The ocean depths have evoked wonder and fear ever since their expansive. mobile
surface was viewed by an ancestor millennia ago. These emotions actually have
magnified with time and with growing sophistication in exploring and exploiting the
deep ocean. Thus our probes—instrument, sampling, and man-carrying-have found
unbelievable life forms existing, apparently contentedly, in an ever-changing, high-
pressure liquid environment, and sufficient scientific, technological and economic
challenges to keep whole populations gainfully and happily engaged for many more
millennia. And replacing (almost completely) the imaginary monsters of the deep arc
well-authenticated ones, casually and ceaselessly crisscrossing and equipped with
powers great enough to destroy any surface ship and, indeed, whole cities and nations
hundreds of miles away.
Man has reacted strongly to such stimuli. Survival elicited the more vigorous
response, and underwater-missile weapons, called torpedoes, are being readied to
destroy the current monsters, called submarines, by an explosive charge carried to
their sides. A similar missile with instruments instead of explosives can also explore
the depths and so man's fear may be mitigated and his curiosity satisfied by a single
technology: that of underwater guided missiles.
In contrast to space, where new propulsion methods were required to perform first-
generation tasks, state-of-the-art techniques could be adapted to propel the first
underwater missiles. But as underwater performance requirements increase, more
specialized propulsion will be demanded, first in torpedoes and then in probes. This
volume provides a technical and descriptive background on the propulsion of
unmanned underwater missiles.
Because the lion's share of underwater missile propulsion technology has been
developed for a weapon and therefore lies in a defense-sensitive area. this book did
not move to press quickly: the quasi-legal process of appropriate “sanitization”
required well over two years. Although, necessarily, information on actual torpedoes
is excluded, basic technology on underwater missile propulsion, including examples,
is contained in the book.
The book comprises thirty-one articles prepared by experts. Most are from papers
originally presented at classified meetings of the American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, a few from previous AIAA publications, and a number newly
prepared. Virtually all were extensively modified for the book. They arc grouped in
the order next discussed.
The initial section of the book is an “Introduction to Underwater Missile Propulsion.”
It discusses objectives of torpedo propulsion and some objectives of instrumented
missiles, the latter based on selected examples. A theoretical comparison of rocket,
heat, and fuel cell engines for underwater missiles is included. Since the purposes of
various missiles differ, optimum power plants also differ; fortunately, there arc
enough potential engine types to fit virtually any missile need. Certain power plant
adaptations are very efficient in the underwater environment, and even some rockets
have propulsive performances at great depths that far exceed their capabilities in air,
despite the greater back pressure underwater.
As indicated in the section on "Underwater Missile Propulsors” rotating propellers
are generally used, since they are efficient at die relative low speeds that are common
underwater. Shrouding the propeller to produce a pumpjet often provides means to
better match the thruster and powerplant, and fundamental-empirical methods used in
designing pumpjets is covered. Despite relative inefficiency underwater, rocket
thrusters may have dieir place, if specialized new propellants are used, together in
some instances with missile staging.
"Underwater Missile Drag,” some three orders of magnitude greater dial! in sea-
level air, is the obstacle to underwater movements. Methods of estimating the drag of
missiles are described; these are not simple exercises for the uninitiated. Specialized
shapes reduce drag by delaying turbulance, and certain materials introduced into die
boundary layer reduce drag of normal body shapes by mechanisms as yet unknown.
Batteries are commonly used to power "Electrical Engines for Underwater Missile
Propulsion.” However, their performance potential would improve if diey better fitted
the available space in the missile, if only primary types were used, and if more potent
electrochemical couples were developed. Alternatively, electricity can be supplied to
the missile engines by a thin wire from a generator located at the launch platform.
Whatever electrical system is used, the energy source-enginc-propulsor combination
must be optimized as a unit. A wild-blue-yonder electrical propulsion possibility, also
discussed, is an MHD-powered water pump that may be entirely silent.
The state of the art of reciprocating and turbine "Heat Engines for IJnderwat:..’.' M:
isilet'’ к well advanced. They require specialized propellants and compatible
thermodynamic cycles. In the usual open-cycle system, the engine gases exhaust
directly to the environment, and performance decreases with depth. The most
energetic underwater propellant combinations are niótál 'fuels tirat react with sea
water. If used at great depth in an open-cycle system, these propellants sh Jtf
bcTmincd at very great internal pressures— 15,000 psi is one sugg/wо n - to provide
a high pressure ratio—for the engine. Closed cycle's in which the propellant products
exchange their heat to the engine working fluid are also suitable for underwater
missiles. Nuclear energy, used in this same maimer, can provide virtually unlimited