Chemical Stock Data

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No Campany Name chemical type unit amount

IMIDACLOPRID 0.5 Lit 4,226
GLYPHOSATE'36% 0.5 Lit 5,544
Lamda Cyhalothrin 1 Lit 1,470
Lamda Cyhalothrin 0.5 Lit 3,701

+METALAXYL 8% WP 1 KG 1,589

General Chemicals
1 56% W/W TABLETS Tin 8,470
Lamda Cyhalothrin 1 Lit 11,955.00
Propiconazole 250 ML 7,200
Propiconazole 1 Lit 9,240
Propiconazole 500 ML 8,540
Copper Hydroxide 1 KG 30,000
Mancozeb 800 Wp kg 49,204
Aluminium Phospide 56Tb kg 668
Helosate 48 Sl/ Glyphosate Lt 30,261
Helerate 50Wc Lt 39,951
Profit 720 Ec Lt 31,940

Dynamic 400 Fs/seed dressing Lt 33,301

Trust-sate 360 SL Lt 50,592

Richway 750 WDG kg -
Highway 50 Ec Lt 6,328
Natura 250 Ew Lt 24,605
Topharvest 80 Ec Lt 36,048
Butrazine 48% Sc Lt 70,00
2 Lions Inter Fenopax 69 Ew Lt -
Perfecto 175 SC Lt 5,463
Linkosate 48 SL Lt 67,157
Confidence 350 SC Lt 45,315
Trust-cymocop 439.5 Wp kg 12,488
Pritacet 10 EC Lt 7,649
Lipron 50 SC Lt 9,066
Lefothoate 40% EC Lt 34,308
Diprocon 30 EC Lt 11,162
Bestfield 360 SC Lt 11,500
Nobel 250 Wp kg -

Roundup 5 Lit Pack Liter 6,185

Roundup 1 Lit Pack Liter 321,650
Roundup Turbo Liter 2
Stomp 5 Lit Pack Liter 13,384
Stomp 1 Lit Pack Liter 10,084
Fastac 0.25 liter Pack Liter 3,030.25
Fastac 1 liter Liter 1,451
Rex Duo 0.5 Lit Pack Liter 890.5
Rex duo 5 Lit Pack Liter 5,210
Pix Liter 6,435
Stellar Star Liter 3,348

Opera Max Liter 6

Basagran Liter 1,298.50

Integrity Liter 7,768

3 Mekobo Enterp

Mancozeb 80% WP 1KG 11,000

Metalazil+ Mancozeb 72 % WP 1KG 9,800
Chloropyriphos 48 % EC 1 Lit 13,400
Alphaciproimethrin 100gr/tr 1 Lit 5,200


Tracer 480 SC Ltr. 108

Coragen Ltr. 640
Pallas 45 OD Ltr 500
Karate 5 % EC Ltr 553
Actellic 50 % EC Ltr 271
Mamba Super Ltr 408
Curzate R WP Kg. 144
Codal Gold Ltr. 1065
Lancelot 450 WG Kg. 81
Stomp 455 CS Ltr. 5,760
Phostoxin 56% L. 819
Karate 5 % EC Kg. 880
Funguran OH Ltr. 4841
Revus 250 SC Kg. 580
Dursban 48% EC Ltr 190
Systhane 20 EW Ltr 110
Basagran 480 SL Ltr 380
Curzate R WP Kg. 25
Closer 240 SC Kg. 45
5 Chemtex PLC Actellic 50% EC Ltr 440
Imidalm T 450 WS Ltr 675
Fusilade forte 150 EC Kg. 1610
Mamba Super 480 SL Ltr 14100
Stellar ™ Star Ltr 1200
Derby 175 TM Ltr 345
Lancelot 450 WG Ltr 65
Strongarm 840 WG Ltr 34
Selfos Kg. 40
Kocide 2000 L. 10,000
Tracer 480 SC Kg. 700
Nativo SC 300 Ltr 20,000
Pallas 45 OD Ltr 10,000
Coragen 200 SC Ltr 300
Curzatr R WP Ltr 4000
Fastac 100 GL Kg. 1000
Operamax Kg. 2000
Axial Ltr 5000

Dual Gold 960 EC/ Pre-emergence

Lit 3,760
6 MEKAMBA PLC herbicide/
Primagram Gold 660 SC/Pre-
Lit 38,798
emergence “/
Terminator 480 G/L SL/ Lit 51,516
Topik 080 EC/Herbicide/ Lit 8,833
Selecron 720 EC/Insecticide/ Lit 1251
vegetable seed
seed type unit amount Fax/email
251-11-551 02 87 /88

[email protected]

[email protected]
Jambar Onion 250 gm pack Gram 1,000
Jambar Onion 500 gm Pack “ 3,000
Anna Tomato 5000 Seed Pack “ 31,900
Anna Tomato 1000 Seed pack “ 1,500
Eden Tomato 100 gm pack “ 5,200
Eden Tomato 50 gm pack “ 7,300
INTERCEPTOR (Insecticide Treated Long-lasting Mosquito
Interceptor Mosquito Net Pcs 11,442
Interceptor Mosquito Net Pcs 5,000
Manual Knapsack Sprayers
And Spare Parts
HD-400 Manual Knapsack 2193
Nozzle Pcs 242
Strainer Pcs 726 [email protected]
Trigger Valve Pcs 105
Trigger Pcs 242
Lance tube Pcs 88
Trigger valve Needle Assembly Pcs 663
Filter Pcs 198
Gasket Holder Pcs 277
Trigger Valve Body Pcs 165
Cylinder Pcs 27
Ball Pcs 245
Nozzle Filter Pcs 168
Lever With Hand Grip Pcs 3
Dip Tube Hose Pcs 6
O-Ring Pcs 89
Cover with Diaphram Pcs 295
Compensation Chamber Pcs 27
Washer and Cutter Pcs 235
Strap Assembly Pcs 54
Piston Cup Pcs 4173
Elbow With Cone Packing Pcs 195
Cone Nut Pcs 194
Adjustable Cone Nozzle Blue 269
Lever Shaft with channel 195

Cabbage 250 GR 4,200 KG

Cabbage 250 GR 118 KG
Carrot 250 GR 5,400 KG
Carrot 250 GR 68 KG
Lettuce 250 GR 210 KG
Lettuce 250 GR 180 KG
Onion 250 GR 43 KG [email protected]
Onion 250 GR 2100 KG
Onion 250 GR 1300 KG
Swiss Chard 250 GR 920 KG
Red Beet 250 GR 4900 KG
Tomato 2,000 seeds/sachet 120 sac
Tomato 2,000 seeds/sachet 210 sac
Tomato 250 GR 1850 KG
Hot Pepper 1000 seeds/sachet 300 sac
Hot Peppre 1000 seeds/sachet 308 sac
Watermelon 25 GR 115 KG
Watermelon 25 GR 82 KG

Ato Yimenu
[email protected]
[email protected]
251-11-515 00 80

09-11 11 18 69
09-11 93 34 98
09-11 22 72 79
09-11 23 38 11
No Campany Name chemical type unit amount
Mancozeb 800 Wp kg 46,742
Aluminium Phospide 56Tb kg 668
Helosate 48 Sl/ Glyphosate Lt 30,261
Helerate 50Wc Lt 33,360
Profit 720 Ec Lt 22,098
Dynamic 400 Fs/seed dressing Lt 31,928
Trust-sate 360 SL Lt 50,592
Richway 750 WDG kg -
Highway 50 Ec Lt 6,125
Natura 250 Ew Lt 23,583
1 Lions International Topharvest 80 Ec Lt 35,858

PLC Butrazine 48% Sc Lt 67,502

Fenopax 69 Ew Lt -
Perfecto 175 SC Lt 25,392
Linkosate 48 SL Lt 66,567
Confidence 350 SC Lt 44,771
Trust-cymocop 439.5 Wp kg 12,164
Pritacet 10 EC Lt 7,546
Lipron 50 SC Lt 9,014
Lefothoate 40% EC Lt 33,995
Diprocon 30 EC Lt 10,940
Bestfield 360 SC Lt 11,388
Nobel 250 Wp kg 7,500
TOTAL Lit/Kg 577,994
Dual Gold 960 EC/ Pre-emergence
Lit 24,770
Primagram Gold 660 SC/Pre- emergence
Lit 114,502
2 MEKAMBA PLC Terminator 480 G/L SL/ Lit 150,564
Topik 080 EC/Herbicide/ Lit 14,433
Selecron 720 EC/Insecticide/ Lit 42,383
TOTAL Lit 346,652

Dimethoate 48% EC 1L. Lit 4,307

Dimethoate 48% EC 500ml Lit 15,910
Danadim (dimethoate 400 G/C 1,660
Auxo E.C 337E.C (500ml) Lit 1,293.5
Carbaryl 85 % Lit 1,322.5
Malathion 50% EC Lit 23,500
Knapsack sprayer 20 litre Lit 30
Sabozeb (mancozeb 80%) Lit 5,510
Glyweed 27,107
3 Tropical Farm 2,4-D Amine (hond) Lit 87,912
Trading Belt S.C 480 Lit 160
Aluminium Phosphide (TANPHOOS) 922
Malathion 500G/L (Fyfanon) Lit 5,824
2,4-D Amine (Aura) Lit 15,340
Modan 5,780
Netpyrifose Lit 2,030
Profenafos (Ajanta) Lit 8,980
Proven 700
Decis 2.5 EC Lit 2,247
Glymax 480% SL Lit 15,372
TOTAL 779,939
vegetable seed
seed type unit amount Fax/email Tele

[email protected] 09-11 11 18 69

[email protected] 09-11 23 38 11
[email protected] 011-6185442/44

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