Erotic NPCs - 6-1-23 (40594786)
Erotic NPCs - 6-1-23 (40594786)
Erotic NPCs - 6-1-23 (40594786)
generous cleavage. She flounces away with a swish of her hips, The next question, then, follows: why play erotic
attracting the attention of the nearby blacksmith: he sweats as NPCs? I think the answer differs from player to
he tries to muscle his opponent’s arm to the table, his upper player, from game master to game master. Maybe
half bare and bulging. Behind the bar the smirking bartender you’ve thought up a villain who uses their
assembles a complicated drink with quick flicks of his wrist, sexuality as a weapon, and you want to try to
impeccable in his suit, and hands it to the scarred woman who ensnare your players. Maybe the party has
downs it without a second thought. She scans the crowd with a stepped into a town gripped by a hyper-sexualized
hand on her mace, cracking her knuckles, skin like bronzed curse. Maybe you want to depict an amorous
armor behind her furs. Ephemeral, a hand brushes yours... and potential paramour... or maybe you just want to
that slender figure slips through the crowd to pause for a have some fun!
moment at the stairs, blinking long eyelashes at you, a
secretive smile on that Elfin face before it disappears up W HY NPC S ?
towards the private rooms...
Just one question left: why NPCs at all? There’s
an argument to be made that the GM should just
N AN EROTIC WORLD , OF COURSE THERE let their players play with each other, and the GM
must be people going about, living their should mostly be there to steer the game in
lives day by day. No adventuring party between. If that works for your table,
is an island: even on their adventures the congratulations! But if that’s the case, why did
party might meet competition, knowledgeable you buy this booklet?
locals, or even hire some help. In the space I think most GMs will agree that their players
between adventures, the party might order drinks are much more comfortable roleplaying with the
from the barman, might speak to the local clergy, world the GM creates. Creating a believable,
might sell items to the cunning thieves’ fence. immersive world requires a tremendous amount
And what of the peasants they pass on the street, of work, but the result is priceless: it allows your
or the merchants on the road? players to fully sink into their characters and do
Each of these characters has the potential to all the things they wouldn’t normally be able to.
bring something fun and exciting to the game. NPCs are a huge component of your world.
Each of these characters has the potential to be Without them, it would be empty indeed. And
erotic. your NPCs are going to be the ones convincing
your players it’s not just OK to play an erotic
W HAT ’ S AN EROTIC NPC? game—it’s encouraged!
P LAYING EROTIC NPC S Give your players a goal to work for with romance
as the reward and then they’ll be thinking about it
Well, now you’ve got an NPC or two in your back on their next adventure, maybe even deep inside
pocket—maybe you’ve made them up yourself or the dragon’s den!
maybe you’re taking a couple from the next You don’t have to get too fancy if you don’t want
chapter. You’ve picked them out, sure... but what to, either—it might be enough, depending on your
now? group, to describe a lovely NPC as they turn the
You’d better set up an introduction. corner, give a few lingering glances, then disappear.
Perhaps your players will open an investigation as
T HE FIRST MEETING to their identity; perhaps the desire will grow ever
Before we talk about anything else, before we go stronger.
into any of the nitty-gritty, let me say this first:
Don’t let your players sleep with the NPC on P USH AND PULL
their first meeting. You know your players best, but I find the most
I know: controversial. It’ll probably frustrate effective way to pique a player’s romantic interest—
your players a bit, sure. If the bard says "I head to and make the conclusion all the sweeter—is to
the bar and sleep with the first barmaid I see," or establish a pattern of "push" and "pull." Let’s take
the Paladin says "I get my rocks off in the church," an example: the Rogue wants to seduce the local
there’s no harm in that: a few words about how it princess. There are some obvious obstacles we can
goes, then move on. imagine in this situation. Let’s pick the obvious
But there’s a reason players go delving into one: the Rogue isn’t of noble blood. We can refine
dungeons for treasure: the journey is the best this down into a goal:
part. If the treasure was on their doorstep, if they The princess won’t openly be lovers with
didn’t have to try for it, then there’d be no point! anyone her father the king doesn’t approve
And the game would be far less fun. By the same of—and he only approves of noble partners.
token, fulfilling and compelling NPC Straight away, this gives us a lot of options.
romances—and sexual encounters—should be
• Won’t openly be lovers: the Rogue could evade
something that take a little effort on their part.
the guards and slip into her bedroom at night.
There are a lot of reasons why—due to no fault
• Won’t be lovers: the Rogue could begin as a
of your players’—a first impression might not lead
friend and find opportunities to become more.
to an immediate rendezvous. You can make up
• Only approved partners: the Rogue could alter
your own, or you can roll on this table:
their appearance to match a potential beau.
The NPC isn’t yet willing to sleep with you
• Her father must approve: the Rogue could cozy
up to the king and win him over with charm.
because... • Only noble partners: the Rogue could forge a
d20 Reason document showing a noble lineage.
1 ...a body ailment of theirs causes discomfort.
2 ...this isn’t the right time. This is just a very small list of potential options.
3 ...they’re inexperienced and thus, cautious. Can you think of some more? I bet if you put that
4 ...their initial impression of the player is bad. in front of your players, they could come up with
5 ...they want more shared intimacy with the player. some hare-brained schemes that you could never
6 ...they need the player to be okay with a certain kink. imagine in a million years. Some of them might
7 existing lover complicates matters. even be good!
8 ...they have high standards the player doesn’t yet meet.
9 ...they’re self-conscious about their body.
10 ...past trauma makes them hesitant.
11 ...they haven’t enjoyed the sex they’ve had.
Never say "no"*
12 ...they’re chaste by choice.
13 ...they’re hiding a secret kink. It’s easy to come up with reasons why a player might not be
able to win the heart of a given NPC: maybe they’re of noble
14 ...this isn’t the right place.
birth so the commoner is out of luck; maybe they’re gay, so
15 ...they’re chaste, but not by choice. the opposite gender is a no go; maybe they’ve got a partner
16 ...they want a commitment from the player. they love very much; and so on, and so on. But they can fail
17 ...their culture demands a ritual of courtship first. to seduce the king at any other table.
18 ...they have a self-imposed rule, such as "best me first." I strongly recommend you adopt a policy of "yes, but..." in
19 ...their family needs to accept the player first. regards to your NPCs. Never use an insurmountable obstacle;
20 ...they’re dealing with a wicked curse. instead, use one that can be overcome. They’re gay, but bi-
curious. They’re married, but not happily (or maybe they’re
open to a third). They’re of noble birth, but they really want
These, of course, are purposefully surmountable to piss off their parents.
issues: a player could rise to meet the NPC’s high
standards, or could ignite the fires in a frigid NPC.
Of course, this was all "push:" "No, you can’t S UCCESS !
sleep with the princess because..." there’s no
Whew! Over the walls, through the corridors, et
"pull" at all, and that’s no good. These obstacles
cetera. Now the Rogue is in the princess’ chambers
add some excitement and a direction, but if
and there’s nothing to stop them sealing the deal.
they’re difficult ones—especially if they take
What next?
multiple sessions to overcome!—you can
Well, they seal the deal, of course.
reasonably expect your players to lose interest in
their potential partners. To avoid this you’ll have Every table’s going to have a different level of
to give them little enticements, little reminders of comfort with how detailed things can get. If you’re
what they can stand to gain if they keep on a little in this deep you should already have an idea of
longer. what your players prefer: if you don’t, you’d better
Returning to our previous example with the
It’s beyond the scope of this book to tell you
Rogue and the princess, we can imagine some
exactly how to describe, or roleplay, the
encouragement from the princess to keep the
consummation in the princess’ quarters. Play
Rogue motivated. Perhaps she finds little ways to
with it, have fun with it, and when you feel like
offer reminders: she lets her eyes linger, or she
you’ve found a natural finish, move on. Let the
winks, or she fidgets and rubs her thighs.
player(s) bask in the moment for a bit, and then
Perhaps she entices with little flashes of her
come back to them with the aftermath.
skirts, or sweet words, or peeks at her body.
Perhaps she even goes as far as she can without
going all the way. Perhaps she reveals just how A FTERMATH
hard it is for her to wait and pens licentious Well, they’ve gone and done it. So we’re done,
messages to invigorate her partner. right? Nothing more to talk about? Well, not quite.
There are a million ways to keep and to hold You want the Rogue to come back to the princess
interest like this. If you feel like a player is getting sometime, right? That means you need another
frustrated—or worse, bored—you might want to push, and you need another pull.
tease them just a bit. That, or you can move on to Roll on that big old table on the last page, or
the next pretty thing that might cross their path. make up your own new obstacle—set of
obstacles?—for your player(s) to overcome. The
Rogue has slept with the princess, sure, but if
Note to the GM they want to do it again they’ll have to face the
Here’s a neat trick to make a player feel like their effort is head of her personal guard who’s beginning to
worth it: have the NPC working at the problem, too. Show
the player a moment where the NPC they desire is, under cotton on. Or maybe the princess is being married
their own effort and their own motivation, trying to make off to a prince in a foreign land by her unwitting
things work. father!
Once again, we’re not demanding a player act
on the hook we’re presenting them. What did we
F AILURE ! say? Characters who provide an erotic, optional
hook for the players. Maybe the princess was
The Rogue swims the moat, scales the wall, evades
just fine, but not memorable; maybe the hike into
the dogs... and walks right into an armored patrol.
the castle was too fraught; maybe now that the
No clandestine meeting tonight, unless it’s with a
goal has been reached, it’s time to look for a new
jail cell!
mountain to climb. If your player is satisfied with
When an obstacle is put in the way of a player,
the encounter and doesn’t see the need for another
they don’t always manage to overcome it. When
one, then you’ve done your job! Pat yourself on the
it comes to the erotic, this can be a moment of
back and make sure the other players get some
intense frustration and annoyance. You’ll have
attention too.
to decide whether to egg them on to try again, or
But that’s why we give them another hook: on
to gracefully let it go. If you don’t think they’re
the off chance the princess captured the Rogue’s
too dismayed, and you think they’ll enjoy giving it
heart, there should be an opportunity to go back,
another shot, be sure to give them another "pull."
and an obstacle to overcome. They know they can
The princess sends a coded letter, perhaps, with
do it again, it’s just a matter of when!
instructions for how to evade the patrols... or a
place and time to meet her outside the castle walls.
You can also try to change the problem. Maybe Next time...
the princess is now allowed clandestine meetings— Want your players to come back for a second round? One
but only with a list of people that excludes the foolproof method is to promise them a kink they didn’t get
to indulge in the first time. Have the princess blow a kiss and
Rogue. Now, perhaps a disguise would be better! promise: next rendezvous, I’ll let you do that thing you like.
S AMPLE EROTIC NPC S These aren’t the only places they might be—but
hopefully they give you an idea or two.
What follows is a set of NPCs written in loving Description. Another set of descriptive
detail, and rendered in digital art—some elements follows the stats and saves, but these
characters to slip into appropriate moments and are intended to be read by the GM and not by the
scenes. They’re organized below by their players: they’re short lists of things that you can
expressed gender and the type of kinks they play expand upon when you describe the NPC to your
into: maybe just by looking at the list you can players.
identify a couple that catch your fancy... and Utility. Inside the next section you’ll find how
maybe more importantly, catch your players’ the NPC might interact with the players: will they
fancies! be a positive force? A potentially negative one?
Some NPCs might offer your group unique buffs
R EADING THESE NPC S and opportunities, while others might pose
A heck of a lot of descriptive information has been complex difficulties the group might have to deal
distilled into each of these NPC pages. So how with.
do you go about reading it? Let’s break down the Pleasures. Last is the most intimate part of the
individual parts. character—what kind of intimacies they prefer!
Each NPC has a way into their bed, a method of
P ICTURE Seduction that’s most likely to work, or least
likely. Some NPCs prefer strong come-ons using
Each of these NPCs has been rendered in digital
Domination, others softer approaches with
art begun with an AI base and then finished with
Submission, and still others the simple romance
extensive digital editing and enhancing. They can
of Sensuality. An NPC noted Submission or
be used to show to your players to give them an
Disadvantage, for example, makes the player roll
idea of who they’re talking to—but be careful not
to Seduce at Disadvantage when they’re not using
to show them any of the rest!
the Submission skill.
Each NPC is accompanied by a set of expository
descriptions, intended to give you a list of short,
pre-written bits you can read aloud to provide your
players with some visual detail. You can pick and
choose which lines to use, and which to save for
later (or omit entirely) to shape the image your
players receive. Some descriptions are standard:
you can expect to see a Body tab which should
give a general understanding of the NPC’s body
beneath their clothes, which get their own Clothes
tab. After that it’s free game: visual elements that
stand out on the NPC’s body like their legs or their
chest might get a mention, and a few of the kinks
they play into might also get their own descriptions
so you can turn your player’s minds to the erotic.
Stats and saves. A simplified character sheet
is also provided for these NPCs, something you
should be able to reference and pick from at a
glance. They’ve got no combat information; they
aren’t intended to be used in combat, though of
course there’s nothing stopping you! All these
NPCs have stats near what would be expected
for an 8th-level PC with a Proficiency Bonus of
+3: if your party is much higher or much lower,
you might want to reduce or increase the bonus
Potential meetings. Here are a suggested list of Illustration from Monsieur Paulette et ses épouses by Louis
places, circumstances and scenarios in which the Malteste
players might come into contact with each NPC.
Each NPC also has preferences as to how they’re • Create some tension. The best NPCs pose
treated under the sheets: if a player discovers some interesting questions, and act as foils or
these secrets they might end up as more than opposites to your players. When you look at
just a notch on the NPC’s bedpost. Remember the NPCs, can you spot some who would divide
not to reveal this section to your players! If they the players between loving and hating them?
know all the tricks, the mystery fades—and the Agreeing and disagreeing with them? As long as
encounter is much less memorable. Hint at it, give they don’t disgust anyone, a little hate and a lot
information gained by skillful inquiry, and then of love makes for some great tension.
properly reward a player who figures out the right • Roll for it! Sometimes simple is best. Got a
moves. moment you know you need one of these NPCs
Finally, a laundry list of the NPC’s personal for? Just roll a d20 and see how it falls!
kinks and turn-offs: these are available for your
players to intuit, to accidentally stumble upon... A DAPTING THESE NPC S
or to be told of! Utilizing a kink might make an I get it—not every NPC fits every occasion. And
NPC struggle to resist orgasm, but a turn-off might more than that, not every NPC suits every set of
spell the end of a romantic encounter. tastes! If you the full picture of an NPC doesn’t
appeal, but you feel like the foundation is a good
I NVOLVING THESE NPC S one, don’t hesitate to make some changes! I
Now that you know how to read each of these NPCs’ encourage you to swap around kinks and turn-
character sheets, you can start thinking about how offs to please your players, and to enhance parts
to bring one (or more!) of them into your game. of the NPCs you think they’ll like. Just be sure to
You can read through each one and pick the ones consider your own preferences, too—it’s no good if
you like, or I have a couple of suggestions for a you force yourself to make some NPCs that turn
more streamlined process: your stomach!
• Read the kinks. Do you know what you like?
Do you know what your players do? I sure hope Why isn’t there...?
so. You can glance through the table below You may notice some remarkable absences in the following
and see what matches up where—and pick what NPCs, some body types, some roles or some kinks that
are notably lacking. I’ve done my best to provide a group
sounds most exciting! that’s got a lot to offer, but it wasn’t possible with only 25
• Ask your players. Show the NPCs to your to represent all I’d like to. If something you wanted isn’t
players, or at least let them read the table and present here, I encourage you to adapt one of these NPCs if
check out their portraits. Is there an NPC they possible and if not, create it using the tools from the previous
chapters! If you create something you’re proud of, you’re
all want? Is there a player you’re looking to always welcome to come by the Patreon and share it!
reward or tempt?
Domination – Orgasm denial – Trampling – Disdain
Medium female Dark Elf, chaotic evil Ranger 8
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (–1)
Face. Sharp cheekbones. Yellow eyes with red eyeshadow. Ruby
red lipstick. Pointy Elven ears and long, luxurious white hair.
Body. Voluptuous-figured: medium breasts, medium but very
shapely rear. Soft stomach without tone, toned legs.
Clothing. Black, shiny leather garments. Bikini top and sleeves
connected to black choker. Halters and strings connecting a waist
jacket to tiny black, leather shorts. Long leather stiletto boots
that reach just past her knees.
Items. Long, sharp knives at her belt and in her hands. A necklace
with a glowing red stone nestled between her cleavage.
Personality. Unpleasant, cold and prickly. She’s dismissive if not
hateful of everyone and doesn’t mind showing it. Fondly disdainful
towards those who’ve shown her proper obedience.
Habits. Sharpens her knives and tosses them idly. Sits with her
feet up on whatever surface is in front of her.
Black Hand marks. Sable knows the names of those who have
been marked for death. If the party is willing to dirty their hands
she’ll point them towards otherwise ordinary townsfolk: 50GP if
Sable Darkheel by @Mothaccino they turn up dead, 100 if they "disappear."
Kiss of Death. Sable sells toxins from the places deep below the
Descriptive snippets earth. For 20GP a player can buy a single-use poison that can be
applied to their slashing or piercing weapon: a successful hit with
Focus Snippet
that weapon allows the player to roll Intimidation or Domination
Face ...she twists her red lips in a grimacing frown,
at Advantage against the creature they damage. The toxin wears
her eyes flashing...
off after one hit.
Breasts ...her shapely leather brassiere holds her so
tightly that two peaks poke through the Pleasures
Sable doesn’t take many to her bed, but those who accompany
Ass ...the sway of her hips is accentuated by the
her keep quiet about their experiences—except to loudly sing her
high heels she wears, which push her backside
into two firm globes...
Thighs ...dark purple skin slips down into those black, Seduction — DC 16 (Submission or Disadvantage). Sable is a
shiny leather boots, both legs slender but difficult mistress to approach, but not impossible. A player who
strong... makes a public display of their obedience or subservience to Sable
Clothing ...the black leather gear she wears squeezes rolls to Seduce her at Advantage.
her tight, contrasted by her dark purple flesh... Preferences. Sable rarely indulges her servants with pleasure of
Domination ...Sable raises her head to look down her nose their own before they please her fully—if she indulges them at all.
at you, flicking her white hair carelessly back... It’s gift enough, she thinks, to be allowed to pleasure her at all.
Orgasm denial ..."Until I get what I want..." she traces a sharp Sable rolls to resist Arousal at Advantage if she hasn’t yet orgasmed.
fingernail in a slow circle: "why should you?" Kinks. Sable likes subservient partners and enjoys chastising
Trampling ...she stamps a foot down hard, twisting them, ordering them around and stepping on them. She doesn’t
her heel, grinding the sharp stiletto into the like exhibitionism, giving oral, or sexual positions when she’s on
ground... the bottom.
Disdain ...she curls her lips with a sneer, narrowing her
eyes like she’s looking at rotting garbage...
Submission – Free use – Deepthroat – Spanking
Medium male Half-Elf, lawful good Cleric 8
13 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)
Face. Soft, slender features. Blue sparkling eyes. Pouty, thick pink
lips. Half-pointed ears and gorgeous, shoulder-length golden hair.
Body. Soft, pink skin. Slim-chested but wide-hipped. Thick thighs
with no gap. Full, pert backside.
Clothing. White, hooded robes with golden filigree. Underneath,
small tight boyshorts that double as underwear.
Items. A holy staff of white marble bearing a figurehead showing
a woman kneeling, face upturned and mouth open.
Personality. Quiet and meek but warm to his friends and those
kind to him. Silent when disappointed or disapproving, merely
stares reproachfully.
Habits. Holds his staff behind his back hooked in his elbows,
unintentionally pressing the fabric of his robes to his lower back.
Relief work. Lillium is passionate about providing succor to those
who need it: some require healing, others comfort, and still others
a kind of release. The church he attends will gladly pay 10GP for
every penitent helped, or 30GP for those with less conventional
Lillium Graceweaver by @Mothaccino Deep healing. His touch feels like magic—and in truth, it is. Every
time Lillium Stimulates another creature, they heal 1d8+8 HP.
Domination – Neglect – Shaming – Ruined orgasms
Medium female Elf, chaotic evil Rogue 8
10 (+0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Face. Piercing, calm blue eyes with impeccable eyeshadow and
eyebrows. Pointy Elven ears and deep blue hair. Pouty lips.
Body. Slender, toned build. Medium breasts and shapely hips.
Long, athletic legs and a toned stomach.
Clothing. Expensive leather garments, hand-stitched and cut.
Skimpy attire revealing her toned figure. Blue leather reveals her
cleavage and the entirety of her legs, down to leather boots.
Items. A peacock-feather design, metal fan. It’s sharpened and
weighted to be thrown or to provide a deadly cut.
Personality. She appears kind and friendly on the surface, but
holds no true allegiance to anyone but herself. She’ll turn her back
on anyone at any time, and tires quickly of listening to anyone talk
about anything but her.
Habits. Tests her pickpocketing skills frequently on unsuspecting
passerby. She stays up late bar-hopping and enjoys smoking
Alliwyn Steele by @Mothaccino
Break-in specialist. Alliwyn knows all the safehouses in town...
and has drawn napkin diagrams of how to break into each one.
She might scope the players out as a potential heist group, though
Descriptive snippets they’ll have to be careful she doesn’t leave them in the vault!
Focus Snippet
Face ...she watches with those smoky blue eyes, her Pleasures
slender cheekbones moving as her pouty lips Alliwyn’s favorite type of partner is one who’s stupid enough to
purse in a smirk... do whatever she says, but she tends not to say it out loud.
Breasts ...she adjusts the leather top of her outfit, Seduction — DC 12 (Submission or Disadvantage). Alliwyn
squishing her medium breasts back in place... doesn’t mind a fling: it doesn’t mean much to her. A longer-term
Ass ...her hips sway as she stalks down the street, her relationship, however, requires mutual trust... and that is difficult
tight rear on full display where the leather leotard to come by for her. A potential paramour with dirt on her—that
dips between her cheeks... they convince her they won’t use—rolls to Seduce her at
Legs ...her toned legs flex as she expertly scales the Advantage.
side of the building, fitting her boots into small
Preferences. Alliwyn’s own pleasure is, in her mind, the most
cracks in the brickwork...
important part of any sexual encounter. She expects her partners
Clothing ...she brushes back the furred edge of her hood
to slavishly work at pleasing her... and she doesn’t spare a thought
and pats down the rest of her little leather
for their own enjoyment, even to notice them. If a player ever
number: a rich blue, the garment gives a peek
makes a Sexual Skill check below 10 during an encounter with Alliwyn,
at her cleavage and then dips between her thighs
she shames them brutally: until their next Long Rest, they roll Sexual
like a leotard, flat over her toned stomach...
Skill checks at Disadvantage. If a partner fails to reach their own
Domination ...she flutters that fan in front of her face: it’s
finish during an encounter, however, she’ll start to finish them—
impossible to see her expression, but those eyes
then stop at the very best part: "better luck next time."
stare with a kind of amused disappointment...
Neglect ..."Oh," she mutters with clear disinterest in her Kinks. Alliwyn enjoys ordering around her partners, chastising
voice. "Were you talking? I stopped caring."... and demeaning their sexual skills. She prefers positions where
Shaming ...her eyebrows quirk and she isn’t fast enough to she’s on top, and she smokes during sex. She disregards her
hide her pitying smile behind her fan. "Really?" partners during sex, as if they’re merely a tool for her. She
she breathes. "Pathetic."... doesn’t like exhibitionism, giving sexually, or pushy partners.
Romance – Kissing – Naivete – Embarrassment
Medium female Half-orc, lawful good Researcher
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (–1)
Face. Soft face with freckles and a single white tusk emerging from
her lips. Curly, black hair in an untidy mop. A pair of overlarge
Body. Olive-green skin color. A strong build, muscled arms and
massive thighs. Giant soft, pillowy chest and tight buttocks. Tall
but for her hunched posture.
Clothing. Long, pleated purple skirt and pretty little shoes. A
sweater that hangs over her large chest but can’t quite make it
to her muscled stomach.
Items. A book she carries everywhere, titled "A History of the
Realms." The inside has been cut out to allow her to place inside
it various romantic novellas.
Personality. Kind and thoughtful, but extremely shy and naive.
Falls over herself to help whomever she thinks needs it, then
retreats with apologies for her presumption. Prone to flights of
fancy and optimistic daydreams.
Habits. Becomes deeply engrossed in her book, to the point she
jumps in surprise when she’s interrupted. When she reads
something licentious her cheeks burn and she bites her lip with
her tusk.
Rose Onetusk by @Mothaccino
Lore expert. Rose knows a great deal about otherwise difficult
to research topics. For a small payment of 20GP, the players can
Descriptive snippets ask her to research a specific monster, such as a Zombie: during
Focus Snippet their next encounter with that creature, the players roll Initiative
Face ...she flicks her eyes downward, hiding her at Advantage. If Rose is fond of a player, she’ll offer to waive the
blushing cheeks and single white, sharp cost in return for a long, romantic kiss she says is "for research."
tusk... ???. ???
Body ...Rose reaches for the top shelf, easily
plucking the heavy box of books from nine Pleasures
feet up... Rose has no experience, save for what she’s picked up in books,
Breasts she reaches, her sweater pulls away from but she’s got a lot of dreams and a lot of expectations.
her muscled stomach, carried aloft by those
Seduction — DC 18. It’s a difficult task to match the expectations
large, heavy orbs...
laid from a lifetime reading the sappiest, most romantic texts she
Clothing ...the purple pleated skirt drapes as she sits
can find. An ordinary proposition is likely to leave her feeling
to read: the sweater draped over her large
disillusioned. A player who successfully makes a DC 16 Performance
chest, from this angle, almost looks modest...
check to perform a romantic song or poem rolls to Seduce her at
Romance ...Rose sighs longingly. "To find my prince
amidst pure white flowers," she breathes...
Kissing ...she stares, wide-eyed at the illustration Preferences. Rose doesn’t know what she likes, but is happy to
depicting a knight’s kiss with his lady: learn from someone with more experience. Rose rolls to resist
"Imagine," she says under her breath... orgasm at Advantage. If a player succeeds on a DC 16 Insight check
Naivete ..."Check me out?" she tilts her head during sex, this effect ends.
quizzically. "I’m not a book..." Kinks. Rose is just discovering her kinks—but she knows she likes
Embarrassment ...she moans as she hides her face in her romance, poetry, slow lovemaking, and kissing. She doesn’t like
hands. "Don’t tell anyone I was reading it, rough sex, hair pulling, raceplay, or being put in a commanding
I’ll do anything..." role.
Teasing – Bondage – Clothing – Touch
Medium male Tiefling, neutral good Tailor
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (–1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Face. Sharp angular features, piercing green eyes, perfectly styled
black hair. His horns, a deep red, curl elegantly away from his
head. Wears a well-kept goatee.
Body. Tall and lanky, skin a rich red color. His slender arms belie
a wiry strength and his fingers are long and dexterous. His nails
are painted black.
Clothing. A stylish suit that clings to his body, dark to match his
coloration. Shined leather shoes and wrist cuffs, golden timepiece
in his pocket.
Items. Pockets are filled with tailoring items and tools: measuring
tape, pins and needles, sewing gear and a pair of razor-sharp
Personality. Charming, soft-spoken and delicate. Discerning to
the point of insult: he doesn’t say if he finds something
unappealing, but you can read it on his face. Kind and
encouraging to those he thinks need a little help to look their
Habits. Continuously flicks dust, real or imagined, from his
shoulders and sleeves. His eyes rove over passerby, picking out
problems or highlights of their dress.
Size difference – Cuddling – Gentleness – Commitment
Large male Giant, neutral good Blacksmith
24 (+7) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Face. A chiseled jawline with a thick, well-groomed grey beard.
Messy salt-and-pepper hair and warm brown eyes that peer from
under his craggy brow.
Body. Towering more than ten feet tall. Large and
broad-chested, hairy pecs peeking from his open shirt. Corded
arms and calloused, rough hands scarred from burning coals,
cuts and scratches. The bulge of his oversized member snakes
down his leg.
Clothing. Simple slacks and an open white shirt stained by coal
and dust. A huge leather apron that covers most of his front,
including his hips and upper legs.
Items. Inside the apron’s large pocket he carries some
blacksmith’s essentials: nails, a firestarter, and snacks. From his
belt hangs a huge hammer.
Personality. Though gruff in tone, Grommash is kind and
thoughtful. He isn’t dumb, though his low self-confidence tells
him otherwise, but more than anything he’s happy to help
anyone he thinks needs it.
Habits. When hard at work, he hums to himself: he doesn’t realize
other people can hear him do it, and if told he blushes dark.
Grom Stoneheart by @Mothaccino
Master blacksmith. Grommash is a skilled metalworker. He can
Descriptive snippets make weapons with a +1 enchantment, which he sells for market
price, or he can improve existing weapons up to +2. He’ll do so
Focus Snippet
for free for a lover, or their companions. Otherwise, it’s half the
Face ...those clear eyes peer down from his craggy brow,
cost of the weapon, and a week of work.
his mouth hidden behind his bushy white beard...
Body ...towering tall as an oak, each of his footsteps Pleasures
shiver the ground. The half-wrought sword in his
Grommash is relatively inexperienced, with only a few largely
hand is like a dagger...
negative experiences under his belt. For the right person, he
Bulge he bends to hammer that glowing iron, his
could try again.
apron shifts: behind it his slacks tent in a curious
way: a tunnel running halfway down his thigh, Seduction — DC 16. Grommash is a gentle giant, and careful.
supported by something thick and long... To run the chance of hurting someone with his above-average
Hands ...his oversized hands do delicate work: each large, physique, he’ll have to believe they’re genuine—and they want
rough finger holds the metal in his grip while he him for something else than a fling. A player with more than a week
tip-taps the blacksmith’s hammer... of time spent with Grommash rolls to Seduce him at Advantage.
Clothing ...he crouches in his large, brown slacks, his heavy Preferences. The gentle giant can be as tough on his partner as
leather apron folding. He uses soot-stained hands the steel he works with, or as soft as a cloud. Only when he’s
to roll up the sleeves of his white shirt, leaving yet fully convinced his partner can take it, then he’ll bring his true
more marks... might—and full length—to bear. A non-Large player with less than
Size diff. ...he towers over you, blotting out the sun with his 16 Constitution rolls to save against orgasm at Advantage when with
head. Surely you barely come up to his stomach. Grommash.
He grins tenderly, and rumbles: "hello, little one..." Kinks. Grommash likes cuddling, handjobs, grinding, and slow sex.
Gentleness ...He lays the metal in your palm, and with his He doesn’t like deepthroating, painful insertions, rough sex, or
large fingers, gently closes your hand around it... anal.
Performance – Exhibitionism – Hidden toys – Flirting
Medium female Halfling, chaotic neutral Alchemist 8
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (–1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Face. Heart-shaped face, bright eyes. Purple eyeshadow and
dusted cheeks. Bright, magically-colored hair and captivating
globe earrings. A dazzling smile.
Body. Slender and small, shapely but small-proportioned. About
4 and a half feet tall, and that’s with heels.
Clothing. Bright, eye-catching colors on showman’s clothing: a
tie resting between her small cleavage, bright leggings up to her
thighs. Swishing, swaying purple, green and gold fabrics.
Items. Exciting magical items and trinkets in her many pockets.
A Bag of Tricks, a few wands, and many powders. Mechanical
gadgets that move on their own.
Personality. Bright and bubbly, fun and quirky. Loves to be the
center of attention and gets pouty when she’s not. Likes to be
viewed with romantic, sexual and any other kind of attraction: it
means eyes are on her, and she can play the game.
Habits. Finds it hard to sit down and relax. If there’s an
opportunity to show children a magic trick, to steal the spotlight,
or to dazzle with a magical bit, she takes it.
Moxx Firestarter by @Mothaccino
Attractive assistants. Moxx puts on a show every night at the
theater. She’s always looking for ways to freshen up her
Descriptive snippets performance, and loves to bring on new talent. She’ll pay a
Focus Snippet helper 50GP for a night’s show—or 150GP if they can make a DC
Face ...that small face smiles a devilish grin, her 18 Performance roll. However, she’ll try to sabotage them if they
purple eyes sparkling: magic is dusted all over have 16 or higher Charisma: she’ll put them in apparel that
her luxurious hair and her skin, giving it a vibrates, Stimulating them at her Sensuality as they perform.
precious sheen...
Body ...though small, she commands attention, Pleasures
standing in a way that juts out her hips and Moxx loves to flirt and loves to play—but when she gets serious,
her chest to make it seem like her modest she prefers to do it on stage.
proportions are generous... Seduction — DC 15 (Submission at Advantage). Moxx is easily
Breasts ...small, pert mounds peak the pretty top she charmed, though she prefers to be in control of the situation. Her
wears, cleavage cut from the fabric intentionally very favorite partners are those willing to brave the spotlight with
to let the busker’s tie slip between soft orbs... her—and strut their stuff. A player willing to have sex on stage in
Clothing ...flashy, eye-catching purple garments glitter front of a crowd rolls to Seduce Moxx at Advantage.
with gold trim. Each step and flounce makes
Preferences. There’s something about being in the eyes of
them glitter in the light, drawing attention to the
others—something that stokes the fire in Moxx’s breast. While
slim, small body inside...
being watched by at least three people, Moxx rolls to resist Arousal
Performance ...she steps up on the bar, thrusting her mug in
and to resist orgasm at Disadvantage.
the air, ale sloshing. "All the world’s a stage!" she
happily exclaims, and tosses sparkling powder in Kinks. Moxx likes exhibitionism, loud sex, hidden toys and
the air that ignites in small crackling fireworks... flirting. She doesn’t like solo masturbation, partners who steal
Hidden toys ...she holds the small capsule up to her eyes and the spotlight, or giving without receiving.
giggles when it begins to buzz. "You’ll put on
such a performance," she crows, "when this little
cutie is making you dance..."
Marking – Nature – Biting – Primal
Medium NB Elf, chaotic neutral Druid 8
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (–1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)
Face. Thin, hollow-cheeked face. Long pointed ears and dark,
sleek hair tied up back in a large bun. Leaves and thorns bind the
hair and imitate horns.
Body. Slender and wiry, lithe and deceptively strong. Very little
fat on the frame, and dark black skin. Wide hips and a very small
chest help to blur the line between male and female.
Clothing. Small strips of black cloth covering the most sensitive
parts: two strips cup the chest, another acts as a loincloth. Leaves,
thorns and bark woven in where possible.
Items. A thorned bow with several arrows tipped by chipped stone.
A single golden leaf clasp that holds the strips of cloth at the chest.
Personality. Fiery and fierce, burning with quiet intensity. Rarely
speaks—doesn’t know much language—but bares their teeth
savagely at anything that appears to threaten them. Mannerless
and crude, but fiercely loyal and kind to allies.
Habits. Forages constantly when in the wilds: digs vegetables from
the ground, berries from bushes, and whatever else that can be
found. Chips and sharpens stone points on weapons.
Bimboification – Gullibility – Dress-up – Unaware
Medium Female Elf, neutral good Wizard 8
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (–1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Face. Dainty, doll-like features. Porcelain skin and large, doey
eyes. Luxurious lashes. Plump lips always slightly wet and parted,
long white gently curled hair. Pointed ears with golden earrings
dangling. Always wears a slightly distant, spacey expression.
Body. Voluptuous and slightly plump. Pale-skinned. Large,
oversized chest, thin waist, wide hips, strong legs. Hands are
dainty and smooth.
Clothing. Noble dress in royal purple, white undershirt, and gold
trim. Tunic parted at hips and thighs. Small shoulder cape. Bodice
straining to contain her overflowing chest. Thigh-high stockings
and pointy, long heels.
Items. A golden wand tipped with a purple, glowing crystal.
Several decks of ornate cards with different pictures and names.
Personality. Friendly and kind, but airy and slow on the uptake.
Soothes herself by using divinatory magics and is happy to do
so for her friends or acquaintances. Very trusting, even towards
people she’s only just met.
Habits. Blinks her eyes slowly, mouth agape when she hears
something even slightly surprising. Fiddles with her golden wand
when her hands are unoccupied.
Marianne du Gramont by @Mothaccino
Descriptive snippets A glimpse into the future. Marianne is skilled in Divination. When
Focus Snippet she casts the magic her eyes unfocus and her expression goes
Face ...her doll-like face screws up in concentration, blank while she sees a dim vision of the future she seeks. Marianne
and then smooths over all at once. She stares is happy to perform the Augury spell for anyone who asks. While
somewhere far away as her moist, pink lips move in the trance, she only dimly feels physical sensations. If the vision
in slow, silent speech... depicts sexual events, she becomes Aroused.
Body ...her body seems ready to spill out of every bit of
clothing she wears, slightly plump and pale as snow, Pleasures
thin pointed ears marking her as of Elven blood, but Marianne likes to take her clothes off, though most often she finds
with an hourglass figure... herself convinced into taking them off anyway.
Breasts ...her large, eye-catching, heavy breasts seem to Seduction — DC 12. Marianne is gullible: she would believe it if
visibly strain against the fabric of her bodice, someone told her the sky was green, and wouldn’t hold a grudge
showing cleavage not only between them but when it was disproven. She’s motivated to help out anyone who
revealed in part at the sides... asks, and is sensitive to professed—or faked—needs. A player can
Thighs ...thick, soft thighs emerge from the slit in her purple use the Deception skill to Seduce Marianne.
tunic, large and soft down a ways until they’re
captured within the tight press of purple stockings... Preferences. The weight of Marianne’s choices bears on her: she
Gullibility ...she blinks her doe eyes with surprise, one dainty happily accepts input on how she should dress, act, and even
hand covering her mouth. "I suppose I’d never speak. A player may make a Domination skill check at DC 12: if
thought of it that way... but now that you say it, successful, they can make a request of Marianne as if by the
I guess you must be right..." Suggestion spell.
Unaware ...her attention fades away, her mind somewhere Kinks. Marianne likes being given orders, giving oral, titjobs and
else entirely. She doesn’t so much as twitch when a nipple stimulation. She doesn’t like being on top, leading sexual
hand is waved in front of her blankly staring face, or encounters, or bondage.
when she’s nudged by a passerby...
Emotionless sex – Transaction – Outdoor sex – Gangbang
Medium Female Elf, neutral evil Warlock 8
8 (–1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
Face. Beaming, youthful face. Long pointed ears blue at the base
but a warmer pink near the tips. Small gemstone jewelry earrings.
Striking blue, sparkling eyes. Long reddish-pink hair in a ponytail
that goes all the way down to her hips.
Body. Slim but wide-hipped. Blue-tinged skin with a flat stomach
and medium breasts. Large, soft ass with thick thighs.
Clothing. Magenta top and skirt: top opens wide to reveal
cleavage, skirt has a small loincloth for the front. Smooth, silken
fabrics bound by a blue jewel at the collar. Simple bracelets and
thigh-high boots with golden gilt. A black brassiere.
Items. A shimmering silver mirror polished to a bright shine.
Personality. Curious and dreamy to the point of seeming naive.
Airy and a little vague, hides her mouth behind her hand when she
seems to giggle. She gives an outward facade of bland kindness
while her internal personality is much more cold, ruthless, and
Habits. Turns her eyes skyward now and then to stare with a
curious expression. Gazes at herself longingly in her mirror.
Wellspring of power. Aurora has been magically blessed by the
Aurora Moonstone by @Mothaccino
stars: others who copulate with her are granted a portion of that
power—this is information she volunteers, even in the middle of a
Descriptive snippets conversation. Little do her partners know, she’s taking from them
Focus Snippet instead of giving... When a player becomes affected by Afterglow
Face ...she turns her slender face towards the sky, and due to a sexual encounter with Aurora, they gain temporary HP
her skin seems to glow with starlight. She pushes equal to the size of their own Hit Die + their Constitution Modifier.
back reddish-pink hair from her forehead to gaze When their Afterglow ends, their maximum HP is reduced by the
with a dreamy expression... same amount.
Brassiere ...a black, flimsy bra holds her medium-sized, soft
blue breasts in its cups. The fabric is thick enough Pleasures
to hold them, but not so thick the subtle press of Aurora shows little evidence of sensual enjoyment—though
a nipple doesn’t poke through... inwardly, she’s gleeful.
Hips ...the small loincloth stays draped between her Seduction — DC 0. Aurora is contracted to a strange being from
thighs, fluttering obscenely as it gives glances and beyond the stars, a creature who draws power from sexual energy.
peeks. The garment goes so high up, it seems She eagerly seeks out powerful partners to seduce into her bed—
clear there’s no evidence of undergarments at all the better to increase the powers of her patron whom she
all... communicates with through her mirror. Aurora may act as if she
Emotionless ...she smiles benignly, but the expression doesn’t needs convincing, but will accept any and all offers of intercourse.
reach her eyes: she seems, in some way, to be
Preferences. It’s difficult to make Aurora feel sexual pleasure,
looking right through you at something else...
though she enjoys her dalliances nonetheless. Aurora rolls to resist
Transaction ...she places a hand over her stomach and
becoming Aroused or orgasming at Advantage.
remarks serenely, "I’ve been blessed... and I
would be happy to share it..." Kinks. Aurora likes sex underneath the starry sky, being
Gangbang ...she eyes the others with her small smile, her gangbanged, internal cumshots, and anal. She doesn’t like
dreamy gaze: "Why not bring everyone?" she outercourse, giving handjobs, romance or slow sex.
asks in a nonchalant murmur. "The more the
Transaction – Gambling – Edging – Financial domination
Medium Female Tiefling, lawful neutral Merchant
8 (–1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
Face. Watchful, intelligent red eyes. A pleasant if devilish smile:
sharp, jagged teeth. Ruby red hair bundled up in a bun. Glossy
red horns curving upwards.
Body. Small-hipped but large-chested. Burnt orange skin color
and long, sharp fingernails. A long, thin tail with an arrowhead tip
that waves lazily.
Clothing. A black, collared soldier’s top cinched by metallic silver
belts to restrain her large chest. A short red leather pencil skirt.
Black thigh-high leggings that disappear into impeccably polished
Items. Burnished silver ring on her hand that allows her to
eavesdrop on nearby conversations. White bag that functions as
a Bag of Holding.
Personality. Charming and funny with a biting, sarcastic wit. Blunt
but not to the point of callousness, just enough to tease. Driven
and self-assured, knows what she wants and how to get it. A little
bit of a poor winner: when she pulls out ahead, she gloats.
Habits. Rummages in her bag for something now and then.
Casually offers odds on an event soon to occur, like whether a
passerby will trip.
Alecto Burntbark by @Mothaccino
Death roll. Alecto loves to gamble. She will happily engage the
Descriptive snippets group in games of chance or guile: she plays for money, for favors,
Focus Snippet and for pleasure—the higher the stakes, the better. Those she
Face ...those calculating, intelligent red eyes flash with respects enough she might even involve in her financial plotting:
amusement. She spreads her painted lips in a Alecto has secret information about backroom business deals. She’ll
smile to reveal sharp white teeth, and tosses her offer ways for the group to win big—though an Insight check that
head in a laugh... beats her Deception will reveal she stands to pocket most of the
Body ...she leans back in her chair, stretching her arms rewards.
behind her head, orange skin gleaming in the
light... Pleasures
Chest ...the soldier’s top strains under the force of the Alecto treats sex like a business. She doesn’t see anything wrong
large bosom it contains, each button fighting its with being bought—or buying others.
own private war... Seduction — DC 20. Alecto is notoriously difficult to talk into
Clothing ...she shifts in her chair, crossing her red legs over: bed... but remarkably easy to bet into it, so long as you win
her thighs peek from the cut in her pencil skirt, a more often than you lose. A player who wins a bet with a sexual
warm press visible for a fraction of a second... component is eagerly repaid by Alecto. She’s happy to make these
Transaction ..."Go buy me another drink," she says with a sort of bets that slowly escalate.
trace of amusement in her voice, "and..."
Preferences. She loves a little fun... but Alecto thinks it’s the
Gambling ...she laughs, revealing those sharp white teeth.
journey, not the destination, that’s the height of pleasure. When
"No chance you’ll win the next hand. If you do,
Alecto rolls to resist orgasm, she rolls at Advantage during the next
I’ll give you that release I promised. And if I win..."
Edging ...she draws her slender fingers up along your
thigh and then—just as she draws close—pulls Kinks. Alecto likes hidden play, sex as transaction, edging, and
them away. "Win another hand," she breathes, financial domination. She doesn’t like quickshots, partners who
"and then..." are too serious or too demanding, or sex without foreplay.
Cheating – Mothering – Lactation – Weight
Medium Female Half-Elf, chaotic neutral Baker
12 (+1) 8 (–1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
Face. Soft, slightly chubby blushing cheeks. Warm blue eyes and
a broad smile. Flowing purple mess of hair that goes down to her
hips. Pointed ears with cheap earrings.
Body. Plump and well-proportioned. Light-colored, soft skin with
a few stretch marks and some love handles. Wide hips and a large,
heavy chest.
Clothing. A pink, comfortable collared top that ends at her
stomach, and soft pink bottoms. A small white apron often
swallowed between her cleavage, hiding her slightly pudgy
Items. A faded bronze band on her left ring finger that, when
twisted, vanishes. Always carrying some form of pastry.
Personality. Kind and motherly, if a little overprotective. Willing
to do just about anything to help those she thinks need comfort.
Habits. Fiddles with the wedding band on her hand. Dusts off
floury hands on her apron and twirls her finger in her purple locks
when she listens to a story.
Recuperating snacks. Gloria’s baked goods are peerless—she
Gloria Celes by @Mothaccino
says there’s no magic in them, just love, but they certainly seem
to have a magical effect. Gloria will bundle a bunch of baked
Descriptive snippets goods and give them to her favorite adventurers when they next
Focus Snippet set off. When they’re completely consumed during a Short Rest,
Face ...she smiles brightly, the edges of her eyes crinkling anyone who eats them takes the maximum number on a Hit Die
above those rosy cheeks. She tosses her purple hair instead of rolling to regain HP.
with a shake of her head and wrinkles her button
nose... Pleasures
Body ...the light-colored flesh nearly spills from the tight- Gloria knows she’s a married woman—but a married woman has
fitting clothes she wears, surely too wide of hip and needs, and she’s always found it so hard not to help those in need.
too large of chest to fit just about anything... Seduction — DC 14 (Domination at Disadvantage). The wedding
Clothing ...she brushes her hands on the white apron band on her finger should end any kind of romantic proposition,
disappearing into her cleavage, that pink outfit but Gloria has been known to make exceptions, under certain
surely too tight for the current size and weight of circumstances: when a saddened person seems in great need of
its owner... comfort, or when she’s promised her husband won’t find out, or
Cheating ...she bites her lip and works at the bronze band when the proposition just seems particularly enticing. A player
on her ring finger: "When he’s away so often, a who beats a DC 16 Insight check can produce a sob story—true or
woman can’t help but get lonely..." false—to soften Gloria’s heart, and roll to Seduce her at Advantage.
Mothering ...she pulls you into her warm, gentle embrace. The
Preferences. Gloria has a motherly temperament: her favorite
press would be a strain if she wasn’t so soft: it feels
position involves her partner laying on her lap, suckling at her
like you’re floating. "There there," she sympathizes:
breasts, with Gloria’s hand attending them. Gloria rolls to resist
"it must have been hard..."
Arousal and orgasm at Disadvantage while her milk is being drunk.
Lactation ...the apron slips between her cleavage: right near
the bottom middle of her covered breasts, two dark Kinks. Gloria likes talking sweetly to her partner, cuddling,
spots growing wetter..." having her milk drunk, and coddling her partner. She doesn’t like
Weight ...she blushes, looking down and to the side. "I’m aggressive or dominant partners, moralizing partners, or violent
just lucky I fit into my old things still..." sex.
Rough – Drinking – Humiliation – Ownership
Medium Male Human, chaotic evil Rogue
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 14 (+2)
Face. Sharp, defined cheekbones. Smoky eyes and long, hanging
black dreads. Amused, brown eyes and several golden teeth.
Body. Slightly short, heavily muscled. Stomach and arms are on
display and tightly cut: veins stand out, muscles bulge. Scars light
against dark brown skin, dozens of ropy slashes healed on his
chest, but a flawless back.
Clothing. Admiral’s coat opened in the front to reveal his body.
Tall, leather boots worn and salt-bleached. A large, red pirate’s
hat with a feather sticking from it.
Items. A jagged, barnacle-encrusted knife that rarely leaves his
hip sheath. A brass spyglass.
Personality. Eager, almost manic, careless as he heads into
danger. Fiery and domineering, with a cruel wit he turns on
others. Reserves his true ire for those who hurt those he
considers his family.
Habits. Gazes long through the spyglass at the empty horizon,
using its Scrying magics. Squeezes his hand on the hilt of his knife,
then releases, but never lets it go for long.
Justus Lamonte by @Mothaccino Terror of the seas. Justus’ Jolly Rogers flag strikes fear into
sailors’ hearts. And for good reason: his bloody band of pirates
are ruthless. If the party finds themselves on the seas, they
Descriptive snippets might well encounter him. Win or lose, he’s accepting new crew
Focus Snippet who are brave and skilled enough... and even if he loses, there’s
Face ...his eyes flash with something dangerous: he danger tucked in his belt. A player dealt damage by Justus’ dagger
bares his teeth in vicious excitement as the ocean develops the Black Spot, which attracts terrible sea creatures and
wind whips at his thin dreadlocks... pirates until removed by the Remove Curse spell or similar.
Body ...he stands firm in the ocean spray, the seawater
glistening on his bare stomach, beginning to slowly Pleasures
trickle down his abs towards the dipping V of his Justus lives with a furious passion—his romantic encounters are
hips... no different.
Clothing he hangs from the rigging, his large, dark
Seduction — DC 18 (all but Submission at Disadvantage). Justus
admiral’s cloak flaps in the wind: he keeps a
treats his found family with respect and love... so long as they
hand on his captain’s hat, the red feather fluttering
are willing to respect his authority. He tests his potential partners
by leading them on a chain leash. A player who withstands this
Items ...He gazes imperiously through his burnished
treatment for a day rolls to Seduce Justus at Advantage.
metal spyglass, staring straight at an empty patch
of the horizon: he grins fiercely, like he can see Preferences. A good night to Justus is a couple bottles of grog,
unprotected treasure there... some dancing and revelry, and a rough, violent session of
Humiliation ...he sneers, and the rest of his crew, bloodthirsty lovemaking. He has powerful self-control, though he relaxes on
murderers all, laugh and jeer. "We could spare the reins when he’s a few bottles in. Justus rolls to resist orgasm
your lives," he offers, "if you bark like a dog..." at Advantage unless drunk.
Ownership ..."I keep my family very well," he utters huskily. Kinks. Justus likes sexually humiliating his partners, ownership,
"Provided we share an... understanding." His hand positions where he’s on top, hair pulling and impact play. He
caresses your neck, but it feels like a collar. "All doesn’t like sex without commitment, tender lovemaking, being
you have to do... is say you’re mine..." denied orgasm or giving oral.
Protective – Praise – DDLG – Softdom
Medium Male Aasimar, lawful good Paladin
16 (+3) 8 (–1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
Face. Chiseled jaw with a 5-o’clock shadow. Soft, warm blue eyes.
White hair falling down onto his shoulders. Thick, dark eyebrows
but a pleasant expression.
Body. Tall and broad-chested. Arms large and veined. Frame is
large and bulky with some muscle definition. Hands rough and
scarred but gentle.
Clothing. Teal tunic without sleeves, drops to his legs. Armored
pauldrons. Golden bracers, golden greaves, and an assortment of
gold chains, necklaces, and tokens.
Items. Golden bracers from wrist to forearm conjure swords of
light. A golden ring above his head in a halo position that conveys
Protection against Evil.
Personality. Soft but firm, sometimes a little slow on the uptake.
Kind and caring, saddened when he sees people hurt or
heartbroken. Unyielding when it comes to the defense of others.
He views others as his wards, and keeps himself gently separate.
Habits. Watches the sky with a thoughtful expression on his face.
Smiles fondly when he meets someone’s gaze. Encourages and
praises others he knows are trying their best.
Emotionless – Distracted – Free use – Casual
Medium NB Elf, neutral evil Warlock
8 (–1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)
Face. Slender face with an arresting blue gaze. Lips small and
pursed. Long, pointed ears, messy blue hair tied up in a loose
Body. Lithe and small. Small-shouldered and chest soft. Light
skin, plump thighs and long legs. Wide hips with a gap.
Clothing. Blue and purple tunic with a small hood. Small shorts
with a torn hem. Blue stockings and tall, leather boots. Belt
cinches around their waist.
Items. A small rodent’s skull about the size of a hand. The jaws
flap when a spirit is speaking through it.
Personality. Cold and distant but not cruel. Seemingly
emotionless: speaks in a cool, even voice. Doesn’t rise to
provocation, though sometimes the blunt words they say are
unintentionally inflammatory. Careless when it comes to
self-preservation, and ghoulishly focused on death.
Habits. Stares at things in the air that can’t be seen: mumbles
under their breath as if consulting the spirits of the dead around
them. Sometimes fails to respond to something as if their
attention was involved in another conversation.
Muscles – Wrestling – Competition – Exhaustion
Medium Female Half-Elf, chaotic good Monk
21 (+5) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 9 (–1)
Face. Pretty face with a rugged set of cheekbones and careless
grin. Smokey, intense blue eyes, plush lips. Messy silver hair to
her mid back.
Body. Bulky, strong torso. Thickly muscled arms and legs,
especially her thighs. Small to medium chest. Visible stomach
muscles and tight, taut stomach.
Clothing. Teal and gray cropped halter-top. Small teal-green
jewelry. Black strap of underwear disappearing underneath a
thick, silver-studded leather belt and loincloth. No shoes.
Items. A Belt of Giant’s Strength worn around her waist that
provides her incredible strength, raising her Strength ability
score from 13 to 21.
Personality. Calm and pleasant, but her eyes flash with excited
fervor when a fight approaches. She’s loud and boisterous,
outgoing and tough. She takes a fierce joy in trading blows and
speaking with fists, but fumbles when it comes to speaking her
heart otherwise.
Habits. Cracks her knuckles loudly. Rolls her shoulders and shifts
her weight from one foot to the other, especially when she feels
a fight is brewing.
Moira Steelshield by @Mothaccino
Descriptive snippets Tavern brawler. If there’s a fight erupting in a bar, it’s likely Moira
Focus Snippet is a part of it—maybe she even threw the first fist! The party
Face ...her lips spread in a smile as she strokes might find themselves drawn into a knockout brawl with Moira at
her chiseled jaw, and the spark in her eyes is the center, and if they stay up for long enough, win a pretty penny
undeniable while she watches the argument heat from opportunistic gamblers.
Body ...she groans and stretches, ligaments popping as Pleasures
she flexes her big, thick arms and her top rides up Moira loves as hard as she fights: her partners in both are equally
far enough to reveal a row of rock-hard stomach likely to come away with bruises.
muscles... Seduction — DC 18 (Domination or Disadvantage). Someone
Clothing ...she hooks two fingers under the black strip of who wants to tangle their limbs with Moira should be
cloth that disappears beneath her belt, beneath well-prepared to throw blows as well: she only accepts into her
her loincloth: she pulls it and lets go with a SNAP, bed those who have bested her in a brawl, or at least come
then grins at you... close. A player who has at least fought Moira to a standstill rolls to
Items ...she cinches the belt around her waist, running Seduce her at Advantage.
a thumb over the many silver studs, and her arms
Preferences. Moira plays as rough in the bedroom as she does
seem to bulge, like the muscles themselves are
at the bar. She loves it best when it’s a constant back-and-forth
struggle with her partner over who’s in control, who’s on top.
Wrestling ...the tumble of limbs coalesces in a quick-
Moira Grapples for control while having sex. She rolls to resist orgasm
breathing, flush-faced Moira, grinning as she
at Advantage while she’s winning the Grapple.
straddles her opponent. "Easy win," she brags...
Competition the ring a trickle of blood runs from Kinks. Moira likes wrestling, hatefucking, rough or violent sex,
her lip and one of her eyes is thoroughly multiple orgasms, impact play and marathon sex. She doesn’t
blackened. Still her fists are clenched, and she like submissive partners, romance, slow sex, vulnerability or
spits contemptuously on the ground... weakness.
Religion – BDSM – Wax – Small Dom
Medium Male Human, lawful evil Cleric
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (–1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1)
Face. Sharp, angular cheekbones. Cool, pale skin. Angry, thick
eyebrows over red eyes. Short crimson hair middle-parted. Bags
beneath his eyes.
Body. Small but strong, stands a head shorter than average.
Hands and back marked by a hundred small scars, burn marks,
and cuts. Medium muscle, wiry and veined arms and stomach.
Clothing. Reddish-purple robes over a clerical garment with a
white collar. Black cloth wraps around arms to hide scars. Robes
cut open at the sides from below the armpits to the waist.
Items. A flaming brazier harmless to hold or even stick a hand
inside. However, at a command the flames become painful and
extort the truth from a creature touching them at a DC 12 Wisdom
Personality. Sharp and commanding, fierce and judgmental.
Treats others coldly and cruelly, especially when he perceives
them as "sinners," a broadly-applied term.
Habits. Idly plays with the coals in his brazier, and otherwise
squeezes a clenched fist then releases it, digging his nails into his
palm deep enough to draw blood.
Diego the Pious by @Mothaccino Inquisitor. The players might easily fall afoul of Diego’s church for
any number of supposed crimes: drinking in public, under-paying
a shopkeeper, and so on. Unless they can talk their way out one
Descriptive snippets or more might be personally investigated by Diego, and subjected to
Focus Snippet his brazier until he is convinced of their innocence and paid 100GP
Face ...he stares like a naturalist eyes a butterfly he wants hush money.
to spear upon a pin, his piercing red eyes flicking up
and down... Pleasures
Body ...he stands firm, shorter than most but no less Diego denies himself even the pleasures of flesh, believing them
strong for it: his hands clench as light glints over sinful.
thin, ropy scars on his wrists, terrible burns and Seduction — DC 20. A player interested in ending Diego’s chastity
cuts... has a difficult time of it: they’ll need to convince him doing so
Clothing ...he pulls his cleric’s vestments closer around won’t doom his eternal soul. That, or they’ll need to make him
himself, the red robes cinching around his body, so Desperate he forgets his vows. A creature who passes a DC 20
the tight black undershirt revealed in small parts, Religion check to convince Diego sex isn’t sinful rolls to Seduce him
highlighting lean muscle beneath... at Advantage.
Religion ..."the kingdom of the Gods is eternal," he intones
like a prayer. "Only we are responsible for the acts Preferences. Diego’s behavior when chaste gives an insight into
we take in this world–and the punishment we atone how he might act between the sheets. He relishes being in a
with..." position of power over his partner, either through blackmail or
BDSM ...he squeezes the rope in his scarred hands. His extortion or through forms of extreme bondage and domination.
eyes shine with a kind of maddened fervor as he He takes pleasure in pain, both inflicting and suffering it. Diego
stares. "It is only right to take away the use of your rolls to resist orgasm and Arousal when he has taken damage since
body, so you might free your mind..." his last turn, or inflicted it.
Smalldom ...he glares up, staring from below, seemingly Kinks. Diego likes bondage, sadomasochism, wax play, and
unconcerned by his small stature. Indeed, the making partners submissive. He doesn’t like romance, gentle sex,
powerful light in his eyes doesn’t dim for a second... equal power dynamics, or exhibitionism.
Switch – Wrestling – Muscles – Groping
Medium Male Human, chaotic good Barbarian
20 (+5) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (–1)
Face. Short, messy brown hair into a rugged chinstrap beard.
Broad, blocky face. Kind blue eyes and a strong, wide jaw.
Body. Big, broad, and beefy. Arms and thighs bulge with muscle.
Tight, firm bubble-shaped ass. Huge, rounded chest muscles.
Thick neck and wrists.
Clothing. A green tunic with a heart-shaped hole cut in the
chest. A brown belt with a golden buckle. Green pants and a
blue undershirt that clings to his body and ends at the elbows.
Tight leather boots.
Items. The magical belt he wears has a powerful enchantment:
when he grips the golden buckle and challenges someone to a
contest of skill, they must make a DC 14 Wisdom save or are
compelled to agree.
Personality. Loud and boisterous, outgoing and friendly.
Outspoken about his beliefs, and eager to get into friendly
arguments—or better yet, friendly fights. Soft and
tender-hearted at his core.
Habits. Stretches and twists to pop ligaments and exercise
muscles. Cracks his knuckles. Finds opportunities to use
everyday objects, like a chair, to perform some workout moves
Marco de León by @Mothaccino on.
Stealth sex – Magic – Innuendo – Pranks
Medium Female Halfling, chaotic neutral Sorcerer
8 (–1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
Face. Purplish, curly natural hair. Glittering green eyes. Pointed
ears, thick eyebrows. Black skin with laugh lines around large, wet
Body. Petite and a little stocky. Small breasts but a wide, curving
set of hips with a soft, plump rear. Trim stomach and thin neck,
pronounced collarbones.
Clothing. Yellow and blue crop-top with a large hood. Pink bra
underneath. Dark blue slacks with rips and tears, yellow socks,
fashionable leather shoes.
Items. A glowing yellow crystal wand capable of opening
mundanely locked doors. A set of gold bracelets that can open
portals between them.
Personality. Quirky and fun, quick to laugh and quicker to
scheme. Loves to play silly little pranks, especially when she
thinks it’ll cheer someone up or excite them. Not concerned
with legality or ownership, really: she just does whatever she
finds fun at the time, rules be damned.
Habits. Fidgets when sitting still for too long. Looks for
opportunities to drag someone else into this or that, or suggests
raunchy events happening behind the scenes or around the
Pippa Swiftwind by @Mothaccino corner—born completely of her own imagination.
Descriptive snippets
Focus Snippet Thief. Pippa says valuables just "end up" in her pockets. She
Face ...she grins brightly, green eyes roving up and doesn’t know how it happens, honest! She’s a master at getting
down your body. Her laugh lines deepen and she into places she shouldn’t. If the players pay her a percentage of an
scrunches up her button nose... item’s worth, she’ll gladly steal it from a locked room. If a player
Body ...she’s small and stocky: her hips more than make is willing to accompany her, she might even do it for free...
up for the slim curves of her chest. She bounces
with a barely-contained energy, like a pint-sized
firework... Pippa is a pleasure-loving woman. Fun things are fun!
Items ...she toys with the bracelet in her hand: it shows an Seduction — DC 14. Pippa is happy to be propositioned—and
odd view, like the center of the bracelet is a different likely to initiate if no one else does! She scoffs at the idea of
dimension, like it leads somewhere else. She winks keeping these sorts of things quiet; instead, she prefers to ask right
and bites her lip as she pushes a finger through the at the table, in the middle of dinner with everyone else listening.
bracelet, whereupon it disappears... A player who suggests a sexual encounter while being overheard by
Stealth ..."Just think," she says brightly, "in a tavern this at least three other people, rolls to Seduce Pippa at Advantage.
large, this loud, I can’t imagine anyone would notice Preferences. She gets off on the idea of slipping off to a secret
a little bit of below-the-table fun..." dalliance, or having some under-the-table fun: sometimes Pippa
Innuendo ..."Milkmaid and the stable boy left at the same might sneak one of her bracelets to a potential lover, with the
time," she remarks nonchalantly. "Could be a other end stuck inside her bottoms. Pippa rolls to resist Arousal
coincidence, sure. Or she could be out in the stable, or orgasm at Disadvantage while rolling Stealth checks to avoid
milking him..." detection.
Pranks ...she whistles and produces in her hand a frilly
undergarment: a nervous yipe erupts from the Kinks. Pippa likes stealthy or secret sex, flirting in the open, hiding
crowd, but she just pretends it has nothing to do arousal, and fun-loving partners. She doesn’t like boring, chaste
with her... or secretive partners, vanilla sex or monogamy.
Orgasm denial – Magic – Mindlessness – Desperation
Medium Male Elf, chaotic evil Warlock
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 9 (–1) 12 (+1) 19 (+4)
Face. Thin, sharp cheekbones and jaw. Hollow cheeks, almond
eyes. Dark brows and black, messy hair in braids down to his
chest. Light-colored eyes, a hint of stubble on his chin.
Body. Thin and wiry, tanned skin shrunken over muscle. Veins
standing out on his skin. Tall and carries himself firmly.
Clothing. Dark blue cloak hanging loose over his shoulders,
draping to his ankles. A hood edged with white fur and green
crystal. Leather bracers and boots, and a blue sash tied with a
brown belt. No shirt.
Items. A green tattoo on his right arm, wrist and hand that seems
to move under the light. A lion’s-head pendant on a chain around
his neck.
Personality. Calm and quiet, possessed of a self-confident air that
seems almost careless. Rarely smiles. Intense stare that feels like
it pierces right through people to peer at something inside them.
Habits. Stares into nothingness, or eyes a person for an
uncomfortably long time. Now and then he cocks his head as if
listening to someone, or moves his mouth slowly to form
inaudible words.
Lucius Nightshade by @Mothaccino
Sigil inscriber. The writhing green tattoo on Lucius’ arm comes
alive to render a glowing imprint on the person’s flesh he presses
it to: the mark has a strange, otherworldly power. Until dispelled
by a Remove Curse spell or similar, the victim remains Desperate.
Descriptive snippets A careless or unfortunate player might find this mark inscribed on
Focus Snippet them, or find an unlucky someone in the same circumstance.
Face ...he turns that even stare on you and you can’t
help but shiver: his pale eyes seem to gaze right Pleasures
through you, right to something at your core, and Lucius engages with complete abandon, as his master wishes.
you can’t tell by his expression if he likes what he
Seduction — DC 16. It’s rare for Lucius to indulge his own desires,
as rare as it is for him to actually feel them. He is motivated
Body ...the blue robes flap against his body, caressing
instead by driving others to a state of mindless need, all for the
his toned physique. He has a small amount of
glory of the otherworldly entity he serves. A Desperate creature
muscle, but the way his skin shrinks tight, you
rolls to Seduce Lucius at Advantage.
can see every vein and every bulge of his wiry
strength... Preferences. Lucius enjoys driving people to their limits... then
Tattoo ...the green tattoo glows: it comes alive on his leaving them there to see what they do. He knows just how to
right arm and slithers forth to coil on his wrist, tell when the thread of sanity frays, and how to make it snap.
then slip onto his palm. As he raises it you can When Lucius Stimulates a creature and they successfully save against
see the strange, jagged symbol it’s formed. Just orgasming, they become Desperate.
looking at it makes your stomach churn, your Kinks. Lucius likes desperation, grinding and frotting, needy
mind fuzz... partners, edging, and partners who beg. He doesn’t like slow sex,
Desperation ..."There is no reason," he says quietly in your romance, finishing his partner, or being finished himself.
ear, "that you should expect any of your desires
to be fulfilled until you give yourself wholly up to
M AKING EROTIC NPC S Things that feed into it, like small clothing on big
assets, or a soft smile with a loving personality.
Maybe the previous NPCs don’t quite tickle your
fancy—maybe you have some ideas of your own, C HOOSE A GOAL
if you could only coalesce them into something
coherent. Maybe you’ve used all the ones you like Every character should have some sort of
and now you need some more! So, where do you motivation, whether it’s to storm a castle or open
start? a pretty little bakery. Do they want something for
themselves? For someone else? It’s even better if
S TAR T WITH A SINGLE HIGHLIGHT you can come up with something that fits into
their highlight: a dour mood might have dour
Think about what you want your players to ambitions, and a guard might want to be a
remember about this character, what single thing knight.
stands out most. It could be a physical feature, a
type of behavior, or even a single phrase. Do you Note to the GM
know something that will captivate your players? If you want to create an NPC that sticks around, give them
Start with that! a goal that can be achieved with help from the party!
Check with your fellow players before you use this This content is unofficial, fan-created and bears
content in your game. Be sure you have their no official connection to Wizards of the Coast or
enthusiastic consent, and be open to downplaying their intellectual properties. Everything included
objectionable parts—or playing something else. within this supplement, except where otherwise
There will be other opportunities. specified, is Open Game Content as defined by
the Open Gaming License. As Open Game
E NDING T HOUGHTS Content, this content may only be used under
and in terms of the OGL license.
Everything you’ve read so far has been developed
Examples of content covered by the OGL
with the intent of suiting fun, consensual and
includes classes, archetypes, stats, items and
erotic roleplay at an interested table. It’s not
spells mentioned within.
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The OGL, v1.0a, follows:
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