The Effects of Geometrical Buoy Shape With Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Force On A Heaving Buoy Point Absorber
The Effects of Geometrical Buoy Shape With Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Force On A Heaving Buoy Point Absorber
The Effects of Geometrical Buoy Shape With Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Force On A Heaving Buoy Point Absorber
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study examined the effects of buoy shape and Nonlinear Froude-Krylov force (NFK) on a heaving-
Received 4 August 2020 buoy-type Wave Energy Converter (WEC). Based on the Maclaurin expansion, the theoretical solutions
Received in revised form of the NFK were derived for three different buoy shapes; hemispheric buoy, circular vertical cylinder, and
3 December 2020
truncated conical cylinder. A hydraulic power take-off system was adopted, and the latching control
Accepted 27 January 2021
Available online 27 February 2021
strategy was applied to maximize the extracted power from the WEC. The nonlinear effects of the
Froude-Krylov force and restoring force on the heaving point absorber were investigated by comparing
the heave Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) and time-averaged power extraction. The results showed
Nonlinear Froude-Krylov force
that the conventional linear analyses were overestimated by up to 50% under the high amplitude wave
Buoy shape condition. The latching control strategy was the most effective when peak wave period of regular or
Wave energy converter irregular wave was 0.4e0.45 times the heave natural period of the buoy.
Response amplitude operator © 2021 The Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
Hydraulic power take-off system access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Latching control strategy
2092-6782/© 2021 The Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
2.1. Equation of motion for a rigid body where Sw , Hs , and T1 are PM wave spectrum, significant wave
height, and mean centroid wave period, respectively. The com-
All forces acting on a heaving body type WEC can be expressed mercial hydrodynamic analysis software WAMIT (WAMIT, 2019)
as was used to calculate the hydrodynamic coefficients (added mass,
radiation damping coefficient, and diffraction force). The program
m€x ¼ FD þ FR þ FFK þ Fstatic þ Fvis þ FPTO W (1) is based on the wave green function and boundary element
where m and €x are the mass of a buoy and acceleration of vertical
motion, respectively. FD , FR , FFK , Fstatic , Fvis , FPTO , and W denote the 2.2. Froude-Krylov force
diffraction force, radiation force, Froude-Krylov force, hydrostatic
force, viscous damping force, PTO force, and gravity force, respec- The Froude-Krylov force is the force acting on the body from an
tively. Among these force components, the radiation force and undisturbed incident wave. This force can be obtained using the
diffraction force can be obtained by solving the radiation problem incident wave velocity potential, as shown in Eq. (9) and Eq. (10).
and diffraction problem, respectively. The radiation force can be
decomposed into two terms: one that is proportional to the ac- ! vf
p x ; t ¼ r I ¼ rgAekz cosðkx cos b þ ky sin b utÞ (9)
celeration and the other that is proportional to the velocity of a vt
buoy. This force also satisfies the linearity of functions and the
ð ð
Bound Input and Bound Output stability (BIBO), so it can be !
FFK ¼ p x ; t nz dS ¼ rgAekz cosðkx cos b þ ky sin b
expressed using the convolution terms.
SB SB (10)
FR ðuÞ ¼ Ma ðuÞ€xðuÞ bðuÞx_ ðuÞ (2) utÞ nz dS
ðt !
where x is the position of a collocation point ðx; y; zÞ on the
FR ðtÞ ¼ Ma ð∞ÞxðtÞ Kðt tÞx_ ðtÞdt
€ (3) boundary element. fI , g, k, b, and SB are the incident wave velocity
0 potential, gravitational acceleration, wave number, angle of the
incident wave, and body surface, respectively. To express the
where Ma and b are the added mass and radiation damping coef- theoretical solution of nonlinear Froude-Krylov force on an
ficient. KðtÞ is the memory function or impulse response function axisymmetric body, the coordinate system should be transferred
expressed as Eq. (4). from the Cartesian coordinate to the cylindrical coordinate (Giorgi
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
and Ringwood, 2017). In this scheme, the equation of the body different, but the upper shape of all floating buoys was fixed in the
radius along the z-axis was derived according to the shape of the form of vertical circular cylinders. Therefore, the effective range of
heaving buoy. The nonlinear Froude-Krylov force is obtained by the z-axis is expressed as Eq. (13).
integrating the incident-wave pressure over the instantaneous
wetted body surface that changes according to the body motions s1 ¼ minðhðtÞ; xÞ
and incident wave elevations at every time step. In addition, the s2 ¼ x d
water particle velocity and hydrodynamic pressure above the mean
water level are expressed by vertical stretching. where h and d are wave elevation at the center point of a buoy and
draft of a buoy, respectively. Eq. (12) can be converted to Eq. (14),
2.2.1. Theoretical solution of the Froude-Krylov force for a which can be integrated directly using the Maclaurin expansion
hemispherical buoy method to obtain the Froude-Krylov force.2
Giorgi and Ringwood (2017) transformed the Cartesian co-
2ðp sð1
Fig. 1. Schematic coordinate system of various floating bodies for the Froude-Krylov force.
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
kðxdÞ k2 R4 k4 R6 3 k6 R8 5
FFK ¼ r rgAe cosðutÞ R p 2
pþ p pþ/ (17)
2! 4 4! 6 4 6! 8 8
2ðp sð1
At the same time, using Eq. (17), the Froude-Krylov force of the calculated separately for the lateral and bottom parts. For each part,
bottom part of a truncated cone can be expressed as Eq. (20). the formula can be expressed using Eqs. (25) and (26). Each static
kðxdÞ k2 R04 k4 R06 3 k6 R08 5
FFK bottom ¼ rgAe cos ut R0 p 2
pþ p pþ/ (20)
2 4 4! 6 4 6! 8 8
Table 1
Geometric specifications of the three different buoys.
Item [unit] Hemisphere (Model 1) Circular cylinder (Model 2) Truncated cone (Model 3)
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
where Cd , Ap , x_ , and v are the drag coefficient, projected area, buoy FPTO ¼ minðGjx_ j; DpSc Þsignðx_ Þ (29)
velocity, and water particle velocity, respectively. To represent the
viscous damping force accurately, it is very important to estimate where Dp and Sc are the pressure difference between High Pressure
the appropriate drag coefficient according to the properties of the (HP) and Low Pressure (LP) and the sectional area of a hydraulic
floating body. For this, the drag coefficients were estimated pri- cylinder, respectively. G is the slope to reduce the numerical error
marily from free decay tests or forced oscillation tests. Recently, due to abrupt changes in the PTO force, and as applied by Babarit
some studies were conducted to estimate the drag coefficients et al. (2012), applied 100 times the added mass value. The instan-
through CFD analysis. In this study, the drag coefficient of the taneous extraction power can be obtained by multiplying the PTO
previous studies was investigated. Based on this, the drag coeffi- force by the velocity of a buoy. Time-averaged extraction power can
cient suitable for this analysis model was selected. Compared to the be expressed as Eq. (30).
wave tank experiment, Zurkinden et al. (2014) calculated the drag
coefficient of a hemisphere, 0.254 m in diameter, to be 0.2, and Lok ðte
et al. (2014) estimated the drag coefficient of a hemisphere, 0.17 m Pex ¼ FPTO x_ dt (30)
te ts
in diameter to 0.175. Giorgi and Ringwood (2017) estimated the ts
drag coefficient of a hemispherical body with a radius of 2.5 m by
0.6 compared to CFD analysis and minimizing the errors. For the where ts and te are the starting and end times to estimate the time-
drag coefficient of a cylindrical buoy, many studies have been averaged extraction power, respectively. Under regular wave con-
conducted since the 1990s. Gudmestad and Meo (1996) estimated dition, te ts was set to be the same as the wave period. A total of
3 h of data was analyzed for irregular wave analysis.
Fig. 4. Comparison of the heave RAOs on the calculation methods of the Froude-Krylov
force for a hemispherical buoy (Lin: frequency-domain linear analysis, ME: Maclaurin Fig. 5. Comparison of the heave RAOs for various methods of the Froude-Krylov force
expansion for NFK force). Model 2 (Cylindrical buoy) and Model 3 (Truncated conical buoy).
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Fig. 6. Comparison of the Froude-Krylov forces on various analysis approaches according to the buoy displacement (a: Hemispherical buoy, b: Circular cylindrical buoy, c: Truncated
conical buoy, u ¼ 1 rad/s).
2.6. Latching control strategy applied to allow latching control in this study, as expressed in Eq.
The latching control is a type of discontinuous phase control
technique. This technique controls the phase of buoy displacement xðtÞ ¼ xðtls Þ; tls < t < tle
by locking and releasing the movement of the buoy for a certain x_ ðtÞ ¼ 0; otherwise
time when the displacement of the buoy reaches its peak due to
waves. Because the latching duration is the only variable, the where tls and tle denote the starting time and end time of the
latching control technology is very simple, and its effectiveness has latching control, respectively. The effect of the Froude-Krylov force
been proven through various researches on control technologies was estimated by applying latching control with the optimal
(Hal et al., 2011). The latching duration can be determined using the latching duration. The latching control can be applied easily by
relationship with the heave natural period of the body (Sheng et al., locking and releasing the valve in the hydraulic circuit for a certain
2015; Kim et al., 2019a). time when the sign of the hydraulic cylinder stroke speed changes.
Fig. 7. Comparison of the heave RAOs including the drag forces (a: Hemispherical buoy, b: Circular cylindrical buoy, c: Truncated conical buoy).
nodes was 1200, 1770, and 1576, respectively. The Runge-Kutta 4th- the Maclaurin expansion to the 4th-term was similar to the linear
order time integration method was adopted for time marching, and analysis results. In Fig. 5, convergence tests were also performed for
its time integration step was set to T/200. the number of applied terms in the Maclaurin expansion for Model
Fig. 3 presents the heave RAOs of three different types of buoys 2 (cylindrical buoy) and Model 3 (truncated cone buoy). To obtain
for WEC. In the figure, Z means the amplitude of the heave motion accurate heave RAOs, models 2 and 3 were applied up to the 4th-
displacement. All bodies had the same mass and restoring co- and 6th-terms of the theoretical solution in the Maclaurin
efficients. On the other hand, owing to differences in the hydro- expansion.
dynamic coefficients, the cylindrical buoy with a relatively small Fig. 6 compares the nonlinear Froude-Krylov forces calculated
draft has a heave natural frequency of approximately 1.8 rad/s, and by the theoretical solutions based on a Maclaurin expansion and
the hemispherical and the conical bodies have a heave natural the remeshing scheme according to the buoy displacement. The
frequency of 2.0 rad/s. For the cylindrical buoy, the maximum heave change in the incident wave potential in the z-direction above the
response was approximately 2.8 times the incident wave mean water level was expressed by vertical stretching. For
amplitude. simplicity, it was assumed that the incident wavelength was long
Fig. 4 shows the heave RAOs of a hemispherical buoy from enough to ignore the diffraction effect, and the variation of wave
different methods of the Froude-Krylov force. Two different elevation was the same as the heave response of the buoy. To apply
methods were adopted to evaluate the Froude-Krylov force: con- the remeshing technique, the numerical model used in Fig. 2 for
ventional frequency-domain linear analysis and a method based on frequency-domain analysis was used. The linear Froude-Krylov
the Maclaurin expansion, as shown in chapter 2.2. Convergence force means the force calculated at the mean body posion
tests were performed to investigate how many terms of the theo- without taking into account the instantaneous wetted body sur-
retical solutions in the Maclaurin expansion are needed to calculate face. The results of the theoretical solution agreed well with those
the accurate Froude-Krylov force. The effects of buoy displacement of the remeshing scheme. On the other hand, the linear Froude-
and wave elevation around the buoy were not considered in this Krylov force had a constant value regardless of the buoy displace-
test. In Fig. 4, the heave RAO applying the Froude-Krylov force from ment. Through Fig. 6, as the buoy displacement increases, the
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Fig. 8. Time-averaged extraction power on various PTO conditions (u ¼ 0.8 rad/s, H/l ¼ 1/50, Model 1(Hemispheric buoy)).
magnitude of the Froude-Krylov force increased approximately condition in the wave wave region of 0.25≪u=un ≪0.75. The time-
seven times more than the linear FK force. averaged generated power (P ex ) was divided by the square of
Fig. 7 presents the heave RAOs of the buoy under two different incident wave amplitude (A) and the buoy diameter (B) as P ex =A2 B
wave steepness conditions with various drag coefficients. The re- to estimate and compare the value according to the change in the
sults were calculated through the theoretical solutions with a given incident wave period. The maximum time-averaged extraction
optimal series of a Maclaurin expansion. Even when the drag co- energy occurred when the PTO force was 70% of the vertical exci-
efficients were applied, the sensitivity to the drag coefficient was tation force of the buoy (Fz ¼ FFK þ FD ). In this way, the PTO con-
quite small because the vertical motion of the body did not change ditions for maximum energy extraction under various wave
significantly. In this study, the drag coefficient was 0.6, 0.95, and 0.8 conditions were calculated for each numerical model of the buoy.
for the hemispherical buoy, cylindrical buoy, and truncated conical Based on the previously estimated conditions of the hydraulic
buoy, respectively. The vertical motion decreased in the resonance PTO system as Fig. 8, the results of the weakly nonlinear time-
period when the wave steepness was large (H=l¼1/20), but the domain analysis of a hemispherical buoy for a WEC were
motion increased slightly in the other wave periods. To estimate the compared with the results of linear time-domain analysis (Fig. 9) at
energy extraction of WEC, the hydraulic PTO system was modeled specific wave and PTO condition (u=un ¼0.4, FPTO =Fz ¼0.7). A
numerically and applied. The optimal hydraulic PTO condition was latching duration of 2.356 s, which is the optimal latching time at
determined from the case of a small amplitude wave (H= l¼1/50) the corresponding frequency, was applied. The results of linear
for each numerical model. The hydraulic PTO condition can be analysis and nonlinear analysis agreed well when the incident wave
expressed by the difference between the High Pressure (HP) and height was low at 0.25 m (H=l¼ 1/240). This is because the incident
Low Pressure (LP) from the hydraulic cylinder and the flow rate. wave belongs to the linear wave region. Therefore, the nonlinearity
Fig. 8 presents the time-averaged extraction power under various is small. When the wave amplitude increased, however, the relative
PTO forces applied to three types of buoys for WEC. Various PTO heave response (Fig. 9 (a)) and the time-averaged extraction power
damping values were applied to obtain the optimal PTO force compared to wave amplitude (Fig. 9 (b)) decreased. The static force
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Fig. 9. Time-series of hemispherical buoy displacements, extraction powers, excitation forces and static forces ( u=un ¼ 0.4, FPTO =Fz ¼ 0.7, Lin: Linear analysis, WN: Weakly
nonlinear analysis).
(Fig. 9 (d)) also decreased with increasing wave amplitude. Fig. 9 (c) Fig. 10 compares the heave RAOs and time-averaged extraction
shows the time series of the wave excitation forces, the sum of the powers of three different WEC buoy models under a range of
Froude-Krylov force, and diffraction force under various wave incident wave amplitudes. The analysis was performed only in the
amplitude conditions. Because the diffraction force does not differ longwave condition, where the latching control strategy was
between linear analysis and weakly nonlinear analysis, the differ- known to be effective. For a clear comparison, the heave RAOs and
ence in excitation force was due to the nonlinear Froude-Krylov time average extraction powers were compared when no latching
force. As the wave amplitude increased, the nonlinear effect of control strategy was applied. The time-averaged extraction power
the excitation force increased, as shown in Fig. 9(c). The latching was nondimensionalized by the incident wave flux, which is the
control strategy enables the extraction of large amounts of energy same as the capture width. As shown in Fig. 9, as the amplitude of
with the effect of rapidly moving the body upward or downward. the incident wave increased, the displacement of the buoy
This technique can constrain the body motion during the latching decreased due to the influence of the nonlinear Froude-Krylov
duration, making a 90 difference in phase angle between excita- force, and the dimensionless time-averaged extraction power
tion force and buoy motion. This can be confirmed by comparing decreased. As the incident wave amplitude was increased from
the time when the buoy displacement is zero, and when the 0.25 m to 1.0 m, the extraction power (P=A2 B) decreased from 50%
external force is zero. In Fig. 9 (c), indication (1) is when the buoy to 20%. Based on these results, linear analysis using latching control
moves downward, and (2) is when the buoy moves upward. When techniques provides overestimated results. In addition, when the
the difference was 90 , the excitation force acting on the body was incident wave frequency was 0.4e0.5 times the natural frequency
maximized along the direction of movement of the buoy after of the buoy, the heave RAO and time-averaged extraction power
releasing the buoy motion according to the latching control strat- were maximized due to the latching control technique. Therefore,
egy. As the incident wave amplitudes increased to 0.25 m, 0.5 m, latching control is very effective when the wave height is small, and
and 1.0 m, the magnitude of the buoy motion decreased by 1%, the incident wave frequency is 0.4e0.5 times the heave natural
18.6%, and 32.3%, respectively, compared to the linear analysis re- frequency of the buoy. Table 2 lists the maximum time-averaged
sults. The external force was also reduced at a similar rate. extraction power for the three models under each calculation
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Fig. 10. Comparison of the heave RAOs and the time-averaged extraction powers for three different buoy models.
condition. When the wave amplitude was small (A ¼ 0.25 m), the better power take-off performance than the truncated conical buoy.
effect of latching control was amplified more than twice the Further analysis of a hemispherical buoy under irregular wave
maximum extraction power compared to the case without latching conditions was performed. In the case of irregular wave analysis,
control. When the wave amplitude was large (A ¼ 1.0 m), however, the same drag coefficient as the previous regular wave analysis was
it was amplified by approximately 40%. When applying latching applied. The time interval was fixed to 0.01 s, and the analysis
control, the cylindrical buoy and the spherical buoy have a slightly duration was fixed to the sea state duration of 3 h. Fig. 11 shows the
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Table 2
Maximum time-averaged extraction power.
Fig. 11. Comparison of the significant buoy displacement on various significant wave heights.
significant displacements of each numerical model for various incident wave amplitude. In the comparison in Fig. 11, the signifi-
significant wave heights in the absence of a PTO force and the cant displacements of the buoys in all numerical models are slightly
latching control strategy. The zero-crossing method was applied to larger than those of the linear analysis in the WN analysis because
calculate the significant buoy displacement. In the case of irregular the amplitudes of the Froude-Krylov forces by larger displacements
wave analysis, since a random phase angle should be applied to are increased as shown in Fig. 6. However, the differences are small.
each frequency component, the numerical analysis of a single wave Fig. 12 shows the time histories of the heave displacement,
condition (Hs and Tp ) was repeated 10 times, and the average value instantaneous extraction power, static force, and excitation force of
was used. When the latching control strategy and PTO force were a hemispherical buoy type WEC under various significant wave
not applied, the change in the significant buoy displacement was heights with optimal latching control. The PTO force for the
not large. The overall amplitude tended to decrease with increasing maximum time-averaged power was estimated by trial and error
wavelength (frequency decreases) and had a value similar to the (FPTO =Fz ¼ 0.3). The latching duration, the only variable in the
significant wave height. This is because as the wavelength in- latching control strategy, was set as Eq. (31). For this analysis, the
creases, the heave amplitude of the buoy becomes equal to the same random phase angle was applied for each incident wave
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Fig. 12. Time histories of the buoy displacement, instantaneous extraction power, static force, and excitation force on various significant wave heights ( FPTO = Fz ¼ 0.3, uP = u0 ¼ 0.45,
TL ¼ 1.43 s, Model 1).
frequency component. When the amplitude of the buoy displace- 0.3e0.5 for all numerical models unlike the optimal ratio in regular
ment was small (the time range of 30 ≪Time=Tp ≪31.5), all the waves (FPTO =Fz ¼ 0.5e0.7). Based on the results of Figs. 13 and 14
calculated values similar regardless of the amplitude of the incident shows the significant displacement and the time-averaged extrac-
wave. On the other hand, the results of nonlinear analysis varied as tion power under various peak frequencies and significant wave
the displacement of the buoy increased. When the significant wave heights in irregular waves using a latching control strategy. The
height was high, the displacement of the buoy changed rapidly by zero-crossing method was used to calculate the significant
latching control, and the nonlinear static force and excitation force displacement and time-averaged extraction power. The optimal
also changed nonlinearly. PTO conditions and the latching control for the maximum energy
Fig. 13 shows the time-averaged generated power for each nu- extraction were applied. This numerical analysis was performed in
merical model as function of various PTO forces and wave peak the longwave region, where the latching control technique was
frequencies of irregular waves. For this, weakly nonlinear analysis effective. The buoy displacement increased with increasing wave-
was carried out in irregular waves (Hs ¼ 0.5 m) to obtain the length, but the displacement decreased with increasing significant
optimal PTO force ratio (the ratio of PTO force to excitation force at wave height. When the ratio of the peak frequency to body reso-
each peak frequency, FPTO =Fz ). The optimal ratio (FPTO = Fz ) was nant frequency (up =un ) was increased from 0.4 to 0.45, the
S.-J. Kim, W. Koo and M.-H. Kim International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 13 (2021) 86e101
Fig. 13. Comparison of the time-averaged generated power on various PTO forces and wave peak frequencies (Weakly nonlinear analysis, Hs ¼ 0.5 m).
maximum time-averaged extraction power occurred. Therefore, forms (hemispherical, cylindrical, and truncated conical) for a
when designing the heaving hemispherical buoy type WEC to heaving buoy type WEC were derived theoretically using the
which the latching control was applied, it was effective to design Maclaurin expansion method. The theoretical solutions of the
the incident wave frequency at approximately 0.4e0.45 times the nonlinear Froude-Krylov forces were applied to the WEC system
heave natural frequency of buoy. In addition, when the significant using a latching control strategy. The coupled analysis between the
wave height was small (Hs ¼ 0.5 m), the extraction power increased buoy and the PTO system was carried out using a latching control
by 25e50% due to latching control. In contrast, when the significant strategy. To confirm the accuracy of the theoretical solutions, the
wave height was large (Hs ¼ 2.0 m), the latching control effect was heave RAOs of the buoy were compared with the results of linear
increased by only 10e15%. As a result of estimating the influence of analysis and the remeshing numerical scheme. The drag co-
the buoy shape through Fig. 14(b)~(d), the trend of the time- efficients were also applied to each buoy to consider the viscous
averaged generated power was similar regardless of the shape of effect. Based on this, the hydrodynamic performance and extrac-
the buoy. However, the maximum generated power from the tion power under various wave conditions were evaluated for three
truncated conical buoy type WEC was smaller than the others. The types of heaving buoy WECs to which the latching control strategy
cylindrical buoy WEC with high wave amplitude (Hs ¼ 2.0 m) and had been applied, and the following conclusions were drawn.
latching control strategy produced less power than the case
without latching control. Through this, nonlinear analysis is 1. An incident wave period of 0.4e0.45 times the natural period of
required to estimate the power take-off performance of the wave the buoy was the optimal condition to amplify the extraction
energy converter accurately under high wave conditions. power of the WEC buoy through latching control. Under irreg-
ular wave conditions, the peak period of the incident wave was
optimal between 0.4 and 0.45 of the natural period of the buoy.
4. Conclusion
Fig. 14. Comparison of significant displacement of buoy and time-averaged extraction power on various irregular wave conditions (a, b: hemispherical buoy (Model 1), c: cylindrical
buoy (Model 2), d: truncated conical buoy (Model 3)).
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