Wre Syllabus
Wre Syllabus
Wre Syllabus
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Jarva h a rn ag ar, Kl-r a n a pa ra, Gu wa ha ti-7 ALA22.
(Bachelor Degree Standard)
Civil Ensineerins
(Multiple Choice Question Type)
1. Structural Engineering
(i) Engineering Mechanics: Simple stress and strain; analysis of plane stress and
plane strain; Mohr's circle of stress and strain; bending moment and shear
force; simple bending theory; flexural and shear stresses; columns and struts;
uniform torsion.
(ii) Structural Analysis: Determinate and indeterminate structures; analysis of
beams, trusses, arches, cables and frames; deflection in beams; moment
distribution method slope deflection method; conjugate beam method; rolling
loads and influence lines.
(iii) Construction Materials, Practices and Management: Building materials- stone,
sand, timber, bricks, cement, structural steel, paints; concrete, technology-
cement its properties, classification and specification, provisions in I.S. code,
properties ofcoarse and fine aggregates, production offresh concrete, concrete
mix design; detailing of walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, doors and windows, stair
cases; construction management; types of construction projects; rate analysis
and standard specifications; cost estimation; project planning and network
analysis- PERT and CPM.
(iv) Design of Concrete Structure: Working stress, lirnit state and ultimate load
design concepts; design of simple and continuous beams, slabs, colurnns,
footings; principles of prestressed concrete design, materials, methods of
prestressing, losses in prestressing, anchorages.
7 Engineering Surveying
Classif-icatiou ol'surveys: principles of surveying; scales; et'rols and theil adjustrnent;
distance and augle measllrer-nent; levelling and trigonometric levelling traversing and
triangulation survey; total station.
3. Water Resources Engineering
(i) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering: Fluid properties and definitions;
fluid statics- hydrostatic pressure, measurement of pressure, pressure on
submerged surfaces, buoyancy; fluid kinematics; continuity rnornentum and
energy equations applicable to fluid flow; viscous flow; flow in pipes; pipe
networks; concept o1'boundary layer and its growth; dimensional analysis and
hydraulic similitude; open channel flow- uniform flow, energy-depth
relationships, specific energy, critical flow, gradually varied flow, hydraulic
jurnp; basics of liydraulic machines- pulxps and turbines.
(ii) Hydrology and Flood Management: Hydrology cycle; precipitation;
evaporation; evapotranspiration; infiltration; watershed; Runoff components;
hydrograph and its components; unit hydrograph; stream-flow measurement;
occurrence of ground water; soil-water relationship; aquifers; application of
Darcy's law; yield from wells for confined and unconfined aquifers; flood
estimation- rational, empirical and unit hydrograph methods, design flood;
Flood routing- definition, reservoir routing and channel routing; flood damage
mitigation and river training works; dams and embankments- elements of
gravity, arch and earth dams.
(iii) Irrigation Engineering: Crop water requirements; duty; delta; estimation of
evapo-transpiration; types of inigation systems and inigation methods; design
of lined and unlined canals; heads works; design of weirs on permeable
foundation; water logging and drainage; canal regulatory works- cross-
drainage structures, outlets and escapes.
4. Environmental Engineerin g
(i) Water Supply Engineering: Water uses; quantity requirements; sources of
water-surface and subsurface sources and their characteristics; water quality;
drinking water standards; treatment of water- sequence of treatments, aeration,
sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation, filtration, disinfection, hardness
and chemical softening, base exchange process; principles and methods of
design of distribution systems.
(ii) Waste Water Engineering: Quantity of sanitary sewage; sewerage systems and
their design principles; sewer construction materials; sewer appurtenances;
characteristics of domestic sewage; waste water treatment-methods and their
sequence, preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment;
waste water disposal.
(iii) Introduction to air pollution, noise pollution and solid waste.
Controller of Examinations
Assam Public Service Commission,
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwah ati-22
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