Abordaje Diagnostico
Abordaje Diagnostico
Abordaje Diagnostico
A Structured Approach
I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E to the Diagnosis of
Peripheral Nervous
System Disorders
By Zachary N. London, MD, FAAN
PURPOSE OF REVIEW:Neuroanatomic localization and pattern recognition can
be used to diagnose both focal lesions and generalized disorders of the
peripheral nervous system. This article describes the nature and pattern of
sensory and motor deficits associated with lesions of specific spinal nerve
roots, plexus, or peripheral nerves. It also describes the patterns of
sensory and motor deficits that suggest multifocal or generalized disorders
of the motor neurons, sensory neurons, and peripheral nerves.
RECENT FINDINGS: The pattern of sensory and motor deficits may be used to
distinguish lesions of the peripheral nervous system from those of the
central nervous system. The spinal roots, nerve plexus, and peripheral
CONTINUUM (MINNEAP MINN) nerves supply specific muscles and receive sensory input from distinctive
2020;26(5, PERIPHERAL NERVE AND cutaneous regions. Focal lesions of these structures therefore produce
1130–1160. characteristic patterns of sensory and motor deficits. Multifocal or
generalized disorders of the peripheral nervous system may be
Address correspondence to distinguished by categorizing their sensory and motor involvement,
Dr Zachary N. London, 1324
Taubman Center, 1500 E Medical
proximal and distal predominance, and degree of symmetry. Serum tests,
Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, CSF analysis, electrodiagnostic studies, MRI, ultrasound, nerve biopsy, and
[email protected]. skin biopsy have unique roles in the diagnosis of suspected neuromuscular
Dr London has received personal
compensation for speaking SUMMARY: A structured approach to the diagnosis of nerve and motor
engagements from
the American Academy of neuron disorders can lead to hypothesis-driven diagnostic testing.
Neurology, the American Ancillary tests should be reserved for cases in which confirming or refuting
Association of Neuromuscular
a diagnosis will change patient management.
& Electrodiagnostic Medicine,
the American Clinical
Neurophysiology Society, the
University of Pennsylvania, and
the University of Rochester.
UNLABELED USE OF he peripheral nervous system consists of the motor, sensory, and
autonomic neural elements that have extensions outside of the brain
Dr London reports no disclosure. and spinal cord. Motor neurons are located in the anterior gray matter
of the spinal cord and are often referred to as anterior horn cells. Their
© 2020 American Academy
axons traverse the nerve roots into the peripheral nerves and
of Neurology. communicate with the muscle at the neuromuscular junction. Sensory neurons
Often, the answers to these questions will narrow the differential diagnosis
enough so that the judicious use of ancillary testing can verify a specific
u Lesions in the brain and brainstem rarely cause pain. A notable exception is central
poststroke pain. This is a rare late effect of ischemic stroke, usually in the thalamus, and is
characterized by contralateral hyperalgesia and allodynia. The presence of pain with
neuropathic features (eg, burning, tingling, electric shock–like sensation) in the affected
limb(s) should prompt the examiner to consider a peripheral etiology.
u Hyporeflexia in a symptomatic limb suggests a peripheral lesion, whereas brisk reflexes in
a symptomatic limb suggest a central lesion.
u If all the signs and symptoms are in a single limb, both central and peripheral
localizations are possible. Hemibody symptoms suggest a central localization; no single
lesion in the peripheral nervous system can cause isolated symptoms affecting an
arm and leg on the same side of the body.
u If a patient has deficits in both strength and pain/temperature sensation in the same limb
and no other abnormalities, the lesion is either in the brain or the peripheral nervous
system, not in the spinal cord.
u Patients with ascending sensory loss in both lower extremities may have either a spinal
cord lesion or a polyneuropathy. Peripheral polyneuropathy causes length-dependent
symptoms and signs, so by the time the sensory loss spreads up above the knee, the
distal upper extremities are usually involved as well. Sensory loss that spreads up
from the feet to the groin or trunk without any upper extremity involvement is almost
always related to spinal cord pathology.
The brachial and lumbosacral plexus are anatomically protected compared
to the spinal nerve roots but may be susceptible to trauma, structural
abnormalities, neoplastic infiltration, or inflammatory processes (TABLE 1-4
and TABLE 1-5).
Neuralgic amyotrophy (also known as idiopathic brachial plexitis or
Parsonage-Turner syndrome) is an uncommon disorder characterized by
subacute onset of pain, weakness, and sensory loss. Although it is usually referred
to as a plexopathy, neuralgic amyotrophy may present with multiple disparate
mononeuropathies in the same limb rather than dysfunction of a focal region of
the brachial plexus.3
Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome is a controversial and likely
overdiagnosed condition in which the lower trunk or C8 and T1 nerve roots are
injured or compressed by certain anatomic defects, such as an extra rib. It
presents with aching pain along the medial aspect of the upper extremity and
weakness of the intrinsic hand muscles.4
In patients with breast or lung cancer, the mechanisms of brachial plexopathy
include trauma during surgery, metastatic spread of tumor (which most
TABLE 1-2 Sensory, Motor, and Reflex Distributions of the Upper Extremity Rootsa
Modified with permission from London ZN.1 © 2019 American Academy of Neurology.
Muscle may be more prominently involved.
Most mononeuropathies occur at specific entrapment sites, regions where
specific nerves are relatively unprotected or susceptible to stretch or
compression due to day-to-day use or repetitive trauma. The most common
entrapment sites are the median nerve at the carpal tunnel, the ulnar nerve at
the elbow, the radial nerve at the spiral groove, and the fibular (peroneal)
nerve at the fibular head (TABLE 1-6 and TABLE 1-7).6 Most of these cause both
sensory and motor manifestations. Other causes of focal nerve injury include
acute trauma, ischemia, compression or invasion by tumor, infection, irradiation,
or injury due to cold.
Sensory, Motor, and Reflex Distributions of the Lower Extremity Rootsa TABLE 1-3
Modified with permission from London ZN.1 © 2019 American Academy of Neurology.
Muscle may be more prominently involved.
TABLE 1-4 Sensory, Motor, and Reflex Distributions of the Upper Extremity Plexusa
Structure Principal Muscles Involved Sensory Distribution Reflexes
Structure Principal Muscles Involved Sensory Distribution Reflexes
Lateral Bicepsb Lateral forearm, palmar hand Biceps
cord b and first three digits
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialisb
Flexor digitorumb
Flexor pollicis longusb
Modified with permission from London ZN.1 © 2019 American Academy of Neurology.
Muscle may be more prominently involved.
Proximal Asymmetric
Proximal asymmetric weakness and sensory loss are usually due to a
polyradiculopathy, polyradiculoneuropathy, or radiculoplexopathy. This pattern
is particularly suggestive of diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy, also
known as diabetic amyotrophy, which presents with subacute progressive
asymmetric pain and weakness, most prominently affecting the proximal lower
extremity muscles. Most patients have superimposed weight loss and autonomic
dysfunction. The severity of the symptoms does not correlate with the severity of
the diabetes, and, in fact, glycemic dysregulation may be mild at the time of
diagnosis.8 For more information on diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus
neuropathy, refer to the article “Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders and the
Peripheral Nervous System” by Christopher H. Gibbons, MD, MMSc, FAAN,9 in
this issue of Continuum. Other causes of proximal asymmetric sensorimotor
symptoms include meningeal disorders, such as carcinoma, lymphoma,
sarcoidosis, or infections, which may infiltrate multiple nerves, roots, and
regions of the plexus.
TABLE 1-5 Sensory, Motor, and Reflex Distributions of the Lower Extremity Plexusa
Modified with permission from London ZN.1 © 2019 American Academy of Neurology.
Distal Symmetric
Distal symmetric involvement is consistent with a length-dependent
polyneuropathy. The differential diagnosis is based on the relative sensory and
motor involvement.
TABLE 1-6 Sensory, Motor, and Reflex Distributions of the Upper Extremity Nervesa
Superficial sensory nerve at None Dorsal hand and first three digits None
the wrist
At the spiral groove Brachioradialisb Dorsal hand and first three digits Brachioradialis
Extensor carpi radialis
Extensor digitorumb
Extensor indicisb
At the axilla Tricepsb Dorsal aspect of upper arm, forearm, lateral Brachioradialis,
b hand, and the first three digits triceps
Extensor carpi radialisb
Extensor digitorumb
Extensor indicisb
At the carpal tunnel Abductor pollicis Palmar first through third digits None
At the elbow Pronator teresb Palmar hand and first through third digits None
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexor pollicis longusb
Flexor digitorum
profundus 1–2b
Abductor pollicis
At the wrist Interosseib Palmar aspect of fourth and fifth digits None
At the elbow Flexor digitorum Medial hand, fourth and fifth digits None
profundus 4–5b
Modified with permission from London ZN.1 © 2019 American Academy of Neurology.
Muscle may be more prominently involved.
TABLE 1-7 Sensory, Motor, and Reflex Distributions of the Lower Extremity Nervesa
Above inguinal ligament Iliopsoas Medial thigh and lower leg Patellar
Below inguinal ligament Quadriceps Medial thigh and lower leg Patellar
Fibular (peroneal)
Superficial Peroneus longus Lateral lower leg, dorsal aspect of foot None
Common Tibialis anterior Lateral lower leg, dorsal aspect of foot None
Extensor digitorum
Peroneus longus
Modified with permission from London ZN.1 © 2019 American Academy of Neurology.
● Mononeuritis multiplex is
usually an axonal process,
but multifocal acquired
demyelinating sensory and
motor neuropathy and
hereditary neuropathy with
liability to pressure palsies
are multifocal demyelinating
● Distal symmetric
polyneuropathy usually
begins to involve the distal
upper extremities around
the time that the lower
extremity sensory
symptoms progress to the
level of the knees.
CASE 1-1 A 37-year-old woman with 6 months of fatigue, arthralgia, and chronic
cough presented to clinic 1 month after the sudden onset of right
footdrop and severe pain in her lower leg and foot. She had no history of
trauma to the leg or back.
On examination, she had severe weakness of right ankle dorsiflexion
but normal eversion and inversion strength. Sensation was diminished in a
patchy distribution in her feet, most prominently in a nummular area on
the dorsum of her right foot between the first and second toe. Nerve
conduction studies showed asymmetric sural sensory nerve action
amplitudes, lower on the left. The right fibular (peroneal) compound
muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude was very low, without any
conduction slowing across the knee. Needle EMG showed active
denervation in the right tibialis anterior but was otherwise normal. Left
sural nerve biopsy showed endoneurial vessels with evidence of vessel
wall infarction and transmural infiltration by inflammatory cells.
COMMENT This patient had vasculitic mononeuritis multiplex. The initial clinical picture
was consistent with a focal mononeuropathy of the left deep fibular
(peroneal) nerve, which is not a common entrapment mononeuropathy.
The sudden onset, severe pain, bilateral sensory signs, and abnormal sural
nerve conduction studies further raised suspicion that this was the initial
presentation of mononeuritis multiplex, and the nerve biopsy confirmed
evidence of vasculitis. Additional serologic testing may have helped
determine if the patient’s weight loss, arthralgia, and cough were
manifestations of a systemic vasculitis, such as granulomatosis with
Neuromuscular junction
Motor neuron
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Limb or bulbar onset Upper motor neuron signs,
pseudobulbar affect, weight loss,
frontotemporal dysfunction
Spinal muscular atrophy Limb, bulbar and respiratory Autosomal recessive inheritance
pattern, infant or childhood onset
Spinal bulbar muscular Bulbar and proximal Face and tongue fasciculations,
atrophy (Kennedy gynecomastia, X-linked recessive
disease) inheritance pattern
Hirayama disease Unilateral or bilateral hand and forearm Young men, progresses for years then
stabilizes, minipolymyoclonus, cold
Multifocal motor neuropathy Distal upper extremity, weakness in the Weakness more than atrophy early in
distribution of individual nerves; no the course
bulbar or respiratory involvement
Pure motor chronic inflammatory Symmetric proximal and distal Reduced or absent reflexes
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy weakness; no bulbar or respiratory
(CIDP) involvement
COMMENT This case highlights many of the classic features of multifocal motor
neuropathy (MMN), and how it can be differentiated from amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS). The patient presented with slowly progressive focal
asymmetric arm weakness without sensory symptoms. The weakness was
in the distribution of named nerves (left median and right radial) but with
variable weakness of different finger extensors, suggesting differential
fascicular involvement. A motor neuron disease such as ALS would more
typically present with a myotomal pattern of weakness. MMN does not
affect bulbar and facial muscles, whereas ALS eventually does. Patients
with ALS usually have significant atrophy and fibrillations in the clinically
affected muscles; the relative absence of these features suggests that
some of his weakness was caused by demyelination rather than axonal
loss. GM1 ganglioside antibodies are not sensitive, and a positive test is not
necessary to make the diagnosis of MMN in the correct clinical and
electrodiagnostic setting.
Distal Asymmetric
Distal asymmetric weakness should raise concern for ALS, particularly if reflexes
are preserved or brisk. Several other disorders cause distal asymmetric weakness
and should be excluded.
Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is an acquired disorder of the motor
nerves presenting with progressive asymmetric limb weakness and characterized
by multifocal conduction block on nerve conduction studies. The underlying
mechanism is an immune attack at the nodes of Ranvier. It can easily be mistaken
for ALS, but it is important to distinguish between the two conditions because
MMN is a treatable and nonlethal condition. In MMN, the lesions are at the
level of the peripheral nerve rather than the cell body in the anterior horn cell,
so weakness and atrophy are more likely to follow a pattern of multiple
mononeuropathies rather than a myotomal pattern as would be seen in ALS.
For example, a patient with ALS who has interosseous weakness will likely also
have ipsilateral weakness of thumb abduction because both are derived
from the C8 and T1 nerve roots and have motor neurons in the same level of the
spinal cord. Patients with MMN often have differential weakness of muscles that
share a myotome but are supplied by different nerves or even different nerve
fascicles (CASE 1-2). Because MMN causes conduction failure at the nodes of
Ranvier, it may cause weakness out of proportion to atrophy, especially early in
the course of the disease.34 Typically, patients with MMN will have diminished
deep tendon reflexes in affected muscles and should not have bulbar or
respiratory involvement. For more information on MMN, refer to the article
“Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy and Its
Variants” by Kelly Gwathmey, MD,12 in this issue of Continuum.
Hirayama disease, or monomelic amyotrophy, is not a neurodegenerative
disease of the motor neurons but an unusual form of cervical myelopathy that has
a predilection for the motor neurons. Patients are often young men of Asian
descent. Forward displacement of the posterior cervical dural sac with neck
flexion causes cord compression or venous congestion that preferentially
damages the C7, C8, and T1 anterior horn cells on one or both sides (CASE 1-3).
Patients usually present with progressive painless weakness in the hand and
forearm, with sparing of the brachioradialis. Distinctive clinical manifestations
include cold paresis and an irregular tremor (minipolymyoclonus) with finger
extension. Weakness is progressive at first, but the disease plateaus within 5 years
and does not spread to other body segments.35
CASE 1-3 A 19-year-old man presented for evaluation of weakness in his right hand
that had slowly progressed over the previous 2 years. He was a casual
bodybuilder and had been able to maintain excellent muscle bulk
everywhere in his body other than the right forearm and hand. Recently,
he had noticed fasciculations in some of the intrinsic hand muscles. He
did not report any sensory loss or pain, other than a propensity for the
hand to cramp at night.
On examination, he had mild atrophy of the right hand and weakness of
all intrinsic hand muscles on the right, including the interossei and thumb
abductors. Electrodiagnostic testing showed low-amplitude median and
ulnar compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs). On needle EMG,
evidence of active denervation in the right abductor pollicis brevis, flexor
pollicis longus, first dorsal interosseus, and extensor indicis was seen.
MRI of the cervical spine showed focal atrophy of the cord from C5
through C7 vertebral levels. Dynamic MRI with the neck in flexion showed
the posterior dura with anterior displacement and compression of the
cord. The flow voids in the posterior epidural space during neck flexion
were exaggerated, and a crescent-shaped enhancing epidural space
extending from C4 to T2 was seen.
COMMENT Slowly progressive hand weakness in one limb could, in theory, be caused
by a single lesion of the C8 nerve root or lower trunk of the brachial plexus.
However, the lack of pain or sensory loss would be unusual and should
raise suspicion for focal injury to the lower cervical motor neurons. The
dynamic MRI findings described in this case are classic findings in Hirayama
disease, a rare juvenile-onset myelopathy with a predilection for the lower
cervical anterior horn cells. Although it is often known as monomelic
amyotrophy, a significant minority of patients eventually develop
symptoms in the contralateral arm.
Distal Symmetric
As discussed above, distal symmetric polyneuropathy is often sensory predominant
with no motor involvement until later in the course of the illness. Small fiber
polyneuropathy is a subset of distal symmetric polyneuropathy in which only the
small unmyelinated nerve fibers are impaired. These fibers carry pain and
temperature sensation as well as the autonomic fibers destined for the sweat glands
and viscera, so, by definition, patients have no somatic motor involvement. The
most distal nerves tend to be affected most, so symptoms usually begin in the toes or
balls of the feet and gradually spread proximally up the legs and eventually into the
hands. Patients may report a general sense of numbness in these areas or specifically
note an inability to distinguish temperatures or recognize painful stimuli. Painless
injuries may occur. Most patients report paresthesia and neuropathic pain. On
examination, patients will have decreased pain and thermal sensation, with
preserved position sense. Strength and deep tendon reflexes are generally spared.
Autonomic nerve dysfunction may cause decreased sweating in the affected areas.
Loss of autonomic vasomotor control may result in skin color changes, leaving the
Blood tests, CSF analysis, electrodiagnostic studies, imaging, and tissue biopsy
all serve a situational role in the workup for sensory and motor symptoms.
The history and physical examination are paramount in the diagnosis of
neuromuscular disorders and inform the yield of specific diagnostic tests.
Blood Testing
The purpose of blood testing is to identify evidence of a systemic disorder
that may cause or put the patient at risk for a neuromuscular syndrome.
Mononeuropathy and radiculopathy are usually caused by local trauma;
therefore, blood testing is generally not indicated.
Distal symmetric polyneuropathy, on the other hand, is presumed to be the result
of a systemic process, although it is not always possible to identify the culprit.
Dozens of tests could, in theory, suggest an underlying cause, but only a select few
have a high enough yield to merit testing in all patients with a distal symmetric
polyneuropathy phenotype.40 The most useful test is a measure of serum glucose.
This may include a hemoglobin A1c, fasting glucose, or 2-hour oral glucose tolerance
test. It is controversial whether hemoglobin A1c values in the range suggestive of
prediabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and impaired glucose tolerance should be
considered abnormal in the workup of neuropathy.41 Patients with distal symmetric
polyneuropathy have a very high risk of having metabolic syndrome, so a fasting
cholesterol panel and serum triglycerides should also be checked. Serum protein
electrophoresis and serum immunofixation should be obtained to screen for
paraproteinemia, also known as monoclonal gammopathy. The immunofixation is
important because it may help identify low-level paraproteins that may be
overlooked on serum protein electrophoresis alone. The level of the paraprotein
correlates with risk of malignancy, but even low-level paraproteinemia may be
associated with neuropathy. A serum vitamin B12 level should be obtained; if the
value is borderline (above the lower limit of normal but lower than 500 pg/mL), a
serum methylmalonic acid level should be checked as well. Elevated levels may
suggest a functional vitamin B12 deficiency, even when the vitamin B12 level is
borderline. Up to 50% or more of patients with distal symmetric polyneuropathy
have prediabetes or diabetes, and even more have metabolic syndrome.42 The
serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation are abnormal in 9%, and
vitamin B12 is abnormal in 3.6%.40 Little evidence is available to support the
Electrodiagnostic Testing
Electrodiagnostic testing is used to identify a wide range of neuromuscular
disorders. A complete electrodiagnostic evaluation includes two complementary
tests, nerve conduction studies and needle EMG. Nerve conduction studies are
most commonly performed by placing surface electrodes approximating the
location of the nerves beneath the skin. The nerve is stimulated in one location,
and a recording electrode detects a remote response over the surface of the nerve
or an associated muscle. Needle EMG involves inserting a thin needle into
skeletal muscles and recording the electrical activity within the muscle.
Using a combination of these techniques, the electrodiagnostic consultant can
identify and localize neuromuscular lesions to any level of the peripheral nervous
system, including the motor neuron, spinal root, plexus, sensory and motor
peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction, and the muscle itself.
Electrodiagnostic studies can provide information about whether a process is
focal or generalized, whether a neuropathy is primarily axonal or demyelinating,
and whether nerve dysfunction is subacute or chronic.
Practically speaking, electrodiagnostic testing is more useful for some
diagnoses than others. It should be considered foundational for the diagnosis of
mononeuropathies, mononeuritis multiplex, demyelinating neuropathies,
sensory neuronopathy, plexopathies, disorders of neuromuscular junction
transmission, and motor neuron disorders.
Electrodiagnostic testing has some value in the diagnosis of radiculopathy. It
can determine the function of nerve roots and the chronicity of lesions and rule
MRI of the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine is the preferred imaging modality for
visualizing the soft tissues and bony structures that comprise the neuraxis. It can
identify the most common space-occupying lesions that compress the exiting
nerve roots and abnormalities within the roots themselves. MRI may also show
hypertrophic or enhancing nerve roots in patients with demyelinating
polyradiculoneuropathies such as AIDP, CIDP, and CISP. Dynamic MRI of the
cervical spine can be diagnostic of Hirayama disease. The major limitation of
MRI of the spine is that potentially pathogenic changes, such as intervertebral
disk bulges and neuroforaminal stenosis, are found in a high proportion of
asymptomatic individuals.
Focused MRI of the brachial or lumbosacral plexus may have a role in
identifying neoplastic or infectious infiltration or structural lesions such as
neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome. The clinical utility of MRI in the diagnosis
of motor neuron disease is unclear. Hyperintense signal along the corticospinal
tracts has been noted in patients with upper motor neuron–predominant
Ultrasound is not a new technology, but its role in the diagnosis of
neuromuscular disorders has been expanding with the application of high-
frequency transducers and improved image processing. Ultrasound imaging
enables real-time morphologic evaluation of nerves and muscles. In the correct
clinical context, the finding of an enlarged cross-sectional nerve diameter is
sensitive, but not specific, for the nerve swelling associated with compression
mononeuropathy.55 Other sonographic features can be used to identify traumatic
peripheral nerve injury and demyelinating neuropathies.56 Ultrasound has been
used as an adjunct to EMG to identify fasciculations, decreased muscle thickness,
and increased muscle echo intensity and echo variance in patients with motor
neuron disease.57 Ultrasound is painless and thus is better tolerated than EMG.
Ultrasound is operator dependent and is limited by inadequate penetration,
which is problematic with patients who are obese or when assessing deeper
Tissue Biopsy
In the correct clinical context, a nerve or skin biopsy may aid in the diagnosis of
dramatic dysautonomia. Although nerve and skin biopsy with Congo red staining
may demonstrate amyloid deposits, these deposits can be found in bone marrow,
salivary gland, or subcutaneous fat in 85% of affected patients.60
Focal lesions of the peripheral nervous system cause deficits that may be unique
to the involved neuroanatomic structure. Multifocal or generalized peripheral
nervous system disorders can be identified by the characteristic patterns of
sensory and motor involvement. Clinicians should use the history and physical
examination to inform the judicious use of diagnostic testing. Electrodiagnostic
studies, CSF analysis, and tissue biopsy are particularly useful in many clinical
settings but may be overused in other settings. The focus of testing should be to
confirm or refute suspected diagnoses when doing so is likely to impact patient
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