Mbio 03621-21
Mbio 03621-21
Mbio 03621-21
B acteria have the remarkable ability to rapidly detect and adapt to environmental
fluctuations. Often, bacteria employ transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulatory
mechanisms to tune gene expression patterns that enhance survival under various conditions
Received 3 December 2021
Accepted 11 December 2021
Published 18 January 2022
(1, 2). Such combined regulatory mechanisms are used in a process called quorum sensing
January/February 2022 Volume 13 Issue 1 e03621-21 mbio.asm.org 1
Eickhoff et al.
(QS) to monitor and react to changes in the cell density and the species composition of
the vicinal community. QS involves the production, release, accumulation, and group-wide
detection of signaling molecules called autoinducers (AIs). QS fosters the synchronous exe-
cution of collective behaviors, typically ones that are unproductive for an individual bacte-
rium to carry out alone but that become effective when enacted by the group, e.g., biolu-
minescence, virulence factor production, and biofilm formation (3, 4).
Vibrio harveyi, the focus of the current work, is a model QS bacterium that uses three AIs
that act in parallel to control bioluminescence, type III secretion, siderophore production, and
hundreds of other traits (5–8). Each AI is detected by a cognate membrane-bound receptor.
At low cell density (LCD), AI concentrations are low, and the three unliganded QS receptors
act as kinases that drive the phosphorylation of the response regulator LuxO. Phosphorylated
LuxO (LuxO-P) activates the transcription of genes encoding five small regulatory RNAs
(sRNAs) called the Qrr sRNAs that function posttranscriptionally to activate and repress the
translation of the master QS regulators AphA and LuxR, respectively (9–12). Thus, at LCD,
AphA is made, and LuxR is not. AphA is responsible for executing the LCD QS program (see
Fig. S1A in the supplemental material). At LCD, the Qrr sRNAs also directly control 16 other tar-
get mRNAs, and they operate as feedback regulators within the QS signaling pathway (13–15).
At high cell density (HCD), accumulated AIs bind to their cognate QS receptors. In the liganded
state, the QS receptors act as phosphatases, and phosphate is stripped from LuxO, which inac-
tivates it (16, 17). Thus, at HCD, Qrr sRNA production terminates, AphA is not made, and, in
contrast, LuxR is produced (8, 10, 12). LuxR drives the HCD QS regulon (Fig. S1B).
The five V. harveyi Qrr sRNAs (Qrr1–5) possess high sequence identity, and Qrr2–5
regulate an identical set of mRNA targets (10, 13). Qrr1 is the outlier. Because it lacks 9 nucle-
otides that are present in Qrr2–5, Qrr1 fails to regulate aphA and two additional mRNA tar-
gets that are controlled by Qrr2–5 (10, 11, 13). The genes encoding the Qrr sRNAs differ in
their LCD expression levels: qrr4 is the most highly transcribed of the set, whereas only low-
level transcription of qrr1 and qrr5 occurs (10). Recently, we discovered that a transcription
factor called LuxT represses the expression of qrr1. LuxT does not regulate qrr2–5. Thus, the
exclusive involvement of LuxT in qrr1 regulation provides a mechanism enabling Qrr1 to
uniquely control downstream targets (18). Indeed, via the repression of qrr1, LuxT indirectly
controls the translation of Qrr1 target mRNAs, including those encoding a secreted protease,
an aerolysin toxin, a chitin deacetylase, and a component involved in capsule polysaccharide
secretion. LuxT also activates the transcription of this same set of genes by a Qrr1-independ-
ent mechanism (18). LuxT repression of qrr1 does not significantly alter LuxR translation, and
as mentioned above, Qrr1 does not regulate AphA (11, 18). These findings indicate that
LuxT repression of qrr1 tunes the expression of select Qrr1-controlled mRNAs without alter-
ing the entire QS regulon.
To date, qrr1 is the only gene identified to be directly controlled by LuxT (18, 19).
However, LuxT has been linked to the regulation of additional phenotypes in V. harveyi
and other Vibrionaceae, including bioluminescence, siderophore production, virulence
factor production, and motility (18, 20–23). These findings, together with our initial
knowledge that LuxT can regulate the transcription of target genes independently of
Qrr1 in V. harveyi (18), inspired us to investigate the role of LuxT beyond its control of
qrr1. Here, we use RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to identify the LuxT regulon, revealing
LuxT to be a global regulator of ;414 genes in V. harveyi. We find that LuxT directly
represses the V. harveyi swrZ gene encoding a GntR family transcriptional regulator.
We use genetic and molecular analyses to show that in V. harveyi, LuxT activates genes
required for type III secretion, siderophore production, and aerolysin toxin production,
and activation occurs by two mechanisms. One mechanism depends on SwrZ: LuxT
represses swrZ, and SwrZ represses target gene expression. The second mechanism is
SwrZ independent. Finally, the LuxT-controlled traits identified here are also QS con-
trolled and are enacted primarily at LCD. Therefore, LuxT functions in parallel with QS
to establish V. harveyi LCD behaviors. Finally, we analyze luxT and swrZ conservation
among Vibrionaceae bacteria, and we demonstrate that via swrZ repression, LuxT also
activates genes required for siderophore production in Aliivibrio fischeri.
LuxT is a global regulator that directly represses swrZ transcription. To define
the set of genes regulated by LuxT, we used RNA-Seq to compare the transcriptomes
of wild-type (WT) and DluxT V. harveyi. We considered transcripts with changes in
expression of 2-fold or higher (P , 0.01) to be LuxT regulated, revealing a total of 414
genes: 243 activated and 171 repressed (Fig. 1A; see also Data Set S1 in the supple-
mental material). One gene, swrZ (VIBHAR_RS03920), stood out due to its dramatic
repression by LuxT. swrZ was previously shown to be repressed by the LuxT homolog
SwrT in Vibrio parahaemolyticus (22). Specifically, SwrT repressed the transcription of
swrZ, and SwrZ repressed the laf genes encoding the lateral flagellar machinery required for V.
parahaemolyticus swarming locomotion. Thus, through this cascade, repression of a repressor,
SwrT activates V. parahaemolyticus swarming (22). While V. harveyi carries laf genes, their
expression levels are extremely low, and V. harveyi swarming has not been documented (24).
The V. harveyi laf genes were not revealed by RNA-Seq to be LuxT regulated. Nonetheless, our
data demonstrate that the regulatory arrangement in which LuxT represses swrZ exists in
V. harveyi: quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) verified that LuxT represses swrZ expres-
sion by ;100-fold (Fig. 1B).
To determine if LuxT repression of swrZ is direct, we used recombinant Escherichia coli to
isolate LuxT and the swrZ promoter from other V. harveyi regulatory components. Two plas-
mids were introduced into E. coli. One plasmid harbored a PswrZ-lux transcriptional reporter,
and the second plasmid carried arabinose-inducible luxT. The induction of luxT expression
drove the repression of PswrZ-lux in the E. coli strain carrying the pluxT vector, whereas no
repression occurred in E. coli carrying the empty control vector (Fig. 1C). We conclude that
LuxT directly represses swrZ. Consistent with this supposition, purified LuxT-6His protein
bound to the swrZ promoter in an in vitro electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA),
whereas LuxT-6His did not bind to control DNA (Fig. 1D). The laddering present in the
PswrZ EMSA may indicate that multiple LuxT-binding sites exist in the swrZ promoter and/or
that LuxT oligomerizes when binding the swrZ promoter (Fig. 1D).
Both luxT and swrZ are subject to feedback regulation, and neither luxT nor
swrZ is controlled by QS. To further explore the connections between LuxT and SwrZ in
V. harveyi, we assessed whether feedback regulatory loops exist. First, regarding SwrZ regula-
tion of luxT, we find no evidence for SwrZ-mediated feedback onto luxT because luxT tran-
script levels were similar in WT and DswrZ V. harveyi (Fig. 1E); moreover, the overexpression
of swrZ in WT V. harveyi did not alter luxT transcription as measured by qRT-PCR (Fig. S2).
qRT-PCR validated that swrZ was indeed overexpressed from the pswrZ plasmid (Fig. S2).
Second, we investigated autoregulation of luxT. The activity of a PluxT-lux reporter was meas-
ured in DluxA and DluxA DluxT V. harveyi strains. V. harveyi is naturally bioluminescent, and
luxA encodes a luciferase subunit. Thus, deletion of luxA was required to ensure that all light
produced by the test strains came from the PluxT-lux reporter. Figure 1F shows that in strains
harboring an empty control vector, PluxT-lux expression level is 6-fold higher in the DluxA V.
harveyi strain than in the DluxA DluxT strain. The introduction of a vector expressing luxT
restored light production (Fig. 1F). Thus, LuxT activates its own transcription. Unfortunately,
autoregulation of luxT could not be tested in recombinant E. coli because the PluxT-lux re-
porter was not expressed to any detectable level. However, in an in vitro EMSA, LuxT-6His
bound the luxT promoter, providing evidence for a direct autoregulatory role (Fig. 1G).
Finally, we investigated direct autoregulation of swrZ. In recombinant E. coli, the induction of
swrZ expression repressed a PswrZ-lux reporter 30-fold, indicating direct feedback repression
(Fig. 1H). We conclude that LuxT and SwrZ can be placed into a regulatory pathway in which
LuxT directly represses swrZ. Positive and negative feedback loops exist for LuxT and SwrZ,
respectively (Fig. 1I). Below, we speculate on the implications of this regulatory
Analysis of the LuxT regulon revealed that a subset of LuxT-controlled genes is also
regulated by QS (8) (Data Set S1). One possible explanation for this finding is that regula-
tory interconnections exist between LuxT and QS. We know that LuxT does not regulate
aphA or luxR, so LuxT cannot reside upstream of these two components in the QS cascade
(18). Alternatively, QS could control luxT and/or swrZ expression. To test this possibility, we
FIG 1 LuxT is a global transcriptional regulator in V. harveyi that directly represses swrZ. (A) Volcano plot depicting
RNA-Seq data comparing the transcriptome of DluxT V. harveyi to that of WT V. harveyi. Each data point represents
one V. harveyi gene. FC, fold change. A total of 243 genes were significantly activated (black) and 171 genes were
significantly repressed (dark gray) by LuxT. (B) qRT-PCR measurements of swrZ transcript levels in WT (black) and
DluxT (blue) V. harveyi. RNA was isolated from strains grown in LM medium to an OD600 of 0.1. (C) Activity of a
plasmid-borne PswrZ-lux transcriptional reporter in recombinant E. coli. pControl denotes that the second introduced
plasmid is the empty parent vector, and pluxT designates that the second vector harbors arabinose-inducible luxT.
Strains were grown in LB to an OD600 of 1 in the absence (black) or presence (gray) of 0.01% arabinose. (D) EMSA
showing binding of LuxT-6His to a 113-bp DNA fragment containing the swrZ promoter (left) and a 107-bp control
fragment containing the V. harveyi luxC promoter (right). Previously, it was shown that LuxT does not bind the luxC
promoter (18). The DNA probe (20 nM) was incubated with the indicated relative concentrations of the LuxT-6His
dimer. - indicates no protein, 1 indicates 20 nM, and 16 indicates 320 nM. (E) qRT-PCR measurements of luxT
transcript levels in WT (black) and DswrZ (red) V. harveyi. Growth conditions are the same as those described above
for panel B. (F) Activity of a plasmid-borne PluxT-lux transcriptional reporter in DluxA (black) and DluxA DluxT (blue) V.
harveyi strains. pControl and pluxT denote the empty parent vector and a vector harboring IPTG-inducible luxT,
respectively. Strains were grown in LM medium supplemented with 0.5 mM IPTG to an OD600 of 1. (G) Same as for
panel D, for a 99-bp DNA fragment containing the luxT promoter (left) and a 107-bp control fragment containing the
V. harveyi luxC promoter (right). (H) Activity of a plasmid-borne PswrZ-lux transcriptional reporter in recombinant E. coli.
pControl denotes that the second introduced plasmid is the empty parent vector, and pswrZ designates that the
second vector harbors IPTG-inducible swrZ. Strains were grown in LB to an OD600 of 1 in the absence (black) or
presence (gray) of 0.5 mM IPTG. (I) Model for the LuxT/SwrZ regulatory circuit. In panels C, F, and H, RLU denotes
relative light units. In panels B, C, E, F, and H, error bars represent standard deviations of the means from 3 biological
replicates. Unpaired two-tailed t tests with Welch’s correction were performed comparing the indicated conditions.
ns, not significant (P $ 0.05); **, P , 0.01; ****, P , 0.0001.
measured luxT and swrZ expression in WT, DluxO, and luxO D61E V. harveyi strains. The logic
is as follows. The WT strain undergoes the normal LCD-to-HCD QS transition. The DluxO
strain exhibits “HCD-locked” behavior because in the absence of LuxO activity, no Qrr sRNAs
are produced (9, 10) (Fig. S1B). luxO D61E encodes a LuxO-P mimetic, so the strain harboring
FIG 2 QS and LuxT/SwrZ regulate V. harveyi T3SS gene expression. (A) Schematic of T3SS gene organization in V.
harveyi. There are four major T3SS operons, as labeled. All genes shown in blue were identified by RNA-Seq as
members of the LuxT regulon. The numbers shown within select genes designate the fold change differences in
transcript levels between WT and DluxT V. harveyi, as measured by RNA-Seq (see Data Set S1 in the supplemental
material). The expression of the underlined genes was measured in panels B and C. (B) qRT-PCR measurements of
mRNA levels of the indicated genes in WT (black), DluxO (green), and luxO D61E (orange) V. harveyi strains. RNA was
isolated from strains grown in AB medium to an OD600 of 1. (C) qRT-PCR measurements of mRNA levels of the
indicated genes in WT (black), DluxT (blue), DswrZ (red), and DswrZ DluxT (purple) V. harveyi strains. RNA was isolated
from strains grown in LM medium to an OD600 of 0.1. In panels B and C, error bars represent standard deviations of
the means from 3 biological replicates. Different letters indicate significant differences between strains (P , 0.05 by
two-way analysis of variation [ANOVA] followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test).
this mutation exhibits “LCD-locked” behavior in which the Qrr sRNAs are constitutively pro-
duced (10, 17) (Fig. S1A). There were no significant differences in luxT or swrZ expression in
these strains (Fig. S3A). Consistent with this finding, no dramatic changes in luxT expression
occurred over growth as would be expected for a QS-regulated gene (Fig. S3B). As expected
from our above-described findings (Fig. 1B), swrZ transcript levels were .100-fold higher in
the DluxT strain than in WT V. harveyi, but again, cell-density-dependent changes in swrZ
expression did not occur in either strain, arguing against QS control (Fig. S3C). We conclude
that the expression of luxT and swrZ is not QS regulated. Thus, we infer that QS and LuxT/
SwrZ function independently and in parallel in the regulation of a subset of genes in each of
their regulons.
LuxT activates the expression of type III secretion system genes via repression
of swrZ. As mentioned above, LuxT regulates ;413 genes in addition to swrZ (Fig. 1A
and Data Set S1). To gain insight into the LuxT regulon, as examples, we characterize the
mechanisms by which LuxT controls genes specifying three V. harveyi functions: type III
secretion, siderophore production, and aerolysin production. We begin with type III secre-
tion genes. Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are syringe-like molecular machines that ferry
toxic effector proteins across bacterial inner and outer membranes and into target eukary-
otic cells (25–27). In V. harveyi and other vibrios, type III secretion is crucial for virulence
(28–30). The structural proteins comprising the V. harveyi T3SS are encoded in four oper-
ons (T3SS.1, T3SS.2, T3SS.3, and T3SS.4) (Fig. 2A) (5, 8, 31). Type III secretion is QS regulated
in V. harveyi (5). Specifically, T3SS genes are repressed by both AphA and LuxR. The conse-
quence is that T3SS gene expression peaks at low- to mid-cell density when AphA levels
have decreased and LuxR levels have not risen (8, 12). QS regulation of type III secretion
occurs indirectly through ExsA, the master transcriptional activator of T3SS genes (Fig. 2A).
Both AphA and LuxR directly repress exsA (8, 31).
The genes in all four T3SS operons and exsA were revealed by RNA-Seq to be activated by
LuxT (Fig. 2A and Data Set S1). To understand the dual control of T3SS genes by QS and LuxT,
we engineered a set of strains and developed a companion strategy to probe the regulatory
mechanisms. First, we verified LuxT involvement from the RNA-Seq analysis, and we
determined if qrr1 is required for LuxT control of T3SS genes. Using qRT-PCR, we quantified
the transcript levels of four T3SS genes, hyp, vopN, vscO, and exsD, representing the four T3SS
operons (underlined in Fig. 2A). Expression levels were compared between WT and DluxT V.
harveyi and between Dqrr1 and Dqrr1 DluxT V. harveyi. Expression levels were ;10-, 14-, 8-,
and 4-fold lower, respectively, in the DluxT strain than in the WT, confirming that LuxT is an ac-
tivator of T3SS genes (Fig. S4A). Results nearly identical to those shown in Fig. S4A were
obtained for the Dqrr1 and Dqrr1 DluxT strains, indicating that LuxT activates T3SS genes inde-
pendently of Qrr1 (Fig. S4B).
To verify the mechanism by which QS regulates T3SS genes, we measured the tran-
script levels of the four representative genes in WT, DluxO (HCD-locked), and luxO
D61E (LCD-locked) V. harveyi strains. The expression levels of hyp, vopN, vscO, and exsD
were .100-fold higher in the luxO D61E strain than in the WT and DluxO strains at
HCD (Fig. 2B). Consistent with previously published results, high-level expression of
T3SS genes occurs at LCD due to LuxR-mediated repression of them at HCD (5, 8).
Specifically, compared to the WT, a DluxR V. harveyi strain exhibited .100-fold-higher
expression levels of the four genes (Fig. S5A). AphA is known to repress T3SS.1 and
T3SS.4 in V. harveyi (8). The expression levels of hyp (T3SS.1) and exsD (T3SS.4) were
;1.6-fold higher in the luxO D61E DaphA strain than in the luxO D61E strain; however,
the differences were not statistically significant (Fig. S5B). We presume that we did not
observe a larger role for AphA here because of differences in our experimental growth
conditions compared to those used previously and the use of qRT-PCR compared to
microarrays (8).
To assess the mechanism by which LuxT controls T3SS gene expression, we first
determined whether the LuxT-mediated activation of T3SS genes requires SwrZ by
measuring the transcript levels of the four representative T3SS genes in WT, DluxT,
DswrZ, and DswrZ DluxT V. harveyi strains at LCD. Comparison of expression levels
between the WT and DluxT strains validates LuxT activation of the genes. Comparison
of expression levels between the DswrZ and DswrZ DluxT strains tests whether LuxT
activation of genes requires SwrZ. As described above (Fig. S4A), the expression levels
of hyp, vopN, vscO, and exsD were lower in the DluxT strain than in the WT (Fig. 2C).
However, the elimination of luxT did not alter transcript levels in the DswrZ back-
ground (Fig. 2C). Thus, LuxT activates the expression of all four T3SS operons via a
SwrZ-dependent mechanism. Most likely, LuxT represses swrZ, and SwrZ represses
T3SS genes. We test this assumption below.
LuxT regulates exsA by SwrZ-dependent and SwrZ-independent mechanisms
to activate type III secretion. To quantify the contributions of QS and LuxT/SwrZ to
the regulation of type III secretion, we used Western blot assessment of VopD, a T3SS.1 pro-
tein that accumulates in and is secreted from the cytoplasm following the activation of T3SS
gene expression (5). We measured VopD levels in WT, DluxT, DswrZ, and DswrZ DluxT V. har-
veyi strains at HCD and in the LCD-locked (luxO D61E) background strain. No VopD was
detected in the strains at HCD, consistent with LuxR repression of T3SS genes (Fig. 3A, first
four lanes) (5, 31). In contrast, VopD was made in the luxO D61E strain, and deletion of luxT
in the luxO D61E strain reduced VopD levels to below our detection limit (Fig. 3A, fifth and
sixth lanes). These data mirror our qRT-PCR results from Fig. 2C and confirm the role of LuxT
as an activator of type III secretion. To assess whether swrZ is required for LuxT activation of
type III secretion, VopD levels were measured in luxO D61E DswrZ and luxO D61E DswrZ
DluxT strains. Lower levels of VopD were present in the luxO D61E DswrZ DluxT strain than
in the luxO D61E DswrZ strain (Fig. 3A, rightmost two lanes). These results differ from the
qRT-PCR results in Fig. 2C, likely because of the different growth conditions required for the
qRT-PCR and the VopD Western blot analyses. We summarize the data in Fig. 3A as follows:
deletion of luxT reduces VopD production in the presence and absence of swrZ; however, a
more dramatic reduction occurs when swrZ is present. To explain these data, we developed
and tested the following model for LuxT/SwrZ regulation of T3SS genes.
We propose that LuxT activates T3SS genes by two mechanisms: one mechanism is
SwrZ dependent, and one mechanism is SwrZ independent. This model is depicted in
Fig. 3B to E and is used to explain the data for the LCD-locked strains in the Western
FIG 3 LuxT activates V. harveyi type III secretion gene expression by two mechanisms. (A) Western
blot of cytoplasmic VopD levels in the indicated V. harveyi strains at HCD. “LCD-locked” denotes that
the parent strain for the samples in the right four lanes harbors the luxO D61E mutation. Detection of
the LuxS protein serves as the loading control, as previously described (5). (B to E) Schematics
depicting the outcomes for LuxT regulation of T3SS genes by SwrZ-dependent and SwrZ-
independent mechanisms for WT (B), DluxT (C), DswrZ (D), and DswrZ DluxT (E) scenarios. See the text
for details.
blot shown in Fig. 3A (rightmost four lanes). In WT V. harveyi (Fig. 3B), LuxT is present.
It represses swrZ, and it also activates T3SS genes by a SwrZ-independent mechanism.
The consequence is LuxT activation of T3SS genes. Therefore, high-level VopD produc-
tion occurs (Fig. 3A, fifth lane). In DluxT V. harveyi (Fig. 3C), swrZ is derepressed. The
consequence is that SwrZ is produced and available to repress T3SS genes. Therefore,
no VopD is produced (Fig. 3A, sixth lane). In the DswrZ strain (Fig. 3D), the situation is
essentially identical to that of the WT in which swrZ is repressed by LuxT, but in this
case, there simply is no swrZ. The consequence is LuxT activation of T3SS genes.
Therefore, high-level VopD production occurs (Fig. 3A, seventh lane). Finally, in the
case of the DswrZ DluxT double mutant (Fig. 3E), there is no repression of T3SS genes
by SwrZ, and there is no activation by LuxT. Thus, basal-level expression of T3SS genes
ensues, and an intermediate amount of VopD is made (Fig. 3A, eighth lane). Key to this
model is that VopD levels in the LCD-locked DswrZ and DswrZ DluxT strains are not
identical because of the SwrZ-independent mechanism by which LuxT activates T3SS
genes (Fig. 3D and E).
To test our model, we assessed whether LuxT activates T3SS gene expression by a
SwrZ-independent mechanism. To do this, we introduced a pluxT overexpression vector
into a DluxR DswrZ DluxT V. harveyi strain. The DluxR mutation was included to eliminate
HCD repression of T3SS genes. This strategy is superior to making measurements from RNA
collected at LCD from strains harboring luxR. In the latter case, residual LuxR repressor is
present (Fig. S5A). In this setup, we measured hyp, vopN, vscO, and exsD transcript levels.
FIG 4 LuxT activates V. harveyi exsA and, in turn, T3SS genes by SwrZ-dependent and SwrZ-independent mechanisms. (A) qRT-PCR measurements of transcript levels
of the indicated genes in DluxR DswrZ DluxT V. harveyi harboring the indicated plasmids. pControl (black) denotes the empty parent vector, and pluxT (blue) and pswrZ
(red) denote vectors harboring IPTG-inducible luxT and swrZ, respectively. RNA was isolated from strains grown for 16 h in AB medium supplemented with 0.5 mM
IPTG. (B) Same as for panel A, for DluxR DswrZ V. harveyi harboring the indicated plasmids. (C) qRT-PCR measurements of transcript levels of the indicated genes in WT
(black), DluxT (blue), DexsA (gray), and DexsA DluxT (white) V. harveyi strains. RNA was isolated from V. harveyi strains grown in LM medium to an OD600 of 0.1. (D)
Model for QS and LuxT/SwrZ regulation of T3SS genes. In panels A to C, error bars represent standard deviations of the means from 3 biological replicates. In panels
A and C, different letters indicate significant differences between strains (P , 0.05 by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test). In panel B,
unpaired two-tailed t tests with Welch’s correction were performed comparing the indicated pControl and pswrZ conditions. *, P , 0.05.
We also measured the expression of exsA, which is located immediately upstream of T3SS.4
and, as mentioned above, encodes the master transcriptional activator of T3SS genes.
Compared to the empty vector control, the overexpression of luxT caused ;122-, 74-, 34-,
57-, and 19-fold increases in hyp, vopN, vscO, exsD, and exsA expression, respectively
(Fig. 4A). These data demonstrate that LuxT activates the four T3SS operons and exsA by a
mechanism that does not require SwrZ. We also assessed swrZ overexpression in this experi-
mental setup. Repression by SwrZ was not observed (Fig. 4A), presumably because in the
absence of LuxT activation, T3SS gene expression is minimal, so no detectable repression by
SwrZ can occur. To test this supposition, we introduced the pswrZ overexpression construct
into a DluxR DswrZ V. harveyi strain. Indeed, in the luxT1 background, the overexpression of
swrZ caused an ;10-fold reduction in hyp, vopN, and vscO transcript levels and ;9- and 3-
fold reductions in exsD and exsA levels, respectively (Fig. 4B). Thus, SwrZ is a repressor of the
four T3SS operons and exsA.
Previously, it was discovered that T3SS gene expression does not occur in the absence of
exsA irrespective of the presence or absence of LuxR. Thus, ExsA is epistatic to QS in the con-
trol of T3SS genes (31). Consistent with this finding, the overexpression of exsA overrode
repression by LuxR to activate T3SS gene expression at HCD (31). Based on these previously
reported data and our identification of LuxT and SwrZ as regulators of T3SS genes, we won-
dered whether LuxT and SwrZ also exert control over T3SS genes via the regulation of exsA.
To test this possibility, we measured hyp, vopN, vscO, and exsD expression in WT, DluxT,
DexsA, and DexsA DluxT V. harveyi strains. Figure 4C shows that, as expected, the expression
levels of all four genes were lower in the DluxT strain than in the WT. However, there were
no significant differences in hyp, vopN, and vscO transcript levels between the DexsA and
DexsA DluxT strains (Fig. 4C). We conclude that exsA is required for LuxT activation of T3SS.1,
T3SS.2, and T3SS.3, encompassing hyp, vopN, and vscO, respectively. Because LuxT activation
of hyp, vopN, and vscO requires swrZ (Fig. 2C), we can also conclude that regulation by SwrZ
requires exsA. Regarding T3SS.4, there were ;3-fold-fewer exsD transcripts present in the
DexsA DluxT strain than in the DexsA strain. It is possible that LuxT activates the T3SS.4 op-
eron encompassing exsD independently of ExsA, or alternatively, based on their sequential
orientation in the genome (Fig. 2A), LuxT activates only the exsA promoter, and readthrough
transcription occurs for T3SS.4.
Together, our results show that LuxT activates T3SS genes by two mechanisms: one
is SwrZ dependent, and one is SwrZ independent. Also, LuxT functions independently
of QS to control these genes. QS and LuxT/SwrZ modulate T3SS.1, T3SS.2, and T3SS.3
via control of the expression of exsA encoding a transcriptional activator of T3SS genes.
Previous results showed that exsA is repressed by both AphA and LuxR, which con-
strains its expression to low to mid-cell densities. Our scheme for QS and LuxT/SwrZ
regulation of T3SS genes is depicted in Fig. 4D.
QS and LuxT/SwrZ regulate V. harveyi siderophore production. Similar to type III
secretion, the RNA-Seq analysis revealed LuxT to be an activator of siderophore production
genes in V. harveyi. Siderophores are small-molecule iron chelators that bacteria produce
and secrete to scavenge extracellular iron (32). Companion siderophore uptake systems
import siderophore-Fe31 complexes, facilitating iron acquisition. V. harveyi carries the genes
required to produce, secrete, and import two siderophores, amphi-enterobactin and angui-
bactin (33, 34), and both sets of genes are regulated by LuxT (Fig. 5A and B, respectively,
and Data Set S1). V. harveyi produces siderophores at LCD, suggesting QS regulation; how-
ever, the mechanism connecting QS to siderophore genes is not defined (6, 35). Using the
steps laid out above for the characterization of T3SS gene regulation, we determine how
QS, LuxT, and SwrZ control siderophore production.
First, qRT-PCR validated the RNA-Seq data. The transcript levels of aebC encoding
isochorismate synthase were measured as a representative amphi-enterobactin bio-
synthetic gene (33). Regarding anguibactin, the expression levels of angM and fatD
were measured, and they encode a nonribosomal peptide synthetase and an angui-
bactin-Fe31 transporter, respectively (36, 37). The transcript levels of aebC, angM, and
fatD were ;3-fold lower in DluxT V. harveyi than in the WT (Fig. S4C). Analogous
results were obtained for the three genes when measured in Dqrr1 and Dqrr1 DluxT
strains, showing that LuxT activates siderophore genes independently of Qrr1
(Fig. S4D).
Second, to determine the mechanism by which QS controls siderophore production, we
used a chrome azurol S (CAS) dye to quantify siderophore levels in cell-free culture fluids
prepared from WT V. harveyi and QS mutant strains. Approximately 24-fold more sidero-
phore was present in fluids from the LCD-locked luxO D61E strain than in fluids from the WT
and DluxO strains, consistent with the known LCD production pattern (Fig. 5C) (6, 35). We
used mutants defective in each siderophore biosynthesis pathway to show that the sidero-
phore detected by the CAS assay was amphi-enterobactin, not anguibactin, as follows: AebF
is required for amphi-enterobactin production (33), and the luxO D61E DaebF strain had
almost no siderophore in its cell-free culture fluids (Fig. S6A). In contrast, the luxO D61E
DangN strain, which lacks a gene required for anguibactin production (38), did not exhibit
reduced siderophore production compared to the luxO D61E strain (Fig. S6A). V. harveyi
apparently does not produce anguibactin when grown under standard laboratory condi-
tions, as reported previously (35).
With respect to V. harveyi QS, three mechanisms can explain how a gene acquires a
LCD expression pattern (Fig. S1): it is activated at LCD by AphA; it is activated, directly or indi-
rectly, at LCD by the Qrr sRNAs; or it is repressed at HCD by LuxR. Regarding AphA, sidero-
phore levels were similarly high in fluids from the luxO D61E and luxO D61E DaphA V. harveyi
strains, so AphA has no role in the regulation of siderophore production (Fig. S6B). Regarding
LuxR, the DluxR strain possessed ;16-fold more amphi-enterobactin in its culture fluids than
did the WT at HCD (Fig. S6C). Thus, QS control of amphi-enterobactin production occurs via
LuxR repression at HCD. Regarding the Qrr sRNAs, at HCD, somewhat less amphi-enterobactin
was produced by the DluxR strain than by the luxO D61E strain (Fig. S6B and C), hinting that
in addition to the primary repressive role of LuxR at HCD, at LCD, the Qrr sRNAs could activate
siderophore biosynthesis or export. Possibilities include direct posttranscriptional activation by
FIG 5 QS, LuxT, and SwrZ regulate V. harveyi siderophore production. (A and B) Schematic of siderophore gene
organization in V. harveyi for amphi-enterobactin (A) and anguibactin (B). All genes labeled in blue were identified by
RNA-Seq as members of the LuxT regulon. The numbers shown within or below the genes designate the fold change
differences in transcript levels between WT and DluxT V. harveyi, as measured by RNA-Seq. The expression of the
underlined genes was measured in panels D, F, and G. (C) CAS assay quantitation of siderophore levels in cell-free
culture fluids isolated from the indicated V. harveyi strains. Strains were grown for 16 h in AB medium. (D) qRT-PCR
measurements of transcript levels of the indicated genes in WT (black), DluxT (blue), DswrZ (red), and DswrZ DluxT
(purple) V. harveyi strains. RNA was isolated from strains grown in LM medium to an OD600 of 0.1. (E) Same as for
panel C. “LCD-locked” denotes that the strains harbor the luxO D61E mutation. (F) qRT-PCR measurements of
transcript levels of the indicated genes in DluxR DswrZ DluxT V. harveyi harboring the indicated plasmids. pControl
(black) denotes the empty parent vector, and pluxT (blue) and pswrZ (red) denote vectors harboring IPTG-inducible
luxT and swrZ, respectively. RNA was isolated from strains grown for 16 h in AB medium supplemented with 0.5 mM
IPTG. (G) Same as for panel F, for DluxR DswrZ V. harveyi harboring the indicated plasmids. (H) Model for Fur, QS, and
LuxT/SwrZ regulation of V. harveyi siderophore production. In panels C to G, error bars represent standard deviations
of the means from 3 biological replicates. In panels C to F, different letters indicate significant differences between
strains (P , 0.05 by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test). In panel G, unpaired two-tailed t
tests with Welch’s correction were performed comparing the indicated pControl and pswrZ conditions. *, P , 0.05; **,
P , 0.01.
the Qrr sRNAs, or alternatively, another QS-regulated factor may exist that is involved in
amphi-enterobactin gene regulation. We did not investigate this mechanism further.
To position LuxT and SwrZ in the siderophore regulatory pathway, we used qRT-PCR
quantitation of aebC, angM, and fatD in WT, DluxT, DswrZ, and DswrZ DluxT V. harveyi
strains at LCD (Fig. 5D). As shown in Fig. S4C, there were lower mRNA levels in the
DluxT strain than in the WT, showing again that LuxT activates siderophore genes.
Modestly increased expression of the three genes occurred in the DswrZ strain com-
pared to the WT, indicating that SwrZ is a repressor of siderophore genes. Finally, the
DluxT DswrZ double mutant expressed siderophore genes at a level intermediate
between those of the DluxT and DswrZ strains. These data resemble the findings in
Fig. 3A for LuxT/SwrZ regulation of T3SS genes, suggesting an identical model: LuxT
activates siderophore production by both a SwrZ-dependent and a SwrZ-independ-
ent mechanism. We validate this model below.
Fur represses V. harveyi siderophore production under iron-rich conditions.
The above-described qRT-PCR measurements of siderophore transcripts showed only
modest differences between strains (Fig. 5D), possibly as a consequence of the gener-
ally low siderophore gene expression levels that occur under iron-replete conditions
due to repression by Fur, the major transcriptional regulator of iron transport. Fur
repression is relieved under iron-limiting conditions (39). Indeed, culture fluids used for
the CAS assays in Fig. 5C and Fig. S6A to C were prepared from V. harveyi grown in
low-iron minimal medium, and a significant amount of the siderophore was produced.
To assess the role of Fur in the regulation of V. harveyi siderophore production, aebC, angM,
and fatD transcript levels were compared between WT and Dfur V. harveyi. In iron-rich me-
dium, in the absence of fur, the expression levels of the three test genes were ;284-, 119-,
and 66-fold higher than when fur was present (Fig. S6D). Deletion of luxT in the Dfur strain
caused 3-, 43-, and 52-fold decreases in aebC, angM, and fatD transcript levels, respectively
(Fig. S6D). Thus, Fur is a repressor of amphi-enterobactin and anguibactin genes, which
diminished our ability to observe their regulation by LuxT/SwrZ under iron-replete condi-
tions, particularly for angM and fatD. We note that fur expression is not controlled by LuxT
or SwrZ (Fig. S6E). Thus, Fur and LuxT/SwrZ regulate siderophore genes independently. The
siderophore experiments in the next section were conducted following the growth of V. har-
veyi under iron-limited conditions.
LuxT activates V. harveyi siderophore production by SwrZ-dependent and SwrZ-
independent mechanisms. To validate the roles of and relationship between LuxT and
SwrZ in the regulation of siderophore production, we quantified siderophore produced by
the LCD-locked luxO D61E, luxO D61E DluxT, luxO D61E DswrZ, and luxO D61E DswrZ DluxT
mutant strains using the CAS assay. Consistent with the qRT-PCR results (Fig. 5D), the luxO
D61E DswrZ DluxT mutant produced siderophore levels intermediate between those of the
luxO D61E DluxT strain and the luxO D61E DswrZ strain (Fig. 5E). These data support a model
in which LuxT activates siderophore production by two mechanisms: one dependent on
SwrZ and one independent of SwrZ. We performed complementation analyses in a V. har-
veyi DluxR DluxT DswrZ strain as a final test of our model. Even in the absence of swrZ, the
overexpression of luxT caused increased expression of aebC, angM, and fatD, supporting the
SwrZ-independent role for LuxT (Fig. 5F). Following the reasoning described above for T3SS
genes, repression due to swrZ overexpression could be observed only in the luxT1 back-
ground (Fig. 5F and G). Our model for the regulation of siderophore production in V. harveyi
is depicted in Fig. 5H: Fur represses siderophore genes under iron-replete conditions, and
LuxR represses siderophore genes at HCD. LuxT activates siderophore genes by both a
SwrZ-dependent and a SwrZ-independent mechanism.
QS and LuxT/SwrZ regulate the production of the aerolysin toxin. The final V.
harveyi LuxT-regulated behavior that we investigated was the production of the pore-
forming toxin aerolysin. Aerolysin-like proteins, originally discovered in the bacterium
Aeromonas hydrophila, are a family of secreted proteins that form transmembrane b -barrel
pores in eukaryotic target cells, causing cell death (40–42). Aerolysins are virulence factors in
Aeromonas spp. and Vibrio splendidus (43, 44).
We previously reported that LuxT is an activator of VIBHAR_RS11620 encoding an
aerolysin toxin. For clarity, we now call VIBHAR_RS11620 aerB. We determined that LuxT acti-
vates aerB expression by two mechanisms. First, LuxT activates aerB transcription by a Qrr1-in-
dependent mechanism. Second, LuxT indirectly activates aerB translation by repressing the
expression of qrr1 encoding a posttranscriptional repressor of aerB (13, 18). V. harveyi aerolysin
production can be measured by monitoring the hemolysis of blood cells in liquid or on blood
agar plates. Activation by LuxT is required for V. harveyi hemolytic activity in both assays.
Observable repression by Qrr1 occurs only in the plate assay (18).
In agreement with our above-described findings, RNA-Seq revealed LuxT to be an
activator of the aerB aerolysin toxin gene. Three additional genes upstream of aerB
FIG 6 QS, LuxT, and SwrZ regulate V. harveyi aerolysin production. (A) Schematic of aerolysin gene
organization in V. harveyi. All genes labeled in blue were identified by RNA-Seq as members of the LuxT
regulon. The numbers shown within the genes designate the fold change differences in transcript levels
between WT and DluxT V. harveyi, as measured by RNA-Seq. The expression of the underlined genes was
measured in panels C, E, and F. (B) Hemolytic activity in the indicated V. harveyi cell-free culture fluids as
judged by lysis of defibrinated sheep’s blood cells. Culture fluids were collected after 24 h of growth in AB
medium. (C) qRT-PCR measurements of transcript levels of the indicated genes in WT (black), DluxT (blue),
DswrZ (red), and DswrZ DluxT (purple) V. harveyi strains. RNA was isolated from strains grown in LM medium to
an OD600 of 0.1. (D) Same as for panel B, for the indicated strains. (E) qRT-PCR measurements of transcript
levels of the indicated genes in DluxR DswrZ DluxT V. harveyi harboring the indicated plasmids. pControl
(black) denotes the empty parent vector, and pluxT (blue) and pswrZ (red) denote vectors harboring IPTG-
inducible luxT and swrZ, respectively. RNA was isolated from strains grown for 16 h in AB medium
supplemented with 0.5 mM IPTG. (F) Same as for panel E, for DluxR DswrZ V. harveyi harboring the indicated
plasmids. (G) Model for LuxT/SwrZ regulation of aerolysin production. In panels B to F, error bars represent
standard deviations of the means from 3 biological replicates. In panels B to E, different letters indicate significant
differences between strains (P , 0.05 by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test). In panel F,
unpaired two-tailed t tests with Welch’s correction were performed comparing the indicated pControl and pswrZ
conditions. ns, not significant (P $ 0.05); *, P , 0.05; **, P , 0.01.
were also activated (Fig. 6A and Data Set S1): VIBHAR_RS11600, which we call aerR, enc-
odes a transcriptional regulator; VIBHAR_RS11605, which we do not name, encodes a
protein of unknown function; and VIBHAR_RS11610, which we call aerA, encodes an
additional aerolysin family toxin. The protein sequences of AerA and AerB are similar
(50% pairwise identity, 66% pairwise similarity), indicating a possible gene duplication
event. The VIBHAR_RS11615 gene that resides between aerA and aerB was not identi-
fied as being regulated by LuxT (Fig. 6A).
As described above, we first confirmed LuxT regulation of aerR, aerA, and aerB and
determined if Qrr1 is required. Deletion of luxT in WT V. harveyi resulted in ;5-, 28-, and 15-
fold-lower expression levels of aerR, aerA, and aerB, respectively (Fig. S4E). In a strain lacking
qrr1, deletion of luxT caused similar reductions in expression (Fig. S4F). These data show that
Qrr1 is not required for LuxT activation of aerolysin genes. We know from our previous work
that Qrr1 is a posttranscriptional regulator of aerB. Regulation by Qrr1 can be detected only
when measuring aerB translation, not transcription (13, 18). For the remainder of the present
work, we focus on the transcriptional, Qrr1-independent mechanism by which LuxT activates
aerolysin production.
QS regulation of aerolysin production is more complicated than we anticipated;
nonetheless, we lay out what we know here. In the liquid hemolysis assay, culture fluids
from the LCD-locked luxO D61E strain possessed ;17-fold more hemolysis activity than flu-
ids from HCD WT V. harveyi (Fig. 6B). Fluids from the HCD-locked DluxO strain had activity
similar to that of the WT strain (Fig. 6B). Thus, aerolysin production is QS controlled and pro-
duced at LCD. Deletion of aphA in the luxO D61E LCD-locked strain did not reduce hemoly-
sis (Fig. S7A), and deletion of luxR in the WT did not increase hemolysis at HCD (Fig. S7B).
These data were unexpected and show that while aerolysin is QS controlled, neither AphA
nor LuxR regulates its production. We confirmed the results using blood agar plates. The
results on the plates were identical to those in liquid with the exception that the DluxR strain
caused less hemolysis on plates than did the WT (Fig. S7C). Given the LCD production pat-
tern for aerolysin, we conclude that aerolysin genes must be activated at LCD by the QS Qrr
sRNAs, either directly or indirectly. We note that this finding seemingly contradicts our previ-
ous result showing that Qrr sRNAs posttranscriptionally repress aerB (13, 18). We preliminar-
ily predict that the Qrr sRNAs exert both positive and negative effects on aerolysin produc-
tion. Activation by the Qrr sRNAs is likely indirect through an unknown regulator, while
posttranscriptional repression of aerB occurs directly (13). Further investigation to character-
ize the mechanism of QS control of aerolysin genes is required.
While the mechanism underlying QS regulation of aerolysin genes is not fully
defined, what is clear is that aerR, aerA, and aerB are all regulated by LuxT (Data Set S1
and Fig. S4E). Thus, we next explored which of the three genes is required for V. harveyi
hemolysis activity. We deleted each gene individually in the LCD-locked luxO D61E V.
harveyi strain. Deletion of aerR and aerA eliminated hemolysis activity in the liquid and
plate assays (Fig. S7D and E, respectively). In contrast, deletion of aerB did not reduce
hemolytic activity, so aerB is not required (Fig. S7D and E). We speculate that AerR is an
activator of aerA, and AerA is the primary secreted aerolysin toxin. Because aerB is
repressed by the Qrr sRNAs, the aerB expression level may remain low at LCD.
To understand the mechanism underlying LuxT activation of aerolysin gene expression,
we measured aerR, aerA, and aerB transcript levels in WT, DluxT, DswrZ, and DswrZ DluxT V.
harveyi strains at LCD. The expression levels of all three genes were high in the WT and
DswrZ strains, low in the DluxT strain, and intermediate in the DswrZ DluxT strain (Fig. 6C).
The corresponding hemolysis patterns in the LCD-locked luxO D61E background exactly mir-
rored the transcription patterns both in the liquid assay (Fig. 6D) and on the blood agar
plates (Fig. S7F). Exactly analogous to what we have explained above, these data indicate
that LuxT activates aerolysin production by both a SwrZ-dependent and a SwrZ-independ-
ent mechanism. We verified this assumption using complementation analyses (Fig. 6E and
F). The results were as expected according to our putative mechanism except that swrZ
overexpression did not repress aerB (Fig. 6F). However, the qRT-PCR results in Fig. 6C show
that SwrZ is a repressor of aerB. We presume that swrZ complementation did not repress
aerB because aerB exhibits quite low basal expression levels. Our model for LuxT/SwrZ regu-
lation of aerolysin production is depicted in Fig. 6G.
luxT is and swrZ is not conserved among Vibrionaceae family members. As men-
tioned above, SwrT (LuxT) repression of swrZ was originally discovered in V. parahae-
molyticus and shown to be relevant for the regulation of swarming motility (22). Here,
we have shown that LuxT also regulates swrZ in V. harveyi, and both LuxT and SwrZ
regulate type III secretion, siderophore production, and aerolysin production. LuxT also
regulates genes in V. harveyi that SwrZ does not control. For example, LuxT activates
luxCDABE, encoding luciferase, and SwrZ plays no role (18, 20) (Fig. S8). We assessed
SwrZ involvement in the regulation of 5 additional LuxT-activated and 3 additional
LuxT-repressed genes. SwrZ regulated all 5 of the LuxT-activated test genes, whereas
SwrZ did not regulate the 3 LuxT-repressed test genes (Fig. S8). Based on the opposing
roles of LuxT and SwrZ (Fig. 3B to E), we speculate that SwrZ may function only as a
QS controls over 600 genes in V. harveyi (8). Integral to the V. harveyi QS process are five,
largely redundant, Qrr sRNAs that posttranscriptionally regulate target gene expression. LuxT
is a TetR family transcriptional regulator that was previously identified to repress the expres-
sion of V. harveyi qrr1 encoding the Qrr1 sRNA (18). When LuxT acts as a qrr1 repressor, it tunes
the expression of select Qrr1-controlled genes that are members of the much larger QS regu-
lon. Here, we use RNA-Seq to discover that beyond controlling qrr1 expression, LuxT is a global
regulator in V. harveyi that controls 414 genes. Analogous to what has been reported for V.
parahaemolyticus (22), LuxT directly represses swrZ, encoding an additional transcriptional reg-
ulator. We show that in V. harveyi, LuxT activates type III secretion, siderophore production,
and aerolysin production genes independently of Qrr1 by both SwrZ-dependent and SwrZ-in-
dependent mechanisms. In the future, defining the SwrZ regulon will be a crucial step in gain-
ing a comprehensive understanding of the individual and combined roles of LuxT and SwrZ
in regulating V. harveyi gene expression.
Two feedback loops exist in the V. harveyi LuxT/SwrZ regulatory pathway: LuxT and
SwrZ activate and repress, respectively, their own transcription. Generally, positive feedback
is thought to amplify responses to a stimulus, whereas negative feedback buffers pathway
FIG 7 Cooccurrence of luxT and swrZ genes among Vibrionaceae species. (A) Highest similarity in
protein sequences (BLOSUM62) in the indicated genera to V. parahaemolyticus SwrZ. Species are
divided into two groups, one possessing luxT (luxT1) and one lacking luxT (luxT2). The dashed line
indicates the cutoff used for the similarity score to differentiate swrZ1 from swrZ2 strains. Gray
indicates groups of species that lack swrZ. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of
species in each group. Boxes show the means 6 standard deviations for groups with .5 species.
Circles represent individual species in groups with #5 members. Purple, green, and orange denote
Aliivibrio, Photobacterium, and Vibrio species that possess swrZ, respectively. (B) Phylogenetic tree
based on the swrZ promoter regions in Vibrionaceae. Phylogenetic distances were computed based
on sequences spanning positions 2122 to 28, relative to the swrZ start codons. Colors are the same
as those in panel A. (C) qRT-PCR measurements of swrZ transcript levels in WT (black) and DluxT
(blue) A. fischeri. RNA was isolated from strains grown in LM medium to an OD600 of 0.1. (D) CAS
assay quantitation of siderophore levels in cell-free culture fluids prepared from the indicated A.
fischeri strains. Strains were grown for 16 h in AB medium. (E) Model for LuxT/SwrZ regulation of A.
fischeri aerobactin siderophore production. In panels C and D, error bars represent standard
deviations of the means from 3 biological replicates. In panel C, an unpaired two-tailed t test with
Welch’s correction was performed comparing the indicated WT and DluxT conditions. **, P , 0.01. In
panel D, different letters indicate significant differences between strains (P , 0.05 by two-way
ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test).
output against fluctuations in stimuli (45, 46). Thus, the inclusion of both positive and nega-
tive feedback in a single system can alter both input sensitivity and output dynamics (46,
47). We speculate that the LuxT positive feedback loop enables V. harveyi to rapidly commit
to the LuxT “on” state following the initial activation of luxT expression. In contrast, SwrZ-
directed negative feedback on swrZ, which occurs when LuxT is in the “off” state, should pre-
vent runaway swrZ expression. Moreover, LuxT and SwrZ have opposing regulatory func-
tions, so genes activated by LuxT are repressed by SwrZ. Negative SwrZ autoregulation
could, by tamping down SwrZ production, accelerate the expression of LuxT-activated
genes when V. harveyi transitions to the LuxT “on” state.
Our analyses revealed that LuxT activates T3SS, siderophore, and aerolysin genes by two
mechanisms, one SwrZ dependent and one SwrZ independent. We propose two advan-
tages to this regulatory arrangement. First, this dual mechanism may promote a “switch-
like” response. Because SwrZ represses genes that are activated by LuxT, when LuxT is in
the “on” state, stronger target gene activation will occur if swrZ is repressed by LuxT than if
not. Second, if the expression and/or activity of either or both LuxT and SwrZ responds to
additional regulatory inputs, linking the two nodes could promote more nuanced control
of gene expression than if LuxT and SwrZ were not connected in the circuit.
For V. harveyi to transition between LuxT “on” and LuxT “off” states, a cue(s) must
activate luxT expression or increase LuxT activity. We do not know the identity of this
putative cue. We do know that LuxT is not regulated by QS, and consistent with this
finding, luxT expression remains steady over the V. harveyi growth curve (see Fig. S3A
and B in the supplemental material). Curiously, however, genes in the LuxT-controlled
regulon overlap those in the QS-controlled regulon. In particular, LuxT activates the
expression of type III secretion, siderophore production, and aerolysin production
genes, all of which are also QS controlled and expressed at LCD, which is the typical
pattern for QS-controlled virulence genes in vibrios (48). The above-mentioned QS-
and LuxT-regulated traits are all virulence factors that contribute to the success of
vibrios as pathogens in host organisms (43, 49, 50). For example, in shrimp larvae, V.
harveyi T3SS gene expression is 1,000-fold higher than that in laboratory culture (49).
Possibly, luxT expression or LuxT activity is modulated by a host factor. Alternatively, or
in addition, TetR family members frequently bind small-molecule ligands (51). It could
be that a V. harveyi-, host-, or environment-derived ligand promotes heightened LuxT
activity. Future studies investigating the regulation of luxT expression or LuxT activity
should define the connection between the LCD state and LuxT function.
Our phylogenetic analyses revealed that luxT, but not swrZ, is conserved among
Vibrionaceae, and LuxT repression of swrZ is conserved at least in V. parahaemolyticus,
V. harveyi, and our A. fischeri test case (22). Going forward, it will be interesting to learn
how LuxT function has diverged in species that harbor luxT but lack swrZ, such as in
Vibrio cholerae C6706. RNA-Seq experiments similar to those described here could be
used to begin to parse the roles that LuxT plays and, based on the findings, paint a
coherent evolutionary picture of LuxT control of Vibrionaceae biology.
DNA manipulation and strain construction. Oligonucleotide primers were purchased from
Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) and are listed in Table S1B. PCR reactions contained either KOD Hot
Start DNA polymerase (Sigma) or iProof DNA polymerase (Bio-Rad). All cloning was completed using
Gibson assembly master mix (New England BioLabs) for isothermal DNA assembly (57). Plasmids were
verified by sequencing (Genewiz) and are listed in Table S1C. Regarding the nomenclature of our con-
structs, a capital P designates the promoter driving transcription (e.g., PswrZ-lux). Plasmids that promote
the overexpression of genes are designated with a lowercase p (e.g., pswrZ). The PswrZ-lux and PluxT-lux
transcriptional reporters included 114- and 531-bp promoter regions, respectively, to drive the transcrip-
tion of luxCDABEG. A consensus ribosome-binding site was included in both reporters to drive transla-
tion. Plasmids were introduced into E. coli by electroporation using a Bio-Rad MicroPulser. Plasmids were
conjugated into V. harveyi and A. fischeri from E. coli S17-1 l pir. V. harveyi exconjugants were selected
on agar plates containing polymyxin B, and A. fischeri exconjugants were selected on agar plates con-
taining ampicillin. Chromosomal alterations in V. harveyi and A. fischeri were introduced using the
pRE112 vector harboring the sacB counterselectable marker as previously described (18, 58, 59).
Mutations were verified by PCR and/or sequencing.
RNA sequencing. Cells from cultures of WT and DluxT V. harveyi strains grown overnight in LM me-
dium were pelleted by centrifugation at 21,100 g (Eppendorf 5424 centrifuge) and resuspended in
fresh LM medium. Fresh cultures containing 25 mL of LM medium were inoculated with the washed cells
at an OD600 of 0.005. The cultures were incubated at 30°C with shaking, and RNA was isolated from 3 bio-
logical replicates of each strain when the cultures had reached an OD600 of 0.1 using the RNeasy minikit
(catalog number 74106; Qiagen). RNA-Seq was performed at the Genomics Core Facility at Princeton
University, as previously described (60). Reads were mapped to the V. harveyi BB120 (ATCC BAA-1116)
genome using TopHat (61). Genes with differential expression were identified using DESeq2 (62), and
those exhibiting a log2 fold change in expression .1, along with a P value ,0.01, in the DluxT strain
compared to WT V. harveyi were designated members of the LuxT regulon.
Bioluminescence assays. E. coli harboring the PswrZ-lux reporter or V. harveyi harboring the PluxT-lux
reporter were grown overnight, pelleted by centrifugation at 21,100 g (Eppendorf 5424 centrifuge),
and resuspended in LB or LM medium, respectively. The E. coli and V. harveyi cells were inoculated into
fresh LB and LM medium, respectively, with normalization to a starting OD600 of 0.005. A total of 150 m L
of each culture was transferred to wells of a 96-well plate (Corning) in quadruplicate technical replicates
and overlaid with 50 m L of mineral oil (Sigma). The plates were incubated with shaking at 30°C, and the
bioluminescence and OD600 were measured every 15 min for 24 h using a BioTek Synergy Neo2 multi-
mode reader (BioTek, Winooski, VT, USA). Relative light units (RLU) (bioluminescence/OD600) represent
the values when each sample was at an OD600 of 1.
VopD Western blot analyses. Cytoplasmic VopD levels were measured in V. harveyi that had been
grown in AB medium supplemented with 5 mM EGTA as previously described (5). Cells equivalent to 1
OD600 unit were pelleted by centrifugation at 21,100 g (Eppendorf 5424 centrifuge), resuspended in
100 m L of SDS-PAGE sample buffer (Bio-Rad), and boiled for 10 min. Samples were loaded onto 4–20%
Mini-Protean TGX gels (Bio-Rad) and subjected to electrophoresis for 30 min at 50 mA. Following
Western transfer, nitrocellulose membranes were cut in half. One portion was probed with an antibody
against VopD, and the other portion was probed with an antibody against the LuxS control, as previ-
ously described (5). An anti-rabbit IgG(H1L) horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate (Promega) was
used as the secondary antibody. Proteins were visualized using SuperSignal West Femto maximum-sen-
sitivity substrate (Thermo Fisher) and an ImageQuant LAS 4000 imager.
Phylogenetic analyses. Genomic DNA sequences of 418 Vibrionaceae species were downloaded
from the GenBank database (63). Genes encoding luxT among Vibrionaceae species were identified pre-
viously (18). A custom MATLAB (2020; MathWorks) search algorithm based on protein sequence similar-
ity was used to identify genes encoding SwrZ. Briefly, protein sequences of SwrZ from V. harveyi ATCC
BAA-1116 and V. parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633 were used as queries. Both yielded similar search
results. The chromosomes or contigs of species under consideration were first converted to amino acid
sequences and subsequently scanned for regions similar to the query sequences. To identify regions of
highest similarity between protein sequences, local sequence alignments were performed using the
Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm (64). The standard substitution matrix BLOSUM62 (https://ftp.ncbi.nih
.gov/blast/matrices/) was used to compute similarity score, S, which considers both the length and
sequence similarity of the alignment. A cutoff S value of .150 was used to identify putative genes
encoding SwrZ. Genes identified as swrZ homologs were verified to encode GntR family transcriptional
regulators. Species lacking swrZ were excluded from further phylogenetic analyses. The protocols used
to perform phylogenetic analyses and tree building were described previously (18).
Data availability. All relevant data are within the manuscript and the supplemental material. RNA-
Seq data and files containing the numerical data for the main text and supplemental figures are pro-
vided at Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5719716).
Supplemental material is available online only.
FIG S1, PDF file, 0.02 MB.
FIG S2, PDF file, 0.02 MB.
FIG S3, PDF file, 0.1 MB.
FIG S4, PDF file, 0.1 MB.
RNA sequencing was performed at the Genomics Core Facility in the Lewis-Sigler
Institute for Integrative Genomics at Princeton University. This work was supported by the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant 5R37GM065859,
and National Science Foundation grant MCB 2043238 (to B.L.B.). M.J.E. was supported by an
NIH graduate training grant (NIGMS T32GM007388). The funders had no role in study design,
data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.
We have no competing interests to declare.
We thank members of the Bassler laboratory for insightful discussions and ideas. We
lovingly acknowledge Jian-Ping Cong and her fundamental contributions to the work
reported here. We dedicate the manuscript to her memory. We are grateful for her decades
of devotion to advancing research in the bacterial cell-cell communication field and for her
unflagging kindness to and support of former and current Bassler laboratory members.
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