Mining Ver3
Mining Ver3
Mining Ver3
❖ 2012: TST set up a mine trading company that trades tin ore & gold ore to buyers such as OM Manufacturing
Co., Ltd, and Thailand Smelting and Refining company limited.
❖ 2013: TST increased operations for tin mining in Myanmar to 5 tons/per day.
❖ 2021: TST received Exploration and Operation Gold Mining licenses from the Zambia government for 10
years and then extended it for another 10 years.
❖ 2023: TST received exploration for tin licenses. We are the only company with tin license in Zambia
What do we do
❖ Tin operation License coming soon.
❖ TST has reserved 100,000 Tons for Tin in Zambia projects.
❖ TST recently received an operating gold mining license
❖ TST has reserved a minimum of 44 Tons for gold in Zambia projects.
❖ TST Management have a good relationship with Zambia Government, Mining Department, Officers, and local people. Owners
have shifted family to Zambia to potentially work on this BEST Business Opportunity
❖ TST have done very well for CSR as our main target is to help them with food, job, accommodations, knowledge, while keeping
the Business core values and objectives
❖ TST have received buyers written commitment (China and Japan) for purchasing our products at the works site
❖ TST have experienced engineers, workers, labors who are trained by our Company for several years.
❖ TST are in Mining for trading, marketing, and operations for more than 10 years (Thailand and Myanmar)
What are we looking for
• Tin Ore Price: $25000 per ton (with potential to increase, and return to market price of $36000 per ton).
• Soil Test Report: All tests are done in Thailand and will be shown to potential investors during visit to KSA
• Distance: The distance between Lusaka city to the mine is 375 kms which takes about 6 hours by van/car.
• Production: At present the company is on a 2000 tons target production for the present client OM smelting
(Japanese venture) who will take up Ore in Lusaka. For future, we have prospective proposed buyers who will
take up the Ore as and when its ready to load.
• Staff : At present we have 20 Thai staff and 100 local staff in Zambia.
• The proposed machinery that is • USD 2 million for Wages, Expansion
ordered costing each set (USD 3.5 of workforce & erection of labour
million approximately). camps and staff accommodation .
• 4 sets of machinery will be imported • USD 2 million for Trucks and other
upon induction of the new capital transport modes for mines and
(USD:14M approximately) workers.
Key Projections
Time to commencement of mining operations in Zambia: Immediate on receipt of funds
$125 million
Projected Annual
Projected IRR
Approx. 15%
* with potential to increase, and return to market price of $36000 per ton
Leadership Team
• Meeting to also discuss collabration on working on other mining licences – See next slide.
• Opportunity is MASSIVE and Safety and Security is one among the best in African Geography
(Owners have shifted with full family to explore this great Minning Opportunities) in link with
the direct leadership of the Zambia Country
• If KSA Group needs the Tin Ore to be supplied to KSA, we are happy to give at preferencial
License Name License No. Items Sq. Km Expiration Date
Royal Carats Gems 25854-HQ-SML Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Lead, 399.7662 03/02/2030
Limited Manganese, Silver, Zinc
Royal Carats Gems 25855-HQ-SML COBALT/COPPER/GOLD/LEAD/ 116.6102 03/02/2030
King or Ore Mine 28999-HQ-SML Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Silver, 398.159 23/05/2031
Limited Tourmaline
King or Ore Mine 26382-HQ-SEL Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Iron Ore, 79.6275 21/07/2024
Limited Lead, Manganese, Silver
• Work with Partners to bring in process, people and technology – Ensure building Strategy, Structure (HR
Advisory), KRA/KPIs, Policy Procedures, etc and achieve desired results (Headcount to be hired – AEMS job is to
make it happen).
• 5% of the Equity for existing and future deals / JVs if any (Sweat Equity) through AEMS efforts / referrals
• 3% of the profit sharing to be distributed to AEMS and rest 2% to be invested back in to the venture as part of long
term investment commitment
• Any overseas travel for deal purpose to be arranged or paid in actuals by TST (Visa, flights, Hotel and meals
only). Any costs for market analysis, studies, legal advice, consulting advice costs to be charged at actuals.