Co Assignment Unit-2
Co Assignment Unit-2
Co Assignment Unit-2
Assignment on UNIT-2
S. Assignment CO’s /
No. Bloom’s Level
1 Represent (−456.1234) 10 in single precision and (CO2 / K3 Applying)
double precision format.
2 Design a 4-bit combinational incremental circuit
(CO2 / K3 Applying)
using four full adder circuits.
3 Explain 2-bit by 2-bit Array multiplier. Draw the
(CO2 / K3 Applying)
flowchart for divide operation of two numbers in
(CO2 / K2 Understanding)
signed magnitude form.
4 Show the multiplication process using Booth
algorithm, when the following binary numbers, (CO2 / K3 Applying)
(+13) x (-15) are multiplied.
5 a) Discuss Biasing with reference to floating point
representation. (CO2 / K2 Understanding)
b) What is restoring method in division algorithm?
6 Explain in detail the principal of carry look ahead (CO2 / K2 Understanding)
adder and design 4-bit CLA adder. (CO2 / K3 Applying)
7 Show the systemic multiplication process of (20) x
(CO2 / K3 Applying)
(-19) using booth algorithm.
8 Explain IEEE standard for floating point
representation. Represent the number (-460.125)10 (CO2 / K3 Applying)
in single precision and double precision format.
9 Using booth algorithm performs the multiplication
(CO2 / K3 Applying)
on 6-bit unsigned integers 101100 * 110101.
10 How floating point numbers are represented in
computer, also give IEEE 754 standard 32-bit (CO2 / K2 Understanding)
floating point number format.
11 Representing the following decimal numbers in
IEEE standard floating point format in a single (CO2 / K3 Applying)
precision method- i) (65.175)10 ii) (-307.1875)10
12 Design 4-bit binary decrementer using full addres (CO2 / K3 Applying)