Wicked Ones 1.4 - Sheets - Wandering Ones Pact
Wicked Ones 1.4 - Sheets - Wandering Ones Pact
Wicked Ones 1.4 - Sheets - Wandering Ones Pact
Battle Meddling
Martial Abilities
Wander Mode - Pact Sheet Loyalty: You instill great respect in your minions. They have Agents of Chaos: You excel at placing blame on others
the mindset (loyal) upgrade. If you take harm that would leave or interfering with faction plans. On a success on blowback,
you bloodied, they will take the hit in your stead - bloodying your minions gain morale and you can finish or reset a faction
pact motivation or killing them. clock. How did you redirect the blame to cause this?
Mounts: You have mounts to carry you into battle, enough Cunning Plans: A well-laid out plan has contingencies.
challenge - exploration - respect - riches - thrills - vengeance for your entire group, including minions. You always manage You take +1d on engagement rolls for negotiation, stealth, or
to replace lost ones during long downtimes. Detail them and trickery plans. On a success during a flashback during such a
give them edges (choose two): aquatic - armored - enormous - plan, you gain a dark heart.
gathered loot fast - flying - magical - powerful - terrifying.
Oral Traditions: You commonly share the oral traditions
Strategic Plans: Proper strategy is the key to warfare. You of your people with each other and others you meet. Once
take +1d on engagement rolls for ambush, assault, or strike during a long downtime, the pact can establish a fact about
story arc raid plans. On a success, you gain a dark heart. the history, cultures, or arcana of the world. You can also
flashback to use this. What story was told to you and by whom?
Warrior Culture: When minions witness any pact
member die in glorious combat, they gain morale and lose Winged Scouts: You are accompanied by bats, ravens, or
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the bloodied condition if they have it. However, they are now other small winged beasts at your service. Each time you
compelled to finish what their allies started. choose a plan, the pact can establish a fact about the target
that your beasts saw from the sky. You can also flashback to
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use this again once during the plan.
story arc
Martial Abilities
Mysticism Utility
Martial Abilities
step 1 Boon: During a downtime, you can make a sacrifice to Geared Up: You gain a supply slot and have a steady
your deity, paying cost to gain a boon (choose one): take +1d supply of the following concoctions and gear: climbing gear
on a single roll with an item this cycle - take +1d on your next - glowsticks - smoke bombs - tar bombs - throwing weapons -
step 2 resistance roll - your next failure instead becomes a mixed. The thunderstones - traps.
sacrifice must be unique each time you ask for a boon.
Pathfinding: Your pact has a knack for traversing the land,
Intervention: Once per cycle, one member of the pact finding hidden trails, and knowing to avoid danger. You take
can beseech the pact’s deity to cast a tier 3 spell from their +1d on wander rolls.
domains. You roll the dungeon tier as an action roll with
no dice penalty and the GM determines who is open to any Teamwork: When you team up, you only take stress on
story arc consequences. a failure and 6s from different participants count towards
rolling a critical.
Farseeing: Once during a long downtime, the pact gains
glimpses of the activity of factions in the world. You can Vehicle: The pact has an incredible vehicle, such as a
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establish a fact about a faction or make a 3d roll to tick one of submarine, dirigible, or steamcar. Detail the vehicle and give
their clocks forward or backward. it edges (choose two): armored - camouflaged - dependable
- fast - nimble. Give it a flaw (choose one): clumsy - distinct -
step 2 Visions: You can establish a fact in the present about an noisy - rickety - slow. The pact always manages to fully repair
NPC’s next likely action, but you immediately take shock of the the vehicle each long downtime.
GM’s choice. A fortune roll determines how the NPC’s action
culmination plays out. What form does the vision take?
start play with one of the above pact abilities. every time a story arc culminates, choose another pact ability.
story arc clocks
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