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Teaching English for young learners in Indonesia still invites the controversies among
the educators and psycholinguists that concern on learners’ development in thinking
and communication. Because teaching English for young learners in Indonesia seems
to force them in knowing the rule and forms of the sentence. In addition, some of the
teachers who teach English for young learners have not the appropriate educational
background that can teach the younger as well as the objective wish. Actually, there is
not any regulation or decisions that obligate the school to teach English to young
learners. It only depends on the school itself. In this paper, the writer would like to
describe the teaching English to young learners in Indonesia in the side of its
implementation and also the pros and cons based on the second language acquisition
Keywords: language acquisition, theory of young learners, pros and cons of teaching
English to young learners, teaching English to young learners in Indonesia.
Citation APA Style: Nufus, T. Z. (2018). Teaching English to Young Learners in
Indonesia (Pros and Cons). English Language in Focus (ELIF), 1(1), 65–70.
nglish is the international language interaction.
which is used in most population Up to now in Indonesia, the
in the world, therefore it is taught appropriate age for introducing English
from the primary to university, in the as a second language to young learner
primary level the English teaching still invites many controversies from
process is introduced to know the many education experts, and it is still
language used in communication. being unresolved issue in the field of
Indonesia is a nation in which the most second language acquisition up to now,
population used Bahasa Indonesia as the because age is one of the crucial issues in
lingua franca, and English is considered the field of child second language
as a foreign language. But in most central acquisition and their cognitive
cities in Indonesia, English is used on development. In addition, there is not
many occasions in delivering speech, any regulation which is obligated the
English Language in Focus (ELIF), 1 (1), 65-70. https://jurnal.umj.ac.id/index.php/ELIF
school to give the English subject since learner applied in Indonesia, fully with
kindergarten to elementary school so its pros and cons based on the researcher
that there are many researchers that in language acquisition.
point out both the benefit and drawback
of introducing a second language to the Introduction to Second Language
young learner. Are young learners better Acquisition
than older learners in acquiring the Language is an important means
second language? Does early exposure to to convey message and information to
the target language field get a better other people, we need language to share
result? In addition, those questions are information and to build relationship
not easy to answer only with “yes” or with others. Since the people were born
“no” expression to those questions. It they have to communicate with their
needs several theories and evidence to environment directly by their own
support them. language because the expected cry of a
The decision which taken by the newborn baby is the first sign of human
ministry of national education no 060/U/ communication, language acquisition
1993 on 25th of February 1993 about the process can be seen as a running parallel
elementary curriculum with the throughout a child’s life every day. The
appendix 1 consists of main subject that process begins in the early life of human
used as a lead in developing curriculum and requires a healthy start, sufficient
in the young learner classroom, the opportunities, and exposure to care
objective of teaching in the elementary giving environment that allows the
school and the material which is taught child’s innate predisposition to learn to
in the elementary school and junior high communicate to function (Rossetti,
school (Nababan, 1993). This decision 2001).
should become the leader to teach young The process of receiving language
learners in many subjects. Actually, has many ways, it depends on the
young learners did not need the material individual, and the situation of learning
of the subject but far from it, they need to and acquisition, learning is considered
know how the introduction of language as a conscious process, knowing the
and how to use it in real communication. rules, being aware of them, and being
Today the writer finds the able to talk with them, while acquisition
education system in Indonesia is going is a process by which children
rapidly. Many schools offer English unconsciously acquire their native/first
subject to be taught in formal school language. In language acquisition, the
since playgroup to university. The school focus is on communication and reception
also determined to use bilingual in of a message in the interaction process.
teaching process to young learner, even There are many kinds of language
though the government did not give any used in communication, native language,
regulation to held the English subject in second language and also foreign
young learner classroom and these language, In Indonesia English is used as
situations carried the writer to describe a foreign language while Bahasa
how was teaching English to young Indonesia acts as second language,
Nufus, T. Z. (2018). Teaching English to Young Learners in Indonesia (Pros and Cons)
English Language in Focus (ELIF), 1 (1), 65-70. https://jurnal.umj.ac.id/index.php/ELIF
Nufus, T. Z. (2018). Teaching English to Young Learners in Indonesia (Pros and Cons)
the young learners are keen, enthusiastic, eaching English for young learners
uninhibited and can be easily motivated basically is the unique activity
through their interaction among the which invites the learners to think,
environment (Cameron, 2001). In play and communicate with the language,
addition, those are the reasons on how and this activity should attract them not
the children learn a second language to force them in knowing the forms or
easily. the structure of the language, because
Leontʹev (1981) in their book teaching English for the primary learners
“Psychology and the Language Learning did not have any regulation that can force
Process“, stated that Language learning the school to give the teaching or not.
in an early age of a child (6 – 12 years Actually learning language in the
old) has a deceptive effect. His language term of younger age is better in the side
development will be greatly affected by of pronunciation and exposure of
his experience in learning the language. speaking, it will enable them to speak
When he has undergone the right track of more fluently and it should make them as
learning his language acquisition will native-like. But one thing that should be
develop smoothly. concerned by the teachers that teaching
Actually, this view warned the English to young learners should let them
teaching language process to give good to speak and express their thought using
teaching to the young learners on the the language and not make them confuse
side of the teachers’ competence. in using the form of the language,
Because the teacher has the main role in because when they make interaction
deciding the good material which is suit using their own English language it will
to the learners’ mind without forcing make them interested in language and
them in learning, the learner will see the consider English as the real mean for
teachers’ use the language as the communication and taking interactions
motivation for them in learning. with others.
Because teaching English for Actually the younger can acquire
young learners in Indonesia is not the the language with practicing and
one content of the curriculum and it is understanding in using the function of
considered as only the local content of language as a means to express their
the school, so the book which is used as willingness, and it can be concluded that
the guide is not served, therefore the there are different acquisition process
teacher should seek the appropriate and sequences faced by children and
book which is used as the teaching adult, a younger learner may receive
materials and the methods used should simpler input and older learner may
be interesting and joyful to the learners. obtain better prepare to negotiate it with,
Besides, the teacher also must tend the and the evidence here that the younger
psychological of learners themselves. produce clearest for phonology and also
English Language in Focus (ELIF), 1 (1), 65-70. https://jurnal.umj.ac.id/index.php/ELIF
exist for accent recognition and Ellis, R. (1994). The Study of Second
listening comprehension. On the Language Acquisition. Oxford, UK:
contrary, older children such as isolated Oxford University Press.
and deaf children starting sign language Hadisantosa, N., Huong, T. T. T.,
late, also start off faster, presumably Johnstone, R., Keyuravong, S., & Lee,
W. (2009). Learning through English:
because the adult had got their greater
Policies Challenges and Prospect.
cognitive maturity, and if they begin too Retrieved from
late, however, they will stop far short of https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk
native-like abilities, a fact widely /sites/teacheng/files/publication_1_
accepted as evidence of maturational -_learning_through_english.pdf
constraints on child development stage. Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. (1991).
Hopefully, this paper will give a clear An Introduction to Second Language
explanation about English to young Acquisition Research. New York:
Longman Press.
learner, and the writer hopes that it will
Leontʹev, A. (1981). Psychology and the
get the suggestions from everyone who
Language Learning Process. London:
read it to make this paper better and give Pergamon Press.
advantage for others.
Nababan. (1993). Kurikulum Nasional.
Jakarta: Balai Pustaka Gramedia.
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Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching Languages Intervention : Birth to Three. Canada:
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