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Volume - 12 | Issue - 09 | September - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.

Original Research Paper



Dr .K. Guna Nikhil Junior Resident

Dr. M. Dinesh. Junior Resident
Dr Halesh G V Junior Resident
Dr.M.Rajesh Assistant Professor *Corresponding Author
ABSTRACT Background: Monteggia fractures are characterised by anterior dislocation of radial head combined with ulnar shaft
fractures .our understanding of monteggia fractures has also led to discovery of so called monteggia equivalent fracture
, for example , bado and letts classied anterior dislocation of radial head combined with plastic deformity of ulna in paediatric patient as a major
class of monteggia equivalent fractures .it is a rare injury. It can be detected if one carefully equivalents the radiograph of an injured elbow , taking
into account radio capitellar line and ulnar bow . such an irreducible traumatic dislocation can be easily missed and latter detection are often
diagnosed as a neglected monteggia fracture . rate of missed injuries has been as high as 50 %. In these situation it is difcult to reduced by closed
manipulation, unless it is done immediately after injury . In these case , surgical treatment is required , but it is complex and difcult , therefore
additional methods are needed , such as ligament reconstruction and osteotomy . in children , bowing of long bone is common due to increased
plasticity. Case presentation : We herein introduce a case of 13 year old male child , who was fell on outstretched hand 6 weeks ago , presented to
our opd with complaints of pain , restricted movements of elbow joint and later with thorough clinical and radiological examination , diagnosed
with undiagnosed anterior radial head dislocation with plastic deformation of ulna and healed medial condyle fracture of humerus with k wires

KEYWORDS : plastic deformation of ulna , un diagnosed anterior dislocation of radial head , osteotomy , annular ligament .
CASE Ÿ Radial head still dislocated
A 13 year old , right hand dominant male had a fall while playing 6
weeks prior to presentation at our orthopaedic opd. Clinically on examination , mild swelling over the elbow and
tenderness over the radial head and appears to be anteriorly dislocated .
Upon the fall on left outstretched hand , he experienced swelling , pain, clinically stiff elbow , only 5 degree of exion and extension possible .
in left elbow .he was seen at some private hospital near his residence .
initial plain radiograph of left elbow showed – FRACTURE MEDIAL Patient and their parents were informed that the patient had an
CONDYLE HUMERUS , ANTERIOR DISLOCATION OF RADIAL undiagnosed anterior dislocation of radial head with bowing of ula .
HEAD WITH PLASTIC DEFORMITY OF ULNA . they were furtheremore informed that the given injury is 6 weeks old
and that the bowing of ulna , soft tissue interposition could possibly
prevent closed reduction.

Thus after being informd of full risks and benets of surgical

intervention and taken the consent for proposed treatment plan .
Initially planned k wire removal under local anaesthesia and adviced
physiotherapy for 2 weeks .

Primary surgery done in some hospital , patient came to me with this

week post op x ray shows

On 2 weeks followup , planned for

Ÿ Angulation Osteotomy Near Proximl Metaphysis Of Ulna And Fix
With A 3.5 Ldcp Plate
Ÿ Annular Ligment Repair If Still Unstability Of Radiocapitellar
Joint Present After Osteotomy

Consent was taken for the procedure , after explaining all the
cpmplications of procedure . patient was taken to operating room ,
under genral anaesthesia , patient in supine position with arm resting
on arm board , prepped and draped . kochers approach ( a skin incision
of 10 cms given extending from 2 cms proximal to lateral epicondyle
Medial condyle fracture looks healed with k wire insitu along the epicondyle goes 45 degree posteriorly along the shaft of ulna
Ÿ Plastic deformation of ulna ignored causing , sucataneous tissue incised ,plane made between extensor carpi ulnaris
Volume - 12 | Issue - 09 | September - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar
and anconeus muscle , maintain arm in prone position to make the supination and pronation of elbow joint . As little instability noticed
nerve move medially , supinator muscle is stripped from ulna , entire because of ruptured annular ligament , it is repaired with the help of
proximal shaft of ulna and dislocated radial head with ruptured ECRB (extensor carpi radialis brevis) fascia .
annular liagmet is visible . osteotomy was made 7 cm distal to
olecranon tip , radial head was reduced, ulna was xed with 7 holed
3.5mm LCDCP .

The patient was irrigated and closed in the standard fashion and placed
into a long arm cast with forearm in supination. Intraoperative and
postoperative imaging showed the radial head to maintain reduction
throughout this procedure.

Close patient follow up was undertaken to ensure maintained

reduction of radial head and for elbow range of motion rehabilitation.
At both one and four weeks postoperative, the patient was found to
have a maintained reduction, though range of motion was limited at the
latter visit, and casting was discontinued with the stipulation that range
of motion be the only activity that patient undergo.

Stability of radio capitellar joint was checked in extension, exion ,

Volume - 12 | Issue - 09 | September - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar
At ve weeks, reduction was maintained throughout range of motion.
At the two month follow up, reduction was maintained, the osteotomy
site was found to be healed, and the patient was pain-free and had
attained full range of motion and thus was returned to activity as
tolerated . At ten months postoperative, the patient underwent removal
of Hardware with no adverse events.

Monteggia originally described an injury to the proximal one-third of
the ulnar shaft associated with an anterior dislocation of the radial
head, and though this injury was described in 1814, debate exists to this
day about its proper classication and management. This is due to the
variability of the injury itself, the intricate anatomy in its vicinity of the
injury, and the plethora of interventions that provide typically
satisfactory yet frequently unreliable results. The forearm contains the
radius and ulna and their proximal and distal articulations. When we
are considering Monteggia injuries, the radiocapitellar articulation is
paramount. The radius must glide along the capitellum in elbow
exion and extension but must also rotate about the capitellum for the
intricate act of forearm pronation and supination which affords
uniquely human dexterity.

This relationship is sensitive to small changes in the relationship. It

was found that to maintain eighty percent of forearm rotation, the
Volume - 12 | Issue - 09 | September - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar
radial bow of an injured forearm would need to heal within ve degrees literature. However, the sooner the detection is, the simpler the
of the contralateral side.5 Fractures of the proximal ulna associated treatment is, and, the better the result is. We, therefore, present a rare
with radial head dislocation were further categorized by Bado, who case of irreducible traumatic radial head dislocation and ulnar plastic
noted types 1, 2 and 3 for anterior, posterior, and lateral radial head bowing deformity was treated successfully with open reduction with
dislocations, respectively. The observation was made by Ring that both osteotomy and annular ligament reconstruction.
these could be considered equivalent to plastic or fracture deformities
of the proximal ulna with apex in the same respective direction as REFERENCES
radial head dislocation. Rupture of the annular ligament, capsule, or 1. Boyd HB, Boals JC. The Monteggia lesion. A review of 159 cases. Clin Orthop Relat
Res. 1969;66:94-100.
other surrounding ligamentous structures then is obligatory if the 2. Lloyd-Roberts GC, Bucknill TM. Anterior dislocation of the radial head in children:
radial head is to dislocate. Thus, both ulnar and medial soft tissue Aetiology, natural history and Management. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1977;59-B:402-407.
deformities must be addressed for treatment of the injury. The injury is 3. Letts M, Locht R, Wiens J. Monteggia fracture dislocations in children. J Bone Joint
Surg Br. 1985;67:724-727
signicant because it is often not diagnosed initially and the difculty 4. Ring D. Monteggia fractures. Orthop Clin North Am. 2013;44:59-66.
of reduction. Consequences of a chronically dislocated radial head 5. Baeyens JP, Van Glabbeek F, Goossens M, et al. In vivo 3D arthrokinematics of the
include pain, decreased range of motion, delayed posterior proximal and distal radioulnar joints during active pronation and supination. Clin
Biomech(Bristol, Avon). 2006;21 Suppl 1:S9-12.
interosseous nerve palsy, osteoarthritis, and valgus instability, and 6. Ring D, Waters PM. Operative xation of Monteggia fractures in children. J Bone Joint
these problems may be progressive as ulnar growth discrepancy and Surg Br. 1996;78:734-739.
soft tissue stretching increase with time. Intervention has been 7. Bell Tawse AJ. The treatment of malunited anterior Monteggia fractures in children. J
Bone Joint Surg Br.1965;47:718-723.
notorious for complication. One recent case series of seven noted loss 8. Hasler CC, Von Laer L, Hell AK. Open reduction, ulnar osteotomy and external xation
of xation, non-union, radial nerve laceration, transient ulnar nerve for chronic anterior dislocation of the head of the radius. J Bone Joint Surg
palsy and compartment syndrome. Thus, it is still a viable treatment Br.2005;87:88-94.
9. Hurst LC, Dubrow EN. Surgical treatment of symptomatic chronic radial head
option for irreducible radial head dislocations to be treated with and dislocation: A neglected Monteggia fracture. J Pediatr Orthop. 1983;3:227-230.
excision or replacement upon skeletal maturity should the patient have 10. Oner FC, Diepstraten AF. Treatment of chronic posttraumatic dislocation of the radial
a clinically poor picture. Treatment options consist of closed head in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1993;75:577-581.
11. Lichter RL, Jacobsen T. Tardy palsy of the posterior interosseous nerve with a
reduction, open treatment of ulna, open treatment of radial head, or Monteggia fracture. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1975;57:124-125.
open treatment of both. Closed reduction can be used in some cases of 12. Rodgers WB, Waters PM, Hall JE. Chronic Monteggia lesions in children.
ulnar deformity and rare cases of ulnar complete fracture. A series of Complications and results of reconstruction. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1996;78:1322-1329.
200 Monteggia lesions showed excellent results for maintained 13. Stoll TM, Willis RB, Paterson DC. Treatment of the missed Monteggia fracture in the
child. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1992;74:436-440.
reduction with closed treatment though 10 of 14 Monteggia Bado type 14. Olney BW, Menelaus MB. Monteggia and equivalent lesions in childhood. J Pediatr
1 closed reductions required reoperation in order to correct the radial Orthop. 1989;9:219-223.
head dislocation. One study suggested surgical correction of ulnar 15. Lincoln TL, Mubarak SJ. “Isolated” traumatic radialhead dislocation. J Pediatr Orthop.
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from contralateral side and most studies noted the importance of change of ligaments during forearm rotation. J Hand Surg Am. 2009;34:685-691.
restoring natural ulnar border to be paramount to maintained reduction
of the radial head, with splinting in exion and supination to be the
most stable. Most sources recommend initially treating failed closed
reduction of the ulna with open correction of ulnar deformity. Surgical
recommendation is for reduction of fracture deformity, or in cases of
chronic or plastic deformities, osteotomy with xation to correct
deformity.There is no agreed upon method of xation, though less
invasive techniques such as wires with casting may be used in children
when overall stability is provided. It is suggested that intraoperative
radiographic assessment of the radial head reduction be scrutinized by
verication of concentricity of the radial head with the capitellum
during both extension and exion with pronation and supination.
Reduction of ulnar osteotomy should occur in the position where
deformity is corrected but more importantly, where dynamic stability
of the radiocapitellar joint occurs. Annular ligament reconstruction is
recommended by some as a primary means of operative correction
when the condition is chronic—lasting greater than eight weeks.
Typical recommendation is for a combination of correction of ulnar
deformity and repair or reconstruction of the soft tissue structures at
the proximal radius when stability of the radial head is not conferred. If
restoration of the at ulnar border is undertaken and the radial head is
not stable upon dynamic examination, the radial head must be
stabilized. variety of techniques may be used, from reconstruction of
the annular ligament using triceps fascia to open repair or
reconstruction of the capsule while ignoring the annular
ligament.Other techniques include stabilization of soft tissue
structures in the radiocapitellar joint by pinning of the joint until these
structures heal. If the radial head cannot be reduced after correction of
the ulnar deformity, the joint must be opened to examine for blockage
to reduction. Problems of chronic instability may not be correctable in
the above manner by surgical intervention. These cases must be
tempered by salvage operations. Children in whom the deformity is
late or failed surgical treatment may have to deal with a deformity as
continued treatment may lead to elbow stiffness. Eventual excision of
the radial head may be a necessity, with or without arthroplasty While
not ideal, results are typically better than the painfully chronically
dislocated radial head .

The Monteggia fracture and its variants have been the source of
endless debate for greater than two centuries, prior to the roentogram.
The principles of the injury are constant, though subtle variations to the
injury make its treatment a challenge. Essential to successful treatment
of lesions is the understanding that the forearm functions as one unit,
and that both the integrity of the radiocapetellar joint and correction of
ulnar deformity are necessary for treatment.irreducible radial head
dislocation with ulnar plastic deformation is not reported a lot in the

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