resemble a grid (or matrix) rather than the typical hierarchy. This structure can
be thought of as a combination of the functional and projectized approaches . A
matrix organisation is a structure in which there is more than one line of
Departmentation is the grouping of jobs under the authority of a reporting managers. Effectively, it means that the employees of the organisation
single manager, according to some rational basis, for the have more than one boss! Employees at these companies are generally divided
purposes of planning, coordination and control. The number of into different departments but often work with other teams to complete specific
departments in an organization depends on the number of projects. The matrix organisation structure is complex but helps in achieving the
different jobs, i.e., the size and complexity of the business. ultimate goal.
Authority is legitimized power. Power is the ability to influence others. Departmentalization is the basis on which work or
Organization structure is concerned with relationships Delegation is distribution of authority. Delegation frees the manager from the individuals are grouped into manageable units. Enhances Formal Lateral Communication: The matrix
among tasks and the authority to do the tasks. Eight tyranny of urgency. Delegation frees the manager to use his or her time on There are five traditional methods for grouping 8- Matrix Departmentation structure promotes progressive interaction among the
kinds of relationships can be captured in an high priority activities. However, delegation of authority does not free the work activities. individuals at the same corporate level.
organization chart: manager from accountability for the actions and decisions of subordinates.