Drug Delivery
Drug Delivery
Drug Delivery
The Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19 delivers mRNA in lipid nanoparticles. Credit: BioNTech.
Mike May
ew drugs are featured daily in University and the Wyss Institute, and his Lipid nanoparticles are essential for
the media, but the method of colleagues in a recent review. effective delivery of mRNA. “Nanoparticles
delivery receives scant attention. A drug and its delivery vehicle must are small enough that they can actually get
A new blockbuster drug can work only if work as a team to accomplish a therapeutic into cells, and the nanoparticles can protect
it is protected and transported to the right objective. “With some of the advanced sensitive molecules that would otherwise
location. Many new approaches to drug delivery systems, it’s about getting the right get destroyed by the body,” such as mRNA,
delivery have been developed recently, and drug to the right part of the body at the right says Robert Langer, Institute Professor at the
others are being tested in clinical trials. New time,” says Nicholas Warne, vice president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
methods of drug delivery ultimately aim for pharmaceutical research and development Nanoparticles also help to control the
increased efficacy, as well as improving the at Pfizer. dose. “If you inject a drug directly, it gets
experience for patients — from simplifying into the body at a very high concentration,
the method of taking a drug to improving mRNA’s unsung partner which could cause various types of toxicity,”
its safety. During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Langer explains. “When you put the drug in
“Drug delivery technologies have enabled billions of doses of mRNA vaccines have a nanoparticle, you don’t get that super-high
the development of many pharmaceutical been delivered that use lipid nanoparticles dose.” Instead, the drug is delivered more
products that improve patient health by as the delivery vehicle. mRNA is now rightly slowly, which reduces side effects.
enhancing the delivery of a therapeutic famous as a potential cure for many diseases, Despite the huge benefits of using
to its target site, minimizing off-target and this has generated billions of dollars nanoparticles for drug delivery, there are
accumulation and facilitating patient for Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech, but the challenges. Langer mentions safety, efficacy
compliance,” wrote Samir Mitragotri, Hiller design of the lipid nanoparticles was just and stability. When a drug is put into a
Professor of Bioengineering at Harvard as important. nanoparticle, the safety of the combination
1100 Nature Medicine | VOL 28 | June 2022 | 1100–1102 | www.nature.com/naturemedicine
news feature
Squeeze to deliver
When cells are used as drug-delivery
vehicles, the cell must be ‘persuaded’ to
Polymer nanoparticles are attached to red blood cells for targeted delivery. The nanoparticles carry the drug, either on its surface or inside
shear off into the target organ when the red blood cells pass through the organ’s capillaries.
it. Scientists use many methods, such as
Credit: Samir Mitragotri.
electricity, to get drugs into cells, but Armon
Sharei stumbled across an unexpected
approach while working on his PhD at the
bloodstream as quickly. “We are overcoming to reach its target. “Some therapeutics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
this hurdle by using red blood cells as a especially the hydrophobic ones, can be Sharei found that pushing cells through a
carrier,” Mitragotri says. “We reversibly easily blocked by the mucus and thus constriction — thereby squeezing them —
attach therapies to the surface of red blood [are] quickly removed before they can be causes transient holes to appear in the outer
cells, which shields them from clearance in absorbed by the intestine,” says Tao. membrane, which can let in a potential
the liver.” If the intestine is the ultimate target treatment, with the cell membrane resealing
Drugs carried by erythrocytes, or red for the drug, then there is the opposite afterwards. Sharei spun out this method
blood cells, can more easily target tissues. challenge: to avoid crossing the mucus into SQZBIOTECH, where he is the founder
Mitragotri’s team is using this method to membrane and stay in the intestine for as and CEO. SQZBIOTECH already has cell
deliver a variety of therapies, including long as possible. “It is also important to therapies for autoimmune and infectious
small molecules, biologics and mRNA. increase the intestinal retention time of the diseases, such as infection with human
After incorporating the therapeutic with a drugs, especially in treating different types papillomavirus, as well as various cancers, in
nanoparticle, the scientists mix that with the of intestinal cancers, to reduce the dose or pre-clinical and clinical testing.
erythrocytes. Some of the nanoparticles stick duration of drug administration and reduce Langer, who was one of Sharei’s PhD
to the outside of the cells, but it is not clear side effects,” Tao says. advisors, says, “This was just very unusual.”
why. It is not a covalent bond, but it could Tao is taking on those challenges in He adds, “You could put almost anything
be caused by electrostatic or hydrophobic intestinal-disease treatments by delivering in the cell, and you can do literally billions
interactions, or something else. drugs such as curcumin, a component of of cells a minute.” It is both surprising and
“This is an orthogonal approach for turmeric, with the edible cyanobacterium novel. As Langer says, “I’ve not seen anything
tissue targeting [that] makes use of the Spirulina platensis, a common dietary like it and certainly didn’t expect it.”
body’s own cells to deliver drugs,” Mitragotri supplement. By simply dissolving curcumin Perhaps the most exciting advances
says. “That’s what makes it interesting.” in ethanol, diluting it with water, adding that in drug delivery will arise from other
Orally administered medications are to a suspension on S. platensis, and stirring unexpected mechanisms. “That’s how
usually the most convenient for a patient, the mixture for 12 hours, he ensures that the science works,” Langer says. “Sometimes,
but this route requires that the drug make bacteria’s surface takes up the drug. you make serendipitous discoveries.” ❐
its way through the acidic conditions in Tao says, “Drug carriers based on
the stomach. Stomach acid will denature or Spirulina platensis possess the properties Mike May
degrade many drugs, including those based of easy quantity production and excellent Freelance writer and editor, Bradenton, FL, USA.
on nucleic acids or proteins, and even if biocompatibility without safety concerns.” In
a drug survives the stomach, it must then 2011, US Pharmacopeia gave this bacterium Published online: 6 June 2022
cross the mucus barrier in the intestines a high safety rating for human consumption. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01826-y