DWDesign Practice Mini Case

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Practice Mini Case for Data Warehouse Design

This mini case study contains two data sources with sample data along with a statement

of business needs. Using the data sources and business needs, you will specify a dimensional

model with dimensions, measures, and grain, create a schema design for the data warehouse that

integrates the data sources, identify summarizability problems in the design, and populate data

warehouse tables from sample rows in the data sources.

Data Sources
The case study involves two data sources for a retail firm. The Purchase database

supports purchase transactions to replenish retail inventory. A purchase consists of a heading

with the purchase number, date, payment method, delivery date, and supplier. A purchase

contains a collection of products with the quantity and unit cost recorded on a purchase line

along with links to the product and purchase heading. Each product has one preferred supplier.

However, a purchase can use a non-preferred supplier if necessary.

Individual stores of the retail firm also maintain an inventory of custom products ordered

from local suppliers. These products are ordered through the purchase spreadsheets for custom

products. Inventory practices for custom products are informal. New products are typically

purchased when the manager senses new demand for local items.

The ERD in Figure 1 supports the purchase database. Tables 1 to 4 show sample data for

the tables in the purchases database. The supply purchase spreadsheet (Table 5) contains a

sample of purchases of custom products from local suppliers. The Stock column in the

spreadsheet indicates the quantity in stock at the time of purchase.

Practice Mini Case for Data Warehouse Design

Figure 1: ERD for Retail Purchase Operations

Table 1: Sample Data for the Supplier Table

SuppNo SuppName SuppEmail SuppPhone SuppDisc
S2029929 ColorMeg, Inc. [email protected] (720) 444-1231 0.10
S3399214 Connex [email protected] (206) 432-1142 0.12
S4290202 Ethlite [email protected] (303) 213-2234 0.05
S4298800 Intersafe [email protected] (512) 443-2215 0.10
S4420948 UV Components [email protected] (303) 321-0432 0.08
S5095332 Cybercx [email protected] (212) 324-5683 0.00

Table 2: Sample Data for the Product Table

ProdNo ProdName SuppNo ProdQOH ProdPrice ProdNextShipDate
P0036566 17 inch Color Monitor S2029929 12 $169.00 02/20/2013
P0036577 19 inch Color Monitor S2029929 10 $319.00 02/20/2013
P1114590 R3000 Color Laser Printer S3399214 5 $699.00 01/22/2013
P1412138 10 Foot Printer Cable S4290202 100 $12.00
P1445671 8-Outlet Surge Protector S4298800 33 $14.99
P1556678 CVP Ink Jet Color Printer S3399214 8 $99.00 01/22/2013
P3455443 Color Ink Jet Cartridge S3399214 24 $38.00 01/22/2013
P4200344 36-Bit Color Scanner S4420948 16 $199.99 01/29/2013
P6677900 Black Ink Jet Cartridge S3399214 44 $25.69
P9995676 Battery Back-up System S5095332 12 $89.00 02/01/2013

Table 3: Sample Data for the Purchase Table

Practice Mini Case for Data Warehouse Design

PurchNo PurchDate SuppNo PurchPayMethod PurchDelDate

P2224040 02/03/2013 S2029929 Credit 02/08/2013
P2345877 02/03/2013 S5095332 PO 02/11/2013
P3249952 02/04/2013 S3399214 PO 02/09/2013
P3854432 02/03/2013 S4290202 PO 02/08/2013
P9855443 02/07/2013 S4420948 PO 02/15/2013

Table 4: Sample Data for the PurchLine Table

PurchNo ProdNo PLQty PLUnitCost
P2224040 P0036566 10 $100.00
P2224040 P0036577 10 $200.00
P2345877 P9995676 10 $45.00
P3249952 P1114590 15 $450.00
P3249952 P1556678 10 $50.00
P3249952 P3455443 25 $21.95
P3249952 P6677900 25 $12.50
P3854432 P1412138 50 $6.50
P9855443 P4200344 15 $99.00

Table 5: Sample Spreadsheet Data for Custom Product Purchases

ProdCode ProdDesc Supp Qty Stock Unit Price PurchDate Amount
CPC1 Souvenir 1 Omart 20 1 $2.00 13-Feb-2014 $40.00
CPC2 Souvenir 2 Smart 10 2 $3.50 14-Feb-2014 $35.00
CPC3 Souvenir 3 Pmart 20 0 $1.50 11-Feb-2014 $30.00

Data source size statistics

To compute grain size, you should use these estimates about cardinalities of tables and

unique values of some columns.

 Product rows: 1,000

 Supplier rows: 100

 Purchase rows: 100,000 per year

 PurchLine rows: 500,000 per year

 Spreadsheet rows: 1,000 per month; new spreadsheet each month

 Unique products in a spreadsheet for one year: 100

 Unique suppliers in a spreadsheet for one year: 20

Practice Mini Case for Data Warehouse Design

Business Needs
The main purpose of the data warehouse is to track inventory balances over time.

Inventory balances are a type of snapshot. Snapshots are typical in applications in which

balances are involved, such as account balances in financial services, enrollment in courses,

reservations in hospitality and travel, and head count in personnel management. Snapshots

cannot be aggregated over time correctly.Summing quantities and values over time is not


The basic values for inventory tracking are quantity on hand and inventory value.

Inventory valuation can be complex as many accounting methods exist to value inventory. For

this case, the purchase price or unit cost of the inventory can be used for valuation. The data

warehouse should support detailed tracking of inventory to the individual product, purchased by

date, and supplier.

Here are typical computations for analyzing and tracking inventory balances using the

quantity on hand and inventory value:

 The average quantities and stock values in each time period

 The opening and closing balances for each time period

 The change in inventory levels between consecutive periods and parallel periods

 The minimum and maximum inventory levels in a time period

 The relative contribution of the stocked item to the overall stock value

1. You should identify dimensions, map dimensions to data sources, and specify dimension

hierarchies. For each dimension, you should identify its data sources and attributes in each

Practice Mini Case for Data Warehouse Design

data source. For hierarchical dimensions, you should indicate the levels from broad to


2. You should specify measures, related data sources, and measure aggregation properties.

3. Identify the grain in your dimensional design using the business needs as a guideline. You

should then indicate relative storage requirements for the grain using the statistics for the data

sources. Using the cardinality estimates provided, you should determine either the fact table

size or sparsity and then compute the unknown grain size variable. For example, you should

compute sparsity if the fact table size is given.

4. Extend your analysis to design a star schema (or variation) to support inventory analysis. For

each table, you should define the table name, primary key, and columns. You do not need to

write complete CREATE TABLE statements.

5. Identify summarizability problems in your star schema and indicate preferred resolutions of

the summarizability problems. For incomplete dimension-fact relationships, you should also

indicate if columns in a dimension table allow null values.

6. You should populate your data warehouse tables based on the data in the sample tables and

spreadsheet. You do not need to write SQL INSERT statements or insert the data into your

tables. You can just show table listings in your solution. You should indicate mappings from

data sources into tables. For example, a mapping may involve generating new primary key

values for a data warehouse table or using a default value for a missing value.

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