client: Manoj, I have one more requirement.

Manoj: Tell me my client.

Client: if the Big Bin is not occupied by the Bin Pallets. I want to use the
space in that Big Bin for storing 6 Small Pallets. Is it Possible with your

Manoj: Yes.

Client: How?

Manoj: just follow these steps.

1. Allow that Small HU Type into that Big Bin Type.

2. Define 6 Bin Sections against the Big Bin Type.

2. In “Perform Bin Sectioning for Bin Type and HU Type” Assign This Bin
Section against that Big Bin Type.

Then System automatically divides that Big Bin into 6 Bin Sections when it
is received that Small Pallets.

Let us have a look at the Clients Requirement.

This is how it looks when the Clients Pallet storage is empty.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Now let us have a look at The Same Storage Type when it is full.

From the above Picture it is clear that all the small bins can store up to 4
Small Pallets. And only Small Pallets are allowed in to the Small bins.
But when it comes to the Big Bins Big Bin can allow both small Pallets and
Big Pallets. But it allows to store only 2 Pallets when it receives the Big
Pallets and allows 6 Pallets when it receives the Small Pallets Based on the
Bin Sections, we have Defined Against the Bin Types in the above
Client: Do we have a reporting tool to know how many Bin sections are there
in Bins?

Manoj: Yes, we have a Centralized Reporting Tool in our SAP EWM.

By this tool you can see all the Bin Sections and how many HUs are stored
in that Bin Sections.

You can access that tool by the Transaction Code Called /SCWM/MON

/N/SCWM/MON This TCode is Centralised reporting tool in SAP EWM.

By this TCode you can monitor almost all the things which are related with

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

Let us have a look at those Bin Sections in the MON Reporting Tool.

I am thinking that I have given you here all that initial inputs that are
required to configure the Pallet Storage Type.

I know now you are thinking of remaining control Parameters in Storage


I know that I intentionally left presenting in this Documentation.

Just try to Explore them on your own man.

Client: Shall we have a cup of coffee?

Manoj: Yes.

A Documentation by Manojkumar Garige SAP EWM Functional Consultant

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