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ISLA JHA Grouted Riprap

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Designate a trained PTW Coordinator.
Unfamiliar to permit system Potential injury and Property Damage
Familiarization of work site for permit application.
Injury due to non-compliance for
Incomplete Signatures Strict implementation and compliance on the requirements to the PTW procedure.
unauthorized work.
Property Damage / Physical injury due
Insufficient information stated in the Prior to fill out and application of work permit, construction team must endorse to the PTW
to lack of information on the activity to
permit. detailed activity ad specific location.
be done.
Work Permit from Client to be Obtained
Prior to start of the activity, safety task assignment is to be discussed by the supervisors to the
1 Workers not attending safety task
Injury / Death due to lack of awareness. workers capturing hazards accompanied by the activity.
Submit the PTW Two Day Before the Activity assignment
Ensure that all supervisors are noted on the activity by signing on the allocated signature box.

Injury / Death / Property Damage due

Strict compliance of PTW.
Miscommunication to failure to communicate the hazard of
Toolbox meeting to be discussed prior to each activity.
the activity.
Injury / Death / Property damage due
Undocumented materials / Equipment to poor quality or inappropriate type of Ensure that all materials to be used are approved by the client.
materials to be used.
Wrong Body posture Body pain Observe correct working position.
Ensure proper use of tools and equipment.
Only trained / authorized craft should do the job.
Wrong tools and equipment Injury / Damage to property.
Ensure that all tools and equipment are in good condition, inspected and properly tagged before
Rough surface, sharp edges. Injury, damage to property. Wear proper PPE (Gloves), Be aware of sharp edges.
2 Survey and Layout
Clear / clean the surface.
Slippery surface Trip, slip and fall
Observe good housekeeping.
Workers orientation on the work area.
Uneven surfaces. Minor – Major injury
Discuss the area with uneven surfaces.
Provide potable drinking water.
Extreme weather condition Weather related illnesses
Rest shelter facilities.
Wear reflective warning vests worn when exposed to vehicular traffic
Isolate equipment swing area
Struck By/ Against Heavy Equipment
Heavy Equipment Operation Make eye contact with operators before approaching equipment
resulting to Body Injury
Understand and review hand signals
Deploy signal man
Clear walkways work areas of equipment, tools, vegetation, excavated material and debris
Slips, Trips, Falls resultign to Body Injur Mark, identify, or barricade other obstructions
Obstruction Conduct regular housekeeping
Observe proper lifting techniques
Obey sensible lifting limits of 25kgs(men) and 15kgs(Women) maximum per person manual
Manual Lifting of Heavy Objects Back Injury lifting
Use mechanical lifting equipment (hand carts, trucks) to move large, awkward load.
Request assistance
Wear cut resistant work gloves when the possibility of lacerations or other injury
Site Clearance – Clearing and Grubbing
3 Sharp Objects Punctured wound and Lacerations Maintain all hand and powertools in good conditions
Keep guards in place during use.
Review injury potential and types of snakes with worker
Avoid insect nests areas, likely habitats of snakes outside work areas
Insect/Snake Poison, Insect/Animal Bite Emphasize The Buddy System where such injury potential exists
Use insect repellant, wear PPE to protect against sting/bite injuries
Site Clearance – Clearing and Grubbing

Wear eye, face, hand & hearing protection when operating power clearing equipment
Physical Injury Inspect equipment before use
Improper Operations of power clearing
Shut-off / idle power tools walking between work areas
Check cords.
Connect to panel board with proper grounding
Monitor Heat Stress
High/Low Ambient Temperature Heat Exhaustion & Dehydration Provide fluids to prevent worker's dehydration
Follow work/rest schedule
Observe correct working position.
Wrong body posture Body Pain Discuss ergonomic hazards on TSTI.
Discuss ergonomic awareness to all personnel involved.
Limited access Entrapment of worker during
Minimum of 2 access must be provided for every excavation
Obstruction on access emergency.
Provide competent / trained flagman/spotter for every heavy
equipment during travel and operation.
Injury / Damage to property
Human Machine interface Separate access for project personnel and heavy equipment.
due to struck by equipment
Provide traffic scheme for heavy equipment.
Provide barricade / signage around the area of activity.
Unauthorized operation of heavy
Injury / Damage to property Only operators with valid NC2 operator certificate must operate the heavy equipment.
Mechanical / Manual
4 Provision of as built plan as attachment to work permit.
Property Damage / Leak of harmful Perform test pits.
Unidentified underground utilities chemicals / Environmental Accomplish excavation checklist
contamination. Discuss hazards of excavation on TBM prior to start of the
Injury / death due to fall from heights
Absence / lack of hard barricade and equipment on the Provide hard barricade and signage on the excavation 2 feet from the excavation
Assess the soil classification prior to start of work.
Injury, Death due to soil collapse /
Unstable grounds. Daily inspection of excavation prior to start of the activity.
caving in,
Provide / perform shoring, benching as per assessment
Slip Trip, drowning. Health illness due Perform dewatering.
Rain water in excavation.
to biological hazards. Discuss hazard of flooding on TBM.
Eye injury due to foreign body during Use of Safety glass.
Flying debris
air blowing. Proper housekeeping to minimize flying debris during air blowing.
Post the photo of the authorized operator of the mechanical equipment.
Injury / property damage due to
Ensure that the equipment is in good condition prior to use, perform daily visual inspection and
Use of mechanical equipment unauthorized use of mechanical
validation of checklist.
Discuss hazard of equipment operation during TBM.
Check valves if it is in good condition prior to use of the equipment.
Injury due to accidental release of high
High pressure Ensure that the area is clear from personnel prior to air blowing activity on the area.
air pressure.
Use of PPE during air blowing activity.
5 Concrete preparation
Provide appropriate fire extinguisher on the equipment to be use.
Use of gasoline on mechanical Ensure that the equipment are visualy checked by the mechanic/operator prior to use and
Injury / property damage due to fire.
equipment (FIRE HAZARD) validation of checklist.
Only authorized operator will operate the mechanical equipment.
Use proper tools for refueling.
Refueling and maintenance of
Fire / environmental contamination Pouring will not be allowed when refueling.
mechanical equipment
Provide drip trays for the equipment.
Install machine guards to all rotating parts.
Rotating parts Laceration / avulsion
Discuss awareness on the hazards of rotating area
Provide designated walk path for workers.
Injury / Death due to equipment hitting
Human Machine interface Provide flagman / spotter for the equipment.
/ rolling over the project personnel.
Provide traffic scheme for the transit mixers.
Rotating parts of 1 bagger mixer. Injury due to absence of machine guards.Provide machine guards for all rotation parts of the equipment.
Unauthorized / incompetent operator Only competent / trained personnel must operate the equipment.
Injury / property damage.
6 Concrete Pouring of mechanical mixers. Use of proper PPE such as hand gloves, hardhat, safety glass.
Ensure that the mixer is good condition prior to use.
Flying concrete residue from the Injury of the eye, face, body parts due
Discuss hazard of using mixer during TBM.
concrete mixer to flying concrete residue.
Use of PPE during activity.
Allergic reaction upon inhalation of Use appropriate mask for the activity.
Cement dust
cement dust Discuss the hazard accompanied by cement dust during TBM.
Each employee should be provided training on the safe and proper use of
the most important, primary tool—their bodies (Strong, Alert, Focused,
Injuries from improper body mechanics, Energetic, i.e. SAFE training). Proper techniques of stretching, lifting,
bending, moving, rolling rocks, tool use, securing good footing, the
importance of good nutrition and hydration, etc., should be addressed.
Ergonomics Hazard
Employees will be given time on the job to stretch and warm-up before and
Improper warm up, incorrect or during physical activity for a period of time deemed appropriate by the crew
insufficient leader, or on-site supervisor.
stretching. Employees will be encouraged to switch hands often, and vary the types of
activities performed to limit exposure to repetitive motion injuries.

Handle/transport, shape rock, Communication methods or jargon should be discussed and agreed upon prior to moving
lay rock, crush rock. materials.
Miscommunication, while moving rock. Minor – Major injury
Transportation methodology should be discussed before attempting to move materials.
7 Instructions should come from one predesignated person while working in teams of two or more.
Installation of PVC Pipe for Weep Holes together Trail workers need to stay aware of their surroundings, the location of other
with the Laying of Boulders crewmembers and other trail users while moving materials.
Post lookouts or guards when loss of control is possible.
Loss of control of material, such as on
When moving rocks or applying leverage, workers need to position
steep slopes.
themselves in such a way to minimize their exposure.
Consider using chock stones to facilitate partial lifts.
Lack Of awareness Consider the use of a “belay” system to ensure safe materials movement.
Workers need to maintain constant awareness of their feet in relation to
Foot injuries.
objects being moved and avoid placing them under materials.
It is recommended that workers use either rock bars or hand lifting
techniques to minimize the potential for injuries to hands.
Finger and/or hand injuries.
If hands are absolutely necessary in the presence of rock bars, extreme
caution and 100% communication with other workers should follow
Sole boards to be correct length for soft ground.
Frames or standards falls
Bracing or team member used to support first frames or standards.
over striking person erecting
Base plates or screw jacks used under all frames and standards.
scaffold or other person
Unsupported frames or standards Foundation to be level or screw jacks to be used. Castor wheels
close to the work area.
being erected at ground level. locked and fitted correctly.
No climbing unbraced scaffold.
Climbing unbraced Scaffold tips over causing
2 persons used to assist in scaffold erection.
scaffold during erection. fall.
Foundation to be level or screw jacks to be used
Base frames or standards
Instability / collapse of Scaffold to be built square with plan bracing installed. Sufficient and
not adequately braced or
scaffold causing fall. correctly fixed diagonal bracing.
Strains, sprains or injuries
Manual handling. 2 persons used to pass materials to higher lifts.
such as back damage.
8 Erection of Scaffolding Platforms
Step backward off higher
Split (uneven) decks
deck causing fall from Working decks to be at same height.
Handrail positioned not below 900mm and above 1100mm the
Edge protection Fall from the edge of the
working platform on all sides.
incomplete. working platform.
Mid rail to be installed.
No climbing up or down the outside of the scaffold. Ladder access to
be installed. Ladder to be positioned internally for scaffold more than
3 meters in height and at the appropriate angle 1:4 i.e. for every 4
Inappropriate access to Fall whilst gaining access to
metres in height 1 metre out from the base. Ladder to be secured at
working deck. working platform.
the top and bottom. Ladder to project at least 1 metre above the
working platform. Ladder to access the working platform through a
trap door.
Proper wearing of face mask
Observe physical distancing.
9 Face to Face interaction COVID 19 virus. Chronic, acute illness Frequent hand hygiene.
Limitation of interaction if necessary.
Observed and follow Project COVID 19 protocols.

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