Wre Syllabus

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Jarva h a rn ag ar, Kl-r a n a pa ra, Gu wa ha ti-7 ALA22.

(Bachelor Degree Standard)

Recruitment to the post of Assistant Engineer (Civil) under Water Resources


(Advt. No..221202? dated 2"d December.2022)


Civil Ensineerins
(Multiple Choice Question Type)

Full Marlrs; 100 Marks Time: 2-00 hours

1. Structural Engineering
(i) Engineering Mechanics: Simple stress and strain; analysis of plane stress and
plane strain; Mohr's circle of stress and strain; bending moment and shear
force; simple bending theory; flexural and shear stresses; columns and struts;
uniform torsion.
(ii) Structural Analysis: Determinate and indeterminate structures; analysis of
beams, trusses, arches, cables and frames; deflection in beams; moment
distribution method slope deflection method; conjugate beam method; rolling
loads and influence lines.
(iii) Construction Materials, Practices and Management: Building materials- stone,
sand, timber, bricks, cement, structural steel, paints; concrete, technology-
cement its properties, classification and specification, provisions in I.S. code,
properties ofcoarse and fine aggregates, production offresh concrete, concrete
mix design; detailing of walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, doors and windows, stair
cases; construction management; types of construction projects; rate analysis
and standard specifications; cost estimation; project planning and network
analysis- PERT and CPM.
(iv) Design of Concrete Structure: Working stress, lirnit state and ultimate load
design concepts; design of simple and continuous beams, slabs, colurnns,
footings; principles of prestressed concrete design, materials, methods of
prestressing, losses in prestressing, anchorages.

7 Engineering Surveying
Classif-icatiou ol'surveys: principles of surveying; scales; et'rols and theil adjustrnent;
distance and augle measllrer-nent; levelling and trigonometric levelling traversing and
triangulation survey; total station.
3. Water Resources Engineering
(i) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering: Fluid properties and definitions;
fluid statics- hydrostatic pressure, measurement of pressure, pressure on
submerged surfaces, buoyancy; fluid kinematics; continuity rnornentum and
energy equations applicable to fluid flow; viscous flow; flow in pipes; pipe
networks; concept o1'boundary layer and its growth; dimensional analysis and
hydraulic similitude; open channel flow- uniform flow, energy-depth
relationships, specific energy, critical flow, gradually varied flow, hydraulic
jurnp; basics of liydraulic machines- pulxps and turbines.
(ii) Hydrology and Flood Management: Hydrology cycle; precipitation;
evaporation; evapotranspiration; infiltration; watershed; Runoff components;
hydrograph and its components; unit hydrograph; stream-flow measurement;
occurrence of ground water; soil-water relationship; aquifers; application of
Darcy's law; yield from wells for confined and unconfined aquifers; flood
estimation- rational, empirical and unit hydrograph methods, design flood;
Flood routing- definition, reservoir routing and channel routing; flood damage
mitigation and river training works; dams and embankments- elements of
gravity, arch and earth dams.
(iii) Irrigation Engineering: Crop water requirements; duty; delta; estimation of
evapo-transpiration; types of inigation systems and inigation methods; design
of lined and unlined canals; heads works; design of weirs on permeable
foundation; water logging and drainage; canal regulatory works- cross-
drainage structures, outlets and escapes.
4. Environmental Engineerin g
(i) Water Supply Engineering: Water uses; quantity requirements; sources of
water-surface and subsurface sources and their characteristics; water quality;
drinking water standards; treatment of water- sequence of treatments, aeration,
sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation, filtration, disinfection, hardness
and chemical softening, base exchange process; principles and methods of
design of distribution systems.
(ii) Waste Water Engineering: Quantity of sanitary sewage; sewerage systems and
their design principles; sewer construction materials; sewer appurtenances;
characteristics of domestic sewage; waste water treatment-methods and their
sequence, preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment;
waste water disposal.
(iii) Introduction to air pollution, noise pollution and solid waste.

q Transportntion Iln gineerin g

Highway alignmenl and engineering surveys; geometric design of highways- cross-
sectional e1emen1s, gradients, super-elevation. camber, sight dislances, horizontal and
vertical curves, transition curves, grade separations; highway materials- desirable
properties and quality control tests; pavement design-types o1' pavement, design
factors for flexible and rigid pavements, Indian Road Congress method of design;
traffic engineering- traflc volume studies and characteristics, speed and delay studies,
origin-destination studies, parking studies, traffic accident studies, traffic capacity,
traffic signs and markings, traffic signals and its classification, traffic channelization-
islands and its design, road intersections, traffic rotary and its design.
6. Geotechnical Engineering
(i) Soil Mechanics: Origin of soils; soil structure and fabric; three-phase system
and phase relationships; index properties; identification and classification of
soils; permeability- one dimensional flow, Darcy's law; seepage through soils-
two - dimensional flow, flownet- its construction and uses; seepage through
homogeneous eafih dam with and without filters; compaction in laboratory
and field conditions; one-dimensional consolidation; time rate of
consolidation; shear strength of soils; stress at a point; Mohr's stress circle;
soil stabilization.
(ii) Foundation Engineering: Types of foundation, selection criteria; eafth pressure
theories- Rankine and Coulomb; stress distribution in soils- Boussinesq's and
Westergaard's theories; shallow foundations- Terzaghi's and Meyerhoffs
bearing capacity theories, effect of water table, combined footing and raft
foundation, contact pressure, settlement of foundation in sand and clay; deep
foundations- types of piles, dynamic and static formulae, load capacity of piles
in sands and clays, pile load test, negative skin friction.

Controller of Examinations
Assam Public Service Commission,
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwah ati-22

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